Hello to Our Fan Art Community and Open Discussion
Aah! Anon artist! Attack!
(Heh, all As )
Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack
Total level is about 149.
I think Juggertha might have something to say on this issue....
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Aah! Anon artist! Attack!
(Heh, all As )
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"Anon artist?" Is that a pun? Or did you mean "a non-artist?"
Color (and cross-hatch) me corn-fused!
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I think Juggertha might have something to say on this issue....
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes I concur
Ok, to actually start this discussion off then:
I believe what a lot of us would like is a place where we can submit the City of Heroes and Villains artwork that we take so much time creating on the main page. We have our little corner, but that hasn't been updated since I first got the game, like a year ago. Maybe every two weeks, or month, someone updates that lil' section with the recent artwork, that all of these amazing artists have created. This is pretty much what Juggy said, I'm just kinda' paraphrasing.
Thanks for this topic, Light!
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
Hey Lighthouse!
I've got a great idea! How about all true fan art players automagically get double experience in game, and their very own custome badge!
given the genre is heavily steeped in art I to wouldnt mind seeing something dedicated to the many fine artists here...other than the forum here...I think that they are forgotten on the whole. without the "art" there would be no comic book heroes...which in turn means there would, more than likely, be no Co*.
just a quick thought on the matter~
...the sword is truth...
How about a regularly updated sticky with links to people's works, deviantart pages and the like?
As Juggy said, I'd love to see contests, or sponsered things done by Cryptic (outside of the comic book).
Maybe even something weekly? :3
As you saw with the CuppaJo Fannart/& the Debacle that followed *cough*MMOART*cough*, we all really enjoy the community aspect here and band together well when needed.
What I'd like to see, is:
* Officially Sponsored Art Contests.
* Cross Promotion throughout the forums. via: more Art/Fannart images throughout the Forums. ie: If you enter into the Scrapper Forum, there'd be an image at the top of "Scrapper of the Month/Week/Year/Etc"
* Fix the Embed image issue. Sure, we know it's both a bandwidth issue and an issue with possible/probable illicit images being posted, but If I remember right by signing up for the forums we ackowledge and sign a contract not to do so. If found, kick us. That simple.
Thanks for the time and your ear LH.
As many have said : Officially sponsored contests would be great.
An official Gallery of art would be also something I would like to see . It use to exist up to a point but to my knowledge outside of the cuppa jo thing it has not been updated in a long time.
Proud Member Of the Paragons of Justice
Kidraid, Golden Guard, War Emblem, Eridani, Greymist, BabyTank and more many more.
My Gallery (There I am KidRaid since Greymist was already taken)
Yeah, my lazy [censored] might even Draw more if it was Sponsored here...
Also.... the last webpage setup for the Cuppa-Art was squished down to a tiny Box.
I didn't submit Mine b/c it'd lose all it's Details in that small little space they allotted for it.
Is that all that our Art is worth to NC Soft? A 150kb's Limit so we don't hurt their Bandwidth?
We're paying THEM $15 a month to draw free art for Their benefit. ...That certainly doesn't seem fair to me... Not for a game tha's supposed to Live and Breath the Comic culture.
I'd like to see a contest where some of our tremendously talented Artists can win a chance to do a COH Comic professionally.
Perhaps a "costume" or "villain design" for future mobs....
I know Wulfie, who doesn't come into the Art forum much actually is a very good technical artists and could design vehicles and such. I mean really as COH goes forward, ships, vehicles and aircraft should come into play more... ((SHEILD helicarrier anyone?))
By and large this is one of the forums I can feel most comfortable in there is little vitriol, bile and hate you see in many and maybe this kind of behavior should be encouraged elsewhere. I dunno.
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges
http://GuardianForce.Guildportal.com - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
We're paying THEM $15 a month to draw free art for Their benefit. ...
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That's news to me. I only draw for my own benefit, and for my friends.
My Cuppajo pic was a bit too small in the official gallery, as well. As long as she got the full-size version that I posted (and she did), that's all that matters.
I don't feel that I need any recognition or anything. I would like to see more art contests, though. It would give me motivation. It would give Cryptic lots of cool art to use, too. How cool would it be to see art contest entries used in promotional material for the game?
I wouldn't mind seeing a change in the policy about artists who charge commissions for their work, and being able to say so. Maybe an 'official' link or something where they could advertise or be listed? There's a lot of great talent, and can be a bit hard to find sometimes within the CoH/CoV forum itself.
given the genre is heavily steeped in art I to wouldnt mind seeing something dedicated to the many fine artists here...other than the forum here...I think that they are forgotten on the whole. without the "art" there would be no comic book heroes...which in turn means there would, more than likely, be no Co*.
just a quick thought on the matter~
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'nother not-an-artist popping in for a thought/suggestion for y'all: what about an in-game Art Gallery, displaying various pieces of fanart submitted to Cryptic for that purpose ...?
