Wanted: Clobber-Girl (PvP/RP)




*squeaks* W-watch it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Now I have seen everything...



Why do I get the feeling I am going to get the worst beatdown ever...



Why do I get the feeling I am going to get the worst beatdown ever...

[/ QUOTE ]

Ummm...because you asked for it?



Oop silly me



Yeah silly you!



Lucky me...



Gonna Total Focus you into next week!



Why do I get the feeling I am going to get the worst beatdown ever...

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I couldn't possibly say.



((Seig's been living in Siren's Call ever since the authorities tried to arrest her. She could conveniently happen along in order to give Clobber more of a fighting chance... If you want.

Would be pretty interesting, actually, since Seig's slated to join FUTURE within the next month. She'd obviously butt heads with Vicegrip over this.))



((This is totally open to anyone good or evil or both, the way I've been running the "plot" is just poking people and getting them to come forth with all sorts of neat and interesting stuff to keep it going, you've all been absoloutely brilliant, and I'm having a lot of fun with it ))



Seems this is building up, no fewer than three villains have been all sneery and "Haha I know something you don't" with me in the 10 accumulative minutes I've spent in the PDP. Poor Tera is going to get a shock.



((Thanks to everyone who took part tonight, I had a total blast and will be writing it up tomorrow... I wanted to do it tonight, but wouldn't you know it, my peace an quiet was shattered by my housemates coming home.

Thanks to Clobbertime, Rakeskar and LylaTwilight for all their help this evening! <3))



<CLINK>, <Snap>

The Flagg was priming ammo.

Cheaper to buy it by the bulk, and do the casings by hand with the loader. When you've got superspeed, the most tedious chores could be done in the space of an afternoon.

A long afternoon, sure, but an afternoon nonetheless.

And on his PC, a window popped up announcing a new bounty.

He grinned, and put down the shell.

"Don't know who she is, don't care. Extra funds never hurt, and it's good to see capitalism in action."

He typed back a reply, and set the PC to auto-notification.

And now, nothing to do but wait for her to turn up...

<CLINK>, <Snap>

And load shells...



((Okay, was a been a really busy evening of chatting and fighting, and due to some scheduling and me being retarded, some stuff happened after others, but needed to happen before, so I'm juggling it around a bit to make it make sense... does that make sense? Anyway... here goes, hope you enjoy it!))

Tera opened her eyes. The ceiling that greeted her was not her apartments. Nor was it that of any of the Paragon City Hospitals that she had been in. The high stone ceiling was definitely nothing she had seen before.


She tried to open her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her throat, her whole body, was sore. She tried to move, but it was no use, a series of thick straps held her down to the table she was lying on.

Then she remembered. The bounty hunter. Bloody Bay. He had used some kind of EMP Grenade on her, it had shorted out her Hospital Teleportation device. When she tried to activate it, he had simply laughed at her, and like every good villain did, explained in exacting and excruciating detail how he'd done it.
The battle had been fierce. The bounty hunters thick stone armour looked like it would slow him down, but it didn't. That had been her first mistake, underestimating her enemies. He was as fast as anything she'd seen and faced off against, but he was strong. Stronger than she anticipated and as she staggered back from blow after blow from his fists and stone Mallet, that's when he threw the grenade.

It was going to happen sooner or later. She'd been running into Bounty Hunters all day. First there was the peculiar Bishop of Battle, he brought along a little surprise with him too: a stalker who seemed to get a kick out of trying to puncture her with Spines. Tera had the good sense to run that time, back to the Freedom Base and into the chopper. But they weren't giving up, even as the Helicopter door was closing, a batch of spines pierced the metal door, becoming lodged inches from her face. The villains had let her slip through their fingers. This time.

Getting increasingly frustrated with the Bounty on her head, Tera went to the Pocket D club to try and get some info on FUTURE and why they wanted her. Despite how the day had gone prior to that, it was all she could think of doing. At least it was safe. And safe was a comfort much appreciated.

She walked up to the bar and grabbed a soda before moving over and sitting by War Witch. Of course, War Witch was quiet and unresponsive, not much different than when she was dead, but the company, no matter how quiet, was welcome.

