The Coliseum 3 (Open Fighting RP)




OOC: With my current lack of CoV and inspiration for RPing and my restless haunting of the boards, I've decided to bring the Coliseum back. Again.

I've effectively just cut and pasted the first post from the old guy and I'll probably have things work out the same way as well. I'm just going to tweak a few things...

BIC: Welcome to the Coliseum, the semi-legal brother to the well known Arena system.

Created for the sole purpose of entertaining those with power and money, the Coliseum exhibits fights much like those of its namesake from ancient times. One day’s worth of fighting could have a team of heroes hampered by power dampeners fighting for their lives against a gang of Hellions. A squad of Nemesis troops might fight alongside those of the Devouring Earth against a small army of Council while afterward a Circle of Thorns death mage reanimates those who died to fight against a small group of villains. Anything and everything goes in the Coliseum as long as it does not harm the patrons from which it gathers money and new gladiators. Any may participate for any reason. The Coliseum is also a place for those seeking to hide from the law; for as long as they fight, the influence of the Coliseum’s patrons will protect them.


The eighty yard diameter circle of the Coliseum floor provided more than enough space for most battles. With holographic technology and an entire floor that could be switched, swapped, or combined to form any type of terrain or environment it was more than enough. But all this technological marvel was wasted on this fight, a pair of trolls fighting a hulking pumacite. The fight was already a forgone conclusion; one troll's spine was broken and the other was fighting for his life against the sledgehammer fists of the rock creature. The troll slipped and fell on the plain sand that currently covered the arena and the watching crowd screamed and booed and cheered as his skull was caved in by a foot stomp. The Coliseum boasted a medi-port system on par with that of Paragon City but to use it you need either money or connections. Those two trolls had neither, which might have been the reason for their fighting. But that didn't matter, as the pumacite was being led away and the announcer was annoucing the next fight.

"And here we are ladies and gentlemen! The biggest fight of the night! A straight fight between two randomly picked teams! Let's see who wins!"

Two large doors on either end of the floor opened up to admit the opposing teams onto the arena floor.

OOC: So yeah, as before I control all of your enemies. This time I think I'll come up with sufficient numbers to give you guys a challenge, or maybe force you to wear power inhibitors.

Feel free to bing you guy's in and have them set up in the ready room. The ready room is a sizable room lined half with benches and half with lockers, for those fighters that wish to leave valuable and/or fragile objects behind before going to fight. The Coliseum guarantees the safety of any such items stowed this way. Several large TV screens are over the lockers in perfect view of those sitting on the benches on the opposite side of the room. The TVs currently show the results of the last fight, currents odds being given for the upcoming fight, and a view of the plain, sandy arena floor.

For the first fight at least, let's keep the number of characters per person down to one. We'll bring in more as things progress.

Also, yay for another fight thread with not even a hint of actual RP!

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



((I'll join this. And NO, I'm not back yet, shut up. ))

((However, I'ma wait until the weekend is over, because otherwise this is likely to be the only post I actually make until then. Don't want to leave anyone hanging. XP))



((IT LIVES AGAIN! I'm running my own RP though, so I can't participate in this. Hope it goes better than the one I made. Good luck Khel.))



((I'll join in...But I won't be using Diov or any of the husks...Or H'taed...Or Charles and Emily...The Psycho Fear is long gone by now. I'll be joining in a while...ish.))



Bizmereo just looked around at the waiting room waiting for his name to be called.

"This is the easiest way to escape the law I've ever seen!" he said chuckling to himself,

He just sat there checking his wristbands to make sure they were on correctly.

((You shall find out what there for when he has to fight))



There was a loud thump outside the Coliseum door.

The door was heard to creak open and then close, but whatever it was was now moving further into the building in almost complete silence, despite its obvious weight.

The door to the waiting room opened, and a rolled-up newspaper flew out of nowhere onto a group of chairs. The air rippled, and then seemed to wash aside to reveal a massive, hideous creature with huge, misshapen arms, thick hide, and instead of a head, a little sack of flesh in which a large red crystal was cradled. A Brute of the Army of Rularuu.

"Ruladork greet people he does not know and will probably eventually smash, be smashed by."

His long tattered cape swished behind him as he walked, the mark of Castle Lunacia, fortress of the manifestation of madness, Schizophrenias. His skin was a great deal darker than most Brutes, and his arms smaller, but his crystal seemed a little larger as well.

"Name Ruladork the Weak. Here to prove strength, smash things, generally possess figurative ball. Get newspaper too," he added, gesturing at it.

He walked over to the nearest wall and stood leaning against it as though he'd lived here all his life.

