Wanted: Clobber-Girl (PvP/RP)




((Yay! The Bishop is such a goody for a baddie!))



(its tangential, but what the hell )

"...yeah I hear their negotiating."
"That's stupid of them, no wonder their names getting dragged in the mud.."

"...Rakescar. Have you met him?"
"Yeah, a real professional, not the type to..."

She really did detest this place. The lights, the music, the complete meat market spectacle. Its only redeeming factor was its wealth of information ready for the taking. Ashe cast a searching thought along the link that persisted between herself and Wyld, making sure she had no plans on coming near. A frustrating peculiarity of Pocket D, they couldn't both be here. The feedback on both of them was debilitatingly unbearable, and actually destabilizing to the dimension itself. One of Wyld's older memories was of a dimension hopper named Valerie Vincent, who claimed dimensions tried to make you conform to its reality. If that was the case, this little pocket would certainly have problems trying to reconcile a semi-split conciousness.

Satisfied that Wyld was elsewhere for a while, she entered the club, and was met with a wall of dull pounding from the subwoofers, reminding her how she wished she could empty the place and get rid of it. They wanted to label her a villain so be it, but she had no intention of helping the image by deliberatly causing a dimensional collapse which would kill hundreds. Property destruction was not out of the question however.

Inane conversation swirled around her as she slipped through the crowds, looking for particular someones. The debacle of Clobber Girl's abduction at the hands of Rakescar funded by FUTURE was all over the Isles, and Aeterna Firebrand's name had fallen from respectable to laughable. Which of course provided a number of intriguing opportunities with sizable leverage for someone who knew how to play the game.

She almost missed one of said someones, in the most unlikely of company. Ireland Love, Red-Eye, Comrade Smersh, all pillars of heroism Wyld, and therefore she, had never met but knew by reputation. And in the middle of it, one Irish Hyena, member of FUTURE.

"Nice to put a face with surviellence." she murmered as she passed, taking a seat in the corner of the upstairs bar, interested to see what he was doing with these heroes.


"Let's just say your...organization is proving intriguing and I'm quite interested to see how it all plays out."

He seemed to stare at her a moment before taking another swig of his flask and turning back to the conversation.

And what an uninteresting conversation it was. The details escaped her notice, some desperate idiot thinking she was Wyld kept getting in her way until another who wanted to 'rescue' her gave her a few moments of peace, but whatever it was had no bearing on her and was only serving to make it increasingly difficult to have the conversation she was here for. She felt the light brush of Wyld's inquisitive mind, and scowled. It couldn't be helped, she'd have to simply play her hand for now.

"Much as I love the conversation, this place bores me. Irish Hyena, please be so kind as to pass along a message to Aeterna, I think we have a few things to discuss regarding hmm...the FUTURE." Smirking at his somewhat perplexed expression, she left the club, a dull headache starting to form from the effort of blocking out Wyld. The last thing Ashe needed was her involvement in things. The physical link had been cut she was led to believe, but she had no desire to test that by Wyld being stupid enough to fight this Rakescar or FUTURE.



((awesome and intriguing... ))



((More rambling from Noisemaze))

I'd been following dead leads all day. The Pocket D had a stranger than normal atmosphere and it hung in the air like a bad smell. Everyone was on edge. I wondered if was just me? My investigation was going nowhere, maybe I was just being paranoid. No, paranoid's not my style. Not anymore at least.

I bounced around from person to person, nobody knew anything. Just my luck. How much time was I wasting here? Could I be doing something else? Getting better results some other way? I was about to give in to my own questions when she breezed in like sunshine through clouds in summer. The group I was talking to when she came in must have known her, when she called my name their tone changed. Just like those clouds on that summers day, angry at being defeated by the Suns sheer force of will, cowering under it's brillance.

