Wanted: Clobber-Girl (PvP/RP)




((Seems I was in on the scene played out in Pocket D last night, didn't realize the big plot I stepped into inadvertantly O.o))

[/ QUOTE ]

((The Pocket D is just the greatest! ))



(( Been wondering why I've been hounded so much. Good to see a litte window into what the fuss is all about! MORE! ))



((oohh good stuff Bradders! One little comment/criticism... minor! But in that last part you were referring to Vicegrip as 'she she she she' and then suddenly it's Vicegrip this Vicegrip that. I stumbled over that at first wondering, who the heck is Vicegrip? Then I scrolled back and realized oh okay Vicegrip is this She person. cool.

Just a minor little quibble!!! That's it! Really! I liked it!

So what, do Clobber-girl nova or something?))



((oohh good stuff Bradders! One little comment/criticism... minor! But in that last part you were referring to Vicegrip as 'she she she she' and then suddenly it's Vicegrip this Vicegrip that. I stumbled over that at first wondering, who the heck is Vicegrip? Then I scrolled back and realized oh okay Vicegrip is this She person. cool.

Just a minor little quibble!!! That's it! Really! I liked it!

So what, do Clobber-girl nova or something?))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Yeah, sorry, tapped it out at work while bored, I R king of mixing up context and nomcleture... next bit will be better as I will do it at home... thanks for the crits

And Clobber didn't Nova, they short each other out, so to speak, when they get close, but as the effects have been weakening, now they have to touch for it to happen.

Theres a story on the Freedom Factor boards, unfinished, that plays on that.))



If you want blood...

Sometimes third parties intersect in perfectly good intrigues for reasons of their own.

You got it...

Sometimes, they come from the most unexpected places.

I said, if you want blood, you got it.

Sometimes, they just want to break things. In this case, a name has been pointed out to Miseria Bella far too many times.


She's seen him. Tougher than tough, it seems. And with a record... of decided wins. It's time to see what he's made of. And how he reacts when his soul is eaten away. After that, and assuming he survives, which is more than likely, all things considered, it may be time to examine FUTURE.

One never knows.
For that matter, one never knows whose blood it will be.

As the song says, you get nothing for nothing...
(Wild card engaged. Let's have some real fun.)

PERC Supporter
La Pucelle (BS/SR)
Miseria Bella (Sonic/Dark)
Wrangler Annie (SS/Elec)
Coldsmoke (Ice/Dark)
Saber Maid (BS/Regen)
and others...



Teras Lyn sat quietly in the dark of his computer room, brooding over the fact that he couldn't find Tera or Rakescar.

Scanning what he had entered into the mass email he was about to send, he thought quietly, weighing the plusses and minuses of placing a bounty on Rakescar.

Tilting his head, he smirked and erased the email and typed out a new one quickly and chuckled, rereading it.

"Wanted : Teras Lyn.

$100,000 to the first person to bring Teras Lyn, alive or dead, to the southern most crater in Bloody Bay."

Tapping his chin, he erased all the addresses from the email, except one, using fillers to make it seem as a mass email still.

Smiling, he said out loud "How best to catch a rat. Bait the trap with cheese." and hit enter, sending the email directly to Rakescar himself.



((Seems I was in on the scene played out in Pocket D last night, didn't realize the big plot I stepped into inadvertantly O.o))

[/ QUOTE ]

((So did I... *Cries*))



((I feel pretty bad for Rakescar, poor guy only did a job, and then got paid... sorry Rakescar, much love for you my friend! Love!))



((Seems I was in on the scene played out in Pocket D last night, didn't realize the big plot I stepped into inadvertantly O.o))

[/ QUOTE ]

((So did I... *Cries*))

[/ QUOTE ]

((Don't complain, you got spanked.))



((A bunch of heroes tried to rough me up! Luckily, I was out of costume at the time. ))



Dr. Frank Werner checked his email every day when he sat down at his computer to have his breakfast. Today, along with the usual spam was one from someone he had been waiting for many weeks to hear from.

Doc Werner looked at Roy's name for several seconds. The Kirby's handn't heard from their son since he had been "deprogrammed" from his time with Elle. He figured Roy was dealing with conflicting emotions -- anger, shame, grief -- and felt responsible for the crimes Elle had committed.

He understood completely. After all, Roy had only set the monster free. He had created it.

He clicked on Roy's name:

Doc, I now you dont owe me no favers. And Im sorry for what happened. I will make it up to you I promise but I have a bigger problim right now. My freind Tera has been kidnapped. I found the nutcase that had her took and all she wants to bring her back is $40,000. That aint that much but I aint got no money at all no more since my cartoon got cancelled. I now you have a lot of patients on all of your invention and I hate to ask this but I need $40,000. Most of my freinds here in Paragon City think we should not copermise with kidnappers. But $40,000 dont sound like that much. Oh yeh. She also wants somebody who nows someting about life foces to fix her yang. Do you know anything about a woman's yang?

