City of Nuts wants you...




Well from 5-6 of you... one of each AT + a Kheldian.

I'd like to do a rant where the dialog comes from the forum.

So if you have a particular beef, say so here in 1-3 sentences. AND NO RUN ONS! Keep it simple so I can place it in a bubble over your toon's head.

Which reminds me, also place a link to your toon, so I can use it for reference.

You can however continue to post, as I will probably draw from this thread often... Just for the next one I will only be choosing the 5 or 6 I think I can work with...

Please no amusing anecdotes about who was Leroy Jenkins for the night. What you say should come from the toon's perspective, not the player... and well obviously don't forget to say what AT you are.

Okay that's all for now, hopefully I can use something for the next CON.

Peace out,


EDIT: here's a possible format you can cut and paste:


An example:

Name: Lady Judgement
AT: Tank (yes I know the link shows me as a scrapper)
Link: LJ
Quote: "Ever notice how I am the only one standing when it comes to facing the Nemesis known as the Nemesis? Guys? Hello?"

Please no links to fan art, I'd rather use a screen shot.



Warshade "Annular Eclipse"

"What you mean I can't tank that group yet? Watch thi... OW! Quantum! oo that stings! Medic! Man down, MAN DOWN!! I CAN'T FEEL MY TENTACLES!!!*"

*yes, I lifted it from Paul Reuben's take on "the Spleen" from "Mystery Men"

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Hero ATs or Villain ATs?



lol, okay I will so use that one!

Soul Train's format works great as well!



Hero ATs or Villain ATs?

[/ QUOTE ]

Both, I'm not particular, I may mix and match, or save all the Villains for another time... Your quotes won't be the only lines, I may tweak them or edit them, or add to them with an NPC of my choice.



Name: Sarix Morrison
AT: Dark/Fire/Soul Brute
Link: Sarix Morrison
Quote: "My demon brothers love me so much they want to tear my soul apart and my human sister wants to burn me alive with with holy fire...I'm really not anxious to find out what I'm getting for Christmas..."



Ah, I'll let Yumi take the Scrapper slot.



Oooo <@_@>

Name: Yumii

AT: Katana/SR Scrapper

Link: Yumii

Quote: "Why do people gotta give us cat people such a hard time? They [Censored] and moan about everything from us being 'too cute' to 'too numerous'... I mean what the heck do they think I feel like? Freakin' monkey people are everywhere!"

>.> How's that LJ?

Oh yeah, and I gots PLENTY of extra costumes if you want to see different outfits <@_@>;; I has entirely too many costumes actually >.>;

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



Name: Radey Ayte

AT: dark/rad defender

Quote: "Wait. What's that? More Healz0rz? You know what? In between keeping Darkest Night up, Fearing, Tar Patching, holding, wrangling Fluffy, nuking, and reducing defenses with EVERY SINGLE SHOT you're LUCKY I find time to heal you! If you die with ALL THOSE DEBUFFS UP, you had to WORK at it!

Oh, and my heal is AOE centered on ME b!tch. And I don't make housecalls."

Okay, so that was long! but it was a heartfelt rant!



What is City of Nuts?



What is City of Nuts?

[/ QUOTE ]

Funny little comics made by LJ using player's characters, in the style of the peanuts gang.



oh cool lol



This is CON... scroll down and read from the bottom, they didn't start out here as a strip, just a few spot pieces for friends, but then I realized I could make it a strip... so they're mostly in number order, with part 4 being broken into 8 parts cause so many people wanted in, and I didn't want to leave anyone out...

The last few have just been spot rants, but I'd like to group those into a theme, which is why I made this thread...



Name: Jala
AT: Claw/Invl scrapper
Link: Link
Quote: "Pull? What do you mean pull? Fiiiiine, you guy's stay here, im going to go kill this mob... just dont trip on any limbs."



*loves the City of Nuts*



Name: Turbo-Ski
AT: Corruptor
Link: linky
Quote 1: "I'm going to keep an ice shield on you until you get some fashion sense or die, whichever comes first."
Quote 2: "Speed boost? Sure I'll play hockey with your head since you asked me so nicely..." (I am not a kin damn it!)
Quote 3: (after being asked what she wanted for Christmas) "All I want for Christmas is love and violence!"

just because I like the XMas question here are a few others:
Project Reaver Quote: <just a thought bubble of sexy Sarix Morrison>
Red Kite Quote: "Turbo-Ski under the mistletoe, an all-you-can-eat buffet, and a fried Tuatha with a side of cooked Firbolg to feast on."
Lady Farsight quote: "My sister forcefully purified of her sins in holy fire and for teammates to stop getting high off my acid and poison gas arrows and then calling for heals..."



Name: Dark-wave
AT: Mind/Sonic Controller
Link: Refs
Quote 1: "Man, why is it you always wanna show that big boom off in a cave full of guys I just put to sleep? We could just keep going, but no...."
Quote 2: "Yeah, just keep swinging there buddy...its not like I just said he's caged. How come no one listens to me?"

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