From her right, she heard a giggle, she turned to see a girl de-cloak herself.

“Nice hair” said the girl.

She noticed that they shared a similar style and Tera laughed uneasily “Yeah, you too”

“We're going to get you eventually you know, Vicegrip is determined to capture you.”

Tera stood up quickly and backed away.

“You're safe here, you know that. But for the record, it's nothing personal. Just another job.”

“Who's Vicegrip?” Tera's head started to spin a little, she'd never heard of Vicegrip or, until earlier, FUTURE, but here they both were, looking to take her for goodness knew what.

“Vicegrip... remember last night? You were talking with... Andi, you said something came through the Portal after you did... that's Vicegrip.

Tera's eyes widened as the horrible realisation of what was going on finally hit her.

“You were SPYING on me?!”

“We like to know who our targets are.”

“I'm not going with you, or any of those sickos you have tracking me, if I see you out there I'm going to take you down. Nothing personal, of course.”

“Well you do what you have to do Tera, see you around, my names Leiura.” she smiled sweetly as she said it.

Tera walked away “Thanks for the heads up. Maybe next time I see you I'll buy you a drink.”

“Next time we see each other I'll buy you a drink at the FUTURE bar”

Leiuras final words sent a chill down Teras spine as she walked away and downstairs to the other bar. She sat down and slumped. Trying to piece the puzzle together. She now had a name for her other self. The one that had made her feel like hell every time she got near the Rogue Isles. Vicegrip. From what Andi had told her, they were two halves of the same person. Something at Portal Corp had screwed up and split her into two distinct entities, and now, this other half, this imposter, this thief, wanted her for some reason.

A kindly voice snapped her out of her thoughts “Hello again.”

She turned round, it was Bob. She'd met Bob the night before. He'd been staring at her while she was talking with her friends near DJ Zero and she had confronted him about it. He was kind, and had apologised, they chatted for a few moments before parting ways.

“Hey Bob... what's up?”

“I wasn't staring, I promise.”

Tera broke a smile “I believe you.”

“May I get you a drink?”

“Sure, I'll take a Soda”

Bob gestured to the bartender “Two Sodas please”

He sat down next to her and she explained what had been going on during the day. About her escape from Bloody Bay from the Bishop and his friend with the spines, about FUTURE and their bounty on her head.
Bob listened sympathetically to her story.

“You should really just give yourself up, it would make things much easier for you.”

Tera scowled “You're... a bounty hunter, aren't you Bob?”

“A man needs to work Tera.” he replied, his face as calm as it was when they had first started talking.

“You son of [censored]... I thought you were one of us.”

“I used to be, but times change... now, your surrender, how would you like to go about it?”

“Go to hell, Bob” she stood up “Go back to the isles and pray someone else gets to me first.”

“Tera, wait, perhaps we can come to an arrangement?”

“I said, go to hell!” she didn't look back as she walked away. She knew he wouldn't follow her. He was smarter than that. She walked slowly toward the elevator, cursing herself for being too trusting.

As always there were a few characters waiting by the elevator. None of them looked particularly out of place. The Elevator arrived and they shuffled in one by one. Except for the orange, brutish looking guy covered in rock. As Tera passed him he reached out a large, crumbly hand, blocking her exit.

“Not so fast Tera Summers, or should I call you Clobber-Girl?”

She exhaled loudly and glared up at him “Let me guess... another Bounty Hunter?”

“Yes, I don't normally hunt squishies like yourself, but the bounty on your pretty little head is tempting enough for me to reconsider my policy.”

“Lucky me.”

“No, lucky me... but I will give you a chance to surrender or...”

Tera cut him off before he could say it “If you're going to offer me some kind of deal, forget it, I'd rather just beat you and send you back where you came from.”

“A deal? No. Silly girl, I was merely going to say that I won't be able to promise to leave you unharmed. You're wanted alive, but that is all.”

She glared up at him, trying her best not to show how scared she was and run away. The elevator was on it's way back up and it was taking, what seemed like, forever to get there.

