Deviant art artists :)
ROFL those Bleach dogs are AWESOME!!! XD
Some of my fave deviants are:
Raven8Dragon who does AMAZING dragons and Morrowind Fan art and is a hilariously awesome gal (I did a chibi of her husband's dragon portrait)
klar who is kind of prickly but does some gorgeous chibis and WONDERFUL human-like unicorns.
And, Crooked Six Pence who does some great spooky little kids (and you know I love those!! )
...nothing to add as I dont normally patrol around deviant....but perhaps I should.~
...the sword is truth...
Starry none of your links are working for me
My bad! Try it now!
just did I already had Klar on my fav links tho ! kute fuzzy unicorn /kitty awesomeness
try this one
very similiar to Klar , incrediably cute chibi piccys as well as lots of cute piccys
Photomanipulater extraordinaire. Loves working with superheroes and is a stickler for minor and major details. I love the pieces done for me.
Ryan Stegman and Kieran Oats
Ryan produces some really great linework and Kieran does a totally amazing job with the colouring. I'm patiently waiting for my commissions while the pair finish a big project atm.
One of the best Poser + Photoshop artists around, her work is amazing and she is a pleasure to work with. Highly recommended.
A really crazy style that I love. Cartoonish and brilliant.
Does cartoonish and animated drawings. Simple, no nonsense and stylish.
Jeremy Farlow does some amazing work with the female figure. His tutorials are also really great.
Jeffrey Cruz does has really great linework and colouring. Recommended for a really great hero piece.
There are plenty more artists on deviantArt that I have commissioned in the past and am currently awaiting pieces from.
There's no way I can describe most of these, so just take them and surf. They're all great artists. A variety of styles, but they're all good and everyone of them stood out enough for me to be interested in bookmarking them for later viewing.
Andrew Dickman
Drew Gardener
Mark Brooks
Matt Humphreys
Hector Sellvia Lujan
Nichole Dubois
Sergio Segovia
Reinaldo Quintero
Marques Cannon
Makoto Ono
Less Ruth -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN
accck tooo many Suichi
great links Mario and Star I knew this would get me a few good leads
I'm a pretty big fan of Isyw I love his vector art. He's great at giving great expression and detail with minimal use of lines and color.
Sinned Aria is a personal friend of mine, and she's done quite a few character portraits for me for the Table top games we play in. She does most of her portraits completely with her tablet and forgoes the pencil and paper all together.
Uh oh! A long-time lurker unmasks! Howdy all! I've been browsing through deviantart for some time now, and I'll point to some of my favorite artists:
WYA (the artist for Invincible!)
Arthammer (a good friend of mine)
Whew...there's so many! Thanks for sharing yours!
GHOST ZERO! Avenger of the helpless dead!
I wish I could share my deviant watch list. Soooo many great ones on there.
But great thread idea!
why can't you ?
There's no real way to. And copying and pasting and creating every single link is a LOT of work.
Oh and I'm lazy. I'll do it on Monday when I'm at work.
or just do like I do and pick one or two that really shine besides why show your full collection of awesome all at once
Yeah I"ve got a couple I like. I'll post on Monday
No, we want them now! >stamps foot and looks all scowly<
Absolutely love a bunch. WYA already mentioned, he's so excellent.
Ursula Vernon
Ashigaru is a friend of mine
Banzchan (Robert deJesus) is an awesome manga artist
The insanely awesome Environaut does Terragen rendering
Guitarjohnny is one of my favorite nature photographers
Itsubunpuni you will never see better pixel art
Michelle84 does professional comics
Woman of many talents Snapesnogger
TracyJB does awesome work in many formats
Tremorwolf is a friend of mine
There are just dozens more but those I think are fun to share.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
That's the main man from Amsterdam himself. My boy Robin!
"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict
Having been a member of the DA community for over 3 years, I can attest to there being many, many talented artists worth watching. However, since there are too many artists for me add to my DevWatch list and track on a regular basis I just crammed all their icons into a journal page and edit it as need be =P
Here it is, after much cleaning and re-arranging: The Icon Bank You browse this bad boy, you are garunteed to find inspirational artists. Also, note the section I created specifically for everyone from here who set up a DA account. If YOU don't see your page there, PM me to let me know
"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375
Dude. That's awesome!
oofta theres a small listing for ya...
*gets lost in the scores upon scores of great art*~
...the sword is truth...
Ive been sick the last few days so I've been drawing like a fiend but I've also been cruising the Deviant Art site and found a ton of cool artists to study but one girl cannot find every cool artist by her self

so post a link to a few of your fav artists on Deviant art , and explain what makes then teh awesome
(lets not bother linking any of our regulars :P or ourselves :P )
Has a very clean crisp style and draws some amazing dogs , his current project is Drawing the cast of bleach as dogs