Return of the Wombat! Sillyness inside!
Heheh, Jack-a-lope ^_^ Is that the mysterious winged wombat's distant relative or something?
As for a caption? May be, "Why am I in a miniature cottage, what the heck are you, and what's in these delightful cookies?"
I can see forever 0.0
Had to fav that one on DA! I'll have to think of a witty caption later..
an offering !
"Mmmph... I must say these are absolutely splendid! Oh, and no, Chuck Norris' fist isn't hiding under the muffler."
Absolutely marvelous.
Crazy in more ways than I can explain and incredible cool.
Good Job Wombat.
Thats the last time I sell a date on Ebay for charity.
I so love this! I'm honored that you choose my character to do art of!
Yaaaaaaaaaaay!! Wombat's Back! YAaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!
That's an adorable picture!
That looks awesome man.
Caption; "You say this cookie will make all my dreams come true eh?"
Crestent lvl 50 Mind/Emp Controller
YAY! Welcome back Wombat! We missed you!
Great piece there!
Caption: "So this is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment...."
YAY! Welcome back Wombat! We missed you!
Great piece there!
Caption: "So this is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment...."
[/ QUOTE ]
ooo! that one's good!
Haha...these captions are making me giggle in my seat with glee! Keep 'em coming!!
And thanks for all the sweet comments :} I <3 you all, really!
Welcome back wombat!
hehe. thats pretty cute fuzzy
Congrats Turbo-ski!
Caption: "Are you sure those are rasins in this cookie? They look kinda...funny."
Goodbye, I guess.
@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch
"Gee... I don't know Turbo... I think the corn makes better moonshine than the potatoes. Screw it, pass me the Jager...."
Very nicely done!! I like the "bundling", where that piece of Gai and the martini?
Silly me, I forgot to announce the winner at midnight! It was really hard to choose, however, there can be only one winner and that is AuroraFrost!
So, AuroraFrost gets to pick a character and a setting/situation for the next round.
Ex: Tremorr, in an airplane, with a rubber snake.
I'll whip something up and post it, probably this weekend, for the next contest. Thanks for participating!
WOOT! I finally won something!
"I would like to take this moment to thank my family and friends and all the little people. I will do my best to live up to my duties as Miss America and......umm, what? What do you mean I didn't win Miss America? I won Wombat's caption contest? Oooh even better! Artses wins over a 'scholarship competition' anytime. But....could I still get the crown?"
Cool, thanks Wombat! Give me a little bit and I'll come up with an idea.
So we know the prop is a crown...
Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page
Congrats! I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!
Congratulations on the win Aurora
Good to see a fellow Frost take the award
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Hi guys! Don't know how many of you will remember me, but, in any case, I'm back! My computer decided to run off and make a sandwich and didn't come back for months. Sorry if anyone thought I'd fallen off a cliff into a mess of hungry crocs or something. Anyhoo, to make up for my sudden absence, I bring an offering ! Click to see who I've mangled! (Hope you don't mind me drawing your character. :} )
Anyhoo, I was thinking of making this into a little caption contest. Whoever comes up with the best caption by midnight on Monday gets to choose the subject (character and setting/situation) for the next one! Hopefully, I'll be able to get at least one done each week.
P.S. - TA cutesification is in the works :P
P.P.S. - I still <3 Tremorr.
Captions so far (hope I didn't miss any):
"Why am I in a miniature cottage, what the heck are you, and what's in these delightful cookies?" ~BlackberryThorn
"Mmmph...I must say these are absolutely splendid! Oh, and no, Chuck Norris' fist isn't hiding under the muffler." ~Shego
"That's the last time I sell a date on Ebay for charity." ~Piepgrass
"You say this cookie will make all my dreams come true eh?" ~Crestent
"So this is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment?" ~AuroraFrost
"My contact said to play along, but this is getting ridiculous!" ~Fuzzywuzzywombat (I can't win my own contest, of course, but I thought I'd throw that one in!)
"Are you sure those are rasins in this cookie? They look kinda...funny." ~Lord Nightblade
"Gee... I don't know Turbo... I think the corn makes better moonshine than the potatoes. Screw it, pass me the Jager...." ~Tremorr