Inventions and Masterminds?
I would imagine that there will be pet sets. We've only seen a fraction of the number of inventions that will be part of the system. So there is still much left to discover.
Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
Not even going here...So many speculations out there now the fabric of the universe may rip if we tackle Inventions from one more dir...
"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"
There are several pet sets.
Pet Sets
Unquestioning Loyalty (4, Lvl 10-30)
Acc/Dam - Acc/Dam/End - Acc/End - Dam/End
Set Bonuses :
* 2 enhancements: +Res(Immobilize)
* 3 enhancements: +HP
* 4 enhancements: +END
Commanding Presence (5, Lvl 10-30)
Acc/Dam - Acc/End - Dam/End - Acc/Dam/End - Aura Taunt & Placate Resistance for Pets
Set Bonuses :
* 2 enhancements: +Recovery
* 3 enhancements: +HP
* 4 enhancements: +END
* 5 enhancements: +Def(AoE)
Brilliant Leadership (6, Lvl 15-40)
Acc/Dam - Acc/Dam/End - Acc/End - Dam/End - Acc - Dam
Set Bonuses :
* 2 enhancements: +Regeneration
* 3 enhancements: +Confuse Duration
* 4 enhancements: +Debt Protection
* 5 enhancements: +Runspeed, +Jumpspeed, +Flyspeed
* 6 enhancements: +Res(Toxic, Psionic)
Edict of the Master (6, Lvl 15-40)
Acc/Dam - Acc/Dam/End - Acc/End - Aura 10% Defence Buff for Pets - Dam/End - Dam
Set Bonuses :
* 2 enhancements: +Jumpspeed
* 3 enhancements: +HP
* 4 enhancements: +Res(Lethal)
* 5 enhancements: +Res(Hold)
* 6 enhancements: +Res(Toxic, Psionic)
Blood Mandate (6, Lvl 25-53)
Acc/Dam - Acc/End - Dam/End - Acc/Dam/End - Acc - Dam
Set Bonuses :
* 2 enhancements: +Recovery
* 3 enhancements: +Def(Fire, Cold)
* 4 enhancements: +Res(Stun)
* 5 enhancements: +Def(AoE)
* 6 enhancements: +Def(Ranged)
Soveriegn Right (6, Lvl 25-53)
Acc/Dam - Acc/Dam/End - Acc/End - Acc - Aura 10% Resistance (All but Psionic) for Pets - Dam/End
Set Bonuses :
* 2 enhancements: +Res(Sleep)
* 3 enhancements: +Res(Confuse)
* 4 enhancements: +Res(Stun)
* 5 enhancements: +Res(Hold)
* 6 enhancements: +Def(Melee)
[/ QUOTE ]
Octavian beat me to it. Oh and if you check the Mastermind forums Karl_Rove_man has a thread on slotting his mastermind with sets. Very enlightening.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
List of Invention Guides
From what I've heard, sets won't be limited by ATs or powers. Is that correct? Because I thought you could just outfit your henchmen with Sting of the Manticore or some other universal set.
I'd be interesting to find out what limitations these sets have.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
From what I can see you can drop those pet inventions in Mastermind pets or hero pets. Its just that masterminds get 3 pet powers to slot versus the usual one or two for heroes.
But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius
List of Invention Guides
From what I've heard, sets won't be limited by ATs or powers. Is that correct? Because I thought you could just outfit your henchmen with Sting of the Manticore or some other universal set.
I'd be interesting to find out what limitations these sets have.
[/ QUOTE ]
What? No. Each set only works in a specific type of power. Sting of the Manticore, for example, only works in Snipe or Assassin Strike powers (which I believe makes Stalkers the only AT that can slot it TWICE ). Each set is tied to a type of power, simple as that.
My only question is what Sets the Mastermind upgrade powers will accept...
It would be cool if the IO's triggered abilites in the pets, like travel powers, or temporary armaments abilities...
There are several pet sets.
Pet Sets
Brilliant Leadership (6, Lvl 15-40)
Acc/Dam - Acc/Dam/End - Acc/End - Dam/End - Acc - Dam
Set Bonuses :
* 2 enhancements: +Regeneration
* 3 enhancements: +Confuse Duration
* 4 enhancements: +Debt Protection
* 5 enhancements: +Runspeed, +Jumpspeed, +Flyspeed
* 6 enhancements: +Res(Toxic, Psionic)
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
I take the debt protection to mean the MM himself gains these benefits, rather than his pets? Or does the entire gang receive these buffs?
