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  1. Introducing Blackbeard's Wench!

    Yeah, she didn't like it so much when HE called her that either. Even went so far as to try to stick a dagger in his heart one night for it. But despite that little lover's spat, the nickname stuck.
  2. I love my Fly Trap! Just don't look too close or you'll see the flies buzzing around him.

    Archtype: Dominator
    Powers: Plant/Thorn
    Pet Name: George
    I'll hug him and squeeze him and call him George!
  3. Here is my Native American hero, Dreema, also known as Dreem Katcher.
  4. Here is Aurora Frost in her Candy Cane outfit.
  5. Name: Aurora Frost
    AT: 46 ice/ice/ice blaster
    Link: Frost

    Quote 1: "Oh sure give the last sidekick to the tanker cause tankers are so much more important than blasters. Nevermind the fact that I could have them flat on the ground in the time it takes that tanker to muss the bad guy's hair. Besides, purple's my favorite color."

    Quote 2: "No, no its ok. I like the taste of cement. Oh look, another debt badge! SHINY!"

    Quote 3: "Can we hurry? Icon closes in an hour and they have a cute new costume in the window I've GOT to have."
  6. AuroraFrost

    tree of life pic

    LOL! Creepers are also quite amusing as they knock the mobs down on their rear ends.
  7. AuroraFrost

    tree of life pic

    Here are some pics that contain creepers and fly trap (bottom two). I'm afraid their not very good screenshots though.
    I don't have any pictures of the tree of life. I only had it very shortly. Didn't find it useful so dumped it.
    Hope this helps!
  8. Now that's a rainstorm I'd love to be caught out in!
  9. Hmm, I'll take #53, what the heck.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Frost is having trouble deciding what to dress up as this halloween. She currently has 4 choices:

    Snow White

    Bloody Nurse

    Naughty Maid

    or Wonder Woman

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Send in Snow White and Wonder Woman, they can battle it out in jello, keep the Nurse on stand by in case it gets ugly, then have the Maid clean it all up... oh and I would like some more towels while she's at it.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    *Beats LJ over the head with an ice bat*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Don't worry LJ, the Nurse can make that feel all better.
  11. Frost is having trouble deciding what to dress up as this halloween. She currently has 4 choices:

    Snow White

    Bloody Nurse

    Naughty Maid

    or Wonder Woman
  12. Hmm, how about my new ele/ele blaster Lite Bright? Had a guy tell me within 2 minutes of being in Atlas that she looked like a pole dancer. (I wasn't flattered so I told him I was a man to get him to go away...I'm not a man but it worked )
    Lite Bright
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    XxAYLAxX My rendition of everybodys favorite Cave Girl from Clan of the Cavebear.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ayla! I loved those books! That's a great job on her costume!

  14. Ooh! Aurora would love to be considered in your search for artistic inspiration!
    Aurora Frost (second outfit is her current favorite)
    Aurora's in-game bio
  15. Sexy huh? Well I have these ladies, who were actually made for an in-game bachelor party...

    Hand Maiden
    Kitty Midnight
  16. Wow! That is just gorgeous! Congratulations!
  17. AuroraFrost

    Nuclear Impulse

    Already commented on DA, but gotta say it looks great!
  18. AuroraFrost

    Radey Ayte (WIP)

    Wow! This just gets better and better! Great job!
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I made avatars for everyone involve in 3 different sizes each all of which can be found here.

    Also made this wallpaper! If you need a different size for you desktop, tell me and I'll provide you with one to fit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Awesome! Thanks Turbo! Desktop is now all frosty!
  20. WOOT! I finally won something!

    "I would like to take this moment to thank my family and friends and all the little people. I will do my best to live up to my duties as Miss America and......umm, what? What do you mean I didn't win Miss America? I won Wombat's caption contest? Oooh even better! Artses wins over a 'scholarship competition' anytime. But....could I still get the crown?"

    Cool, thanks Wombat! Give me a little bit and I'll come up with an idea.
  21. AuroraFrost

    TA Rocks!!

    Love it Wombat! Rock on TA!
  22. YAY! Welcome back Wombat! We missed you!

    Great piece there!
    Caption: "So this is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment...."