The Ziggurat ((Open Rp))




(( My mistake on the Seig thing, his name is Sieg =P Also wanted to make a note that anyone can join in on this RP at any time, I wont ever close it to new people. It is a prison so new inmates are coming in all the time.))

Phaiths watched as the guards locked the man in the bamboo hat to the bunk. Phaith tried nothing, no point in starting a fight he couldn't win.

The stranger asked Phaith who he was.

"I'm Phaith...I've been here for...", Phaith looks at the wall beside him seeing a endless number of tally marks scratched into the wall, "...well I've been here for a long time...."

Phaith stepped up and sat across the room from Ryuu.

"In my time I've seen only a few people not get switched into the orange jumpsuits, you must be something special. So...whats your story Mr. Bamboo hat."



(( I suppose we need names for the different areas...I can't think of anything right now so if anyone else has some clever names that would be cool. I'll think on it and post again later or tomorrow))



((Eh, your for cardinal directions generally work fine for regular cell blocks. We already have the Abyss as a super secred laced-with-rumors confinement area...Doctor Raiken would probably have his area named 'the Lab' or something...and I'd imagine the Vault would be named just that. We need anything else for now?))


Hotaka chuckled at Phaith's remarks, as they seemed to amuse him greatly. He too turned his head towards the tallied wall for a moment, as if capable of seeing it through the prisoner's eyes. The sound of the handcuffs rattling echoed through the cell for a moment.

"You're not going to make me tell my life story, are you?" he answered Phaith with a smirk, folding his hands into his lap and massaging his wrists a bit, "But no, I'm just a teacher. They had nothing in my size, I'm afraid."

Cracking his knuckles, Hotaka performed a quick bow of greeting in Phaith's direction, "Ryuu Hotaka, by the way. An honor to meet you..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Phaith watched as Ryuu worked his way out of his hand cuffs.

"Honor to meet you as well...nice trick there"

Phaith sat thinking for a moment...

"The guards still arn't normally nice enough to let you keep your clothing. I've seen them stick a giant brute into a size small just for laughs. You must have done something....either way it doesn't matter."

"Well Mr. Ryuu...I don't suppose you have anything useful hidden away in those robes do you? Perhaps another trick like the one you used to get out of those cuffs?"



((I'm figuring there's a secret Arena in here somewhere, too. And of course, a Cafeteria, an indoor Gymnasium area (complete with basketball hoops, dividers, bleachers, like a high-school gymnasium), a Weight Room, and even an Education Center (prisons are, after all, rehabilitation centers officially). They'll just lack an outdoor exercise yard, as there isn't one in the game. Despite the moat, multiply redundant fences and security towers every few hudnred feet, they just will not let the prisoners outside to play. So... Do we call the Super side "South Block?"))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



(( Works for me Mr_Grey, and I agree that all those things must be in the Zig somewhere =P We can just name them as we come to them ))



((What do you mean there's no exercise yard? I see prisoners outside it all the time!

...What? They escaped? Right, about fifty prisoners escape a minute...

...Oh, they do?

Seriously, we need a more secure prison.))



OOC: Prisoner: *steals Prodiguy's wallet* No we don't.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



((I'm also figuring it's not a hard wooden floor gymnasium. It's likely a carpeted one (that really thin carpet you can still bounce a basketball off of). It's got just enough give to keep you from cracking your head on it, just thick enough for blood stains to be a pain in the butt to clean up, and just coarse enough that you get rug-burn every time you fall down. Man, I'm starting to hate this place already... :P))

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Dr. Tarantula walks into a cell. "Prisoner M-B3D1." He says grinning evily. "It is time for you to have your check up." The prisoner looks at his cell mate with dread in his eyes as he's dragged off by guards. Pulling a knife out of his pocket, Dr. Tarantula looks at the other prisoner and says "I'll be seeing you next week." in a evil, crazy voice. As the prisoner is dragged off, he yells at Dr. Tarantula saying that [u]he[u] should be the one in Zig. Those were his last words.
As they get to Dr. Tarantula's lab, rats run past their feet. A single light shines dimly over a table with dried blood on it. "Let's check that brain of yours." Dr. Tarantula says moving towards the prisoners head with a knife. The only sounds heard are the minical laughter of Dr. Tarantula... and the heart wrenching screams of the prisoner.



