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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
    Considering lv52 & 53 Peri/Nucleo & Golgi's go for upwards of 90 million a pop easy, If you did have any one those, you could easily fund a good starting proportion of your new build. I'm hearing noises across global channels that have vets stating they've easily spent 3 billion + on a purply build.

    And where are all those high level Hami's? - As an alternative to purple-builds, a dual 38.7% enhancement is not to be sniffed at.
    Depending on how this trading process progresess, the remainder of these Hamidon Enhancements will be going up on the Marketplace.

    And I have all 157 of these unslotted enhancements tucked safely away in my personal base.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    What is the reasoning behind not using Wents? Avoiding the 10% fee? Selling 50+'es? Fear of flooding the market?
    A little bit of option A, and a bit more of option C. I really only have two 50+; one Enzyme and one Centriole, so option B is irrelevant in my case.

    I also don't entirely trust the Market to provide me with what I'm looking for, and to help me get what I have to people that need it more than I do.
  3. This has been a long time coming, but after many years it is time to start parting with my small horde of Hamidon Enhancements.

    Listed Below is my current Bank of Hamidon Enhancements (All non-synthetic):

    Centriole: 31
    Damage & Range

    Nucleolus: 35
    Damage & Accuracy

    Peroxisome: 20
    Damage & Mez

    Endoplasm: 16
    Accuracy & Mez

    Microfilament: 4 - I will have 1 more Microfilament once I respec it out of my main bringing the total up to 5.
    Travel Power & End

    Golgi: 10
    Heal & End

    Ribosome: 6 - I will have 1 more Ribosome once I respec it out of my main bringing the total up to 7.
    Resist & End

    Cytoskelton: 13
    Buff & End

    Membrane: 11 - I will have 6 more Membranes once I respec them out of my main bringing the total up to 17.
    Buff & Recharge

    Enzyme: 5
    DeBuff & End

    Lysosome: 4
    Debuff & Accuracy

    And now listed below are the Recipes or Enhancements I am looking to trade for:

    Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: 1
    Damage/Endurance: 1
    Damage: 1

    Damage: 1
    Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: 1
    Damage/Endurance: 1

    Damage/Endurance: 1
    Damage/Recharge: 1
    Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: 1
    Damage: 1

    Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: 1
    Damage/Recharge: 1
    Damage/Endurance: 1
    Accuracy/Recharge: 1

    Unbreakable Constraint:
    Hold: 1
    Hold/Recharge: 1
    Accuracy/Hold/Recharge: 1

    Only serious inquiries please. You can reach me in-game on @Impadivus, or send me a private message here on the forums.

    I look forward to doing business with you!
  4. I knew I sensed a disturbance in the Force.
  5. There's no one here. No one here at all.
    Go, Monkey.

  6. Glad to see you made it back safe and sound, our old Mayor.
  7. [*] SG/VG Name: Jagged Legion[*] Public relations: or Global channel is "JL Nation".[*] Peak teaming hours: Mon-Fri; Noon - 3am. Sat-Sun: Sun up or down, doesn't matter. [*] Amount of PvP: Amount of PvP is high. Always looking for challenges in any of the PvP zones, as well as Arena Battles.[*] Amount of Powerleveling: SG Powerlevelling regularly does not happen. Some members may on their personal preference.[*] Amount of Drama: Moderate drama depending on if Dyre or Bucco is currently experiencing PMS.[*] Size of Base: Jagged Legion Base can hold up to 11 Items of Power, running on AES and multiple Generators. Exstensive base defense system.[*] Requirements: Can be read here and here. There is an application process that must be followed, please contact a Command Staff Officer for more information.[*] Other: Always running TFs or Story Arcs. Most members are die-hard badge hunters (Beef Cake co-runs and Pinnacle's leading badge holder).[*] Guild Description:
    Code of Conduct, more information available upon request.[*] Leader or Recruiting Officers:
    Leaders: @Impadivus, @Dyre Knight
    Senior Captain: @Beef Cake
    Recruitment Captain: @French Arbiter[*] Voice chat: Ventrilo is mandatory.[*] Preferred Method of contact: To apply make a post on our public boards here. Send a PM to a Leader or Captain detailing your application if you feel the need. Any other questions or comments can be sent in a Global Tell or in-game email to the Command Staff listed above.
  8. Jagged Legion is on the lookout for new Hero talent.