Nobody is sure how the IO Set Bonuses are spread among the MM and the Henchmen, as far as I've heard.
Definitely going to be something I try to test ASAP when it goes up.
DJs for The Cape Radio
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I take the debt protection to mean the MM himself gains these benefits, rather than his pets? Or does the entire gang receive these buffs?
[/ QUOTE ]Uh, well, pets don't get debt, so sure.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I take the debt protection to mean the MM himself gains these benefits, rather than his pets? Or does the entire gang receive these buffs?
[/ QUOTE ]Uh, well, pets don't get debt, so sure.
[/ QUOTE ]
"Sure" to which of my two questions?
Both. LOL
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I take the debt protection to mean the MM himself gains these benefits, rather than his pets? Or does the entire gang receive these buffs?
[/ QUOTE ]Uh, well, pets don't get debt, so sure.
[/ QUOTE ]
heh, cue the dev post: You're pets have been accumulating debt the entire time otherwise you would have noticed them unlocking they're uber abilities....
Set Bonus buffs only apply to the player that slots the enhancements.
The 3 special enhancements in the Pet Sets that provide unique buffs to pets (resistance, defense, etc.) are functionally identical to Supremacy. Each of these three enhancements grants an auto power to the Mastermind; this is a PBAoE buff that is always active and buffs any henchmen in range.
Any henchmen, or any of MY henchmen?
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
So slotting the 10% Def and Resist Buff into each henchmen will give 30% Def and Resist Buff to all henchmen?
The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.
From what I've heard, sets won't be limited by ATs or powers. Is that correct? Because I thought you could just outfit your henchmen with Sting of the Manticore or some other universal set.
I'd be interesting to find out what limitations these sets have.
[/ QUOTE ]
What? No. Each set only works in a specific type of power. Sting of the Manticore, for example, only works in Snipe or Assassin Strike powers (which I believe makes Stalkers the only AT that can slot it TWICE ).
[/ QUOTE ]
What? No.
Moonbeam and...I forget the other Snipe, in the PPP. Plus AS. That's two Stings of the Manticore.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
From what I've heard, sets won't be limited by ATs or powers. Is that correct? Because I thought you could just outfit your henchmen with Sting of the Manticore or some other universal set.
I'd be interesting to find out what limitations these sets have.
[/ QUOTE ]
What? No. Each set only works in a specific type of power. Sting of the Manticore, for example, only works in Snipe or Assassin Strike powers (which I believe makes Stalkers the only AT that can slot it TWICE ).
[/ QUOTE ]
What? No.
[/ QUOTE ]
actually dude, yes
You cant slot 6 times into the same power.. but if Assassin strike and snipe are two different powers... I dont think the ED of IO's will affect them...
From what I've heard, sets won't be limited by ATs or powers. Is that correct? Because I thought you could just outfit your henchmen with Sting of the Manticore or some other universal set.
I'd be interesting to find out what limitations these sets have.
[/ QUOTE ]
What? No. Each set only works in a specific type of power. Sting of the Manticore, for example, only works in Snipe or Assassin Strike powers (which I believe makes Stalkers the only AT that can slot it TWICE ).
[/ QUOTE ]
What? No.
[/ QUOTE ]
actually dude, yes
You cant slot 6 times into the same power.. but if Assassin strike and snipe are two different powers... I dont think the ED of IO's will affect them...
[/ QUOTE ]
Are we talking about a single power or a power set? Single power, no (not the from the same IO set anyhow); but power set or different IO sets on a single power, yes, of course
Edit: NM, you said the same thing
Sting of the Manticore, for example, only works in Snipe or Assassin Strike powers (which I believe makes Stalkers the only AT that can slot it TWICE ).
[/ QUOTE ]
I hate to disappoint Stalkers out there, but Sting of the Manticore can only be slotted into Sniper powers, not Assassin Strikes. I don't know where that rumor started.
Assassin Strikes can slot in sets that are made for Single Target Melee powers.
Paragon wiki. They mysteriously got all kinds of sets and what they do up there. It states all teh snipe sets are snipe/AS sets

How will inventions effect Mastermind's pets?
Will there be special IO's for Masterminds?
How will the attributes from IO's effect Masterminds and their pets?
Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.