((Don't have a screenie of the cape he's wearing now on that site, so use thy imagination until I get one up. D)



((Here I come.))

Several rags suddenly flew in through a window.

Way too many rags to just be coincidence, matter of fact.

Soon, a freaking hurricane of rags was flowing through the window. Then, all the rags converged and swirled about, until...

The storm faded. An eight foot tall figure composed ENTIRELY of rags stood, towering in the center of the room. The Lord of Rags.

One of the many attendants stepped forward, and started to ask him questions.

"What is your name?" The scrawny attendant asked.

Silence answered him.



"You there?"

The Lord of Rags answered this by turning around, and standing quietly against the corner by the entry way into the arena proper. With a flash of gleeming silver, a large katana materialized seemingly from nowhere in the Rag man's hand, which he propped by the wall next to him.

He waited.



"Ruladork greet person he does not know, suggest wash outfit, receive therapy overcome obvious social anxieties," Ruladork said without moving as the Lord of Rags entered.

His voice was calm and deep, and it was hard to tell where it came from, as he had no mouth. But it came, notwithstanding.



"Got it!" An attendant said, rushing into the room. "He is called 'The Lord of Rags.' Reportedly, he is blind, deaf, mute, and unfeeling."

The other attendants stared at him, then to the Rag man.

"How does he...move then?" One of them asked.

"He is apparently able to 'sense' the signature feeling of his surroundings."

"Who told you all of this?"

"Some freak. Looked like a demonic lawyer on crack. Said he represented Husk Corporation. Turned away for one nano-second and he vanished into thin air."

"Oh, that guy is called Drol Idov or something. He frequents this place every few years. Something tells me we won't be seeing him again anytime soon."

((Hands control of attendants back to Khell.))



The door opened after the Lord of Rags, and a blonde, blue-eyed hero with probably the messiest hair possible, with probably the cleanest armour, stepped into the room. He glanced around quickly, and sighed.

"Great. Stuck with a bunch of weirdos and freaks. Has anyone seen either a kid that seems to have a messed up smoke machine following him around, or a little pink, defenseless, and most likely to grow up looking after sick kids robot, or, if both at the same time, aforementioned boy stalked previously mentioned girl?" he asked, muttered, and chuckled, seemingly all in one breath.



Bizzmereo looked around at all the different people here,

"Man if I gotta fight that Ruladork guy." He sighted,

he walked up to the lord of rags and introduced himself,

"Hi, I'm Bizzmereo." he said as he thrust out his hand, it really didn't look like the Lord of Rags was listening.



"Ruladork greet person he does not know but who clearly knows Hallucinogen and Essex," the Brute said as the armored newcomer entered. "And advise other person not know wash hand after shaking."



The Lord of Rags didn't even react to Bizzmereo. He just stood there, waiting. He even ignored the entrance of the new person, and the comments of Ruladork.



"We ready to rumble boys?"

"Ready to rumble, sir!"

"Ready to kick some meta-human [censored]?"

"Ready to kick [censored], sir!"

"Then take positions! We're on."


"Weeeeeelcoooome to the Coooooliseeeeeum!" drawled out the announcer, a faceless presense behind the heavily armored and windowed box hanging above the center of the ring on the ceiling. "And have we got a fight for you today!"

A loud humming built up and the sandy floor of the arena started glowing lightly. Some of the audience stared at this phenomena, clearly wondering what was going on, while the rest ignored the spectacle, already knowing what would happen.

"For all you newcomers out there today, now is your moment to witness the majesty of the Coliseum's transformable arena!" the announcer continued as panels of metal slowly moved out from under the sand and moved into hovering positions around the arena.

"For today's bout, we're shifting the arena to the newly perfected 'Floating Battlefield' mode! With several dozen floating platforms moving in fixed circuits around the field and large portions of the ground plating removed, any fighter risks falling down down dooooooown into the underbelly of the Coliseum! And what happens down there, well, I don't think you want to know..."

All the sand had drained away through several huge gaps in the floor, chopping the arena up into a large central platform and half a dozen smaller platforms scattered around. The space that was missing was currently floating up in the air and slowly drifting around in a complex pattern. The bare metal plating was made of some material that was tougher and more resiliant than mere steel. Some theorized that it would take both Statesman and Lord Recluse hammering at one chunk of metal to put a dent in it. But where this metal was found, no one knew.

"Noooooow then!" shouted the anouncer once the arena had transformed into its new mode. "Let us introduce ourrrrr challengeeeerrrrrs!"