    You can find most, if not all, of the information you require at our website, here:

    Questions can be directed towards;
    @Beef Cake
    @Dyre Knight

    Or you can directly contact our Recruiting Officer;
    @French Arbitor

    The preferred method of contact would be a public forum post stating your desire to apply to Jagged Legion.

    You can find a Code of Conduct on our Public Boards, and more information on the Application Process can be attained by asking any of the afore mentioned Leaders & Officers.

    Jagged Legion is one of the oldest, and notable Supergroups on the server. Our history is long, and hopes to continue to be written throughout the course of this game.

    Find out if you have what it takes to be a Legionnaire.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    "Cathedral of who? what? oooooooh that thing we removed 8 months ago and didnt intend to bring back"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    what's the last day this was up? and what's 60 days from then?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Too goddamned far away.

    I'll be bluntly honest. Nothing is holding me to this game anymore except for friends. The content peaked out a long time ago. I literally hate playing villains. The atmosphere, the powersets, just do not like CoV at all. I'm a Hero through and through, and I want to experience high-end Hero content in, at one time, was my favourite game of all time.

    I've been playing since first wave beta and have always tried to stick to the Dev's side and understand Statesman "grand vision". But at this point, I'm disheartened. A great deal.

    I want the Cathedral of Pain in this game like you wouldn't believe. Almsot everyone in Jagged Legion feels the same.

    And unless Issue#8 has some impressive high level Hero content, after a great deal of patience, I'll be moving on. And, yeah, after more than two years of paying, and playing, and making some great history and memories here, it's going to sting a bit. But I'm also sad to say I'm tired of being let down by a team I at one time defended beyond measure.

    Just my two cents.
  10. "The Cathedral of Pain Trial, coming to you with Issue 6... Plus another issue... And a couple more months... Then a couple weeks after Issue 7..."

    "Sir, that name is a little long."

    "How about we just give 'em another free costume token?"


    Hey... It would keep me occupied for a while at least.

  11. Are you talking about the SG Mission Computer? That's the item unlocked due to mentoring. Can't recall off the top of my head how many hours, but it's there and it exists. You can't straight out buy this item either, you have to craft it. So once you unlock the badge, check your worktables for the formula.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Post your base pics! See who has the best design and worst.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    the Champagne Room.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, is there any sex in there?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There is no sex in the Champagne Room.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    His Champagne Room, but not mine .
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmmm, post your base pics? But that might give away some design secrets..........hehe

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Personally not too worried about that. Heck, we give out tours to anyone that wants them.
  14. Not only is it a shameless site plug, but all the latest pics are on the most recent news post; Here.
  15. Hey, Astarus, I know that on every site it says you get the Crey Power Tank from completing that Task Force, but unfortunately it's incorrect. I, along with lots of other players, have done that TF and weren't awarded with the badge.

    Some of us theorized it was a kill badge, and we ended up being right. I ran around Brickstown defeating any random Crey Tank I could find, not just bosses, and after 100 defeats I was awarded the badge.
  16. Thanks a lot, Belle!

    And you still scare the crap of me, Tearion.
  17. That's because you're the one that spreads it around.
  18. This city, Paragon City, has been my home for many years now. It feels like a lifetime ago I was awakened in burning the wreckage of my former neighborhood. Years ago when I was but an orphan in this City of Heroes, looking for my past, my identity, and my entire memory. When Pacalis, the kind, fool old man, took me in, loved me like a son and taught me the value of all life. He taught me the sacrifices we all must make in time to preserve those things we have great belief in. He always told me stories from where he came from, another dimension, working here in ours with the researchers at Portal Corporation in the hopes to benefit all mankind.

    He was a Hero himself, in numerous ways. Not merely a Hero because of his powers of mind manipulation, or his gauntlets which created force fields of tremendous defense. No, he was a Hero greatly in part of his care, of his understanding, of his complacent nature. He was wise, no doubt resides in my mind about that, but not arrogant. He used his great wisdom and understanding to help many other disadvantaged young Heroes in this city, many Heroes that will never have a name, or be known. And, I fear, that one day that fool old man which saved my very spirit would be forgotten as well.

    He taught me control over my powers, over my anger that seemed to crash against my mind like tidal waves on a coast line. He showed me love and care and how to love and care others with great devotion, and dedication. Through him I met Himoto, my first love. She was a most enigmatic girl, shrouding her face behind that hat and that scarf. She was always in the fields or the forests playing with her incarnations of fire. Her constant, steadfast fear that her latent radioactive abilities would harm others, she kept to herself. Nonetheless, I was drawn to her. She was like me in so many ways, she was orphaned when her mother died giving birth to her, and her father, a retired Hero known as “The Firedire” went clinically insane at the same time. Like me, she didn’t have anyone.

