29 -
Zallrule immiedietly pointed behind himself, and said straight. and began walking in that direction, but still didn't know what to think about this person whom he has just met.
I don't know wether to trust this guy or not, from my experiences probablly not a good idea..
He thought as he led the way out,
"Alright, were out, now which way to this base of yours?" -
Zallrule looked at him, "Alright, that works for me....uhhh, if I get you out of this here sewer, can I come to your base and rest a lil' bit?"
He asked hopefully -
Zallrule jumped backwards due to the speed of the reaction.
"I'm Zallrule, who are you, and who's side are you on?"
Zallrule replied quizically -
(( I don't know where I'm really coming in at so I'm going to throw myself in the place I understand best.. Sorry
Zallrule caught site of a hiding place. A very smelly looking hiding place. A sewer. But, he had no time to waste, so he ducked in and took off running. Sprinting as fast as he could..Until he rounded a corner, and ran into a man who seemed to be wiping his boot off a couple seconds prior.
Oh great, probablly more trouble.... Zallrule thought to himself. He waited to see what the mans reaction would be. -
Bramor followed them into the room, "Very nice, we don't have to wear special uniforms do we?" he asked
Bramor just looked around,"Quite nice, so what are we going to discuss in our first meeting?"
(( I edited it..thnx for telling me...Hannabal, Reaver wouldn't be able to sense Bramor at all..he keeps himself telekinetkically protected at all times....basically he is invisible to any type of scanner or radar or other types of searching devices..))
Bramor walked into the door, a butler came up to him and said,"Right this way, the other guests are in the living room."
"Thank you." he said politely,
Bramor walked into the living room and saw others talking, he took his long black trench coat, held it open for a moment ajusted somthing on his belt and walked in.
"Good evening everyone." he began, "What are the current matters of disscusion?" -
"Well...uhhhh...thanks for the tip I guess....." he just looked at him, "I have friends who could help me outa the undead and portal crap, but I don't feel like seeing whats its like." he looked at him,"Why don't you have any skin? Don't mean ask such a personal question but, I was just wondering..."
Bizmereo just looked at the dark hooded figure,"Guess you don't talk much huh?"
Another guard threw a plate into the cell,"Eat up you worthless piece of crap"
"Such hospitality!" he chuckled to himself as he began eating
he waited till the guard walked away,"Hey, you wanna try to get outa here?"he asked -
"DANG!" Bizmereo said to himself,"I had almost done it, then they took that stupid shot to me." He looked around, He saw a hooded figure in the back corner,Where you the one singing earlier?" he asked.
Belthar the Child bearing seamstress walked out from the portal which had randomly taken him there,"Where the heck is this?" he began,"well looks like I'm going to be here a while..soo LETS MAKE A FORTRESS!!!" with that he reached into his basket (that never leaves his arm) and pulled out a baby..
(those with easliy queasy stomachs or don't like perverted humor better stop reading now)
(your chance is over)
The baby looked at him and said, "Mama!" then he looked at it and said,
"DIE YOU INSOLENT [censored]!" with that he threw down the baby and it splashed into a million pieces..then the gore went into the ground and came up as the 1000 story*sp* building...with big arching spiked walls.
"Perfect!" he said, "now just to get in!" he then pull out a long piece of yarn from his seamstress basket and tied it to another baby, "YIPY-YI-KI-HAY!!!" he screamed as he swung it around and launched the baby through the air and landed its little body on one of the spikes.
"Time to scale the wall!" he said as he climbed up the yarn. when he made it to the top he pulled the baby off the spike and quikly knitted a parasail, strapped the baby on and let him fly.
"Good luck landing child!" he said, and walked into his new fortress.
((well, for those that didnt think I was serious about the sick humor thing and read on...Im sorry for what you had to read..but I think that this is VERY..hilarius..you can tell me what you think..) -
((looks at above post..*laughs until lungs are coughed up and dies of air deprivation))
LR:*looks at GW*, "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to replace you."
GW:"WHAT?! Who could be better than me Lord Recluse?"
LR: "Well, None other than this TERIFYING BUNNY!!!..*holds up kitten* with him, I shall take over the world! All will bow down to me when I take over every pet store in paragon...and if they don't bow down to me then i will make them wear spandex and do richard simmons "Sweating with the oldies" until they do!" *evil laugh*
GW:..... -
"None can deny me of anything!" he said with a chuckle, the flame approched him and a portal opened and the flame went into it. another portal opened behind his advesary and the flame came out.
(pretty simple post I would say...lol) -
Bramor saw the knife coming at him, he laughed, he telekinetically pushed the knife off course and into a wall, now that he was upclose, he drew sword, and slashed down upon his opponent.
((well crap..I messed when reading previous..he can tele anyway..so who cares..he said he was bored
((srry I wasn't able to post today..I went skiiing.))
Bramor looked up, he had begun to get bored, he now saw that new thugs had appeared and he wanted something to do, he stepped toward the Blood gunner leader, and unloaded his pistols, hopeing that they were on target he launched at him, while in the air he reloaded his pistols,
"Prepare to die!" he screamed as he sent more bullets flying -
Bramor looked across the street, he saw some guy talking about being 'god' like,"Finally, someone who might match my power."
he then walked toward him and drew a very large pistol, then another,"If you claim to be a 'god' then try and fight me!" with that a telekinetic wave of energy flew at, he just waited to see if it hit. -
"Haha!" Bizzmereo laughed to himself, he knew that the other raider was coming up behind him, he wasn't that dumb. within a matter of seconds he had spun in a complete 108 degrees and threw a two-handed broadsword at the raider. then launched another blast of energy at the captain.
"that should teach you to try to sneak up on me." he said with a chuckle -
Oh..lovley." Bizzmereo said as they switched formations, He imiedetly leaped to another platform and blasted at the captain.
but then almost instantly put up an eneregetic shield just in case for AP rounds decided to show up. -
Bizzmereo looked around for more foes, he saw two oncoming...and shooting.
"CRAP!" he shouted "How much ammo can you have??" he began just dodging the AP rounds until he got a clear shot, "Well you just made a bad move.
He sidestepped and his wristbands glowed with power. He launched a massive ball of lightning at him and just hoped it hit. -
((oops...thought you said somthing about missiles in the post..
srry bout killing your peons..haha