Seriously, picture: every August and January, there's a thirty-day window for folks to submit fanart to Cryptic for review (with, of course, defined standards, restrictions, and limitations as to the art, it's subject, composition, media, etc, etc - as well as including explicit license for use in the game, on teh website, and on "any and all" advertising media in perpetuity, blah blah blah, yadda yadda ... you get the idea).
During the month after the submission window, the submissions get winnowed down to a dozen or so "winners". Those winning pieces get put into the game, as part of the semi-annual display at the in-game Art Gallery, and the artist gets a badge to show for it - simply enough, "Artist". I'd suggest something involving a paintbrush and palette, or maybe an easel, would be appropriate (and appreciated by you fine folk, too, I suspect).
Further, one of those then gets the nod for inclusion in the permanent collection. That, of course, should be worth a second badge - perhaps, "Masterpiece", with the "Artist" badge's artwork ... and adding a blue ribbon to it. Also might be good to give "Masterpiece" a gold border, and "Artist" a silver one.
Keeping it to semi-annual - or, if need be, annual (though I'd suggest upping to twenty Artists and two Masterpieces, if it was only once per year) - should keep Cryptic's work-contribution within reasonable limits.
And you guys could both (a) strut your stuff, and (b) add to the in-game experience.
... I think I'm'a gonna PM this to Lighthouse, it's a darned fun idea, if I say so myself - and I do! ^_^
While PMing Lighthouse, I had a further thought; the biggest catch that occurs to me is somehow allowing CoVers to get in on the act, and see their works in-game. So, a suitable location needs to be picked, not in Paragon City itself (sadly) ... so ... what about a new room for Pocket D? ^_^
The developers and "community peeps" could even hold a mini, private party for the winners, past and present, by just limiting access to the room for the evening ("must have X or Y badge to enter") ... as an extra little thing to do for the folks making the art the rest of us would get to ogle at. ^_^
You know those billboards that exist around both Heros and Villains? What if we could hold a contest where the winner and two other winners get their fan art on these billboards?
I'd like to see:
1. more of a presence in the art area other than the once a year "artist of the year" fan contest. Sponsor something to show off the talents of those that play the game, and the collectible lusts of those with little or no artistic talents.
2. acknowledgement that artists may sign their work and that this does not mean they are in competition in any way with CoH as a game - they provide a service that fans utilize, and should be allowed to show their talents and get credit where credit is due. Actually, make this number one in my book.
3. Consider using fan art from time to time as art on/in the comics if you can. Some of the stuff I see here blows away the artwork in some issues I've seen.
Those would be a great start!
My Deviant Art page link-link
CoH/V Fan Videos

This is probably something that would never happen, but in-game stuff tied in with art would just be awesome :P
To be displayed on main page:
[*]Screenshot of the week (with caption)
[*]FanArt of the Month
[*]FanStrip of the Month
[*]FanMovie of the Month
[*]Monthly Create-a-caption Contest
[*]Monthly Costume Contest
no prizes for any of these other than having it hosted on the main page for recognition.
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
heh, TA could be awarded a badge just for having the largest collection of art based on a single character.
i'm not sure if the art can be displayed in game, but i think it would be good to start regularly updating the fan art page on the CoH website, and include a link to the newest submissions on the updater
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online
nightblade7295@gmail.com if you want to stay in touch
Well, for those who are interested, I have created an in-game global channel for the creative community of the City of games. The link to my initial post on the subject can be found here. I hope that everyone here signs up. I want this channel to be an active part of this community. For those too lazy to click the linky, the channels name is Paragon One.
I wouldn't mind seeing a change in the policy about artists who charge commissions for their work, and being able to say so. Maybe an 'official' link or something where they could advertise or be listed? There's a lot of great talent, and can be a bit hard to find sometimes within the CoH/CoV forum itself.
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This along with some recognition I think is the least this community deserves from the game makers. I can say this as a non-artist in the forum, but I love the comradarie among the artists and the joy with which they salute each other and their fans on the boards here. Their generosity and love for what they do is just fantastic and I think they should be treated as something other than "red-headed step-children."
More contests and rewards for them would be a great step too.
I hope that Lighthouse gets a chance to try to support this community like they never have and that the management above let's it happen.
Hi gang!
I wanted to stop in and say hello. I've only had the opportunity to browse this forum a bit, but I must say there are some really great things going on here! I have a lot of ideas (probably too many for my own good!) for community building, but I thought, as a way to start discussion, I'd come here and ask for your thoughts about things you would like to see happen.
So, let me know what is on your mind! Please keep the conversation City of Heroes / Villains focused. Thanks!
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