Dragonberry came over to uneasy looks from everyone but me. Under my helmet I was smiling, I knew she'd come with news. She didn't tell me immediately, but I knew from the moment I basked in her glow that tonight wasn't a waste of time. Oblivious to her effect on the others she told me that she'd taken on and beaten that piece of slime Rakescar and that he'd talked. Of course he had. Guys like him liked to talk. She'd scribbled down a number and handed it to me, she said it might be what I was looking for. I thanked her. I wanted to say more but she had to go. Before she did she made me promise to take her to lunch sometime. Of course I would. She'd been the one thing leeping me positive these past few days, it was the least I could do to thank her. I made a note of her number and she went on her way. Soon after she left the crowd vanished into the Pocket D leaving me with my thoughts.

Seemed my thoughts wanted to walk, I found myself standing next to a dame I'd met before. Miss Kindly was always talking in riddles, but they somehow always made sense, even if I didn't have the answers. Her voice was soothing, so much so it made it hard to think straight sometimes. We made smalltalk for a while before she started getting serious. What are the Other Guys doing to help? I couldn't answer. Were they doing enough? I told her I didn't know, all I know is what I was doing. She told me she saw HEROID, drunk, being propped up by a couple of his friends. I started feeling uncomfortable, since she went missing I'd been working night and day to get that one solid scrap that would lead us to her. Was it my fault it didn't turn up? Miss Kindly told me that I could be doing too much. Maybe I was.
The music was so loud, it echoed in my Helmet. I couldn't think. I needed to think and I couldn't do it here. There was too much going on. Too much, too loudly. She spoke as I turned to leave. Would I be there at the end? Or would I be watching from the sidelines while everyone else took center stage? No. This wasn't the time, Teras life was at stake and I had a lead to follow. I said nothing and left, leaving her to watch over the Pocket D like it was her science experiment. Maybe I was just a part of it, now wasn't te time to wonder. I had work to do.



(( yay ! im getting my lunch date its so hard to gauge Noisemaze
when he's wearing the helmet and is in Private detective mode ))




Clobber Girl shows signs of responding to his treatments, which is encouraging, but progress is slow, which is not. Since Vicegrip had been so adamant against moving her he had reluctantly agreed to let her go after some supplies, in spite of his own warnings to her about coming and going so often, but they had both been reluctant about him going for them, Bishop because Clobber's condition needs to be more stable and Vicegrip because she did not fully trust letting him go.

But she has been gone for quite some time now and he is growing concerned, in spite of his agreement he decides that as soon as he is certain Clobber Girl's condition is stable enought to allow it, he will take her to his Sharkhead facility, if Vicegrip has not returned with the supplies by then.



((For anyone who gives a care, Tera is now free... I'm currently typing up half of the details of her liberation from the Isles, with the second half being done by somebody else ^_^

Apologies as real life is a pain in the butt and keeping me from actually getting it all down and done. It *is* coming though, bringing and end to this story.

Thanks again to everyone who took time to get involved, without you guys, it would have just been me... so, er, thanks ^_^))



(( *gnaws at the desk* Must... have... moooore. Once Tera's half of the tale is out, I'll do what I can to shed some light on who, why, and where the 'rescuer' (and I am using that term in it's broadest possible sense) came from.

And let me just say: Thank you for letting me butt in, even though I did so at the last moment. *bows*

... nyar.

S.W ))

"Immorality: The morality of those having a better time."
-H.L. Mencken

"My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack."
-Ferdinand Foch



((I would shake my fist at both you and Ann, but I'm gonna be honest and say you got me out of the terrible corner I painted myself in to, and for that I am eternally grateful))



((*bumps* so I don't forget to write up the penultimate part, and so it doesn't vanish during maintenance tomorrow morning. *dances*))



((Ugh, sorry the ending really sucks...)) Tera opened her eyes slowly and looked around. She was still in the same dark, dank room she was in when Vicegrip had hit her some time ago. How much time had passed? The pain hit her suddenly. Her face throbbed and her body ached. Then she remembered the explosion of agonising pain when Vicegrip had got too close. She coughed and tasted blood in her mouth.