There were exactly two doors in the ready room. One of them lead back into the gladiator areas and looked like a normal door, although it slid aside on hidden tracks rather than use hinges. The second door was large enough to drive a semi through and looked thick enough to stop a tank. Above the large door was painted the words Arena Entrance and a pair of glowing red lights sat under the label. As the four contestants watched, the red lights flipped to green and the doors began grinding open, letting the brighter lights of the arena come spilling in, along with the bloodthirsty roar of the crowd.

"And here comes our firrrrst fighter!" came the announcer's voice through the opening door.

OOC: Let's get this party started. Have the announcer announce you as you enter in as dramatic a fashion as you want. You can have him call you out as fancy or as plain as you want. For example:

"And here's our first fighter, the amazing, the spectacular, the if-you-look-at-me-the-wrong-way-I'll-kill-youuuuuuu..... MANTICORE!!!!!"


"And here's our first fighter.... the heroic CITADEL!"

Something like that. The competition gets introduced when you're all out there.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



The announcer turned to his assitant. "What's his name again?"

The assitant shrugged.

"His name is the Lord of Rags." Said a man wearing black with rd tribal runes on his pants and chaos leather covered by a coat and had his face hidden by a reaper cloth hat and red tinted monocles.

"Oh, thanks...Wait, were'd he go?" For indeed, the mysterious informer had just vanished into thin air.


"THE LORD OF RAGS!" He shouted. Not a single boo, clap, or cheer was heard. Nobody had ever heard of this fighter before. They didn't know how powerful he could be.


In the reception room, the Lord of Rags exploded in a shower of rags. They all flitted out a nearby window.


In the middle of the arena...

A hurricane of rags came from nowhere. They all raced and rushed about, until they imploded.

The Lord of Rags stood in the center of the arena, waiting...



((Lol, ambush entry.))

A cloaked and covered figure entered the reception room. He didn't even stop to talk to the receptionist, instead flipping a single card out of his cloak at her.

On it was an ornate V, burned into the card with a match.


"And now, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" The announcer's voice rattled ribcages.

Hip Hop suddenly began to boom from the speakers, quaking the entire arena.


Out of one of the entrances walked the cloaked man. He moved in step to the music, his cloak swaying with every confident step.

"THE ONE..."

A hand emerged and held on to his cloak, waiting for the perfect moment.

"THE ONLY...."


At a perfect high-point in the song, he tore the cloak off, revealing a fully armed and armored Mercenary Elite - Omaro Vasquez. He raised his Heavy Assault Multi Munition Rifle with one hand and fired a huge burst into the ceiling, drawing thundering and explosive applause as the stereo slammed out his song.

Vasquez had fought here before.

((Assault Rifle/grenadier (Several grenade types) Corruptor. He's Drechi's commando, though, so he may have one or two poison grenades handy.))



Bizzmereo got up, the atendant lady said his name, he put ran his hand through his thin cut hair, and made a last second check at his wristbands and walked out the door into the arena.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" he began, "INTRODUCING THE "SHOCKINGLY" POWERFUL FIGHTER BIZZMEREO!" not a sound ran through the stadium as he walked out, except one person who screamed "Vasquez is goin to rip you to pieces!!"

He didn't take notice and just walked and took his place with the other contenders.



"Name?" The assistant asked of the hero stepping toward the door.

"Oh, my name? Heh, funny, just announce me and stuff..." he answered, chuckling, obviously not thinking that this person may not have heard of him.

"Hehe... Funny... Name?"


"Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together, for the amazing Experiment 2.0, technological extraordinare and future winner of this-- ...Experiment 2.0!"

"You were supposed to say that last part!" a shout came, before a bright red speck flew into the air, jets blowing blue and red smoke into the air behind him.

A few 'oohs' and 'ahs' aired from the crowd as the hero flipped and spun, sending colourful letters and numbers into the air, spelling out 'Experiment 2.0.'

He then flew high into the air, and threw a few devices into the air. He then shut off his jets, flipped around, and began falling straight down.

Explosions of light of multiple colours followed him down. He activated the jets yet again, pushing him into the air and he spun yet again. He held his head for a second, and threw a few more devices. They continued with the flashes...

...Before one exploded right next to his head, sending sparks into his hair. They set the hair alight, and he began patting it and flinging himself side to side madly.

After a few more seconds, he finally put it out, and sighed.

The crowd was completely silent for a moment, before a shout came from the audience.

"Great job John!"

"Shut UP Jenny!!"



"INTRODUCING," the announcer boomed. "Servant of the manifestation of madness Schizophrenias, all the way from Castle Lunacia. . . the exiled, warlike, Ruladork the Weak!"

And with that, Ruladork himself leaped out into the arena, landing surprisingly quietly on one of the small platforms, directly in the center.

