The Ziggurat ((Open Rp))




The dark figure held still for a second, the darkness over his eyes seemingly even more blank with his stare. Then, he lowered his gaze, the shadow of the hood covering his skeletal face entirely, and he chuckled.

"Dark magic and humans never work out. Usually, it just ends up that said human gets special powers, or said magic devours the human..." he raised his hand, the red and black material covering it dropping. His hand was covered in an oily substance, which receeded with even the slight hint of light contact. He placed the cloak back over his hand, and grinned again. "I got both.

"As a kid, I was blind. Still am, in a way. I couldn't see anything. Walked into a magic shop instead of my mentor's building. Hit a bookshelf. Book fell on me. Opened to a very bad page. Suddenly, oh joy, I could see! Wow, so amazing! I walk out, and see the moon for the first time.

"I enjoy my night stroll, approaching the Paragon City Times with such happiness... Then, dawn arrived. Everything got darker and darker... Then blip, my vision went again."

He sighed, but his grin never left his face. "Although, I got really happy every night... 'Till my skin began shedding, that is. All this black, oozy stuff I called 'Night-covering' took over my body bit by bit, and it began ripping my skin off as it receeded down my arm.

"Well, anyway, eventually, it stayed on my hands, and my skin was pretty much gone... Then, my organs began turning to dust, but I still lived due to my powers of darkness and revival, which I had yet to master. I--"

A bang came on the door, and a guard yelled in. "Okay, this is more annoying than your damn singing. Just shut up, please."

Blind growled, then pieces of nerve-endings in his eyes rolled around. "Fine, fine."



((OOC: Ok, two things...

One: Mr. Grey. I thought Siccness was supposed to play the role of nurse.

Two: When I was asking about a person with 'devices', I ment in general RP. Who said I'd be putting him in prison? No, hes not prison worthy, nor is he a villain. Just so you know.

-Burning Fang))

[/ QUOTE ]

I simply made the Nurse, Doctor and other people. The others are free to use them as they please as long as they stick to the person's personality i posted. I only hold the right to throw guards or other things in peoples way if I feel they arn't...well >.> "having enough fun".

I actually went as far as controlling another persons character, making Ryuu bunk with me >.> Though he doesn't mind and Ghoul had already played it off as Ryuu had entered another cell other then his.

As far as the other devices in general RP it truely depends on what excatly are you bring in. A laser sword might work, simply replacing it with say the broadsword some heroes use. It really depends on what RP your joining, and if you make your own then you are the one that makes the rules, so its up to you.



((OOC: Ok, my beam sword/laser pitol/mabey even a small energy shield attached to the arm, will belong to my gravity/forceield controller. Why I'm asking if it will be ok, is because that the character still isn't fully trained. In other words, he might be using electronics more then his natural power.

The reason behind this is that, do to the inability to be truly trained like a real hero as they start out, he has to train be himself. And since his career has only just begun, his endurance drops faster then a 10,000 pound donut falling from 7 miles above you. ))



I'm gonna tell everyone right now, my character does violate several of the rules set down for this RP. However, I've already contact SiccNess and cleared it through him before I posted this. He said it's cool for me to go ahead with this as I have it written here. Just an FYI, my character is here because he chooses to be. However, if he were propery controlled and properly powered up, he can be used as a very effective means to escape...