“You're awake? Are you in any pain?” a familiar voice asked.

She looked round as best she could, being strapped to a table, to see the Bishop of Battle standing in the corner of the room. He'd been one of the Bounty Hunters who tried to take her in days before. What was he doing here?

“No.. I'm fine.” she was lying, she was in a lot of pain, but she didn't want him to know that.

“I'd like to get you back to my facility on Sharkshead... I could treat your wounds better there.”

“Where's Vicegrip... why are you here?” she managed to spit out the entire sentence before coughing again.

“She went out, for Medical Supplies. She brought me here to treat your wounds. She's been gone quite a while, I should really move you, it would be for the best.”

The Bishop had seemed cold in Bloody Bay, no pushover in combat as she'd barely escaped from him and his stalker friend, this time he was different. Warmer, more caring, concerned about her well being. It sudenly came to her... it was Bob. The guy from the Pocket D who had been staring at her. The guy she thought was a friend. The guy she never would have thought to be someone who'd hunted her earlier the day she was captured. He was kind and seemed to care. She thought it was all a scam to trick her, but apparently not. She felt stupid for not realising sooner.

“Please... let me go, I just want to go home.” she pleaded.

“I can't... not until your condition is more stable.” he replied solemnly.

She coughed again, causing the Bishop to rush to her side and administer another dose of healing radiaition. The room was bathed in a gentle green light as arcs of green energy erupted out of Tera's body, alleviating some of the pain.

“Please... Bob.” she asked again, he visibly flinched at the mention of his alter ego.

“I can't, you need proper medical attention, I can't give that to you here. I should really move you, she's been gone too long. I don't know if I should wait any longer.”

“I would feel better if I was at home, let me go... please, Bob.”

“No... I need to check you over properly, I can only do so much without my equipment.” his tone was almost desperate “She's been gone too long, I'm going to move you.”

“Can you at least untie me, Bob?” she coughed before she could finish what she wanted to say.

“No..” he replied quickly, moving away from the table Clobber-Girl was strapped to “..but I can unstrap you, unfortunately I'll have to carry you, and I'll need to disguise you. Who knows who's out there looking for you.”

Tera coughed, shaking her head, fighting the urge to rest, to fall asleep, succumbing to the pain from the strange energy emission when Vicegrip and herself touched earlier.

“Bob, you can trust me, I... trust you, so you should trust me.” as she said it she knew she wasn't fooling him, but she went ahead with it anyway.

“No.” he replied firmly before returning with several blankets “I'll wrap you in these, nobody should be able to tell, unless of course they get close enough.”

Tera glared at him for a moment before closing her eyes, her mind desperately racing for a way to get out and back home. She opened her eyes and looked down at herself. Since she'd been unconscious she'd reverted from her mysterious white armoured, blonde, form to her normal self. Immediately the plan formed in her head.

“Bob” she was willing to give it one last try “Please, I just want to go home... let me go” yet again she ended the sentence in a fit of coughing.

The Bishop ran over an applied another dose of healing radiation.

“No, I can't, I'm sorry.”

“Screw this...” Tera looked at her belt and prayed “EVA? Are you with me?”

A second passed before the Jewel on her belt lit up.

“Yes Miss Tera, I am online and all systems are fully functional”

“Good! EVA Activate Armour: Hazard Configuration!”

The light on Teras belt, EVA (Environment Varible Armour), lit up again as millions of nano-bots shifted shape into a sealed suit of armour, the change in volume breaking the straps holding her down. She jumped off the table on to her feet, barely able to stand even with her armour supporting her, fighting against the wishes of her legs, remaining upright, but only barely.

“Now” she said, trying her best not to sound in pain “Are you going to let me walk out of here, or am I going to put you down?”

The Bishop looked at her for a moment, clearly weighing up his options, she'd bested him in Bloody Bay a few days earlier, but surely in her weakened state he could take her?

