Portraits by The Artist




Almost finished. Just need to add some detail to her top and leather pants and I think i'm done. I think this is my favorite one yet. Almost looks like one of my paintings.


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Wow...that really looks good. Very nice.



[color=#cc99cc]Pretty sexy stuff! Very nice, me wants one, hehehe




Hmm, those seem to me to be dramatically different styles. The same artist could do something in a cartoony style that would look very different then a more realistic style. He even posted some of the progression steps for the picture of FeralKitty. I am not sure that there is cause for your remarks.



If you run out of things to draw, you're welcome to draw Shautru



Hmm, those seem to me to be dramatically different styles. The same artist could do something in a cartoony style that would look very different then a more realistic style. He even posted some of the progression steps for the picture of FeralKitty. I am not sure that there is cause for your remarks.

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Lemme first say I am not trying to be negative or overly critical. As for a "cause" for my remarks, I simply find some of his pieces to be of much higher quality and very different styles than other pieces. That's all. I suppose this could be due to time allotted per piece, some being commissioned and some free, and artistic experimentation. But then again, I am not an artist.

Agent Jade



Well Trollslayer, sorry if you did'nt like your Agent Jade. It was a quick cartoony drawing I did and decided to color and post it. The last two I took alot of time on. Anyway, it is free so whats with the insults? You say your not being negative but you basicly said the Agent JAde I did is crap. If you don't like it I can simply erase it but there is no reason to post negative comments when this is all free and I'm just doing it for fun.Some get pencil sketches, some get cartoony charactatures , some get my best artwork....it just depends on what mood i'm in.
P.S. The Agent Quicksilver is a total wolverine rip off so it shouldnt be included in with my "good" artwork. It's more of a picture alteration then a, original drawing.



BTW, Anyone interested in an artwork trade let me know. I have a few characters I'd like to see done in someone elses style.



Here is Aurora Frost......I looked at a certain unnamed men's magazine for inspiration.


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Oh MY! Even fully clothed she looks quite hot! (is that bad for an ice/ice blaster's health?)

Mens magazine.....Mens magazine.....mens magazine....hmmm, which could it be?

Thanks Jesse! She looks great!



Thank you! Glad you like it. LOL I found that mens magazine chicks help alot for shading and when I'm like hmmmmm how would her boob look if she's in that position? Anyway thanks again glad you like her.



Hmm, those seem to me to be dramatically different styles. The same artist could do something in a cartoony style that would look very different then a more realistic style. He even posted some of the progression steps for the picture of FeralKitty. I am not sure that there is cause for your remarks.

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ITA. I think it's a difference between using photo reference for a more realistic style and not using it for a more exagerrated style.

Honestly, I don't see a huge quality gap between the first link and some of the next four. Like a lot of us (including me) he does a lot of things well and a couple of things not as well. His work sometimes has drawing problems, but when he uses photo reference they disappear. (Again, like most of us.)

I agree with Jesse, by the way. I think that this new one of Feral Kitty (or Feral Kat, whoever it is. I can't keep them straight) is absolutely his best one to date. Actually, I think it blows all his other ones completely out of the water. I was really excited when I saw it!



Yeah I have to agree that feral Kitty is the best one of his to date.

Very nicely done man and Gratz Kitty!!



hey, if you frequent art sites, anything as tame as dev art to as wrong as vcl... you know that artists sometimes swich styles allot, sometimes purposly (cause i want to is a damn good excuse), sometimes out of time restrictions and the ease of doing it one way rather than the other, and sometimes without even realizing he is doing it (there is this thing, most gamers and very talented artists have, its called add, not realizing your doing somthing happens allot...i know... as well as forgetting what you where doing 3 seconds ago

anyway back to topioc feril kitty was AWSOME, i wish i could draw like this...

bty i like this,

she has almost a teen titans americanime look to her, very nice



I am not a very good artist but I am willing to give shot at drawing your toon. I like to draw, haven’t taken any art classes or anything like that. So here is the deal I need to down load 40+ megs of scanner drivers on a dial up connection to get my scanner working. In the mean time if you would be so kind as to post the screenshots of the toon you want drawn then I will get on it. I am a slow at any form of art so it may take me a week or so. If you like the result then maybe you could draw one of my toons. If not no big deal. I will have a sample up later tonight (Alaska time). I think you have done a lot of work drawing other people’s toon already.

PS please include at least a powerset a story would be even better.



ITA. I think it's a difference between using photo reference for a more realistic style and not using it for a more exagerrated style.

Honestly, I don't see a huge quality gap between the first link and some of the next four. Like a lot of us (including me) he does a lot of things well and a couple of things not as well. His work sometimes has drawing problems, but when he uses photo reference they disappear. (Again, like most of us.)

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This is the kind of explanation I was looking for. Thanks. I wasn't calling any piece "crap", I was just curious about the level of quality difference that I see. I will admit to being a bit dissappointed in the Agent Jade piece, considering how much I liked some of the other pieces. Oh well, it was free so no great loss. Your latest pieces seem to be your best in everyone's opinion, so keep it up.

P.S. Even though the Agent Quicksilver piece is a Wolverine knock-off, it still rocks!

Agent Jade



I find it a stretch that the same guy who drew this..

also drew these...

Some of your work is sooo much better than some of your other work.

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I don't find it a stretch to believe at all. It's very common for artists to work in more than one medium or style and for them to excel more at some than others. Some specialize, but others are more experimental. My mother is an artist and has used pastels, colored pencils, charcoal, oils, acrylics, and watercolors. She has spent the last decade working with Japanese brush painting and gave up oils when I was still a kid. She still paints in acrylics and does folk art. There is absolutely no similarity between her Bavarian or American folk art and her Japanese watercolors. You would have no way of knowing the same artist did both.

Just because you're an artist - trained or otherwise - doesn't mean you're equally good in all formats. Working in a new medium/style will give you different results than one you're familiar and comfortable with.

Sadly, Mom is no good at portraits or I'd have hit her one for one of my characters a long time ago.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Thanks for all the love! I was gonna finish up Feral Kitty but I've moved on to another piece. Found a new technique on PS and I'm very anxious to do another. As far as the different styles and quality, I really like the anime/cartoony style of Joe Mad, Keron Grant, ect. how they exaggerate certain things such as skinny wrist with big oversived hands. Anyways, I'm not very good at it yet and I want to be so you'll see more of that type of thing from me in the future. Right now I'm set on doing more realistic female characters using Men's magazine women as reference models. I have a new Shading technique I want to perfect.....k, done rambling





You wanna try shading some fur?



Hey all, I am starting a new thread, I won't be checking this one anymore. The new thread is called Mr. Jesse's Studio .....hope to see you all there



aw right after I posted?



Hey all, I am starting a new thread, I won't be checking this one anymore. The new thread is called Mr. Jesse's Studio .....hope to see you all there

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*runs over to bug Jesse some more*