“I will see you on the battlefield Miss Summers, I shall enjoy our battle. Rakescar always enjoys his battles, even if it is with a squishie little girl like youeself.” he withdrew his huge arm and walked away, back toward the villains designated bar.

Tera exhaled heavily as the elevator doors opened. It was empty and she stepped inside. As it sank back down she finally lost her temper.

“No running, no hiding... I'm going to face this head on.” she said it out loud, trying to convince herself it was the right thing to do. She took the exit to Kings Row and as she stepped through she activated her armour and took off for Skyway City and the 'copter to Bloody Bay.

As she climbed inside the chopper she flipped open her Cellphone and dialled. There was no answer the other end so she left a message:

“Hey, it's me, look I might be late for our date tonight, seems someone from this FUTURE group have put a bounty on me, I need to check some stuff out. Let yourself in and make yourself at home, the keys under the doormat, love you...”

She flipped the phone shut and clutched on to it tightly until the chopper arrived at Bloody Bay. She peered out for a moment before being urged by the Longbow operative to head out. She took off and headed Northeast to where she had fought the Bishop of Battle earlier that day. She landed, surveying the ground for some kind of clue or way of finding out anything about Vicegrip, FUTURE or anything.

“So... you came?”

Tera snapped her head up, it was the rocky guy from the club, Rakescar, he was wielding a stone mallet.

“Ok... so this is how it's going to be huh?”

“It's nothing personal... just a job.”

“What is it with you guys and 'it's nothing personal', is that your motto or something?!” she snarled.

“Very well... let's begin.” as soon as he had finished saying it, he reached into his belt and threw a grenade, ensaring her and shorting out her armour system. She tried desperately to break free but Rakescar had closed the distance between them so fast that she didn't even see the first strike of his huge mallet coming. It sent her hurtling back. She tried to fight back, but he was too strong, too fast. Too much.

And now, now she was a captive. Her hot head had got her in to trouble again. She'd played right in to their hands, they'd played her all too well and she knew it. She sighed and closed her eyes, tears started forming. Instinctively she tried to wipe them away but her hands were strapped down. She struggled against them out of sheer frustraio, but to no avail. She was going to be here for some time it would seem.

((Sorry it was so long!! I didn't realise there was so much to fit in. Hope you like it, C&C's welcome, and thanks for playing all those that did!))



Looks good, misquoted me a bit, but that's no problem. Can't wait to see how this turns out.



Looks good, misquoted me a bit, but that's no problem. Can't wait to see how this turns out.

[/ QUOTE ]

((Yeah, really sorry, I forgot to log all of yesterdays chat and was totally beat by the time it came to the end of the sessions, so I had to run from memory today.))



Rule #1: A bounty hunter should not determine his own ethics.


An odd label. Rake had seen many bounties thrown back and forth over these nucienses, healers and party protectors, unable to operate alone without support. Most of the time these were short life marks, low pay and low effort. Typically all that was needed was a pair of balls and the determination to see the squishie eat pavement, where others could only complain.

Hunting them down was one thing, catching them at their most vunerable, while the support was busy with other targets. Defeating them was another, flimsy and ill-suited for personal combat, they'd go down with very little effort.


Definately a different breed of squishies. Little dogs with rabies and nasty teeth. Very decieving, if you're not prepared. There seemed to be a lot of these things on the hero side of the coin. Single target oriented, with the ability to overwhelm a target with a quick combination of powerful hits, but sacrificing their own defense to defeat the target. If they couldn't land a hit, they were definately in trouble.

The trick was, of course, to disorient them first before they could start their attack, and then keep them unbalanced with anything you could while caving in their heads with something heavy.

Rake preferred targets that worked up a sweat. The Khelds were his favorite. The shape-shifters. Near invincable in hulk form, and deadly in flying squid mode. Nothing inflated Rakescar's ego more than watching a Kheld panic when he realized it's target was it's hunter. The "Scrappers" and "Tanks" were fun to bring down too, far to used to the idea of that the enemy would go down easily.

Clobber-Girl was a squishie. But she did have a hefty bounty on her head.

$50,000 US dollars to be exact.

Rule #2: The correct way to hunt a mark is for it to come to you.