“No, no need for that, though I do wish that you would at least let me take you to my facility to check you're okay, then...”

“NO!” she interrupted, shaking inside the Armour slightly “I'm going home... “ she trailed off, too weak to continue.

“Very well... you'd best disguise yourself with these then.” the Bishop stepped forward and offered her the blankets.

She took them, wrapping them round her armoured form until all that could be seen of it were her red boots, sticking out at the bottom. She turned to leave and paused.

“Thank you, Bob. For not making this any more diffi...” she erupted into a fit of coughing before the sentence could be finished. The Bishop rushed forward, dosing her with healing radiation yet again.

“You really should come and let me treat you at my facility...”

“Bob, I just want to go home”

Sternly, he nodded and moved past her and shoved the heavy metal door aside. He gestured to it.

“Well, it's a long way back to Paragon, Tera, you should get going.”

She moved to the doorway, peering out. Nobody was outside. She turned to the Bishop.


She gave him a brief hug before taking her first step outside, her first free step. She stood outside, and looked at the sky. It was overcast. She hoped the Sun would find a way to poke through as she took several shaky steps forward before taking off into the grey skies.
As she gained altitude she couldn't help but think about home. About Courtney who she'd missed so much while being held captive. About Roy, how was he holding up? About Noisemaze, she'd missed their lunch appointment due to this fiasco, she'd have to make it up to him sometime. She allowed herself to smile for the first time since she was captured. It felt good. Finally to be going home, she was free at last.

She suddenly plummeted out of the sky and landed, hard, on a pile of rubble with a loud clang. She raised her head and looked back to see she'd only gotten, probably, 200 yards from where she took off from before she passed out. Getting home was going to be harder than she thought.



((but what about vice?))

Lyla Twilight
Ember's Rise

Gray Inferno



((but what about vice?))

[/ QUOTE ]

*slaps forehead*

((Hey, you know, if you feel like it... *waggles eyebrows*...))



From the concealment of a nearby smokestack, Silvester Sanguine observed Clobber-Girls few moments as a free woman. As she took to the air, he both cheered her on, and cursed softly. On one hand, she was free, and this mess could finally be resolved. On the other... Well. He hadn't fulfilled his contract, and Tera wasn't likely to give a glowing report of FUTURE when she got back to Paragon City. And, indeed, he hadn't been allowed to play the knight in shining armor, something he very rarely got to indulge in.

Then Clobber-Girl smashed into the rubble.

Heaving a sigh, Silvester stepped off the roof, landing like a cat on the street below. The magic of his blood masked the sound just as easily as it kept him hidden from sight. As he cautiously approached the fallen Hero, he prayed that she wasn't dead. That would really screw things up, and he didn't think turning Tera Summers into one of his kind would be seen as a great gesture of reconciliation.

"M'mselle... Are you all right?" Silvester kneeled down beside the prone woman, and tried to check her vitals only to curse himself a moment later. She was wearing that bloody armor. He was just about to pick her up when the aforementioned armor peeled back, flowing like water to become a metallic, jewelled belt around Tera's waist. Silvester blinked once, then leaned down again. "M'mselle Tera... Are you all right?"

The girl blinked, her eyes slowly opening and focusing on Silvester. He smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring manner, and pulled back a little, taking her in. She was fairly attractive, with her shoulder-length hair and full lips. Perhaps, after this was over and done with, they would have an opportunity to meet in a more social setting... That train of thought was interrupted as she spoke.

"Who... are you? 'Nother bounty hunter?" Tera groaned as she tried to get to her feet. Silvester winced at the sight, and placed his hand on her shoulder, pushing her back down again, gently, but firmly.

"Non, m'mselle, I am not a bounty hunter... I am here to rescue you." Silvester waited stoically for the inevitable snort of laughter, and was not disappointed.

"Yeah, right..." She feebly tried to push his hand off of her shoulder, but he just held it there.