    We were the outsiders in the children that Pacalis taught, and we found solace in the company of one another. Pacalis seemed apprehensive of these things at first, but gradually gave in and allowed us to be together.

    I understood his apprehension on that night when she was taken from me. It was that night I then knew how great Pacalis’ powers were for seeing not just into people’s minds, but into their past and future as well.

    Himoto and I were out in Independence Port walking around the dock areas when we were caught in the middle of fight between a large army of Freakshow and Sky Raiders. I tried my best… My very best, but in the end Himoto was taken, and I never found her. I can still hear her screaming my name as the Freak Tank dragged her into the waters while I tried to fight off dozens of minions on the dock.

    I was told that she had returned somehow. And I’ve seen glimpses of her, I swear I have. I’ve heard citizens recount tales of her and her Imps. I will find her, but only when she wants to be found. Just like the Himoto I grew up with.

    Months after that, Pacalis had not taken in anymore new child Heroes, he devoted almost all of his time in my training. He wasn’t worried about what had happened with Himoto, I could almost tell it in his eyes that he knew about her eventual return, and that calms my heart to this day. Pacalis became the one father I only had, and I loved him as such. I came to call him Father, and at the sound of that he didn’t flinch or disregard it. I believe he cherished the thought, as I did, about he and I being a true family. A Family built not on blood bonds, but built on trust, faith, love, understanding and dedication. Just as strong, or perhaps stronger, than anything blood had to offer.

    The way he talked, as time went on, I knew there was something wrong to come. He seemed to become increasingly concerned that my training was lagging behind, that I had to “be ready”. However, he never alluded to what I needed to be so ready for. I took it in stride, and trusted his great wisdom. He had not failed me, and I had no reason to question the man’s judgment.

    On the eve before the Great Rikti Invasion, he told me a haunting thing that will stay at the forefront of my mind. In the quiet calm of his training chamber, incense burning from the table at the front of the room, we sat there in meditation. He turned to me, breaking the chain, and rested his hand on my shoulder.

    “Impadivus, this name I gave to you when you were without means many things from my world. I did not place it upon you without reason; there is causality to all things in our lives. The name takes with it a story of a great man from my dimension that stood alone, against impossible odds, as most Heroes find themselves. He did not run, he did not hide, and he stood in his place regardless of all who opposed. He stood for that which was right, and just, and held to his own truths and teachings. I have seen in you his same spirit, and his same essence.

    Ahead of you will lay a most difficult journey, and do not allow your destination’s light to distort the path. The path is what matters, do you understand?” I nodded quietly looking to him with wide eyes as his shoulders began to fall and his eyes lost focus with mine and looked beyond my face. “Everything that you will encounter beginning tomorrow will change you. Those changes will lead you to your destiny, a fate that only you own, yet will be sewn into the fabric of countless lives you’ll touch down the path. You will crash to the ground and curse the creators, you will cry at the sky, you will be on the edge of failure and despair, and yet, I know you will prevail. You will always prevail if you choose to, and I know you well enough now, Son, that you will not fail yourself or those you care for.” My Father’s eyes drifted around the chamber, as if he were wishing everything could remain as it were for eternity, eventually his gaze locked with mine and fluid welled in the corners of his eyes.

    “Father, what is it you aren’t telling me?” I inquired as my heart felt like a lead brick in my chest.

    “It is my curse to know your future, know your past, and it is your curse to find these things on your own. I cannot burden you, not yet. What happens tomorrow will not be your greatest battle of mind and heart and soul. What happens in the years to come will seem to be increasingly more difficult struggles. Yet, you will come to know when the time is right. You will find yourself. You will find your true self and you will be laden with the ultimate fight. You will not fight this battle in the sky, or on land, or in space. This battle will be fought for your very soul. Remember who you are, promise me that, Impadivus. Promise me that for every choice you make you remember that feeling inside, you remember what I’ve taught you, and that you always stay true to your own path.” A single tear raced down my Father’s cheek, dangled, shuddering on his chin for a moment before it crashed to his thigh. I looked back up into his eyes, my own filling with sadness, yet I could not fathom why.