Rakescar had known about and observed Clobber-Girl's habits, at least from the places he could safely operate in. Paragon was still teeming with vigilant heroes eager to pummel a precieved threat, so second hand information was valuable from within the walls of the city. Just like any good villian, the information was free, because those who demanded compensation usually was beaten within an inch of his life. Rake was more than happy to change deals for his own benefit. Integrity was for military officers and submarines.

The new Pocket D night club offered a unique opportunity to confirm and scout marks without the repercussions of fist, foot, or mind. Rake was more than happy to mingle strongly among heroes, because while idle threats and menacing stares were exchanged, he was collecting information of a mark's abilities and traits. Heroes are far too busy proving themselves right to think about the orange hulk that was going to specifically hunt him/her down for mere cash. Or fame. Both selfish causes that flew below a hero's radar like a sparrow.

Clobber-Girl was no different.

She had been running around the D looking for information about the bounty on her head. The only person this did not benefit was Rakescar himself. She had already gotten a few nasty glances from other hunters, mostly when she wasn't looking. There had to be a good eight interested parties that wanted to collect on that bounty.

Instead of pursuing her, Rake waited at the choke point where she would most certainly go, the hero elevator. All he had to do was wait, effortless and efficient. Surely enough a cautious and preoccupied Clobber-Girl made her way to the elevator. A simple elongated arm got her attention. It was time to do business.

“Not so fast Tera Summers, or should I call you Clobber-Girl?”

Rule #3: When the time comes to collect, never fight fair.

The bait had already been set. Clobber-Girl wanted to prove something about not going down without a fight. That was enough for any bounty hunter. All Rake had to do was put the scent of blood in the water to seal the trap. He had learned where the prior two hunters had attempted to collect. Rake cleared the area of all interferance from third parties, mainly Thorn mages and Shivians, a good warm up. Oddities attracted heroes like moths to a flame.

Rakescar checked his equipment again:
He had his EMP gloves, good for heroes that ran out of breath quickly.
A few toxic smoke grenades, essential for those who didn't have any augmentations to resperatory system.
Web-shooting charges, speedy and flying heroes hate being confined to their current position.
Simple tear powder flares, heroes loved to show their faces for the papers.
A rag and bottle of ether, for when the mark has had enough.

And of course, the "Deal Sealer" he liked to call it. He did not invent it, of course, but it's effectiveness was praised by bounty hunters everywhere. It had many versions, undergoing changes every time PortalCorp caught on to the trick, but the maker had been able to stay a step ahead of the discoveries.

Satisfied, Rake waited in the treeline, and sure enough Clobber-Girl came. A grin cracked across his face like old plaster. He made no attempt to totally surprise her, he mearly walked out of the woods and went straight below the hovering mark. Business was good today.

“So... you came?”

Rule #4: Business is NOT concluded until both parties have what they want.

The FUTURE agent had come and gone with Clobber-Girl. Few words were exchanged. Rake had heard all he needed over the cell phone. They had something nasty in store for the Hero. The initial deposit had been made, the rest upon true confirmation of the mark. But it never came. The briefcase of $10,000 USD had been the only money recieved. Rake was not accustomed to being stiffed.

Returning to the D, he caught a glance at one of the FUTURE agents mingling in the hero bar. He had a white suit with a scarf, as well as blue shades. His name, Rake could care less. It was the organization that owed him $40,000, not the man himself. Therefore, a little bit of privy information made blatenly public was the best course to getting what he wanted. Money.

"Lookie here flashy," Rake said, walking straight up to the man, surrounded by other heroes and villians alike. "We had a deal. I was to capture Clobber-Girl for you, and you were to deliever $40,000 to me to conclude business. I've done my part, and you have not."

"I'm afriad I don't know what the specifics of this deal was," the man responded, uneasy about the public venue of this discussion. "This was something I was not involved in. But if a member of FUTURE made this deal with you, perhaps if you had proof of this deal, then something could be corrected quickly."

"You want proof? Perhaps you should check inside one of your warehouses, or even your oh-so super secret base, and look for a little badly bruised woman, this high, undergoing some terrible experiments. That's your proof."