Also and this is bad news I think Val is dead. I think Elle took over her body and now she kinda has all the stuff Val new about magic in her head so watch out.

Are Ma and Pa real mad at me?


Frank Werner rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he hit "Reply"...




By the way, Turnip_Girl , if you're reading this, add me to your globals, Rakescar said some stuff about some stuff and I need to talk to you

Arigato Gozaimasu!))



(( Yay ! another Global Friend ,
Ive got one last post to make later on tonight and then I think my part in this incrediably fun romp is done pvp=easy
writing anything=hard . Thanks alot for letting me play with you guys tho ! ))

Dragonberry ,Proud Member of Teen Squadron


never pick a fight with a villian thats going to make you write about it later Love you Rakescar !



((Dragonberry needs to be on my global list too!!! ))

((esp. now that we're all coalitioned and everything! ))



(( Guess I may as well add a little something. ))

The shadows rose and fell in odd patterns as the lights danced to the primal beats blasting out of the speakers inside Pocket D. The ravers gyrating in serpentine movements didn’t even notice that one of the shadows seemed to move on its own accord. As stealthily as a dream that is forgotten upon awakening the hunter stalked his prey.

Approaching unseen the hunter began to speak in a ghost of a whisper, like a mantra the words steadied the hand and strengthened the resolve.

"All warfare is based on deception.", fists clenching, he continued to move ever closer…

"Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him…..Sun Tsu"

The fit woman with auburn tresses felt the slightest of movements, nothing more than a breeze. The hunter reached out slowly, preparing to strike and plucked a single hair from her head and with that was gone. Vanishing quicker than a puff of smoke in a whirlwind the hunter melded once again to the shadows.

"Soon,"' he said as he loomed across the room towards his prey, "but not yet."



(( A notice tacked onto a handy bulletin-board on the hero-side of Pocket D: ))

We hereby wish to inform you that negotiations to resolve the various difficulties in regards to one Tera Summers, aka Clobber-Girl will be held here.

It is our wish to bring a swift resolution to this matter, which has been performed without sanction of the leadership of FUTURE, and hopefully resolve this crisis in a reasonable fashion. Representing FUTURE in this matter will be Silvester Sanguine, who will negotiate in good faith on behalf of the leadership. We are as interested in recovering miss Summers as you are.

On behalf of FUTURE:

Silvester Sanguine

"Immorality: The morality of those having a better time."
-H.L. Mencken

"My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack."
-Ferdinand Foch



(( My mind is a misma of turgid thoughts and scintillating ideas!

I'm quivering with anticipation! ))



Dragonberry sat on the coastline of Blood Bay waiting and wondering when Rakescar would show , her stomach currently a giant jumble of knots and filled with butterflys . She smoothed out the creases in her skirt as she watched a fieldmouse scamper thru the tall grass .somewhere nearby she heard a crash , likely some heroes or villians fighting for control of the meteors that dotted Bloody Bay .

krakkaboom !

"Hmmmmm sounds like someone is really tearing it up out there " she said to herself hoping that whomever was making the racket would take their fight elsewhere , she really really really did not need the distractions right now, right before she was to have her discussion with Rakescar .

she sat and pouted ,
wondering how once again her mouth had wrote a check she wasn't sure she'd be able to cash .
wondering how in a City of Heroes she had been unable to convince anyone to come and help her .
wondering if Rakescar was even going to show , and if he didn't show was that a good or bad thing ?

krwasssh thump crack

"geez whiz ! whomever those guys are they sure are getting close ! " she could almost swear she saw a tree in the distance fall "must be a pretty even fight tho if its gone on this long ,but whomever they are there attracting way too much attention , heck every sneaky backstabbin villian is probably zeroing in on their location now " she said to herself as she tried to coax the fieldmouse closer to her with a bit of bread left over from her lunch bag .

she looked at her watch again and sighed , "one minute left to go " she was positive he sent her out here to get her off his back and outta his hair and she felt a bit sheepish for rushing out here , it wasn't the first time a villian or even a hero had sent her on a wild goose chase just to try to get her out of their hair .

A happy smile crossed her face as she had finaly coaxed the small fieldmouse into her hand and watched as it hungrily ate the crumbs of bread "welp lil guy I guess its just you and me, I think my dance partner stood me up " and with that a few trees nearby fell over and she heard the loudest noise yet the sound of earth and stone grinding against each other of trees being uprooted and tossed about , as if the very earth itself was howling in anger !


several forms hurtled out of the forest at great speed smacking into trees and hitting the ground roughly when they landed .Dragonberry scrambled behind a rocky outcroping and peered around ,
The forms on the ground barely breathing where an assortment of Freakshow members who looked like they had been caught in a rockslide , their bodies were bruised ,battered and bloodied and their limbs seemed to be bent at odd angles like an old ragdoll left behind by a thoughtless child .