    “I promise, Father, I will not fail you.”

    “I know, Son,” he struggled for a reply “I know you will not.” He reached out with both arms and embraced me, whispering things in his own language I never did learn. We released one another, and he motioned me to my own room. I stood, nodded down to him, wiped a tear from my face and went to bed. As far as I knew he sat there in silence for the entire night staring at the flame on the table in front of him.

    When I awoke the next morning, it was not from morning sun pouring in my window, nor from Pacalis calling me to breakfast. I awoke to the entire Earth shaking under my bed. I raced to the chamber, and there sat Pacalis slowly assembling his uniform which I had never seen him wear in all the years I had lived with him. I had only seen pictures, or heard stories of his days fighting for the good of all mankind. Something was disturbingly wrong today; the screams of people in the street also alerted me to this.

    “Impadivus, our planet is under attack. The Rikti have broken the barriers, they are here to eradicate your race. We have a duty to perform.” He waved his hand to a chest on the floor next to him. I walked to it and opened the lid and inside, folded with the utmost care, was a red and black uniform with the same black and white lined star my Father wore on his chest. I removed the costume from its resting place and slowly put it on while my Father watched patiently.

    The red stripes that lined the arms merged into bolts that overlapped the black gloves. The pants were not unlike those of cargo pants decorated with matching stripes. A pair of black combat boots lay at the bottom of the chest, I laced them one lace at a time.

    “Are you ready, Impadivus?” He rested his hands on both my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

    “I am ready, Father. What must we do?”

    “We must help those that cannot help themselves; we must stop those that wish to destroy without mercy, without love, without understanding. No matter what the cost.” I had never seen his eyes look sterner as they fused with mine.

    “I understand.”

    Ships blotted out the sun, Rikti were cutting citizens in two, burning them with plasma. Heroes were falling from the sky, fighting to the last breath as scores of aliens washed over them from portals from some hellish dimension. I followed Pacalis as we flew through the sky, drones intercepted us, he pointed at them and with a nod I flew to them, releasing bolts of pure blue energy from my hands. Each bolt found a target and the drones sparked and fluttered as they fired back, the fields that Pacalis placed around us deflected the bursts of plasma. I closed to melee distance with the drones and enveloped my fists in solid red energy as I smashed them from existence. He shouted to me and pointed to the ground.

    Below us were just under a dozen Heroes, scrappers, a tank, two defenders, a controller and blasters. Surrounding them were at least a hundred alien soldiers. I felt my heart race, they would not stand a chance, I looked back to Pacalis, his eyes were already locked with mine, and I understood the look. No matter what the cost, I heard in my mind, we save every last person we can. With a sharp nod, I raced to the ground and Pacalis followed in line, I felt as if I were faster than ever, and stronger than ever.

    I landed directly in front of the Empathy defender as a Rikti Sword came closer to her body. Using my open hand I thrusted the alien attacker back into the crowd, knocking down dozens like dominos. Pacalis was in the center of the circle of Heroes, his large force field encompassing all of us as he gave everyone two individual shields. I waved my arm across my body and released a wave of energy pushing more of the aliens back from the defenders. I felt the woman laid her hand on my shoulder, I looked to her and she smiled in thanks as she blessed me with Fortitude. I could feel more power surge through me as I heard the tank taunt the pack.

    In the thick of it, alongside a scrapper with a sword, I punched and smashed every alien that tried to break our formation. Balls of flame scorched the air past my face as the Fire blaster laid waste to waves of Rikti soldiers. A Headman Gunman donned in black armor teleported directly in front of the other defender, and at point blank range fired a blast of plasma into his chest. I heard air escape his lungs as the energy burned through his torso. The female scrapper cried and screamed his name as he collapsed with a white complexion to the ground, eyes wide. She lunged at the Gunman who teleported back into the group. Without rational thought she leaped into the air in chase and was lost in the pack of Rikti. I heard plasma fire and swords split the air, then silence.

    “Impadivus!” Pacalis shouted from his defensive position, I turned to him and he pointed at the two blasters at the back of our formation who were held and slept by a Mesmerist. The tank was indisposed at the moment drawing agro from three dozen Rikti. I ran to the other blasters and threw both my arms high into the air pulling my body with it, then crashing them into the Mesmerists head. I heard a sickly crack as his head plating split and fragments of it were pushed deep into his skull. He crumpled to a heap on the ground.

