The Ziggurat ((Open Rp))




((OOC: I'm guessing I should start getting to work on Part 2... Be back in a flash! *vanish*

-Burning Fang))



"The quiet type, I see." Hotaka commented, stretching his arms when Torroes didn't answer his question, "Or might you perhaps be afraid of something happening? Ah, who's to say?"

The robed man slowly stood, his total height not far off from Torroes' own. He didn't seem concerned with his new cellmate, though, instead leaning against the door of their accommodation.

From the end of the cell block echoed, "Two coming in...!"


"'Sup with that dog today?" the guardsman manning 'the button' questioned as Lloyd and his assigned guard came to the lockout entryway to the cell block, "He's following ya everywhere. He never did that before."

The uniformed man just shrugged, not even bothering with the leash, which he'd tied to his belt, "Who's to say?"

"Yeh, ya never know what them animals are thinkin'. Heh, if this goes on, maybe ya can get ol' Lloyd to translate for us one of these days, ha ha ha..."

The dog's companion just smirked as the laughing guard pressed the button, shouting into the microphone, "Two coming in..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




(( I've been getting ready for senior prom most of the week so i've been to busy to update. I just got home from it about 5 min ago and wanted to let everyone know I will be posting tomorrow. I'm not dead yet =P ))



In the deep quietness in Block-A, a voice quietly sang in the echoing halls of the Zig, the voice was soft and sad, as if the song was missing someone important.. That is what the prisoner, Jacob Mars, was singing about..

"There's a place where lovers go
To cry their troubles away
And they call it Lonesome Town
Where the broken hearts stay.."

Becuse of his magic powers and background, he had to wear his black leather biker coat, gloves (spikes were removed), pants, his face mask, and shoes. However, he was a magic being, and Superdine cant be injected to someone who was undead (meaning, he had no vains), the Zig staff had to hire the Legncy Chain to put restraints on him. His hands and feet were covered with clamps that were made of a enchanted metal, disabling his powers, so he could not summon his firesword (To that he calls Hellblade) and he could not feel the earth with his hand hands or feet, that way he could not make mudpiles or armor.

"You can buy a dream or two,
To last you all through the year
And the only price you pay
Is a heart full of tears.."

His voice was normaly old, like the turning of the pages of a old rune book, but when he sings, his voice turns into a young man into classical music...

"Goin' down to lonesome town,
Where the broken hearts stay,
Goin' down to lonesome to.."

"Shad'up" Said a annoyed securty guard, banging his nightstick on the prison door loudly.

Jacob looked at him, his skull shining on the light from the hallway, gave a sigh, and sat at the corner, wonding when lunch would be ready.. Hoping the days of his term would end soon..

(( :P I could not help to have one of the good old 70's songs in this..))



"Mr. Sandman,
Bring me a dream,
Make her the cutest, that I've ever seen!"

Blind Messenger chuckled sadistically as he chimed in, no matter that it was the wrong time era.

A rock flew in, and his skull detached from his spine, sending it bouncing off the wall. His skull sighed as his body picked it up.

"Everybody's a critic..."



Phaith was dragged toward the dark end of the Zigguart.

The guard stopped infront of a large iron door. Several locking mechanisms covered the door, with the only possible way to unlock it a very tiny key hole in the center of the door.

The guard turnt the key and several grinding gears and sliding locks could be heard opening and turning. The door creeped oepn an inch and the guard slowly pulled it the rest of the way open.

He waved Phaith toward the pitch black doorway however Phaith didn't move. He was remembering his last trip into the endless dark void infront of him...and he was afraid.

The guard slammed the butt of his gun into Phaiths back and he crashed to his knees. The guard didn't like leaving the door to the abyss open for long periods of time. He quickly pushed Phaith and slammed the door after him.

Phaith looked back, no line of light where the door way, no sound of the locks reopening, nothing at all. Phaith stood slowly and took three steps back toward the door was. He hit no wall. He took 5 for more steps and still no wall or door. This was the endless abyss from which escape was near impossible.



((I would, but I'd need to get Hotaka to 20 for his 2nd costume slot. Since I ported him over to Pinnacle, I haven't played him much, so he's only 4 or so. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Not saying you abosuluty won;t need to, but I think I can work it out so you wouldn't need a second costume slot. Just make a list of your toon's costume, speccifically the face and physique build, I'll build a duplicate toon on virtue or pinnicle or one of the other servers (Sans the name of course) and I'll change it a bit to accomidate for a Ziggy prison garb uniform too. But I think I can make it work. Who's interested? lemme know. If enough people from this RP are interested, I'll make a mailing list and we can converse and throw ideas and story lining and everything back and forth at each other.



(( would be interesting, my character is on Virtue just fyi. I'd help out. ))



((OOC: Nice!))



((( ooooh ))



((OOC: The sad part, in order for this thing to work, I would need to start typing again. Time to get to work!))



((OOC: With that pic?

Oh, yes! Yes! YES! I would love to! So, want to make a channel in-game and talk it out there? Or should we discuss it here? Or should we create another thread in which we must PWN?

-Burning Fang ))



((Maybe if we had more going. Right now, our characters are still in their cells and too paranoid to really interact. We've got that big Pit Fight coming up... Maybe you could make the comic about that. The Ghoul vs. <insert hapless inmate>. Bam! Comic.

Of course, it'd be hard to make a PVP type comic.))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((I wouldn't mind... Although, Blind sticking himself in the back of the cell makes sense for him. If you can somehow make shadows over his 'face,' his character would be easy enough.

I'd love to do this!))



(( I dont count Jacob as 'Helpless', but very emotional, so taunts and jests about him could make him get into a pit fight..))



((Well, I'm still waiting for someone to notice the supicious guard and the dog. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Not much we prisoners can do about it... ))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((OOC: Oh look! A Suspicious guard and a dog! ))



(( The guard does not act 'Suspicious.. He acts like a guy with a dog ))



((Maybe if we had more going. Right now, our characters are still in their cells and too paranoid to really interact. We've got that big Pit Fight coming up... Maybe you could make the comic about that. The Ghoul vs. <insert hapless inmate>. Bam! Comic.

Of course, it'd be hard to make a PVP type comic.))

[/ QUOTE ]

well, since we're limited to 8 pages for the contest, I was thinking of a "who's who" kinda deal. like maybe a vet guard is breaking in a rookie guard and giving him the intros to the major characters, with some flash backs for action and filler.

As for the being hard part, it wouldn't be worth doing if it was easy.



((OOC: With that pic?

Oh, yes! Yes! YES! I would love to! So, want to make a channel in-game and talk it out there? Or should we discuss it here? Or should we create another thread in which we must PWN?

-Burning Fang ))

[/ QUOTE ]

eh I was thinking an email list. Maybe some IMing if need be