The Coliseum 3 (Open Fighting RP)




((Why am I being ignored?))

Fenrir glanced at the open door, hoping too see some more Sky Raiders coming out.



As the Sky Raiders seperated, Experiment smirked. "Hah! Scared, I see? Well, you should just give up! Maybe I will have merc-- AAH!!!"

The shots hit his right arm as he attempted to spin out of the way, but his gloating distracted him. He went twirling downard, the jets sputtering.

He hit the platform, growling as he flipped onto his feet. He eyed the Wing Raider Captain, and decided that getting the leader down first would at least help some.

However, now, his right arm was completely useless.

He ejected spines from his left arm, and aimed it at the Captain. He fired a poison-tipped spine, aiming to hit the right jet. While it would look like his aim was off to most people, if the spine hit the right jet, it would probably send the Raider spiralling out of control.



((You're being ignored because you can't enter a fight until the current one is over.))



A billowing column of fire and heat shot up from the hard, metal floor on one side of the ready room. A large form, easily one topping 8 feet stood, rooted in the columns center. The flames died away, but curiously, the metal floor wasn't burned or marred in anyway.

"I'd like to be involved in this "event"." said a deep, semi-harmonic/semi-demonic vioce. As the being said this, he walked forward to the receptionist and handed her his Hero I.D. card. He had on a full suit of black armor, with a long dark cloke flowing behind him.

"I'd like to join the fighting as soon as possable, if I may." he said "Also, if you wouldnt mind playing this at my entrence please..."

At this he tossed the receptionist a cd with strange red glowing symbols written on it.

He took the offerd clipbord with the Coliseum sheet on it, and in a matter of seconds all of the information was filled, with the same strange, glowing-red symbols that leeked a small ammount of residual heat.

At that, the large, black armored, fire wielding half-demon they call El D walked over so he could get a good view of the fight currently going. His smile would have been seen if it wasn't coverd by an assassin mask, his dull-green eyes shined with flame as he anticipated the fighting.

"Its time to Rock" he said to himself, as he continued thinking of the battles ahead....


Gaurdian Server

El D lvl 40 Fire/Fire Blaster

Some Alts
Deadly Poisoner lvl 19 Thug/Poison Mastermind
Inferno of Doom lvl 13 Fire/Fire Tanker
Vyndicator lvl 8 Egery/Electric Brute

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((...I think you just murdered it...

Seriously, what's with the lack of posting, people?!))



Fenrir saw the other Sky Raider as it arced toward him, most likely not purposefully. Fenrir then luged, fist encased in stone, at the flying blue figure, bracing for impact.

((And by the by, that can't be why I'm being ignored, and I will quote, "You have the option of joining directly..." so I'm still seeking my answer.))



((I already told you!




OOC: No no no. When I said Fenrir was being ignored, I was just bringing to everyone's attention that for some reason the current Sky Raider team was ignoring him, almost as though they're expecting him to be dealt with in some other way. The mentioning of the open door should have also lead you to the conclusion that someone new is going to come out and fight Fenrir.

Post will be up later tonight or tomorrow.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



*slaps everyone with speed bat*