"My name, m'mselle, is Silvester Sanguine. I am affiliated with FUTURE and..."

"Figures," she muttered. "I manage to get out, and you snag me back."

"M'mselle Summers. Please listen to me now... I am not here to stop your escape. I am here to aid you." He couldn't help letting a little exasperation through into his voice. At the least that seemed to help her get the message.

"Why...?" She peered at him suspiciously, brow furrowed. Silvester sighed, shaking his head. Nothing for it, then... He'd have to tell the truth.

"Because, m'mselle Summers, Vicegrip did this without Monseigneur Aeternas permission. Because a Lady of my acquaintance, whom I think very highly of, asked me to involve myself. And, though this may astound you, because it is the right thing to do." Silvester almost glared at her, daring her to laugh. Surprisingly, she didn't, though she was obviously still suspicious of his motives. Heartened by this slight success, he decided to press on. "Now, m'mselle, if you will allow me to escort you back to our Base, so that we can treat your injuri..."

"No!" She cut him off forcefully, almost tearing up. "I just... Just get me to Pocket D, I can get home from there. I just... I wanna go home..." With a shove, she got his hand of her shoulder and got shakily to her feet, but she couldn't walk. So she just stood there, swaying dangerously back and forth.

Silvester sighed, and got to his feet to support her. Dammit. She was pretty messed up, Vicegrip had certainly done a number on her, she'd practically dived into a pile of masonry... and instead of the sensible thing, going to some place she'd get care and treatment, she wanted to go home. He decided to try again.

"M'mselle, I really cannot advise you to go anywhere in your present state... Please, I give you my word that you will not be unduly detained. As soon as your injuries have been treated, you will be free to go.." Even while he said it, it was clear it didn't affect her decision in the least.

"No... I don't need treatment, I need to go home. Please.. If you're worried about your reputation, then I'll set people straight, just... Get me home?" It was fairly obvious to the both of them now, that Tera was in no real condition to stop him if he did decide to take her back to the FUTURE base. She could hardly stand up on her own. He regarded her for a few, long moments.

"You are placing me in an impossible position, m'mselle Summers. If I take you to the base for treatment, I am no better than Vicegrip. If I return you to your friends, they wil inevitably blame FUTURE for your injuries, and contend that you have been brainwashed if you try to convince them otherwise..." he shook his head and smiled wryly. "Very well. We shall go to Pocket D, then. Tell me, m'mselle, do you have anyone who can come meet you?"

As she heard she was really going home, a wide smile lit up Tera's face, despite the pain she was in. "Really? Thank you!" She even hugged him. "And Courtney can pick me up... she's my girlfriend."

In his head, Silvester tarnished his Karma a little further by taking the Lords name in vain. There went that plan, right out the window.

"Very well then, m'mselle. You shall soon be reunited with your paramour... On one condition." He held up a finger, and looked stern. Tera sighed. She had just known there'd be a condition in there.

"What is it, Silvester...?" She sighed.

"That you allow me to carry you, m'mselle. You can barely stand up as it is, and it would not do to have you collapse on the way..." He grinned and winked at her, almost laughing out loud at how astonished she looked.

"Uhm, well, I guess... that's ok." She muttered, giving him a suspicious look. Silvester just shrugged and picked her up, careful not to aggravate her injuries any further.

"Do not worry, m'mselle... Soon, you will be back home, with your lover." Straigthening up, he began to carry Tera through the winding streets of the Rogue Isles, heading for the nearest Pocket D entrance.

Clobber-Girl was finally going home...


(( Aaaand done. ^_^ That went easier than expected. A big thank-you to Bradders who let me join at such a late date and trusted me to write this up. If anyone have anything to add, I think I left enough room for expansions and epilogues.

S.W ))

"Immorality: The morality of those having a better time."
-H.L. Mencken

"My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack."
-Ferdinand Foch



Rule #6: Always have an escape plan.

