Wanted: Clobber-Girl (PvP/RP)




((This is blatantly stolen from HEROIDS more than excellent and thrilling "Crush" storyline, with his permission. More specifics at the end.))

"So this email thing, it's gonna get to every guy workin' on the Isles?"

Vicegrip was not happy and her sneer, illiuminated by the slight glow of the computer monitor, did nothing to calm the Mental Machinist

"Of course, do you doubt the incredible intellect of the Mental Machinist?!" he replied. Hunched over his keyboard working on some computer stuff Vicegrip didn't even pretend to try and understand. She knew he did, however, and her patience was wearing thin.

"Look, kid, you aint gonna be nothin' but a smear on the wall if you scew this up!"

The Mental Machinist fidgeted in his chair nervously.

"I told you, Vicegrip, everyone hooked up to the internet on the Isles will get this one way or another, I am infallible, I am the Mental Machinist!"

"Well if I don't get results and I'm gonna be takin' my payment back in your blood!"

"Relax, this will work, the 12th King did not ally himself with the Mental Machinist for just anything, it is because without me, he is NOTHING but scrap and a cheap suit."

"Whatever, just read it to me then send it so I can go."


From: Vicegrip

Subject: Wanted: Clobber-Girl aka Tera Summers of the Other Guys

A substantial reward awaits anyone delivering to the offices of FUTURE the Hero known as Clobber-Girl. It is essential she is delivered alive, although injured is acceptable. Anyone with her is expendable, do with them what you wish.

If you kill her you will be found, and you will be made to suffer."

"Sounds good. Send it."

He clicked the "send" button and turned round, but it was too late, Vicegrip had cloaked herself and left. He slumped in his chair, sighing with releif.
Fortunately, he had done his job well and the email had been sent to practically anyone with an e-mail account in the Rogue Isles, and probably beyond.

((So, this is RP & PVP, to capture her you need to state your challenge before engaging her, via tells or in-game, she will be unaware that she's been targetted for capture, so any aspiring bounty hunters will have the drop on her. If there's no RP, there's no capture, just like in Crush.

Feel free to add me to your Globals so you can check when Clobber-Girl is in a PVP zone, 3 defeats by the same person and she's yours.

I would dearly, dearly love to offer an in-game reward, but even in the 30's my villain is POOR so this is for fun only right now unless you're happy with an IOU.

If you have any questions feel free to post them OOC, and I hope to see you out there and have some fun.

Many, MANY, thanks go out to HEROID, Hydrophidian, Seig, Vangelus and Square Woot for helping my one man plotline keep on going and helping shape the direction it's headed in. You guys rock.




Can I capture you?

I will seduce you with fuzzy hugs!



I thought you were one of the good guys?!



Cool idea Its stuff like this that makes me wish I could type and play with any real skill, but alas, witty banter and fighting only leads to someone beating the crap out of me while I try to finish typing

[/ QUOTE ]

When we were capturing Heroid, there was a lot of standing around and talking, then Heroid would get mad and smack someone around, it actually worked really well. The "Has to be alive" angle means you can try and talk her in to coming. Plus, I really stink at PVP so it should be easy rep for those interested



Could happen, did happen. But Bloody Bay has been, in my experience, the least likely place for this to happen. The worst being Warburg. Just needs to be staged in the right area. If you're interested, feel free to /tell me ingame and we can work out a meeting place and let rip



(( I have found most people will respect a 1 v 1 duel in SC. ))



(( I have found most people will respect a 1 v 1 duel in SC. ))

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, I never got that memo... remember kids, in SC, if its on a rooftop, it's consentiual... or however you spell that darned word.




Yay! Remember I'm GMT so my on/off time is weird compared to you Americanas.



OK. But if someone beats you to it...



((Hmm... Might have a go at this myself... Only, I know there are a couple of people just waiting for Elle to show herself in Bloody Bay... Could be interesting.))



Someone dial "R" for Rakescar?

* Turns on Def Leppard's "Die Hard the Hunter" and blasts it in he earpiece...

(( Hehe, this could be fun! ))



Someone dial "R" for Rakescar?

* Turns on Def Leppard's "Die Hard the Hunter" and blasts it in he earpiece...

(( Hehe, this could be fun! ))

[/ QUOTE ]

Joo leev da Clobburlady alone or Whale gunna hafta smush joo!!!!



Joo leev da Clobburlady alone or Whale gunna hafta smush joo!!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

And you keep your damned trap shut you large mouth bass! Don't make me go fishing too!



Someone dial "R" for Rakescar?

* Turns on Def Leppard's "Die Hard the Hunter" and blasts it in he earpiece...

(( Hehe, this could be fun! ))

[/ QUOTE ]

Panda no tink so! GRRR!



Panda no tink so! GRRR!

[/ QUOTE ]

Wonderful, I just tuned into Animal Planet.

Now all I need is some cat-thing to growl at me, and I got the National Geographic collection!



<< does his best Rowr impersonation>>

Growlies n stuff!!!



Panda no tink so! GRRR!

[/ QUOTE ]

Wonderful, I just tuned into Animal Planet.

Now all I need is some cat-thing to growl at me, and I got the National Geographic collection!

[/ QUOTE ]

Just watch out for Steve Irwin. He has a thumb and is not afraid to use it!




Wonderful, I just tuned into Animal Planet.

Now all I need is some cat-thing to growl at me, and I got the National Geographic collection!

[/ QUOTE ]

*squeaks* W-watch it!

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug




Wonderful, I just tuned into Animal Planet.

Now all I need is some cat-thing to growl at me, and I got the National Geographic collection!

[/ QUOTE ]

*squeaks* W-watch it!

[/ QUOTE ]

Magpie, that is by far, the CUTEST avatar I've ever seen... squeee!

Petey Quick, SL50 Ene/Ene Blapper - Cynapse, SL50 Inv/Ene Tanker
Witchblaze, Fire/Fire Blaster - Lo Ping, MA/Regen Scrapper
Astre, Fire/Kin Controller - Terri Volta, Rad/Rad Defender - Solarkinetic, Peacebringer

Yusaku's Guide to the Energy/Energy BLAPPER



*Jack Grimm closes his lap top* A reward. *gets as close to a smile as you can get with no flesh or muscles* I could use some money for when I become normal again. And if that doesn't work out....I still need 3,000 more kills to become human. *walks out of his hiding spot in a small alcove of a building in bloody bay* It'll be good to get out of this hideout as well I'm sure they have stopped searching for me by now. ((*crosses his fingers and hopes when he gets back on the charecter the 6 person team isn't on to chase him around again* >.< )) ((I'll see what I can do.))

Martian spy-lvl28-champion-energy/energy-tech/blaster
Stone Singer-lvl12-virtue-earth/sonic-magic/troller-RP
Jack Grimm-lvl17-virtue-zombie/dark-magic/MM-RP
Barbed Trap-lvl 6-virtue-spine/regen mut/Scrap-rp
((your like the park mascot and the tutorial to RP))-starlit savior about stone singer