Return of the Wombat! Sillyness inside!




Hi guys! Don't know how many of you will remember me, but, in any case, I'm back! My computer decided to run off and make a sandwich and didn't come back for months. Sorry if anyone thought I'd fallen off a cliff into a mess of hungry crocs or something. Anyhoo, to make up for my sudden absence, I bring an offering ! Click to see who I've mangled! (Hope you don't mind me drawing your character. :} )

Anyhoo, I was thinking of making this into a little caption contest. Whoever comes up with the best caption by midnight on Monday gets to choose the subject (character and setting/situation) for the next one! Hopefully, I'll be able to get at least one done each week.

P.S. - TA cutesification is in the works :P

P.P.S. - I still <3 Tremorr.

Captions so far (hope I didn't miss any):

"Why am I in a miniature cottage, what the heck are you, and what's in these delightful cookies?" ~BlackberryThorn

"Mmmph...I must say these are absolutely splendid! Oh, and no, Chuck Norris' fist isn't hiding under the muffler." ~Shego

"That's the last time I sell a date on Ebay for charity." ~Piepgrass

"You say this cookie will make all my dreams come true eh?" ~Crestent

"So this is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment?" ~AuroraFrost

"My contact said to play along, but this is getting ridiculous!" ~Fuzzywuzzywombat (I can't win my own contest, of course, but I thought I'd throw that one in!)

"Are you sure those are rasins in this cookie? They look kinda...funny." ~Lord Nightblade

"Gee... I don't know Turbo... I think the corn makes better moonshine than the potatoes. Screw it, pass me the Jager...." ~Tremorr



Heheh, Jack-a-lope ^_^ Is that the mysterious winged wombat's distant relative or something?

As for a caption? May be, "Why am I in a miniature cottage, what the heck are you, and what's in these delightful cookies?"

I can see forever 0.0



Had to fav that one on DA! I'll have to think of a witty caption later..



an offering !

"Mmmph... I must say these are absolutely splendid! Oh, and no, Chuck Norris' fist isn't hiding under the muffler."



Absolutely marvelous.
Crazy in more ways than I can explain and incredible cool.

Good Job Wombat.

Thats the last time I sell a date on Ebay for charity.



I so love this! I'm honored that you choose my character to do art of!



Yaaaaaaaaaaay!! Wombat's Back! YAaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!



That's an adorable picture!



YAY! Welcome back Wombat! We missed you!

Great piece there!
Caption: "So this is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment...."



YAY! Welcome back Wombat! We missed you!

Great piece there!
Caption: "So this is the definition of cruel and unusual punishment...."

[/ QUOTE ]
ooo! that one's good!



Haha...these captions are making me giggle in my seat with glee! Keep 'em coming!!

And thanks for all the sweet comments :} I <3 you all, really!



Welcome back wombat!



hehe. thats pretty cute fuzzy



Congrats Turbo-ski!

Caption: "Are you sure those are rasins in this cookie? They look kinda...funny."

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



"Gee... I don't know Turbo... I think the corn makes better moonshine than the potatoes. Screw it, pass me the Jager...."

Very nicely done!! I like the "bundling", where that piece of Gai and the martini?



Silly me, I forgot to announce the winner at midnight! It was really hard to choose, however, there can be only one winner and that is AuroraFrost!

So, AuroraFrost gets to pick a character and a setting/situation for the next round.

Ex: Tremorr, in an airplane, with a rubber snake.

I'll whip something up and post it, probably this weekend, for the next contest. Thanks for participating!



WOOT! I finally won something!

"I would like to take this moment to thank my family and friends and all the little people. I will do my best to live up to my duties as Miss America and......umm, what? What do you mean I didn't win Miss America? I won Wombat's caption contest? Oooh even better! Artses wins over a 'scholarship competition' anytime. But....could I still get the crown?"

Cool, thanks Wombat! Give me a little bit and I'll come up with an idea.



So we know the prop is a crown...

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Congrats! I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!



Congratulations on the win Aurora
Good to see a fellow Frost take the award

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