(( Epilogue forthcoming, just you waities ))



Longbow maximum security hospital.....

It was a dim hallway, more suited to a prison ward or a military barrack then a hospital. It was also quiet, the short clipped tones of booted feet and the occasional conversation in even shorter clipped tones. Disaffectionatly dubbed 'Reprieve' by the wardens and personal Longbow facility 71a was equal parts military prison and wartime hospital. A halfway house of sorts, created to detain those injured but still a viable flight risk while awaiting transport to a permanent location. It was a dim place, one whose existence was a public secret...

It was a late hour, that much was obvious from the strained quality of the voice on the other end.

"...he's stable now, given a few months time he is expected to make a full recovery" The voice on at the other end was quite, speaking with the hushed hurried tones of someone skirting the edges of their morales.
a slight pause, just barely the span of a breath but enough to say more then could have been with words.

"The cell?" another queried a second voice, this one louder and infinitely more assured of his morality of his current choice of actions.

"Thirty-six, thirty-six-three" answered the first voice, almost immediately as if relieved to be done with the act. No response, just the faint sharp click of a dead connection. It was a late hour, but there was work to be done...

((Part one of three, part two forth coming in about 30 minutes or so))



Talos Island, Paragon City...

Mornings are grim, poets and warriors have always known this. It is in those cold, silent waning hours that darker more needed deeds are done. Mornings belong to the killers of ideas and their work to be done. Bleak and bereft of the warming of the sun and its forgiving light, rough men do rough deeds in those cold hours when the world still slumbers.

As if almost self aware of its own nature and the deed being contemplated the morning has grown cold, a chilling wind wafting from off the atlantic and bringing with it the acrid tang of salt and other smaller, more subtle things. Dispite the hour, and dispite the cold however life still stirred. A figure and its companion stood on a railed balcony overlooking the ocean and a stretch of coastline still shrouded in the nights fog. The wind stirs again and carries with it repetitive whirring of a passing helicopter.

"Your certain?" the shorter of the figures asked tepidly

"Completely, why shouldn't I be?" The loud shrill sound of a police horn blared through the fog before the second man could say more.

"I don't know, thats why I asked" The wind again, followed by the same whir of a helicopter passing overhead

"They are getting impatient, everything is in the case?" continued the shorter man gesturing leisurely at a case standing off to the side

"The injection contains a mild sedative, so that it should process before his immune system can react." a slight pause, but not so slight as to go unnoticed and the speaker turned to look at his companion at this grim hour.

"Your making a mistake, there are more re..."

"No, not for this." the other responded before his counterpart could finish.

The shorter man turned, staring off into the ocean at a passing oil tanker or perhaps it was an altogether different cargo that wasn't the important part. The man turned back to other who had left, leaving the case. The wind had died taking with it the glimpsing sounds of the overhead chopper.

The figure stood quietly, a slim black and silver case now his only companion to the small hours of the morning. "No wind, and only the one scent."

((Part one of three))



((Oh sure, because timing is everything ))

The miserable club had been decidedly less miserable lately, a fact which irritated her. Liking the place was something she did, and with the increased interaction on both sides of the law, the last thing she wanted was for people to start seeing similarities and connecting the dots. Having the entire incident get to be public knowledge would hurt her credability, sure, but her own reputation and even identity would be called into question, and she could not afford that, especially right now.

Her conversation with Aeterna had been brief, there had been a mutual understanding of the situation without saying much. He had extended the offer and she had accepted, more a formality than a question. FUTURE needed the boost in prestige and reputation another villain joining the cause would provide, she needed the network of contacts and allies he could provide more. In truth their goals were not that dissimiliar to her own and their methodologies were a good deal more sound than most she had the ill fortune to meet on the Isles.

A few at the club had expressed thinly disguised suprise at her newfound affiliation, but there seemed to have been an unspoken acceptance by other FUTURE members, a facade of a unified front against outsiders, or genuine trust that an invitation would not have been proffered unless it was earned, she could not have said. She had intended to find out however.