Joe and Steven stepped toward the cell door. Joe went to grab hold of the door latch when Steven stopped suddenly.
"Hey, don't we need back up? Just incase he tries something I mean." Steven asked, his hand already resting on the pistol resting at his side.
"Nah, not for this one. He's not the like the other freaks and psychos in here." Joe replied as he unlocked the door and heaved to open the large door. The door slide open with a loud grinding sound indicating its weight. Steven looked into the cell room. Unlike the others he had seen here, this one had an almost inhuman accommodation to it. The room contained a single massive bed that never looked as if it'd ever been used, let alone recently with a small book case against one wall. There were several philosophical books on the shelves.
As the door finished sliding open, Joe suddenly found the occupant of the cell. Standing statue straight in the corner of the room, obscured by the shadow of the door. The shadow retreated in accordance with the door and showed the occupant in detail. Standing nearly 9 feet tall, he might have been some mechanical Greek statue. His mechanical body was a dull grey and his face obscured in shadow.
Joe retrieved a large electronic device from his belt, felt around the statues back side, and apparently found what he was looking for.
“Bingo,” He said as he inserted the device into a connection port and pressed the switch. With all the subtlety of an avalanche, the massive statue of a mutant jerked and jumped slightly. Its eyes began to glow a dull yellow and its face became animated. His eyes fluttered briefly before focusing on Joe.
“Good morning Joe,” The massive mutant said.
“Hey Torroes. Sleep well?” Joe replied.
“Well enough, all things considered. How’s Ashley doing?” Torroes replied with an echoing voice.
“She’s doing well. Having a lot of trouble with chemistry right now, and I gotta tell you those high school classes are murder.” Joe replied with a chuckle. Torroes grinned and set his eyes on Steven.
“I don’t believe we’ve meet. I’m Torroes Prime,” Torroes said extending a hand toward Steven. Steven knocked the mechanical appendage away with his side arm with out a word.
“STEVEN!” Joe snapped. Torroes calmly placed a hand on Joe’s shoulder.
“It’s alright Joe. I’ve never expected to make many friends in here.” Torroes said. Joe turned and looked up at Torroes briefly.
“Alrighty, well its 8am so same as any other day big fella.” Joe said.
“Thanks Joe.” Torroes replied. The two guards stepped out of the cell and Steven stopped to grab hold of the door to close it. Joe put a hand on his shoulder to stop him.
“What?!” Steven shrieked.
“Torroes is a special case. We don’t need to lock him up. We just need to keep the other inmates away from him.” Joe explained.
“What the hell are you talking about? Look at him; he could rip our heads off if we let him loose!” Steven said indicating Torroes.
“If it were any other sick psycho in this place I would agree with you. But Torroes isn’t a problem. We just need to make sure the other inmates stay away from him.” Joe explained.
“What do you mean away from him? You make it sound like he’s chainsaw or something.” Steve said sounding a bit confused.
“As you are undoubtedly aware, I am a cyber-mutant.” Torroes said as he turned from the book shelves. “At my full power levels, no prison on the planet, this one included could hold me if I chose to leave. I have voluntarily had my systems powered down. So long as a large enough battery or a large enough dose of Superdyne is not introduced to my systems, I remain at an approximate 1% systems rating. If the inmates knew this, I have no doubts that some of them would find a way to take remote control of my systems and utilize me as a weapon.” Torroes explained. His explanation was flat and even, but not with a hint of fear. But it wasn’t a fear for himself; it was a fear for everyone else. Torroes was literally here because he chose to be here.
Steven glared at Torroes for a moment before he turned and walked off with Joe leaving Torroes cell door open.
“Okay, what’s that monster’s story?” Steven demanded of Joe as the pair turned a corner. Joe reached for a newspaper and unfolded the first section. He quickly seated himself behind a desk and began reading the newspaper making a clear indication that he wasn’t intending to answer. Joe turned to a file cabinet and searched for a moment quickly withdrawing a file. Opening the folder, he flipped through the contents.
