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  1. Okay, this might have been asked before, but I haven't the patience to read through all of the thread at this moment, so here goes;

    When did the Devouring Earth show up for the first time, and could you expand a bit on their background?
  2. Spectral_Weaver

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by Red_Horn View Post
    If I came across strong please forgive me. My partner was shot right in front of me two years ago today. In his honor and because he devoted himself to equal rights, I am posting in minority-driven-topics alone today.
    To respond to this first... It's really hard to say anything to such an event without coming across as either condescending or insincere, but I am deeply sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how that must feel, and I won't insult you by pretending to. I can only hope that the responisble parties were brought to justice, although that will likely be scant consolation.

    Originally Posted by Red_Horn View Post
    Once again sorry if I was to strong.

    -Red Horn
    Think nothing of it. Trust me, compared to some other boards I frequent, it was an exceedingly gentle rebuke.

    Originally Posted by Red_Horn View Post

    I don't think that's correct (IMO). Time has taught the world that we are stronger together. Taking the stitches out isn't going to help the past and future pain of each minority nor educate the majority of rights and wrongs. If we let the words out and let the feelings run free into other people's ears, it would just bleed the same problems infinitely over and over again until we get gangrene and have to cut the world apart limb by limb by limb. A more likely alternative has been around for centuries... in fact it can even be the purpose of this game if you wish it to be... take your aggressions out in the game, but keep your feelings about other people to yourself. The whole point for me as a pianist is to 'play' out my feelings... so get in the game and try 'playing' it out.
    (I don't mean you specifically,)*

    If you're on blue... it's clear I am on red!
    I'm not so sure we are on different sides, or, if we are, it's a difference in approaches to bigotry more than anything else. The point I'm standing on, and will continue to stand on, is that everyone should (ideally) be allowed to speak their mind, regardless of how vile their opinion might be to me, personally.

    Please note that I have not, nor will I ever, defend anyone physically assaulting anyone else because of their ethnicity or sexual preferences. I should have emphasized that point in my previous post, so if I left the impression that I was defending such events, I abjectly apologise.

    However. The only reason this is even a topic that we can broach in public (to say nothing of equal rights for homosexuals to marry, adopt, raise a family, etc.), is precisely because gays started to speak up and be seen. If they hadn't, we'd probably still have laws on the books that would sentence you to jail, or have you committed to an asylum. The less we talk about any minority, the more we ignore any potential problems as 'inconvenient', the stronger the prejudices against it become, something we've seen again and again through history.

    A personal example here, which might illustrate what I mean; I have some Kurdish immigrant friends, and they're some of the most generous, friendly and downright decent people I've had the good fortune to meet. Before I met them, I had some vague notions of what Kurds were like. Prejudices, in fact, since they were opinions formed before I knew the least thing about them. And yet, people will happily spout off the most appaling nonsense about 'how those people are', and take it as fact, simply because they do not know any of them personally.

    That is why staying silent, or isolating yourself from other people, seems to me to be counterproductive in the long term. It lets this kind of rot fester and spread.

    Originally Posted by Red_Horn View Post
    Think of it this way, for some who might again ask why to 'open' yourself up and tell the world something most people now a days don't really care about... people who like/love/whatever people of the same sex; have a sexual preference other than straight and have at one point in time had to hide who they are for a period of time - or still are - have this 'place' in a 3D world in which they can be themselves. No eyes to look at. No one to ask you questions about you and you never having to see their face, knowing they know you're 'secret'. Just as heroes and villains must put on their cloaks, capes and insignia, every one of every minority can take off whatever mask they've had on and be themselves - they can be who they want to be.
    And I'll welcome them with open arms to the game. No-one should have to hide who they are, ever, but I think I have given adequate reasons why hiding is a bad thing to my mind in any case. I do appreciate the liberties of anonymity that this game (and for that matter, these boards) afford us. After all, you don't know me from Adam. But it cuts both ways, sadly.

    Here, people aren't just free to take off the masks they wear to hide their ethnicity or sexuality, the bigots are also free to spout off as much as they like, albeit at the cost of the ban-hammer quickly descending on them for doing so. So we're right back where we started; Either hide, and let the bigots win by default, or stand up and challenge them by calling them on their crap. And in order to challenge them, we need to have them say these things openly, where we can get at them.