"I will certainly look into it. If you excuse me, I have other business to deal with."

"You better. If I don't have that money soon, so help me I will come to you little hidey-hole and take her back. And I promise to make it as costly and embarrassing as possible."

"Good day sir."

The FUTURE agent left amongst glances and grumbles. Rakescar, concious of the public display, left soon afterwards.

Something would happen soon enough. Be it a surprise visit from a few FUTURE agents wishing to "conclude business", payment in full, or even a posse of vengful heroes looking to free their commrade in arms. Rake had nothing to hide thankfully. He had no idea where Clobber-Girl was, and was only a cog in this little saga. But a cog can certainly tear apart a house of cards should it be grinded down too hard. Even if he got Clobber-Girl back, he still had the issue of cashing a bounty to a different client. Villians would pay, but they were prone to stiffing the cog. Heroes on the other hand would pay a ransom, but also prone to simply beating the piss out of him to take the girl back.

Sometimes that was the way the wind blew. But Rake knew one thing for sure.

Business was not concluded.

(( Apolgies if names have been left out of specific people mentioned, I seemed to have not logged the convos of those I spoke to. Hope you do recognize yourself if you are in this bit.

And thanks to Bradders for letting me take part in this. Glad I could help out. ))



((I got to watch the conversation in Pocket D on an alt. It certainly brought our conversation to a halt...Nice drama. and it will be interesting to see how it goes.))

Shae Firewarder



Rule #5: The less friends you have, the less betrayals are possible.

(( The strands of fate intertwine. Stay tuned. ))



Wow!!! This is really interesting!!

Great work! I hope Clobber Girl will be ok!!!

*bites nails!*



Aeterna Firebrand was not the world's happiest two-bit terrorist right at the moment.

Vice kidnapping a Paragon hero? Not advisible, but if its something that she really needed, it wasn't like he was going back to Paragon any time soon.

Hiring outside help? Someone more trustworthy could certainly have been located, but what's done is done.

Stiffing the bountry hunter and attaching FUTURE's name to the bounced check? He'd be having words with her in the near future. Life and effort could both be replaced, but reputation was a different matter entirely.

He sighed, doing a cursory count of the money in the briefcase. He seperated 30,000 for Operation Blackout, still hardly into the planning stages, and 40,000 for the bounty hunter. He didn't doubt the full amount was in the case, but Banker WAS basically a thief after all.

It was all there.

He snapped the locks shut, and checked the wards keeping them in place magically as well. Everything was looking good.

Time to find a certain bounty hunter, first of all. And second, time to find out exactly how much they'd be willing to give to get their hero back...and how angry they might be at the potential change.

If they'd even notice.



Teras Lyn was angry.

Not real angry, the kind that makes focus blur and thought fade, but the kind that burned cold and was patient.

Why would a hero be angry, you might ask? Try being forcibly sent to another dimention and be unable to exact a small amount of revenge when he returned.

Then, he heard about what happened to Tera. He had been patroling through the dead zone between Paragon and the Isles when he heard the communique about her capture and who was paying the bounty. He knew then it was time for that oh so good revenge.

Getting in and out of the Isles had not been much of a challenge at all, as he had been doing it for sometime now, tracking potential leads and such, and this time was no different. However, he knew near nothing about where to find Tera.

But he'd find out soon enough and knew exactly who had the information he needed, and said person would not be out of Teras's sight for long....



As days go, it had been a bad one.

Roy finished off the last bottle of his last case of beer, then staggered to the computer. He had finally remembered to check his email...

You have (3) new messages, it said on the screen.

Roy fumbled around with the mouse and clicked them off one by one:


Have you ever experienced the shame of...>

He clicked the next one:

<Tired of paying your mortgage? We can take that debt off of your hands...>

The third one wound up being important:

<I have some bad news. It would appear that the group of villains, known as Future, have taken Clobber-Girl captive. I don’t have many details, but rest assured I am on the case and will not rest until she is safe again. As soon as I learn anything, I will let you know.

Noisemaze, signing out.>

Roy felt the effects of the alcohol leave his system. He got on the comm. "Jenna... I got some bad news... an' tell th' others..."