So had become her routine, find one of her new allies and learn what it was they wanted, what it was that drove them, and what about them she could exploit or should be wary of. It was interesting to note who came to the club, who refrained from the interaction, and what the various members thought they could accomplish. Occasionally, things became more intriguing however, such as why Silvester Sanguine was skulking along the edges of the dance floor, concernedly escorting a rather controversial and recently missing heroine. A smirk tugged at her lips and she made a note to corner that one sometime soon, it could prove to be an interesting conversation.

The slide of her thoughts against ones not quite hers made her scowl. With a barely supresed expletive, she headed towards th elevator.

This doesn't concern you.
Should it?
Does it matter what I answer?
No, not really.
Then keep your hypocracy to yourself

Wyld felt Ashe retreat out of the boundaries of Pocket D, and stepped inside the club herself, pausing a moment to direct a few rude gestures in the direction she assumed the Rogue Isles to be in. "If I was sure you'd actually stay that way, and I wouldn't, you'd be so dead..."



((And here I was, thinking it was over. I plan to write my epilogue this weekend where, if you weren't involved, you'll learn the fate of Vicegrip...))



((Heh, like I said, timing, I've been playing with getting Ashe into FUTURE, and it was a good hook even if I didn't get a chance to get into the PvP. As for Silvester, SW knows who I am player wise so thought I'd throw something out for him for some more RP ))



Cell block thirty-three, Longbow maximum security hospital.....

The room anything but cheery, but compared to the outside hallways with their cadre of armed guards and security cheery was a relative thing. Here only the cold, unceasing stare of a single monitoring camera gave the impression of anything out of the ordinary. At least until you looked at the patient. Restrained but a series of massive braces bolted against the wall the name written on the door; Tyler Preston did little to illustrate on the sheer size of the figure. Nearly seven and a half feet tall with a bulk that seemed as if it belonged to a mountain more then a man. Tyler Preston, better known to his guards by the name Rakescar had a criminal record nearly equal to his size. The room however, muffled grumbling of its sole inhabitant aside was quiet. The various beeps and sounds of modern medicine doing little to provide conversation.

The cell door swung open and Rakescar let loose a floor shaking bellow. "If you don't let me outta here i'll..."

"Do what?" The figure stepping halfway into the room asked. "Yell louder? the figure continued quickly before the rooms inhabitant had a chance to vocalize his thoughts "The cell's aurally dampened in case of captives with sonic related abilities nobody will hear your screeching but the voices in your head."

"Everything all right in there Doctor?" asked a low voice from outside in the adjoining hallway
The man inside replied before shutting the door firmly "Yes quite fine, thank you i'll knock if I need anything"

"So your a doctor eh? know what happened to the last guy that..." the new arrival to the room ignored the rumbleing threats and walked briskly over to a small non-descipt table in a corner of the room and placing a slim black case on top before turning to the restrained Rakescar.

The man looked over the cell taking note of its captive and his restraints before commenting in a slow voice, one that dispite its quiet tone quieted the raging giant. "Its a good luck for you, lets hope it sticks."

The response was immediate, the room was sound proofed so that the most anyone outside would feel were base rumbles but inside the roar was deafening. Bringing a hand to his temple and shooting the constrained Rakescar a harsh look and flipped open a recessed metal control console and pressed a small blue button on a panel of many such buttons. A sharp high whining cut above the enraged Rakescar's threats and yells. The sound peaked quickly and then fell away, leaving the room in silence and Rakescar with a bewildered look. The man chuckled softly, it was a funny sight that giant of a man mouthing what must have been waking the dead but not a sound coming from his lips.