OOC: Soooooo.... shall we fast forward through the night and get everyone started on a common event, breakfast?

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



((OOC: Actually, that wouldn't be a bad idea. And by the way, it IS night. As suggested by Mr. Nyuu as he was being brought in.

I'm going to bring in one or two of my characters. If I get into this, I might bring in about 3. I'm not going to do what I did in 'The World is Flat' and bring in 8 people. (Still deciding who to use as number eight.) I just need to find the right time to 'invite' them.

I'm beginning to love RPs in an unusual way. I just want to spend my time somewhere where I won't be limited to the game's use of powers. Speaking of which, since this IS just a forum, would it be out of hand if I bring someone in that has a few powers/devices not in game? (Ie. Laser handguns and a beam sword or two?) I'm thinking of starting my own RP that crosses the line of what we can or cannot do. Then again, mabey I'll just include it in another RP.

Thanks in advance!
-Burning Fang ))



((Was just about to suggest the same thing. Just one more thing to do...))

"Trick?" Hotaka questioned with the usual smile, "Ah yes, the chains. I didn't want to bother anyone, but they are so very restrictive, you understand."

Paying careful attention that Phaith didn't notice what he'd really done to the shackles, he continued, "And unless you can magic up a window, I'm afraid not. Besides, I am tired. It has been a long day."

With that, he quieted down and proceeded to just sit there. His eyes hidden under the hat, it was virtually impossible for anyone to tell if he'd actually gone to sleep or not. Even if Phaith looked to see, the man's eyes were wide open - and white as snow, completely pupilless.

If he was quiet enough, though, he might manage to get a closer look at the remaining cuffs still hanging on the bedpost.

They looked like they'd been cut. Sliced, in fact. Sliced apart by something either terribly sharp or horribly strong...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Out like a light...just like this guy really is something. I think I could use some shut eye as bed it is then...

Hope he will be ok on the floor like that....

((now fast foward to Breakfest! Also burning fang i suppose you could have that kind of stuff...but it is locked away in teh vault just like everyone elses gear. If you want to use it your gonna have to break in there and steal it...which isn't an easy task.))



A rock flew through the slit in the cell door, striking Blind Messenger's skull head-on, which caused him to awaken from his meditating slumber. "Yes, insolent mortal?"

"Breakfast. Get your lazy, skeletal butt out here." the guard called in, beginning to walk away.

"Yes, well, it appears that my skeletal form does not wish for your LOVELY food. In fact, it seems almost like it will magically transform it into some creature that will kill you all." the necromancer called out, smirking... Well, as much as someone with no skin can smirk.

"Shut up."



Bizmereo just looked at the dark hooded figure,"Guess you don't talk much huh?"

Another guard threw a plate into the cell,"Eat up you worthless piece of crap"

"Such hospitality!" he chuckled to himself as he began eating

he waited till the guard walked away,"Hey, you wanna try to get outa here?"he asked



The necromancer looked up, staring. It seemed he was attempting to raise a non-existant eyebrow. "Getting out of this place is not my first priority, no. I believe I will wait for the perfect time for my plan to go into action."

He chuckled slightly in his small pocket of darkness, and his jaw turned up slightly in a grin. "Although, I would make sure I was as far away from me as possible if I ever get my powers back if I were you... Unless you WANT to either be turned undead, or vaporized in a portal of darkness."



"Come on, Ray..." Dan stopped and remembered their previous conversation, "Power Breaker... Time for breakfast."

"You feeding me through the slot or am I going to the cafeteria?"

"Slot today," the guard replied, "Then I gotta escort you to the med-bay for a check-up."

"Hm... Maybe after that I get transferred to a new cell..." Power Breaker gazed about his solitary confinement, "I never understood why inmates hated this... It's quite peaceful in here."

"Yeah, but you can't be hogging it all for yourself."

