SG Super Computer Badge
Are you talking about the SG Mission Computer? That's the item unlocked due to mentoring. Can't recall off the top of my head how many hours, but it's there and it exists. You can't straight out buy this item either, you have to craft it. So once you unlock the badge, check your worktables for the formula.
I'm pretty sure the SK badge unlocks the Super Computer AND the mission computer - but it's a little confusing - as are alot of the sg badges.
Here's a few of the ones my SG has got sofar.
The super computer is bought
Mission computer crafted.
This seemed to be the easiest badge to get. Just a team of 8.. 4 bosses, 4 lackeys doing a few missions seemed to unlock it
This seemed to be the easiest badge to get. Just a team of 8.. 4 bosses, 4 lackeys doing a few missions seemed to unlock it
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This has been my experience. Got the lackey badge very quickly. Healing on the other hand... many members well into their 30s, lots of healing powers (and healing going on), still no first healing badge. From the progress bar, we're months away from getting it, too. Seems like millions upon millions of hit points healed is a bit extreme for just a "first" badge (and an auto-doc). I can only guess that the second one will take at least a year with billions of hit points healed.
This has been my experience. Got the lackey badge very quickly. Healing on the other hand... many members well into their 30s, lots of healing powers (and healing going on), still no first healing badge. From the progress bar, we're months away from getting it, too. Seems like millions upon millions of hit points healed is a bit extreme for just a "first" badge (and an auto-doc). I can only guess that the second one will take at least a year with billions of hit points healed.
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Granted, assuming you're talking about the villainside, remember that the Villain ATs are less genrally geared towards healing than Heroes, generally speaking.
Seems like the first heal badge requires 1 or 2 million hp healed in sg mode.
At high level a single "healer" type character could accomplish that in a couple days.
Not 100% sure about this, but you may have to mentor someone who's in your SG, with both of you in SG mode.
The second healing badge is about 10 million HPs in theory since when we reach the 100% mark the badge blanked out and now is frozen .../bugged . I have had one healer work on this and she is sitting at Medical specialist (10 million HPS) at lvl 10, all healing was done in SG mode.
ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec
The mentoring/mission computer badge was earned by our SG during the course of the first strike force. We had 7 SG members, 3 of whom were sk'ed.
The healing badge continues to be a no-show. Not sure if this badge is still getting reset every 24 hours or what, but we never seem to get any movement past about 1/8 of a bar...and we have plenty of people with at least the first (personal) healing badge (with most of our time spent in SG mode).
Our VG has several healers, and I've personally played a heal-oriented Corrupter every night for the last 3 weeks (lvl 37 now). Our VH healing badge is getting near the end, but it's moving INSANELY slow and it's hard to see the difference after a night of tough work. Whatever achievement level it's set at (10,000,000 points?), it feels a bit much.
Our VG has several healers, and I've personally played a heal-oriented Corrupter every night for the last 3 weeks (lvl 37 now). Our VH healing badge is getting near the end, but it's moving INSANELY slow and it's hard to see the difference after a night of tough work. Whatever achievement level it's set at (10,000,000 points?), it feels a bit much.
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I think the First one is 5 million ... Our VG is about 95% to first healing badge..
ArchRex Dojhrom x ?
* Sidus Loricatus: B-NRG2, S-BS/Reg, T-Fire/Ice, MM-Bots/FF, St-NRG2, Dom-Psi/NRG, Cor-Son/Traps, Cor-Ice/Kin, Ctrl-Fire/Kin, PB-LB/LA
* Arachnos Loricatus: Soldier, Widow
* Praetoria Loricatus: B-DP/Dev, Cor-Elec/Elec
So I am looking and looking and can't find this answered (I'm sure it is, just can't find it).
1) What are the exact steps one has to take to get the SG where it can run SG missions?
2) Also, how does one "attach" items, when an item says it must be attached to use it?
3) Can one sell back rooms or just delete them?
1) The only SG mission at the moment is the Silver Mantis SF, and is Villains only. To do this, you need a Missoin Computer or Oralce (Sidekicking/mentoring badge) crafted on the Basic Worktable or Basic Forge. The Mission Computer/Oracle is a control aux and must be placed in the control room once crafted. Naturally, you'll need a Workshop and enough power and control to run it.
2) I assume you're talking about aux items, such as a Database or a Mission Computer. Simply place it in the same room with the 'main' item it 'attaches' to. Be aware that rooms have a max of allowable aux items and main units have a max as well. The lower number wins out.
For example, the smallest control room allows four aux units. So, you place a Mainframe (tech main) and two databases and two terminals. That's four aux units. You could build a Mission computer, but you could not place it without deleting one of the other aux units (you've hit the room limit). Most control mains I've seen have an aux max of nine.
3) Yes, you can delete a room which will sell back the room and everythng in it for full value. HOWEVER, be aware that if any crafted item is in the room, you will receive a full refund of the Pretige placement cost but you will NOT receive the item back. i.e. you will have to recraft it.
Example: You delete your control room, which contains a Mission Computer, while rearranging your base. You get back the cost of the room and the cost of everything in it, including the 75,000 Prestige you paid to place the Mission Computer. However, you do not get the Misison Computer back and must craft up another six Tech Material Components on the Worktable and craft a second Mission Computer.