    Thank you for your time. We now return you to your previously scheduled thread, already in progress.

    * As an aside on this little note: I do have several gay characters I role-play in this game, two of each gender, three in stable relationships, and the last one too busy with his work to have the time.
  3. Spectral_Weaver

    g-a-y supergroup

    Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
    Ah well, at least when bigots insult and abuse homosexuals, there are plenty of right thinking people jumping to their defense and shouting down the bigots.

    Shame almost nobody ever thinks to do that for us larger than average folks.
    Actually, that gives me an excuse to elaborate on a small point that's been floating in the back of my mind as I've been reading this thread, and it applies to everyone, not just homosexuals. There seems to be a tendency in a very minor subset of posts that appears to me as saying "minorities should be protected from being offended by bigots".

    This is exactly the wrong way to go about it.

    I, personally, want anyone, including the bigots of this world, to be able to say exactly what they think. And then I'll jump down their throats and call them on their crap. I want to know who these people are so I can respond to them, in the open. The only way we'll ever be rid of bigotry and discrimination is to lance the boil and bring the whole seething, pustulent mess into the light of day.

    No, it's probably not going to be fun. Yes, you will open yourself to a lot of foul language. But to segregate yourself and avoid mixing with other people not sharing your particular background/situation/whatever because you're afraid of what others will think of you only increases the problems in the long term.

    And who knows? You might even be very pleasantly surprised by people's reaction.

    /rant over. We return to your previously scheduled thread, already in progress.
  4. Spectral_Weaver

    Hey devs!

    Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
    I whole heartedly agree with the sentiment in the thread.

    However, there is one thing that it is in everyone power that read this to help DR out a bit and maybe ease her out of retriment a touch.

    has a donate button. These videos cost time and actual real life money to produce and host.

    We cant force NCsoft to hire her, we can make it so she is encouraged to work on new trailers as it will not be a dollar drain.

    And before anyone questions: yes, my money is where my mouth is on this.
    Agreed. And yes, my money is also where my mouth is (although why I should want to chew on money and make it all mushy and slobbery is beyond me). If Samuraiko will keep making awesome trailers for the various issues, 'tis only fair she should get some compensation out of it from those who get to enjoy all her hard labour.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_Power View Post
    You know us way too well to not being of norse blood yourself.

    Greetings from across your western border, neighbour!

    [Edit]: Incidentally, since we're ragging on the French, I think I should point out that the second quote in my sig is actually from a French general.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    That's not that new actually. if you go in the menu you can turn the pet window on for all ATs. Usually helpful for the temp power pets and the like.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did Controller Pets always show up in that window, though? If they did... Nothing to see here. If they didn't, well... they do now.
  7. QR:

    Not sure if I'm late to the party, but... Controllers can now use the Pet Window to monitor their pets, just like MMs. You /cannot/ use /petsay or any other pet commands, but... Yeah. ^_^
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well Babs, I can only dream of whats in store with i14,15,16. Im certain everyone here would like some <any> kind of feedback on that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't know about 15 and 16, but I14 is the Mission Architect. Seems odd that adding it into I13 would have 'horrible consequences' when it was originally part of I13, though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That was before they decided to pull the MA out of I13 and implement customisable bosses, contacts, allies, etc. Not very surprising, then, that adding a whole new (untested) tool to the Architect would have potentially nasty consequences for the rest of the code.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    So from my point of view, we already have 6 worthless, unusable powersets in CoH, why bother adding more?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Because your point of view isn't necessarily shared by others playing the game?

    Just a guess...
  10. From the concealment of a nearby smokestack, Silvester Sanguine observed Clobber-Girls few moments as a free woman. As she took to the air, he both cheered her on, and cursed softly. On one hand, she was free, and this mess could finally be resolved. On the other... Well. He hadn't fulfilled his contract, and Tera wasn't likely to give a glowing report of FUTURE when she got back to Paragon City. And, indeed, he hadn't been allowed to play the knight in shining armor, something he very rarely got to indulge in.

    Then Clobber-Girl smashed into the rubble.

