Invention Salvage Storage
Sell on the Market. For blasters of that low level, they're in Atlas Park and Kings Row and Steel Canyon, called Wentworths.
You can store them in supergroup salvage bins, but first you'd need a supergroup and a decent handful of prestige in order to make enough space to have a salvage bin.
You can email them to other characters, but eventually those characters will also fill up.
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Mids Hero Designer:
Well, I would be at least the 3rd person to answer this...
Returning player here and the whole invention mechanic is new to me. I have a level 10 blaster and already my personal inventory and personal locker at the Vault are both full of invention salvage. I've manage to make a couple level 10 enhancements, but other than that, what am I supposed to do with all this? Is there a way to get more storage space? Can I mail it to another character to hold it? Can I sell it to a vendor? Or is it mostly junk and just destroy it? Thanks. =)
1) Yes, there are multiple ways.
a) Just level up. Every now and then your salvage and recipes inventory would grow.
b) badging. Level 25+30 badges add +2 salvage each, level 45+50 add +1 recipe each. You may want to familiarize yourself with the way auctions work before trying this, though.
c) Auctioning 50 pieces of salvage. Adds +2 salvage and a badge
D) Vanguard 500 vanguard merits can be redeemed for +10 salvage storage. (you have to be level 35+)
ADD: Except for a) all methods only increase your PERSONAL storage, not one in the locker.
2) Yes, you can mail it. It's a bit tedious as you should mail them one at a time, then claim them one at a time, but...
3) Yes, you can sell salvage anyplace you can buy or sell enhancements. but it's not recommended nowadays. Even absolute trash like Human Blood Samples is often worth auctioning. Luck Charms and Spell Scrolls are worth tens or hundreds of thousands of inf in the auctions. They're just 250 inf if vendored.
And here's how you auction stuff:
Also you may want to look at "The market and inventions" forum here and various inf-making guides.
Add: No, I was the second.
ADD2: A bit more on the bidding: Basically, you trade your time and (limited) number of bid slots for inf, whether you're buying or selling.
Sell low, buy low if the item is inexpensive and there are many sellers. The faster you get rid of the stuff, the faster you can replace it with something more profitable.
Buy low, sell high if there are sellers, but price is high, say for mid-level orange salvage.
If there aren't any sellers, but many buyers, well, You either won a jackpot (if you're selling) or you're in for a long, long wait till the bid fills (if you're buying).
Returning player here and the whole invention mechanic is new to me. I have a level 10 blaster and already my personal inventory and personal locker at the Vault are both full of invention salvage. I've manage to make a couple level 10 enhancements, but other than that, what am I supposed to do with all this? Is there a way to get more storage space? Can I mail it to another character to hold it? Can I sell it to a vendor? Or is it mostly junk and just destroy it? Thanks. =)
Agent Jade