If you must move a room which contains crafted items, make another room of the same type to store the crafted things. Building, for example, a second control room, would allow you to drag the Mission Computer from the original to the temporary new control room. You then delete the old, make whatever else you wanted to make, then move the Mission Comptuer from its temporary home to your new permanent control room.
Takes some planning, but once you get the hang of it, it's not as complex as it sounds.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
This seemed to be the easiest badge to get. Just a team of 8.. 4 bosses, 4 lackeys doing a few missions seemed to unlock it
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Good. That was the intention. We want players to feel like they earned their mission computer, but at the same time we want to make sure that groups can get it and use it.
This seemed to be the easiest badge to get. Just a team of 8.. 4 bosses, 4 lackeys doing a few missions seemed to unlock it
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Good. That was the intention. We want players to feel like they earned their mission computer, but at the same time we want to make sure that groups can get it and use it.
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Getting it unlocked? Sure. The 1.5 million prestige to place it, however, is a completely different story.
119088 - Outcasts Overcharged. Heroic.
No, the mission computer costs 75 K to place.
The super computer which is a primary control item, generating 500 control points is 1.5 million to place and it is not craftable.
Getting it unlocked? Sure. The 1.5 million prestige to place it, however, is a completely different story.
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I think you'll find a shiny new mission computer in the Foxtrot base today, Orinn. I installed it last night.
I am happy that the basic PVE items for bases are generally low cost... it still takes some rampup time to get a SG going with a hospital, telepad and mission computer, but we've managed it within a month. Not bad. I highly doubt we'll ever be able to afford a raiding base, though, nor do we want one... so I hope the SG computer offers up more than just 1 task force in the long run.
Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!
Orinn was probably referring to the cost of a power and control room, and the power and control items required to get a bare bones base working.
No, the mission computer costs 75 K to place.
The super computer which is a primary control item, generating 500 control points is 1.5 million to place and it is not craftable.
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You left out the part where it costs you 500 it will push your power over the threshhold... so you either need to spend 525K on a new energy room and generator or spend nearly 2 million on upgrading to the turbine.
This is one of my top issues with base building. Every "upgrade" appears to require a couple of other additions because of power/control which cost tons of prestige. Granted once you make the investments you will be set for some time. Its just being stymied everytime you think you are ahead.
No, the mission computer costs 75 K to place.
The super computer which is a primary control item, generating 500 control points is 1.5 million to place and it is not craftable.
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You left out the part where it costs you 500 it will push your power over the threshhold... so you either need to spend 525K on a new energy room and generator or spend nearly 2 million on upgrading to the turbine.
This is one of my top issues with base building. Every "upgrade" appears to require a couple of other additions because of power/control which cost tons of prestige. Granted once you make the investments you will be set for some time. Its just being stymied everytime you think you are ahead.
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I got a Super Comptuer, 4 tables, 1 reclaimator, 4 telepads and I'm still under the 1300 Energy cap you can achieve with a Basic Generator and two Circuit Breakers.
This seemed to be the easiest badge to get. Just a team of 8.. 4 bosses, 4 lackeys doing a few missions seemed to unlock it
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Good. That was the intention. We want players to feel like they earned their mission computer, but at the same time we want to make sure that groups can get it and use it.
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What about healing badge? That was has hardly budged.
Still here, even after all this time!

No, the mission computer costs 75 K to place.
The super computer which is a primary control item, generating 500 control points is 1.5 million to place and it is not craftable.
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You left out the part where it costs you 500 it will push your power over the threshhold... so you either need to spend 525K on a new energy room and generator or spend nearly 2 million on upgrading to the turbine.
This is one of my top issues with base building. Every "upgrade" appears to require a couple of other additions because of power/control which cost tons of prestige. Granted once you make the investments you will be set for some time. Its just being stymied everytime you think you are ahead.
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I got a Super Comptuer, 4 tables, 1 reclaimator, 4 telepads and I'm still under the 1300 Energy cap you can achieve with a Basic Generator and two Circuit Breakers.
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ah yeah... forgot about the 2 ciruit breakers
Actually, the supercomputer can save you power if you have 4 or 5 databases already installed in your base. We installed it and our power situation acutally got better.
We're running: Basic Gen + 2 caps (which aren't even needed yet), 1xSuper Computer, 1xBasic table, 1xAdvanced table, 1xRaid Porter, 3xBasic Porters, 1xMission Computer, 1xRez Ring, and 2xInsp dispensers.
Is there a good reference online (not in game) where I can see the basics of building a base? Not that it costs prestige and that nonsense, but how much each thing costs, what it works with, basically what it does, and where it must be placed?
I've just recently created a SVG, and been inviting friendly and enjoyable people. But what im having problem with is getting access to the Super Computer. From what the websites say, on my little research trips, you need to be mentored in super group mode.
Well, that makes sense.. But not really! I'm guessing mentored means the side kick option (or lackey), and thats the part that makes no sense. Me and a few of the officers have done that quite often, and I have not even seen a meter appear for the SG Super Computer. Me and my officers, and the even members are always on SG mode. We have bout 30+ peeps, and all active.
What are we doing wrong to not activate this? Does it take 5+ hrs in SK mode just to get this badge activated? We even tried the leader being the boss, and officers being lackeys. It just doesn't seem to want to give us a badge.
Plz, could use some help. Sorry if this thread was already posted, but i looked about about 12 pages back, and even jumped to 18 and moved my way back. Nuffin! Also did a search, and got nuffin. :|