“It says here, he’s convicted of over 200 murders and at least 140 charges of assault and various other charges. So why’s he free to do as he wishes in here!” Steven demanded.
Joe tossed the news paper on the table to his left.
“Yes, he was charged with 200 murders. Look at the court log.” Joe said.
“Trial started Monday, January 7 at 10am. Trial concluded Monday, January 7 at 10:42am?” Steven said as he read sounding more confused with each word.
“He waved all representation, and provided every shred of evidence used in the trial. He dismissed all attempts to justify his actions and even told the jury he had killed all 200 people he was charged with. He made no effort what so ever to defend himself. When it came to sentencing, he had one request: Life without parole because he felt that the death sentence was too linnet for his crimes. He requested a maximum security prison preferably solitary confinement. ” Joe explained.
“Okay, so he feels guilty about what he’s done. Good for him. What difference does that make?” Steven demanded.
“Look, he’s been here for 4 years. He’s never given a single blip of trouble or concern. He’s helped me on at least 2 occasions AND he saved my daughters life!” Joe proclaimed sounding as if he were about to come across the desk and jump down Stevens throat.
“He, he what” Steven stammered.
“Last year, that breakout attempt. Ashley came to visit me after she got out of school. She came with me when I did my rounds and was in the east wing when Steel helm made that break out attempt. He blew out the ceiling. Ashley would have been crushed to death had Torroes not leapt in and sheltered her with his own body. In addition to that, he helped us keep Helm contained. Now do you understand why I trust him?” Joe demanded.
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Torroes walked down the hall way toward the library. Many of the guards acknowledged his passing but no one made any attempt to stop him. He was forced to duck at the door as he entered the library. It wasn’t a huge library, but it was all the Zig had that interested Torroes. After about twenty minutes of browsing, Torroes selected a series of three books about chemistry.
He took the books and left the library. He walked outside toward the exercise yard but turned toward the hill side on the far side of the Zig instead. It was in his best interests to remain hidden from the inmates. Rumors would persist despite any efforts Torroes could attempt, but he did his best to remain hidden from the inmates. He changed his patterns each day and avoided any large grouping outside of the guards.
He found a patch of sunny space and sat down. Opening the first book he began to read. He read for nearly three hours before an early afternoon shadow began to obstruct his light. Torroes looked over and saw Sergent Wilkens walking toward him, and stood up to show the proper respect to the Sergent. Wilkens was among the best in the hell that was the Zigguraut. Even maners, and level headed he was a good officer. If he could, he would have cleaned out all the crooked guards and removed the warden and the psychoctic doctors personally. But, he didn't have the kind of power. Torroes had made a silent note to himself, that if things came to head and it came to a choice, Torroes would stand besides Wilkens.
“Good afternoon sir.” Torroes said shading his eyes from sun with his hand.
“How’s it going, Torroes?” Wilkens asked as he approached. He saw the chemistry books on the ground.
“Not planning an escape are we?” He asked with a chuckle.
“No sir. Joe said his daughter was having some trouble with her chemistry classes, so I’m studying so I can help her with them the next time she visits Joe.” Torroes explained. Wilkens smiled at the explanation.
“Well I wish I could say this walk was purely for enjoyment. But I needed to find you to tell you that the Mayor of Paragon and Statesman are coming for an inspection tomorrow. So I need you to stay in your cell tomorrow, Torroes.” Wilekns explained.
“Understood sir. I’ll be sure to take the books back to my cell with me.” Torroes said indicating the chemistry books.
“Thank you for your cooperation Torroes.” Sergent Wilkens said as he turned and began his trek back to the building.