"True... So, what's for breakfast? Filet mignon? Lobster? Maybe a rack of lamb?"

"If by all of that," Dan fit the tray of food under the door, "you mean oatmeal, scrambled eggs and toast, then yes. Also, some water to wash it down."

Power Breaker gazed disinterestedly at the tray.

"That's that cheap, mix-with-water powdered scrambled eggs, isn't it?"

"Oh yeah," was the reply.

"Gourmet, fantastic," Breaker picked up the tray from the slot at the bottom of his door and started shovelling the food into his mouth mechanically, "Cripes, it has less flavor than it looks..."

He gave the food another glance.

"Maybe that's a good thing..."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Velkon sat, more accuratly kneeled, in his cell, his arms in metal locks specialy desinged for him, but the locks wernt perfict.

"Hey, Freak! You hungry?" Velkon's "Personal" guard taunted, chuckling heavily, as if he thought it the funniest joke on Earth.

"Hardly, for the garbage you bastards serve" Velkon asnwered, barring his large, pointed teeth at the guard. The guard, named Collins, ran over and smashed Velkon on the side of his jaw with a night-stick.

Velkon just looked at the man, his dark golden eyes staring hatered out from a wolfish, grey skinned, yet still human-like face.

The guard flinched back, seemingly scared from what he saw on the half-werewolf's visage. He raised his stick again, as if to strick once more, but Velkon didnt move an inch.

He couldnt really if you thought about it...

But the guard, Mr.Collins, backed off, storming out of Velkon's cell, slamming the door, sending a intensly loud clang to ring down the halls of the Zig.

"Damn, no food, again..." Velkon muttered "Well....At least I'l be out of here soon..." he finished, half laughing, as the arm-manacles slid off his fore-arms, the locks having been broken from the inside out.

"And this place doesnt know what their in for..." he said, his body seeming to fall out of the field of vision.

The Hunter was about to start Killing Season, and it wouldnt be pretty.....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



However unusual some of the early meals might have been for some prisoners, the majority were let out of their cells and herded into the cafeteria. There they lined up, got their trays and plastic utensils, and got their food for the day.

Today was Meatloaf Monday, which meant eggs for breakfast. The meatloaf, if it could even be called that, was saved for dinner time.

Brutish Ghoul grabbed his tray and got his food like so many of the others, deftly weaving through the crowd of prisoners going to their seats. But truth to tell, Ghoul was on auto-pilot. It was Monday nights that he was forced into the Lab and he thought about what would happen this time as he flopped down at a table near the edge of the room.

For some reason, the other prisoners gave Ghoul a wide berth, only sitting close to him if there were no other seats avaliable. Ghoul had never really asked anyone why they did this, he kind of liked the peace.

Staring down at the poor excuse for food laying in front of him, Ghoul wondered if this time it would fill the hole that seemed to be opening up inside him.

OOC: Ok, what I'm doing with Ghoul is setting him up as one of the doctor's (Can't remember his name atm) pet projects. Every Monday he gets taken to the lab, experimented on, and driven into a berserk rage which he doesn't remember the following day. This is generally when the corrupt guards will stage their little 'arena'. Ghoul is generally used in place of the lions that the ancient Romans used.

Sound good? I figured letting this be known beforehand would be an interesting change of pace.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Ryuu Hotaka took breakfast in the cafeteria as well today. The guards hadn't made a fuss about the unexpected liberty of his arms, but since he hadn’t made any threatening motions, they either just hadn't noticed, chose to ignore it, or didn't want to let him know they had noticed.

Whichever the cause, Hotaka appreciated it - unlike the (in his opinion) unquestionable stench of the slop the cafeteria personnel dumped onto his tray.

Doing his best to ignore it, as he'd been forced to with much if the smells here, Hotaka headed for the closet table, which just happened to be Ghoul's.

"Greetings." he took a quick bow towards Ghoul as he sat down across the table. If he'd done his math right, Phaith would probably be joining them shortly...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Phaith grinned as the slop they feed the prisoners fell onto his tray. One of the few things Phaith hated worst then being stuck in this place was the food. The cockroaches Phaith caught in his cell from time to time tasted better then the mess on his plate now.