"Ruladork thank," he said calmly, and softly enough that many people likely did not hear. "Advise audience fasten seatbelts, hold onto hats, other figures of speech summarized as 'Shut up, watch'."

The red crystal on his shoulders began to glow, and energy arced from it all over his body, covering him with gleaming ruby light.

"Ruladork request bring on."



"And in the other cornerrrrrr... I'm proud to introduce.... Commander Fawkes and his Sky Raider squaaadrooooonnnnnn!!!!"

With a roar of micro-thrusters, the Sky Raider team shot out of their entrance.

A black painted sky skiff with purple eagles painted on the sides came out first. A liscense plate like decal on the front read F-HAWK. Two white pods were mounted under the wings alongside a pair of one shot missile launchers. Flanking the skiff were a pair of Jet Bots of the inferno variety, their flamethrowers out and pilot lights already lit.

Ten jet-packed Sky Raiders followed their commander out and then spread out into two groups. From the marking on their uniforms, each squad consisted of veteran Wing Raiders commanded by a Captain each. Their weapons were currently lowered, but could snap into firing position at any moment.

Commander Fawkes flew his skiff over to the center platform and came to a hovering stop right in front of Ruladork and the Lord of Rags. The Jump Bots landed on two smaller platforms that were slightly above and behind him, mirroring the other two platforms on the opposite side of the center. The squads took up hovering positions far above and to the right or left of Fawkes and then turned toward the assembled heroes and villains, waiting.

"It'll be a pleasure to eradicate some more of your dispicable kind," Fawkes said, his voice crackling a bit due to some slight distortion from his speakers. "Isn't that right men?"

"Sir yes it will, sir!" the assembled Sky Raiders shouted in unison.

"Gotta love enthusiasm," Fawkes said, chuckling. "Shall we tango?"

"Looks like we're rrrrreeeady to ruuuuummmmmmblllleeee!!!" the announcer shouted out. "Now remember, folks, the power levels of our gladiators can't exceed threat level 32 for today's fight! This will keep the fight interesting and safe; for you, that is! And now, without further adoo..... Let's get it on!"

A siren sounded and suddenly Fawkes shot straight up into the air as the two Jump Bots aimed down at the two supers in the center and opened up. Shouts rang out from the two Captains as they directed their fire. One squad aimed for Experiment, hoping to take the hero down quick, while the second aimed for Bizmereo. It would be interesting to see if those two could survive several dozen AP rounds.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Bizzmereo just looked at Expirement 2.0 and said,"Good luck" and with a nod of his head he lept forward towards the sky raiders.

Then he saw the cloud of AP's coming at him, "This could be more fun then I thought!" he then flipped a switch on his wrist and activated he wristbands. ((more like half gauntlets))

He just projected an eletric shield over himself and watch the rockets explode upon contact with the shield.

As soon as he lowered his shield he saw the one rocket he didn't see before. He had just enough time to jump out of the way only to be thrown five feet by the blast wave.

"Okay, time to start trying." he said as he shot a pure electric beam at one of the sky raiders tearing it down from the skies.

This is going to be a long fight.



((EDIT: As it happens, Energy Aura can do fire too. ))

"Ruladork hurt, due to party starting without him."

The massive Brute came down from a leap on the central platform, placing himself in the way of the oncoming gouts of fire. The energy flowing around him absorbed the flames and it had little effect other than a pleasant warmth around his chest.

"Ruladork suggest come get some!" the Brute roared, gesturing and taunting the Raiders, daring them all to come closer.



OOC: Quick clarification before the others post. AP = Armor piercing rounds for machine guns and rifles. So they weren't missiles, but that isn't too major. I'll let Bizzmereo have that one kill as a freebie thing, but remember, I control the opposition and when or where they fall. I think I forgot to mention that, so don't worry, I'm not mad.

And the Jump Bots shot flamethrowers, not bullets.

<_< You people and messing up my ordinance.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



((:P Aren't the AP rounds bullets? That was what Ruladork was blocking. I thought the Jump Bots hadn't done anything yet. Or if they had, I haven't responded to it yet. But I thought the Sky Raiders were all attacking Experiment and Bizzmereo, and. . .

<_< Editing. XP))



In the stands watching the mayhem unfold was a dark looking charater. He wore a tattered cape that look like it was recently dipped in blood. Chains were wrapped around his glove and boots. A katana was fasten to back and some sort of wierd energy was coming from his eyes. He was a Soul Trapper name Lazzarus. He smiles and thinks to himself "Wait until they see what I can do. The more blood the spill the stronger I will become."