She made a nervous gulping noise and gave the field mouse a tiny kiss on its head " welp I think this is it lil guy, wish me luck "
she gently put the field mouse down on the ground and shooed it away before getting up , her attention was immediately drawn to the Large rocky form of Rakescar emerging from the woods.

He seemed filled with FURY and it was almost impossiable to tell where his legs stopped and the earth began , His massive stone mallet he had resting across his shoulder and in his other hand he carried a rather the worse for wear member of the Freakshow whom Dragonberry felt incrediably sorry for as she watched Rakescar toss him one handed into the air and then send him flying with a crashing blow from his mallet .

"Sorry kid I like to get worked up before the main event , hope I didn't keep you waiting too long !" he said nonchalantly .Rakescar amazingly seemed all bussiness today and she did not like the way things looked , espescially as she watched the poor freakshow bouce three times off the ground before finally coming to a stop .

"last chance kid ! walk away , go home and forget all this heroeing crap. in the end your only going to get hurt " he said as he strode forward and absently kicked a prone freaksow out of his path

"I-its not that easy Rakescar , I gave my word I would help out so im in this to the end ....and im going to w-win !" she said as long spines emerged from her body and hands , she took a step back trying to formulate a battle plan .

"Ill make sure to send you flowers in the hospital kid " he said as he raced forward stone mallet already arcing forward to meet Dragonberry .

DB dropped low as she ran forward ,throwing small spines at Rakescar as she ran forward barely dodging the mallet which seemed to crack the very ground sending small stones spaying everywhere.

It seemed to her that the spines where either having no effect or that Rakescar just didn't care , she danced around just outside his range throwing spines but was getting nowhere except extremely tired and she knew it would just be a matter of time before she made a mistake and the fight would be over .

Rakescar lunged forward with a rocky punch and she stumbled back to avoid it loosing her footing , she knew instantly that this was it , his next blow would connect and the fight would be over .She gently closed her eyes and fell back hoping that his finishing strike would be painless .

a second passed and nothing happened , she opened up one eye and peered upwards to see that a Womans hand had caught the Mallet mere inches from Dragonberrys face , Dragonberry opened the other eye and looked both startled and amazed to find a friend straining to keep the mallet at bay

"TINA !!" she yelled at the top of her lungs , suddenly feeling a sliver of hope that the tide was turning "you got my message "

Tina turned to look at Dragonberry with a bemused expression
"Hon , The note you left on the refridgerator was a lil hard to decipher ! in the future you may simply want to write it down in pen next time as opposed to glueing macarooni noodles and glitter to form words on brightly colored construction paper. "

A second form arrived from the sky and stared at the conflict with a cold analytical eye . Dragonberry waved at the robotic form of James , knowing full well if he had shown up it meant that she was likely to get heavily lectured for going off half cocked ...again .

James disdainfully intoned "secondly Dragonberry writing a message in a coherent fashion may actually allow us to figure out what the heck your doing ...writing down " Please please please helpy help me fight the super mega mean Rakescar so I can get huggles from Noisemaze and so Rakescar dosn't KAPOWIE me in the Bloody Bay of blood ....Mucho Hugs and Luvs Dragonberry " Is not an acceptable way to leave an urgent message asking for help

Rakescar seemed annoyed ,even more so then before "Its like an after school special here today , If you kids are finished with your romper room antics its time for some SMeeeeep ! " he yelled as he tore his stone mallet loose from Tinas hands and Immediately turned on James .

It looked at first that James had the fight well in hand with a series of fast and powerful Martial arts maneuvers and he seemed to actually push Rakescar back but apparently Rakescar was just feeling out his opponent as he quickly countered with several massive blows from his stone mallet leaving large dents in his metal opponets body

"you guys can jump in at anytime ....now would be a really good time to help out " james shouted at us

in our defense I think me and Tina where just awestruck at the show of force both men where throwing at each other , but of us two Tina was the quicker to jump to Jame's aid and attack Rakescar but it was still too late as a final earth shattering blow from his mallet knocked James prone.
Both Tina and Rakescar intesified their attacks neither giving ground as I shakily got to my feat and used the last bit of my streangth to run foward and jab a Three foot long spine into the small of his back which allowed Tina a golden oppurtunity to deliver a powerful punch to Rakescars chin while his attention was turned to me .

