29 -
I played CoH from it's debut through Issue 9. Back in 04-05 there was a website that was a nice hero database at http://www.creyindustries.com. This was a nice site to display your characters and use them in any number of ways, for example linking to signatures (see my sigs below). When I returned to the game a couple weeks ago, I looked up this site and although it is still there, it does not appear to be maintained anymore. Does anyone knnow of a similar site with up to date info from the game? Thanks.
Logging on after a 4 year hiatus, I found that the new salvage storage bins in my base only hold 30 pieces now. My original bin though still has 700 pieces of old salvage pre-issue 9. In the last few days of playing and messing around with the invention system, it doesn't seem like any of that older salvage is being used. So I'm wondering if there is any use for those 700 older salvage items in the new invention system, or can I sell it, or just destroy it? Thanks.
Returning player here and the whole invention mechanic is new to me. I have a level 10 blaster and already my personal inventory and personal locker at the Vault are both full of invention salvage. I've manage to make a couple level 10 enhancements, but other than that, what am I supposed to do with all this? Is there a way to get more storage space? Can I mail it to another character to hold it? Can I sell it to a vendor? Or is it mostly junk and just destroy it? Thanks. =)
Good stuff guys thanks. That Paragon Wiki has a ton of info. A heck of a lot sure happened in 5 years! lol
Hey guys. I'm reactivating my account after about 5 yrs. I played up through 2005 sometime, I think through Issue 8 (just before the crafting system came out). I have two level 50 heroes and one level 50 villain. So basically, I'm wondering what major changes am I in store for? Is the level cap still 50? Is there any reason to play my 50's or should I just level new toons? How has the crafting system panned out? How is the instance architect system? Can I access missions other people have made? I am looking forward to making a dual pistols blaster and the Going Rogue expansion. Well I can go on with questions, but feel free to talk about anything new since starting with Issue 9. Thanks in advance. =)
Feel free to try your hand at anyone of my signature-linked heroes. I can provide more screenshots if you desire.
For February, I will submit Agent Jade or any of the toons from my signature links. Feel free to choose your fav.
I'll toss Agent Jade in the queue. A screenshot and CB art in my sig and here is the Image by Alex
Faultline added a lot of things, one of the best things it added was on one of the arcs you get the niftiess little power.
The All new Arachnos Desguise
If only it didn't only last an hour of playtime >_< I'd wear this thing ALL the time.
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This doesn't sound all new and unique. Remember the Freakshow mission in your 20's (?) where you got a holo-costume and you looked like a Freak and could infiltrate a Freak base? That was cool! -
Numbers are all messed up with Issue 8. Hoping this is updated soonish. =)
Here's the second of four CoH cards I'm getting commissioned by Rocinate.
So hello to War Bride
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This is insane!Easily one of the best works I have seen on these boards imo. Maybe two other artists make me want to break down and pay for a commission and now there is a third.
Numbers Left:
2, 4, 6, 15, 20, 21, 29, 30, 38, 39, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50
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I'll take #29 for Agent Jade.
See Here for a screenie and my sig for a Celtic Bolt pic. -
This is the first SG I joined (prior to launch). A great group of people that have been together forever.
I did up this shot as an attempt to say thanks to all my teammates (you'll notice my other "main" - FrostFire).
The Canadian Shield
(any idea how I should add their names?)
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I am not a big fan of the animated style, but I gotta say that I kinda dig this. Nice job. -
It's because of the attitude of a cat. They go along well imo.
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There ya go. That's fine. Your reasons are valid. Its your toon.
Don't misinterpret my above post. I was laughing at myself and Wikipedia, not you. With my background and job experience, I just look at everything scientifically. My good friend and I name many toons in several MMORPGs after animals. Names that come to mind are Red Tail, Sparrow Hawk, Doberman, Grison and Coachwhip. I wrongly assumed the same thing as I read names in this thread. Minx made me think and when I looked in Wikipedia, it was like it read my mind. It gave me the exact answer I was looking for....a minx was not a real animal! Lo and behold, you didn't mean for it to be an animal. Your definition is valid, although not animal related. So again, I am just amused by my and Wikipedia's "narrow-mindedness".
And for the record, I also have a cat-themed toon.... a 25 claws/SR scrapper named Mouser (a cat adept at catching mice)
American Heritage Dictionary -
minx (mngks) n.
A girl or young woman who is considered pert, flirtatious, or impudent.
Obsolete. A promiscuous woman.
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LOL that's hilarious!I'm a terrestrial zoologist by training and currently a science teacher. I was thinking of minx totally in the sense of cat-related animals. This definition never entered my mind. Wikipedia seems to focused on the biological as well. I stand corrected, minx is a word. But now the question is, why does she look like a cat? She's just flirtatious. What's the cat connection?
Sly Minx (not technically a cat, she's a minx. If you don't know what that is, look it up!)
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I suspected shenanigans, so I took your advice and I looked it up. There appears to be no such thing as a 'minx'.
Minx cat
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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There is no breed of cat called the Minx cat although the term is widely found, and erroneously used, on the internet and usenet. Advertisements regularly appear for Minx Cats, adding further credence to this non-existent breed.
The term is a common error or colloquially used by people unfamiliar with the Manx cat, a tailless breed of cat originating from the Isle of Man, Great Britain.
Mynx is sometimes used to indicate a first generation cross between a Manx cat and Sphynx breed or a hybrid between the Manx breed and the wild Bobcat. Some bobcat hybrids are called Lynx e.g. Desert Lynx and American Lynx due to their resemblance to the lynx.
I really don't care, but you told us to look it up. -
Any Fire/Kinetics out there want to put a guide together?
ITA. I think it's a difference between using photo reference for a more realistic style and not using it for a more exagerrated style.
Honestly, I don't see a huge quality gap between the first link and some of the next four. Like a lot of us (including me) he does a lot of things well and a couple of things not as well. His work sometimes has drawing problems, but when he uses photo reference they disappear. (Again, like most of us.)
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This is the kind of explanation I was looking for. Thanks. I wasn't calling any piece "crap", I was just curious about the level of quality difference that I see. I will admit to being a bit dissappointed in the Agent Jade piece, considering how much I liked some of the other pieces. Oh well, it was free so no great loss. Your latest pieces seem to be your best in everyone's opinion, so keep it up.
P.S. Even though the Agent Quicksilver piece is a Wolverine knock-off, it still rocks! -
Hmm, those seem to me to be dramatically different styles. The same artist could do something in a cartoony style that would look very different then a more realistic style. He even posted some of the progression steps for the picture of FeralKitty. I am not sure that there is cause for your remarks.
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Lemme first say I am not trying to be negative or overly critical. As for a "cause" for my remarks, I simply find some of his pieces to be of much higher quality and very different styles than other pieces. That's all. I suppose this could be due to time allotted per piece, some being commissioned and some free, and artistic experimentation. But then again, I am not an artist. -
I find it a stretch that the same guy who drew this..
also drew these...
Some of your work is sooo much better than some of your other work. -
Here is Agent Jade
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Interesting rendition. A bit more cartoony than your previous work. I like the head, but is it me or does she look like a hunchback? Another poster mentioned the head and right arm position. Maybe we're speaking of the same thing.