After exitting the line Phaith surveyed the area. Full crowd today, no one had tried to escape so far. Guards all at there positions, not really caring about the prisoners for the time being.

There was the man he was looking, Ryuu, sitting beside one of Doctor Raiken's pets. Phaith started walking in their direction, looking at the prisoners he passed as he did. They had enough respect to raise their heads and nod to Phaith as he passed.

Phaith took his seat beside Ryuu and across from Raiken's pet.

"So boys, enjoying breakfest?"



"Well, Mr. Breaker," Nurse Tara checked off her clipboard after finishing the physical examination, "Despite your body's..."

"Gross deformity," Harris shrugged, "Yeah, I know."

"You seem phsyically fit. However... I have to inject you with this..."

She held up a syringe filled with a white fluid.

"That the power inhibiting stuff?" Power Breaker arched an eyebrow at it, "I haven't even felt a change... Other than... You know."

"Yes, I have to. It's a techno-magical serum designed to inhibit any extraneous super powers you may have. All prisoners on their way to South Block get it."

"So I am being reassigned... Hope I like my cellmates."

Nurse Tara sighed, "I wish all of my patients were as polite as you. What's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?"

"I was convicted of murder," Breaker replied as he pulled his orange shirt back on (it had a much wider neck hole to accomodate the shoulder spikes), "I didn't do it, but the twelve man and woman jury said I did."

"So, you feel you don't belong in here?"

"Oh, I belong in here, as in I belong in this prison. There's a whole butt-load of things I did that were more than enough to keep me in here most of my life. Not the least of which was being a member of the Superadine Trade... However... Where I'm about to go? No. I should never have wound up there. Now, I'm a part of all the madness this place is reknowned for."

Nurse Tara injected the needle into his arm before he pulled the right half of his shirt on. The serum felt like water going in. Before he knew it, the little numbers in his vision dissipated.

"Wow... I wasn't even noticing those things..."

"What things?"

"Uh... Nothing..." Power pulled the shirt on fully and buttoned it as far as he could.

"Officer Taylor, he's ready to go."

Dan led Power Breaker to the South Block. The cells were barred, not like in solitary. Since anything like super strength was inhibited here, the reinforced doors and walls in solitary confinement weren't quite necessary. Power Breaker looked to his fellow prisoners with an impassive glance.

He had to make sure they knew he knew they were there. It was like dealing with wild animals... You had to show the right mix of contempt, respect, and balance it with your own inner turmoil. What was worse... Power Breaker was new to this particular spice in the game.

He'd never partaken in Superadine. He'd never had super powers. While this had to be his twelfth time in the Zig, this was his first time through South Block. Despite this, he felt he had enough prior experience to deal with his new peers.

"Most of the other prisoners are at breakfast, newbie," a new Guard grunted.

His name tag said "Lanphear."

"You're gonna be in here. You'll be a nasty litle surprise for when the guys come back."

Power Breaker entered silently and Dan handed him his blanket and sheets. There were no words of goodbye between them. Any sign of respect or even derision would be too suspicious. It was a paranoid army, this particular cell block. Power Breaker just being there was going to make the other inmates think he might be a rat or a mole. He had to avoid attention until the next big thing hit, whatever it may be.

When the door closed and Power Breaker was alone with his cell, he simply made his rack (bed) and sat on the thin mattress until his cellmates arrived to try to make his life a living Hell.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((OOC: Ok, two things...

One: Mr. Grey. I thought Siccness was supposed to play the role of nurse.

Two: When I was asking about a person with 'devices', I ment in general RP. Who said I'd be putting him in prison? No, hes not prison worthy, nor is he a villain. Just so you know.

-Burning Fang))



"Well...uhhhh...thanks for the tip I guess....." he just looked at him, "I have friends who could help me outa the undead and portal crap, but I don't feel like seeing whats its like." he looked at him,"Why don't you have any skin? Don't mean ask such a personal question but, I was just wondering..."