Portraits by The Artist




Wow, what can I say? I'm beside myself and speechless. That picture exceeds my feeble expectations by serveral orders of magnitude! I love how you gave the costume the "metallic gold" effect! Thanks so much!

And yes, I've been a Superman fan for about 30 years now.



I also really like the big "original" written on it

Great job man.



is the one you did of Cold Rocks just an outline of someone elses drawing then?



OK, so rain on my parade. Jim Lee is my idol and considered the best by many, so I'm sure he is aware many use his art to base there own.

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Yeah, and I'm sure he's REAL happy about it. I wish I were more prolific and popular so everyone would trace my work and try to pass it off as their own. Not.

If you think its easy to use an existing pose and make it a different character, try it.

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Most of us here who can draw have tried it. And it's much easier than actually doing the drawing yourself. Much MUCH easier. And you didn't even do a good job of it, as the chest logo on your Lee rip doesn't fit the perspective of the chest you "drew." That's how I knew it was a trace job despite not having seen the original (not much of a Lee fan personally.)

I used the superman because the toon I was doing was supposed to be superman.

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I'm sorry, but that excuse is pathetic.

I have been drawing and painting since i was 4 years old and I don't NEED to use other images, it was just easier and faster and people were happy to be getting their portrait done so fast.

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It's always easier and faster to steal. That doesn't make it right.

By the way, slow the hell down. Your work is really sloppy and unprofessional. The shoddiness is a slap in the face to 1. every artist on here who takes the time with their work 2. the people paying you for a "finished piece" that took you 5 minutes to do in Photoshop and doesn't even have edges cleaned up on the flats 3. yourself and your art talent. By not taking the time with your craft, you're insulting yourself most of all. If you feel like you have a gift, treat it with a little more respect.



Ok who died and made you the art god? I got lazy, took the easy road. I apologized and I'm not gonna look at ANYTHING when i draw. If you or anyone else think I'm a fraud now, don't ask me to do artwork for you. As for coming on my thread and saying my artwork sucks and I am disrespecting Artist everywhere......BITE ME. I don't care if I got lazy and used other artsist poses, it's just rude to tell someone thier art is bad. I like my style, thats all that really matters.Art isn't a competition. So you do what you want, and i'll hurry right along and keep bustin out my sloppy crap. Thanks.



Oh,and I'm not doing "finished peices" or charging anyone anything anymore. If it's free than noone can complain about anything. right?



As for coming on my thread and saying my artwork sucks and I am disrespecting Artist everywhere......BITE ME. I don't care if I got lazy and used other artsist poses, it's just rude to tell someone thier art is bad.

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I didn't say it was bad, I said it was sloppy, hastily done, and unprofessional-looking. Look at some of the stuff you've posted. You've got tons of edges that aren't filled in, and colors bleeding out from under the linework. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's fact. You just need to look at the work to see it.

As to whether or not it's okay to charge someone money for work like that, that's obviously up to you. But your defensive attitude towards harsh yet constructive criticism indicates to me that SOMEWHERE in your brain, you know I'm right. You admitted that you got lazy with your artwork, yet you're getting pissed at me for pointing out where your laziness is showing and suggesting that you slow down? Where's the logic in that?



I have to agree with The_PMD. He always has great advice and I think he is giving it here.

If you don't want to take it, that's your biz of course. But I think he has hit the nail on the head with this one and it'd be good if you calmed down and took another look at the situation.

You've obviously got skills, no doubt man. But maybe not being upfront about things to begin with is what has everyone wondering.



Oh,and I'm not doing "finished peices" or charging anyone anything anymore. If it's free than noone can complain about anything. right?

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Absolutely correct. Good choice.



I take advise any day, but it wasn't advice. It was tearing into me and my art and I didn't appreciate it. I'm done arguing about it. Plenty of people like my art, i like my art and now I move on.

here are some non comicbook paintings of mine for those of you who like my art




Oh,and I'm not doing "finished peices" or charging anyone anything anymore. If it's free than noone can complain about anything. right?

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It has nothing to do with money. It has everything to do with integrity. Based on your responses I'm not sure you're ever going to grasp that concept. I can tell you this though, by not respecting your craft and resorting to tracing to boost your "parade", then you're really just harming yourself. Alternatively, if tracing is the way you want to represent yourself, then Rob_Liefield may be a more suitable board name.

P.S. When The_PMD gives a crit or advice, it's a good idea to listen!



I do enjoy a good painting, and you do good paintings.



*ponders the commissions he had done now*



I take advise any day, but it wasn't advice. It was tearing into me and my art and I didn't appreciate it.

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Of course it was advice. It was incredibly harshly-worded advice, but advice nonetheless. I didn't say "You suck. Go away." I said "Slow down and be more professional in your art. This stuff is sloppy and doesn't show enough attention to craft."

If you're going to put your work up in public, you need to be able to take criticism like that. At no point did I say anything personal about you. I was just talking about what is wrong with the art, and giving you suggestions as to what to do to improve it. And I still stand by "Slow down!" as the most relevant critique for your art.



I felt really bad about the whole superman/mr. majestic thing so I felt the need to stay up to 330 am and finish this new Mr. Majestic. This is all Original, and personaly I think it looks better than the first. Does that mean I'm better than Jim Lee? LOL jk all...g'night




heh, I actually like this one better too. More superman-ish to me. Good job.



I think he's got point. Can we stop picking on this guy now?



I think he's got point. Can we stop picking on this guy now?

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Actually, I thought it was stopped. Everyone seemed to say their point.

The new shot looks pretty good man. I'm a sucker for that "superman curl" on his forehead.



I hope so. Hate to see senseless flogging.

I like the look too! He might have burnt the midnight oil to create it, but damn if it doesn't look great!



You da man artist
lol had to drop by the nearest computer in Belgium to say dat



Thanks for the support guys. I have always done my best work in the wee hours of the morning. Here is the revised version of Mr. Majestic with metal look and longer hair. Hopefully this is more to your liking Mr. Maj. Let me know.




Omg the full body picture like dat rocks
I might want a stance like dat one day
Very coool bro