Portraits by The Artist




Well the inlaws are gone and now I can get back to doing what I want. Here is a portrait of my main Julius i did this morning. It was penciled free hand then inked and colored on photoshop. If you look close its pretty rough, but i'm, happy with it.


I'm getting better and better at photoshop, but i think my pencil work is still better:

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From someone who just likes to look at what you all do, I find it amazing that when I look at the colored piece, he appears as a young angry man. When I look at just the pencil, he appears to be a an older, wise, weathered and sincere man. At any rate, I like them both!



Well the inlaws are gone and now I can get back to doing what I want. Here is a portrait of my main Julius i did this morning. It was penciled free hand then inked and colored on photoshop. If you look close its pretty rough, but i'm, happy with it.


I'm getting better and better at photoshop, but i think my pencil work is still better:

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From someone who just likes to look at what you all do, I find it amazing that when I look at the colored piece, he appears as a young angry man. When I look at just the pencil, he appears to be a an older, wise, weathered and sincere man. At any rate, I like them both!

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And just to show how subjective art is <,< He looks like a grumpy middle-aged man to me in both pics! <@_@>

Crazy eh? <,< Great stuff Mr_Jesse <@o@> I been lurking this thread fora while hehe <'x'> finally had to comment.



Awesome picture. Glad the inlaws are going so you start back to drawing!*grins*



Ty for the compliments. BTW Julius is about 30...he's just had a rough life.



Well the inlaws are gone and now I can get back to doing what I want. Here is a portrait of my main Julius i did this morning. It was penciled free hand then inked and colored on photoshop. If you look close its pretty rough, but i'm, happy with it.


I'm getting better and better at photoshop, but i think my pencil work is still better:

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I agree that your pencil work looks better then the colored piece. Your coloring has a ways to go to stand up to that exceptional linework. To much of the detail gets lost. Have you tried doing your coloring in additional layers to ad more variation in shading? Obviously you have been sketching for quite a while. Digital coloring takes time to do...and photoshop is just so difficult to figure out. Please keep posting because I really like your stuff!




Ya, I'm very new to finishing work with photoshop, and I tend to hurry thru it cause I've got alot going on. But everyone I do I get alittle better and find a few new tricks. I'm in the middle of moving, but once that is done I plan on sitting down and spending as long as it takes to make a truly finished peice. Anyway ty you for the compliments and constructive critizism.

On another note, plz continue to submit your toons for portrait sketches....I love doing other peoples characters.



Ya, I'm very new to finishing work with photoshop, and I tend to hurry thru it cause I've got alot going on. But everyone I do I get alittle better and find a few new tricks. I'm in the middle of moving, but once that is done I plan on sitting down and spending as long as it takes to make a truly finished peice. Anyway ty you for the compliments and constructive critizism.

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I think the coloring looks pretty good, especially if it's meant as an "old school" comic kind of look, before things got all fancy. Now, if you want to take it further by doing stuff like adding more highlights to the hair and such, I think it could look really awesome. But what you have down now is a good start as far as the colors go. The pencil sketch is excellent. (Well, except for the ear being too high, but I'm a nitpicker by nature.)



ya i noticed the little elf lookin ear was a little high also LOL As far as the look, I grew up reading Mark Sylvestri and Jim Lee era x-men, so I suppose that is the look I prefer and go for. The obviously digital, almost airbrushed look just isn't comic book art to me. But then again I haven't actually read a comic book in about 10 years so I have no idea what the majority look like today. I personally always loved the painted graphic novels. Really neat stuff.



ya i noticed the little elf lookin ear was a little high also LOL As far as the look, I grew up reading Mark Sylvestri and Jim Lee era x-men, so I suppose that is the look I prefer and go for. The obviously digital, almost airbrushed look just isn't comic book art to me. But then again I haven't actually read a comic book in about 10 years so I have no idea what the majority look like today. I personally always loved the painted graphic novels. Really neat stuff.

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It's too bad you're not a fan of the newer, digital look of comics. The digital age has brought a whole new set of techniques to comics that can be quite spectacular when used properly. I agree that some attemps have failed miserably, but your drawing is quite good and would look impressive with strong digital colors.

I won't color it without your permission, but I'd like to try my hand at it to see what could happen.



ya i noticed the little elf lookin ear was a little high also LOL As far as the look, I grew up reading Mark Sylvestri and Jim Lee era x-men, so I suppose that is the look I prefer and go for. The obviously digital, almost airbrushed look just isn't comic book art to me. But then again I haven't actually read a comic book in about 10 years so I have no idea what the majority look like today. I personally always loved the painted graphic novels. Really neat stuff.

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It's too bad you're not a fan of the newer, digital look of comics. The digital age has brought a whole new set of techniques to comics that can be quite spectacular when used properly. I agree that some attemps have failed miserably, but your drawing is quite good and would look impressive with strong digital colors.

I won't color it without your permission, but I'd like to try my hand at it to see what could happen.

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Dude.. if you don't take him up on this.. I will SO slap you...

...with a herring...

...next to a shrubbery...

(Nice pic, btw... like it.. good detail. )

Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM

Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper



ya i noticed the little elf lookin ear was a little high also LOL As far as the look, I grew up reading Mark Sylvestri and Jim Lee era x-men, so I suppose that is the look I prefer and go for. The obviously digital, almost airbrushed look just isn't comic book art to me. But then again I haven't actually read a comic book in about 10 years so I have no idea what the majority look like today. I personally always loved the painted graphic novels. Really neat stuff.

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It's too bad you're not a fan of the newer, digital look of comics. The digital age has brought a whole new set of techniques to comics that can be quite spectacular when used properly. I agree that some attemps have failed miserably, but your drawing is quite good and would look impressive with strong digital colors.

I won't color it without your permission, but I'd like to try my hand at it to see what could happen.

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Feel free to go at it. I'd love to see what can be done. Maybe you can change my mind

Also, if you want I can send you the full size version which is much more detailed



Hey everyone. I'll be house hunting in Texas for the next week so no art from me):But ill be sure to post soemthing next weekend. Seeya all soon.



Good luck bro
i;ll try to keep this place alive while you are gone



Good luck bro
i;ll try to keep this place alive while you are gone

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Waitaminute.. Someone without a head is going to keep this place alive? O_o

Oh, and good luck house hunting in Texas, Jesse.. Just rermember to have your hunting tags up to date, and make sure you carry a bigger gun than the house.

Test Subject 42 - lvl 50 Sp/DA Scrapper
Oku No Te - lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Borg Master - lvl 24 Bots/traps MM

Nyghtfyre - lvl 50 DM/SR Scrapper



Hey I'm back for a few days! I'm gonna try to get a new finished piece out this week So keep your eyes peeled, and plz keep posting your screenshots, I love to see everyones originality.






YAY! Hope you havent forgot about Marvel!!!



YAY! Hope you havent forgot about Marvel!!!

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or little old me. PM sent around 28 June 2006.



Or me

Glad to see you back in action even if it is only for a few days



Where ya at? Drawin' i hope!



The right arm and head look a little weird, like it's dislocated or something. Best I could suggest would be to move it down and right so the shoulderpad's behind the head.

Other than that, it's nice.



Great eyes and shine man.

Not sure about the form though... but part of it is obscured by the color.