    Heaving a sigh, Silvester stepped off the roof, landing like a cat on the street below. The magic of his blood masked the sound just as easily as it kept him hidden from sight. As he cautiously approached the fallen Hero, he prayed that she wasn't dead. That would really screw things up, and he didn't think turning Tera Summers into one of his kind would be seen as a great gesture of reconciliation.

    "M'mselle... Are you all right?" Silvester kneeled down beside the prone woman, and tried to check her vitals only to curse himself a moment later. She was wearing that bloody armor. He was just about to pick her up when the aforementioned armor peeled back, flowing like water to become a metallic, jewelled belt around Tera's waist. Silvester blinked once, then leaned down again. "M'mselle Tera... Are you all right?"

    The girl blinked, her eyes slowly opening and focusing on Silvester. He smiled in what he hoped was a reassuring manner, and pulled back a little, taking her in. She was fairly attractive, with her shoulder-length hair and full lips. Perhaps, after this was over and done with, they would have an opportunity to meet in a more social setting... That train of thought was interrupted as she spoke.

    "Who... are you? 'Nother bounty hunter?" Tera groaned as she tried to get to her feet. Silvester winced at the sight, and placed his hand on her shoulder, pushing her back down again, gently, but firmly.

    "Non, m'mselle, I am not a bounty hunter... I am here to rescue you." Silvester waited stoically for the inevitable snort of laughter, and was not disappointed.

    "Yeah, right..." She feebly tried to push his hand off of her shoulder, but he just held it there.

    "My name, m'mselle, is Silvester Sanguine. I am affiliated with FUTURE and..."

    "Figures," she muttered. "I manage to get out, and you snag me back."

    "M'mselle Summers. Please listen to me now... I am not here to stop your escape. I am here to aid you." He couldn't help letting a little exasperation through into his voice. At the least that seemed to help her get the message.

    "Why...?" She peered at him suspiciously, brow furrowed. Silvester sighed, shaking his head. Nothing for it, then... He'd have to tell the truth.

    "Because, m'mselle Summers, Vicegrip did this without Monseigneur Aeternas permission. Because a Lady of my acquaintance, whom I think very highly of, asked me to involve myself. And, though this may astound you, because it is the right thing to do." Silvester almost glared at her, daring her to laugh. Surprisingly, she didn't, though she was obviously still suspicious of his motives. Heartened by this slight success, he decided to press on. "Now, m'mselle, if you will allow me to escort you back to our Base, so that we can treat your injuri..."

    "No!" She cut him off forcefully, almost tearing up. "I just... Just get me to Pocket D, I can get home from there. I just... I wanna go home..." With a shove, she got his hand of her shoulder and got shakily to her feet, but she couldn't walk. So she just stood there, swaying dangerously back and forth.

    Silvester sighed, and got to his feet to support her. Dammit. She was pretty messed up, Vicegrip had certainly done a number on her, she'd practically dived into a pile of masonry... and instead of the sensible thing, going to some place she'd get care and treatment, she wanted to go home. He decided to try again.

    "M'mselle, I really cannot advise you to go anywhere in your present state... Please, I give you my word that you will not be unduly detained. As soon as your injuries have been treated, you will be free to go.." Even while he said it, it was clear it didn't affect her decision in the least.

    "No... I don't need treatment, I need to go home. Please.. If you're worried about your reputation, then I'll set people straight, just... Get me home?" It was fairly obvious to the both of them now, that Tera was in no real condition to stop him if he did decide to take her back to the FUTURE base. She could hardly stand up on her own. He regarded her for a few, long moments.

    "You are placing me in an impossible position, m'mselle Summers. If I take you to the base for treatment, I am no better than Vicegrip. If I return you to your friends, they wil inevitably blame FUTURE for your injuries, and contend that you have been brainwashed if you try to convince them otherwise..." he shook his head and smiled wryly. "Very well. We shall go to Pocket D, then. Tell me, m'mselle, do you have anyone who can come meet you?"

    As she heard she was really going home, a wide smile lit up Tera's face, despite the pain she was in. "Really? Thank you!" She even hugged him. "And Courtney can pick me up... she's my girlfriend."

    In his head, Silvester tarnished his Karma a little further by taking the Lords name in vain. There went that plan, right out the window.