It was like the world around us slowed down as I watched Rakescar stagger , take three steps and fall and I swear the very earth shook when his massive body hit the ground , ID like to say I was overjoyed at his defeat but I was feeling awfully bad and less than Heroic for attacking him from behind and tried to convince myself that a guy like Rakescar would be fine with a tactic like that ...I tried to convince myself of that but I wasn't doing a very good job .

Me and Tina helped James up and after making sure none of us were any the worse for our ordeal we trussed up Rakescar and made our way to Longbow Headquarters to drop him off , I had to listen to a very long lecture from James on what teamwork means , how I really need to start getting on the ball in regards to my heroing and how I seem to cause myself alot of unneeded troubles .

Tina gave me a series of smaller friendlier lectures explaining the need to avoid getting myself into these predicaments as well as how to use my comm to call for help when needed , she also gave me a hug and a band aid for my scraped knee .

after James and Tina left I hung around Longbows base for a bit to check in on Rakescar as I WAS determined to be around when he woke up. mainly so I could apologize for attacking him from behind , but also so I could find something out about where he had delivered Clobber-Girl .

My patience was rewarded as I saw his eyes flicker and partly open, I mumbled out a sincere but sheepish apalogy for attacking him from behind and how sorry I was he was gonna spend the rest of his life caged up .I sorta expected him to yell or scream but he looked at me for a second and sorta half smiled and mumbled out a few words and a string of numbers before passing out again . I felt much better knowing he was okay and gave him a quick hug before rushing off to phone Noisemaze using the number on the card he had given me and left a quick explanation of what had transpired on his answering machine as well as Rakescar's mumbled words and the string of numbers .

Afterwards I dozed off in a chair in one of Longbows waiting rooms both mentally and physically exhausted from the last few hours ordeal and dreamed of cute boys , playing on the beach and being a really great hero someday .



(( Thanks again for the fight Rakescar its always a pleasure even if you kapowie me far to often . and thanks bradders for letting me play in your sandbox a bit . cant' t wait to see how everything ends up ))



(( Wow! That was a very fun read DB. Looking forward to what happens next. Guess that means your up again Rake. ))

Toons I play
The Shape - Stalker
Axl Van Hagar - Corruptor
The Born Again Brawler - Brute
Axl VanHagar - Blaster



(( Or down as the case may be. No... I think something else will happen in a bit, unless someone has a clever idea to pass the time before then.

DB, I'm proud of yah, great story! Wasn't that fun? ))






(( told you id finally finish our fight rakescar :P even if it did take me a bit longer than I thought hope you didn't mind me paraphrasing a lil bit and if you did you can always SMEEEEEEP !))

Dragonberry , who really hopes she didn't forget anything



Another mission complete, another payday. Bishop flies low over the rooftops of Sharkshead, the name of a new contact with prospects of more work tucked safely away when a movement on a nearby roof draws his attention. He nearly flies into the side of building when he looks and sees Vicegrip waving franticly, and shouting his name! He swoops down, scooping her up and down into a secluded alley.

"What are you doing?! You have to be one of the most wanted people in the Isles right now, you can't be pulling stunts like that!" he half shouts half whispers.

"I think she's dying!"

"What?" She had dropped the words like a bombshell, and they have a similar effect.

"I think she's dying! I remembered from that time we teamed up that you can heal and I don't know anyone else to turn to. Please, you have to come with me and help her, if she dies it'll ruin everything. I'll pay you whatever you want." she says hurriedly.

A myriad of possibilities flash through his mind as she speaks.
"All right, I'll do what I can, take me to her."

The trip to Mercy Island is uneventful and in spite of being sure that they weren't spotted and followed, he makes sure Vicegrip leads him through a disjointed path through Mercy until finally arriving at the old building. Once inside Vicegrip leads him to the room where Clobber Girl lay on a table, bound, unmoving.

He quickly moves to her side, his old training moving unbidden to the fore of he behaviour. He checks for signs of respiration and a pulse.
"Looks like you've really done a number on her. Or was it Rakescar? That walking talking paperweight doesn't strike me as the subtle type." Vicegrip doesn't answer so he continues his examination.
"I have a place in Sharkshead that has a full medical setup, we need to move her there."

"No!" she barks.

"It's a secure loca..."

"I said NO!" she shouts. "Too many people are looking for us, it's too risky to move her."

"It's pretty risky not moving her, too, considering her condition. The more you go in and out this place the more likely that someone will see and recognize you. Considering that there are people around here that would sell thier souls for the price of a bottle you might want to think about which is a bigger risk." He says, turning back toward the prone form of the hero. It's a decision Vicegrip will have to make and he really doesn't have time to argue with her about it, he has a patient to tend to. Reaching out his hands, Tera's body erupts in flame that gives way to a spikey, green corona.