(( Holy wall of text batman, thats alot of stuff to read =P I'm gonna have to read it all and comment on it later as I'm busy atm =P

I also wanted to confirm that Torroes' is legit and I'm allowing his character because it is very interesting. ))



((OOC: You obviously haven't read the first page of "New Epic AT: Mechmen!" or whatever in the world its called. ))



((Oh, I remember that! I really liked that idea... Haven't ventured out of the RP forums for quite some time though...))



((OOC: I'll try to find it again. Give me about five minutes. I also suggest you have your setting on 'Flat Mode', otherwise, you will be loading for the next 50 years. ))



((Didn't remember I was the first reply... Coo'.))



((OOC: Um...Its a very long post?

Again...Back to the RP!))



With the autum days now in possession of the sun and its course through the heavens, the days grew shorter and so by 4:30 in the afternoon the sun was already setting. Torroes gathered the books up and returned to the innards of the Zigguraut. He was forced to take a long round about route to avoid the inmates cells. His room was in Block E while the criminals were in blocks A and B. Block C housed the security complex and admin center, Block D the Medical centers and storage faciliaties. Block E had originally been for additional storage, but as black A over flowed into blow B additional arrangements for medium and low security needed to be made.
As Torroes walked through the hall way, his metallic feet clanked loudly on the marble floors. He was limited to the lower levels, not due to any rule or the guards but do to physicality. Torroes mechanical body weighed over a thousand pounds and his foot structure ment that was weaight was dispersed over a square area of approximatly 4 square feet. at 250lbs per square foot of area, Torroes wasn't interested in testing the structural stability of the upper levels of blocks D and E.
Several guards gave Torroes a hard time as he passed through the hall ways. The run of the mill mostly, theats, attempts at intimidation, asking if he needed any superdyne and what he had to trade for it. Torroes ignored them. You could not intimidate someone who already saw himself as dead. And Torroes had no interest in obtaining superdyne. in Truth the only thing he wanted was to remain here, in the zigguraut peacefully until he died. Of course that was contingent on IF he could die. Torroes had endured a great deal over the years. Hits from super tankers, impacts from cannons, poioning, electrocution. He'd even had a building or two dropped on him. ANd yet here he was walking, albeit with a rebuilt mechanical body.
Torroes returned to the library to search for another book. As he stood amonge the low shelves of books he heard a series of high pitched jingles that made his ear perk. It almost sounded like tiny christmas bells, but Torroes had no need to investigate. HE already knew the bells. He knew who they belongs to. Doctor Raiken. RUmors were abound about the good doctor. How he used prisoners of the Zig for expirments that would otherwise be illegal. That he tested random mixtures of chemicals with the inmates. That he was worse then many of the inmates currently held in the Zig. Still, you can not intimadate someone who sees themselves as already dead, so the Doctor had little ability to friegthen Torroes.
"Ah Torroes," Came the high pitched voice laden with a deep german acsent. :"It is always such a pleasure to see a specimen such as yourself,"
"Doctor," Torroes nodded but made no attempt to engage in conversation.
"I hear Manner's little girl Ashley is coming for a visit later this week, I do so hope shes in good health." The doctor said with a half cackle. Torroes filed the comment away with out response. Raiken came close to Torroes, the bells at the edge of his coat producing a series of musical notes that were anything but lyrical. He began to to closely examine Torroes' exo-skelatal servos and pistons.
"Such a marvel of technology and fused with such an astounding anatomy as well." THe moved started to touch Torroes' elbow joint. Torres raised his arm and gentle held the doctor at bay.
"If you will excuse me Doctor, I am currently engaged. I have no need of your services today!" Torroes said sternly. The Doctors face contorted for a brief second and then washed back to normal and just ad quickly he was gone. Torroes did not like the doctor and was greatful he did not need to deal with him on a regular basis.
Selecting the book "Crime and Punishment" Torroes left the library to return to his cell.
"Ah Torroes! Out for a little stroll are we?" Came a bellowing voice form behind. The voice was recognizable no matter the circumstances. Assistant Krill. Krill was a large man, but not so large as the head guard Sieg. But more to the point, Krill was an opportunist. If he was approaching Torroes, Krill had something to gain out of it.
"Just returning my cell sir," Torroes replied with missing a step. His reference of 'sir' was strictly to expident the engagment he already knew was coming.
"Well that;s good. Because you know inmates are not be walking around." Krill said rapping his knuckles agianst the wall as he walked. He quicked his pace so that he was now ahead of Torroes.
"Yes sir I am aware of that, however you do allow me some liberties the inmates do not have and I am ever greatful for them sir." Torroes replied. Suddenly. Krill shot infront of Torroes his neck craning as far back as it could go in an attempt to meet with Torroes eye to eye. Given Krill's height of 5'11" it was a wasted effort when compared to Torroes 9'8". Torroes stopped in his tracks and looked down at Krill. Despite the goliathian difference in size, Krill did not back down.
"DOn't forget. I'll be watching you! You even breath in the general direction of something you shouldn't be near and I'll throw you in the A block with the rest of the screwsies! You got that Hammer head!" Krill barked. Once agian, Torroes was not intimidated, but made no effort to debuff the mains taunt.
"YEs sir. It is understood!" Torroes barked in response. Krill stepped out of the wall and motioned Torroes forward.
"Be on you way," Krill said as if directing school children at a crossing.



((Wow...that IS a big wall of text! Excellently written text, but...more paragraphs please. ))

"I cannot say it is of quality." Hotaka replied to Phaith, commenting on his question about the food. Still, it was at least edible.

This is barely better than straw...I feel I do not even want to know how these humans can extract any hutrients from it.

"I cannot speak for him, though." Ryuu motioned at Brutish Ghoul, "Are you mute or simply not in a talkative mood...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




OOC: Ye gods. I was worried for a second when I saw 12 new posts. Thankfully they were mostly all OOC.

BIC: Ghoul shot a tired looking glare at Phaith at Hokata as they sat down next to him. He remembered seeing Phaith around before, but the Tsoo was new. He must have been someone pretty special to have been allowed to keep his normal clothes. Ghoul himself wore a standard Zig prisoner outfit, the orange looking slightly out of place on his dead gray skin.

Ghoul had grunted when Hokata had first talked to him, but it seemed as though the man wasn't satisfied by such a noncommital answer.

"Not used to talking, don't like it," Ghoul grumbled as he kept his eyes on his food, mechanically shoveling it into his mouth even though he knew it wouldn't do anything.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



The alarm sounded across the Longbow base.

Two villains rushed through a hallway, skipping large mobs of enemies along the way. The larger of the villains took the lead, running though the mob, taking out as maney enemies as he could while he ran. The other villain ran through the path in between the mob with ease, bullets bouncing off of them.