    "Very well then, m'mselle. You shall soon be reunited with your paramour... On one condition." He held up a finger, and looked stern. Tera sighed. She had just known there'd be a condition in there.

    "What is it, Silvester...?" She sighed.

    "That you allow me to carry you, m'mselle. You can barely stand up as it is, and it would not do to have you collapse on the way..." He grinned and winked at her, almost laughing out loud at how astonished she looked.

    "Uhm, well, I guess... that's ok." She muttered, giving him a suspicious look. Silvester just shrugged and picked her up, careful not to aggravate her injuries any further.

    "Do not worry, m'mselle... Soon, you will be back home, with your lover." Straigthening up, he began to carry Tera through the winding streets of the Rogue Isles, heading for the nearest Pocket D entrance.

    Clobber-Girl was finally going home...


    (( Aaaand done. ^_^ That went easier than expected. A big thank-you to Bradders who let me join at such a late date and trusted me to write this up. If anyone have anything to add, I think I left enough room for expansions and epilogues.

    S.W ))
  11. (( *gnaws at the desk* Must... have... moooore. Once Tera's half of the tale is out, I'll do what I can to shed some light on who, why, and where the 'rescuer' (and I am using that term in it's broadest possible sense) came from.

    And let me just say: Thank you for letting me butt in, even though I did so at the last moment. *bows*

    ... nyar.

    S.W ))
  12. (( A notice tacked onto a handy bulletin-board on the hero-side of Pocket D: ))

    We hereby wish to inform you that negotiations to resolve the various difficulties in regards to one Tera Summers, aka Clobber-Girl will be held here.

    It is our wish to bring a swift resolution to this matter, which has been performed without sanction of the leadership of FUTURE, and hopefully resolve this crisis in a reasonable fashion. Representing FUTURE in this matter will be Silvester Sanguine, who will negotiate in good faith on behalf of the leadership. We are as interested in recovering miss Summers as you are.

    On behalf of FUTURE:

    Silvester Sanguine
  13. (( What!? Noooo! You can't leave it on a cliffhanger like that! *starts waving a sign around, demanding more*

    Seriously, though, I've been following this since the beginning, and wow! Amazing stuff. Can't wait to see how it turns out. ^_^ ))
  14. Yet another good reason to bring on the coats! I am sick and tired of dressing my female characters in pants because the skirts are either A) pleated and odd-looking or B) make them look like streetwalkers.
  15. Me? Padding my post count? Neeeever.

    *whistles innocently*
  16. *settles down with a Family sized tub of popcorn, and waits for the Poodles and Crunchy bits.*

    Hey. I'm easily amused.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I will now perform a hitherto undiscovered poem by one S. Baldric for the first time. It is believed to be the complimentary piece to his most famous work, "The German Guns".


    Doom, Doom, Doom
    Doom, Doom, Doom.
    Doom, Doom,
    Doom, Doom.
    Doom, Doom, Doom.

    Thank you.

    *Runs away before anyone can throw rotten fruit with too much accuracy. *

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sodoff, Baldric.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    But he has a cunning plan...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He wouldn't know a cunning plan if it painted it's self purple and danced naked on a harpsichord singing "Cunning Plans Are Here Again".

    Now slam the door in their face before I slam your face in the door!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you're not careful, all the children will dance about outside your window singing sour-puss and grumpy-face, and you wouldn't want that now would you?

    [/ QUOTE ]


    "YIEEK! Mommieee...."

    Why aren't you in school!?
  18. I will now perform a hitherto undiscovered poem by one S. Baldric for the first time. It is believed to be the complimentary piece to his most famous work, "The German Guns".


    Doom, Doom, Doom
    Doom, Doom, Doom.
    Doom, Doom,
    Doom, Doom.
    Doom, Doom, Doom.

    Thank you.

    *Runs away before anyone can throw rotten fruit with too much accuracy. *
  19. Kings Row. Later.

    Spectral Weaver snuck through the shadows, content that his mark hadn't noticed him yet. The Skull ganger didn't know it, but the Weaver had followed him for over 30 minutes, cloaked in a spell of invisibility. Spectral was hoping to find wherever the Skulls were currently storing that last Dyne shipment that his contact had assured him had come in. If those drugs hit the street, Kings Row and Skyway would not be fun places to be anymore, especially not for civillians. So Spectral had decided to step in and stop the Skulls selling off their new stash.