"Localized sonic dampners, very handy for sonic powers..." the man paused briefly and smiling at Rakescar continued "Or Interrogations..." he let the threat hang, a grim weight settling uneasily into the silence. Returning to the table the man opened the case with a faint click that seemed to fade away almost instantly into the silence. Taking a moment first to glance at the prisoner the man matched stares before returning to his work. The doctor mouthed silently to himself as he stepped into the dampened area carrying a small syringe filled with a faintly green liquid, stopping briefly to consider the captive again he smiled more to himself then his audience but drawing a dark sneer none the less. Holding the syringe in one hand and reaching towards a small depression next to a set of restraints holding the patient's arms. Exposing a small fluid filled plastic bag the man tapped the syringe once then twice and injected its contents into the bag and watched self-interestedly as the contents mixed and the green faded into the duller clear of the bag. Snapping the recess closed and stepping out of the dampners effects and turned to look once more at Rakescar before returning the emptied syringe into the case and clicking it shut again.

"Enjoy your medicine Tyler." the man turned once more as if considering something more then deciding against it. Depressing another blue button near the top of the panel the man gauged Rakescar's responsive, a sheering twisting of his bulk that although still silent was obviously straining the restraints. Waiting a moment then switching off the dampner the silence lingered a moment and then shattered, replaced by the screech of twisting metal and a deep baritone bellow that sounded more like an avalanche then a man. Ignoring the deafening threats to his life the man grabbed the case and rapped twice against a window to the cells door and turned once more to the furious prisoner while the guards opened the cells door.

"Don't worry about trying to find me, i'll find you." it was a taunt, and an all together cheap shot but one the man could not resist. Stepping through the opened door Rakescar glared darkly at man while he conversed with the guards, glared darkly and bellowed loudly as the two Longbow wardens stepped into the room leaving the door hinged open. Rakescar flexed an arm and smiled inwardly, no cell could hold him for long. The wardens looked quickly at each other one motioning to the other to shut the door.

"We heard you gave the good doctor some trouble, want to tell us about it?" the other warden asked a mean look taking over his features. "Guess not." the warden continued as he withdrew a a pair of metallic gloves from a uniform pocket. Rakescar's smile disappeared and then returned briefly as the 'consulting' session began, go ahead let them feed his fury these restraints had barely held him before and there was nothing that could stop a raging avalanche. Rakescar smiled inward and thought eagerly to the day he could pay a housecall to his good doctor.

Part one
Part two



(( awwww poor Rakescar im going to feel miserable about lureing him to Bloody Bay and attacking him with superior numbers sorry Rakes ! ))

Dragonberry , Proud member of Teen Squadron



Leuira landed silently at the ferry landing, and quickly caught sight of her target.

"Where is he?" Vicegrip muttered searching for someone. Leuira came out of hiding and approached her. "Um...hi...'sup?" Vicegrip asked nervously.

"Not much, we were wondering where you went after yesterday."
"Uh...nowhere? You guys still after me?"
"As far as I know."
"You here to take me in I 'spose?" Vice asked, kicking a pebble across the ground.
"I suppose." Leiura replied.
"Pretty dumb to let y'self be seen aint it?"
"Possibly. But you're letting yourself be seen as well."
"Can't meet people when you're cloaked... had to take the risk."
"You could always wait for them to arrive. Besides, being hidden is only good for the first strike, we're supposed take you uninjured."
"Aint goin' t' happen toots," Vice's fists began to glow with red energy.
"That's what I figured," Leiura replied and vanished.
"Well...what you waitin' for?! Hmnph. Stupid kid prolly ran off..."
"Boo." Leiura came back into sight, spines appeared across her body as she lunged towards Vicegrip.
"Huh?!" Vicegrip shouted in confusion and fell over with spines stuck in her.
"Bleh, hopefully that doesn't leave a mark." Leiura replied as she picked up Vicegrip and headed back to the base...

"Someone tell Aeterna he has a package for pickup at the pub," Leiura stated over FUTURE's communication channel.

Lyla Twilight
Ember's Rise

Gray Inferno