The light of the base reflected off of the shorter man's bald dark brown head. The black and dark red sinister leather muffled most of the mans footsteps. He took down any enemie in front of him without an ounce of expression in his face. His albino eyes reflected niether anger or hate.

His fist rushed forward into one of the longbow's chest, throwing him across the room. He nodded to the other villain, letting the other know to continue on ahead. The other man did so without much thought, sprinting into the hallway. The shorter villain, who just so happened to be a little over six feet, hit the Longbow in the stomach, forcing to the ground. He grabbed the Longbow's neck and threw him into a nearby enemie. Again, not a single sign of emotion crossed his face as he did so.

The larger of the two villains jumped over the second mob and continued to run through the hallways of the Longbow infested base. He sent a punch of dark energy into one of his enemies lower chest. The darkness eating away at the longbow's uniform as he fell back in pain. He continued to take out the enemies that chose to get in his way.

He was a strong man, a little over 7 feet, white skin with black tribal tatoos spread his upper body. His black pants continuing the pattern in darkish red. A reaper mask covered the lower half of his head, unable to cover the top half of his black war tatoo. His gladiator styled shoulder pads, dented with bullet shells was his only protection. His feet covered with a black cloth.

The shorter man caught up while the other was fighting. When the battle was over, they ran to the main room, the leader waiting for them by a computer. The computer held the data needed for them to complete their mission. The leader turned around, being non other then Miss Liberty herself. A trap planned the whole time, including the fake data on the CPU. She took no time to introduce herself, jumping forward into an attack.

The largest of the two villain blocked, switching into an attack of his own. Miss Liberty drodged in mid air, doing a spinning kick as she did so. A direct hit on the side of the head sent the villain to the ground. The other villain was above Miss Liberty, two fists aiming for her head. She jumped back, fists hitting the floor with a clang, denting the metal. The villain ran forward, throwing a punch that Miss Liberty blocked and countered with her own barrage of kicks and punches. The villain, managing to dodge a few, was unable to block the rest of the attacks.

He fell backwards from the force of the attacks, throwing him off balence. The other villain, just now getting up, jumped above and over Miss Lib., hitting her in the middle of her back with a kick. Dark energy ate away at her uniform, but she didn't flinch. She ducked forward into a roll, jumping off the ground, off the wall, and back to the main villain, kicking the man directly on the forehead. The force of the kick knocked him out for the remainder of the fight.

The short villain picked himself off the floor, using his surrounds to his advantage, he grabbed a small bar to his left, running at Miss Liberty at full speed.


A small shock dart hit him square in the back, forcing the villain on his knees, and onto the floor. Behind him, a longbow seargent's gun smoked lightly from the shot....


((OOC: To be continued...

I've always wanted to say that.


1.) Changed a few spelling errors.
2.) Changed the format of a few sentances.
3.) Added a little more 'detail' to the fight.

Send me a PM if there is anything that I need to fix.))



Velkon had escaped his cell, and was now heading into the cafiteria of the jail.

His camo disactivated as he walked in and he sensed that he wouldnt get it back any time soon.

But no one noticed him, as he hid behind a large group of people.

He was startled as one of the group said "Not used to talking. dont like it" but he calmed when he noticed they werent talking about him.

"What are you guys in here for?" he asked the group, in his deep, growling voice.

Then he just waited for some answers.

((sorry bout using the camo, forogt bout powers, but hel not use it til he gets it back))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((OOC: Just because my post says "To be continued..." doesn't mean you have to stop the RP 'till I do! Come on, say something! ))



((I gotta wait for breakfast to finish and somebody comes back to my cell. That doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be a player character, but I have to wait for breakfast to end.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Phaith stared at the man who had just appeared.

"What am I in here for...", Phaiths took a moment to think and laughed.

"A better question would be what haven't I done...Ryuu is in here for teaching I for the fellow across from us I am not sure though I'm positive it wasn't anything good."



"I suppse so." Hotaka shrugged, listlessly shoving his last bite into his mouth. He didn't even glance at Veikon, "As if that was such a bad thing. Not up to talking, hm? Oh, but speech is such a wonderful gift."

Then again..." he grinned at Brutish Ghoul, twirling his gray Fu Manchu, "perhaps you're one who perfers the language of the fist?"

Now he finally turned to Veikon, but his eyes were still hidden under the bamboo coolie. He smiled devilishly as he went on, "Why so nervous, my friend? On the run from something...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