    Mishka sat on Spectral's shoulder, uncharacteristically quiet. She knew how much was riding on this, though, and was actually the one who had suggested following one of the gangers back to their hideout. Spectral smiled underneath his mask. Mishka had been a great help ever since they started doing this hero-thing together. And before that, she'd been a good friend to have around. They argued sometimes, of course, but never about anything really serious. Besides, it was kinda fun to watch peoples reaction. Some of them really thought she was a puppet.

    Up ahead, the ganger suddenly stopped and glanced around furtively. Apparently satisfied that he was alone, he darted into a narrow alley. Spectral smiled in anticipation. This looked promising.

    Following hot on the gangers heels, Spectral was disappointed when he exited the alley, only to find that the Skull he'd been following was now part of a group, standing under an overpass. Apparently, they were supposed to meet here for... something. He could see four other regular gang members, and one other with a shotgun slung across his back. One of the gangs lieutenants.

    Spectral sighed with disappointment. It looked like he'd have to do it the old fashioned way: Knock them out with his illusions, and then try to interrogate them. He was actually kind of good at that. It was amazing what someone would tell you when they thought they were covered in poisenous insects or vermin.

    Spectral readied his spells and

    (Something moved, deep in his mind, testing the limits of it's imprisonment)

    Spectral stumbled forward breaking the invisibility spell. The gangers noticed him immediately.

    "Hey! Isn't that the damn' hero that got Defiler?"

    "I fink so."

    "Let's get'im! He cost us a lotta money!"

    "Yeah! Kick 'is head in!"

    The gangers charged.

    (Uneasy, it pushed against the barriers holding it in place. They were strong... but maybe there was a weakness...)

    Spectral staggered back, desperately trying to fend off the Skulls. He was getting a serious headache. Something was wrong. He couldn't concentrate. One of the Skulls hefted a sledgehammer, ready for the swing, while the lieutenant was bringing his shotgun up.

    "Mishka, help! Something's - AARGH!"

    Spectral took the sledgehammer square in the chest. He could hear a faint noise in his ears, and the world seemed to go dark.

    (Ah, there it was. The weakness. Sweet, delectable pain. It struck.)

    The Skull with the sledgehammer was readying for a second swing, when the lights suddenly dimmed. He shrugged it off. He wasn't about to let the damn hero out of his sights. He pulled back, and swung... and could only gape in horror as the hero casually snapped the sledge's handle in two. A sickly, greenish glow danced on the ground. Then darkness fell.


    Spectral Weaver opened his eyes, and looked up into the rosy dawn sky. His head hurt like hell. Mishka was next to him, trying to shake him awake. He felt awful. Rolling over on his side, he pulled away his mask, and vomited. He'd been sleeping on a pile of garbage, just on the other side of the overpass.

    "You ok?" Mishka looked at him, jittery with worry.

    "Yeah.... yeah, I'm fine." Spectral winced. He probably had a few cracked ribs. Oh well... He could heal himself. "What happened? Where'd the Skulls go?" There was no sign of them anywhere.

    "I... don't know." Mishka sounded very worried now. "I think... I think it might have gotten loose for a second or two there. I locked it down again, but I didn't see what happened."

    "Oh." Spectral sat up carefully, and looked around more carefully this time. Still, nothing. He shrugged. "Well... whatever it did, it scared off those gangers. Lucky us, eh?" He gave a wan smile as Miskhka climbed back onto his shoulder.

    "Yeah," she said in a quiet voice. "Lucky us."

    "Let's go and find some aspirin. And then we can try to find the Skulls hideout again."

    "Ok. You need to get those ribs looked at too."

    "Yeah, yeah..."

    As Spectral made his way towards the hospital, Mishka glanced back. She didn't like to lie to SW, but he really didn't need to see the shapes in the alley walls.

    Or the expressions they had...

    ((Edited for spelling. ))
  20. I don't remember a thing. Who am I, what am I doing here, and who are all you people anyway!?