    The Empathy defender ran to our location in an effort to help the other blasters; however she never made it there. A bolt of plasma struck her square in the back and blood sprayed from her mouth as she tumbled to the ground and rolled to a stop at Pacalis’ feet. I lost track of the other scrapper and the two blasters were too badly hurt to continue to fight so I activated their Teleportation Devices and sent them to the hospital.

    It seemed as though no matter how many Rikti we had defeated more came from thin air, and the tank was growing weaker by the moment. His endurance waned, and his armors began to fall one by one, Pacalis slept more than four dozen aliens that were bearing down on the tanker. I slid across the ground between his legs just as he fell and hit his Teleportation Device. In a flash of light he left so that he might fight again one day.

    By this time only my Father and I remained as hordes of Rikti ran at us, I looked to Pacalis as he calmly assessed the situation. I ran to his side and placed my back to his,

    “To the end, Father, I will fight with you.” As I finished telling him this I heard him let a heartfelt, heavy sigh and adjust something on his gauntlets.

    “Not here, Impadivus… Son. Not this fight, this is not your time, and I told you this.” I could not respond fast enough when he placed his palm in front of my face and I felt confined as a small force field enveloped me. I reached out and could touch the walls of this shield; I screamed and started to pound on the smooth surface. Tears began to well in my Father’s eyes as he turned away from me and mentally lifted my bubble high into the air, levitating me there out of the alien’s reach. He shot his arms out from his body and the largest field I’d ever seen him create grew around him. It pushed back at the Rikti, they clawed at it, and some broke through and ran at him. He tried to push them back, hold them, throw them aside, but they continued to advance. Helpless, trapped in a shield I could not break, screaming in the empty air of the bubble, I watched the Rikti flood over my Father.

    I could still see him, fighting to the last, he kept looking up at me, then back to his task at hand. I could see him losing strength as I felt the bubble I was in fall in ever short bursts. He force bolted a pack of them back, brawled them into the dust, but there were far, far too many. I could feel the rage I used to when I was younger build in me like an unstoppable force. I kicked the shield, threw my red fists into it and through tear soaked eyes I saw a Chief Soldier walk up behind my Father, my mentor, and run him straight through with a massive Rikti Sword.

    Pacalis slumped forward on the blade and the Chief used his giant foot to push him off the end of the sword. Tears from his eyes mixed with the blood pooling on the ground and the bubble I was in fell into the center of the tightly packed group of Rikti. I sat there, on my knees, in the force field as the aliens hacked at it with swords, boiled it with plasma and could not break through. The rage vanished, all feelings went numb. I looked at my Father’s limp body in front of me and my eyes grew slowly dark.

    Then, I could feel ripples of energy slowly cover my very body. From head to toe I was glowing with white-blue waves of incredibly raw energy. I stood in the field as the aliens continued their assault on it. I closed my fists and drew them into my chest; almost instinctively I knew what to do to focus the power erupting from within. I hunched over into my fists and through all the screaming aliens, clattering of weaponry and sounds of war a great silence washed over the battle field. All the Rikti stopped, the stared in disbelief at the boy in the force field glowing like a sun. It was then the shield dropped and I lashed my arms outwards from my body releasing the energy that howled in my very soul to be free. A tidal wave of white-blue energy blossomed out from the center of the pack of Rikti; a shockwave preceded it blowing everything not solidified into the ground with it. The Rikti within ten feet of me were vaporized into air, while the rest were dismembered, tossed like rag dolls, or broken from the inside out. The light blinded my vision for a moment, and I woke up, completely drained, on the ground in the deepest part of a crater. The intense blast that erupted from my body had decimated the ground twenty feet deep and in a thirty foot radius.

    Pacalis’ body was gone, and so were every single Rikti soldier that was there only seconds before. I didn’t notice at first, but tears were rolling down my face and pooling on the dirt at my knees. In the corner of my vision I saw a fleck of white fabric in the rubble; I crawled over to it and dug frantically at the dirt. When the dust settled, before me lay the white headband that my Father wore. Seemingly, and almost impossibly, undamaged from everything that had transpired. I slowly reached out for it and placed it in the cup of my hands. I began to cry and clutched the small piece of cloth to my chest as my forehead touched the warm ground beneath me.

    When I finally found the strength to fly my way out of the crater, it seemed as though the entire war had almost ended. Word was that Hero One and his team made it through a portal and launched an assault on the Rikti Home World in an effort to destroy their means of gaining access to our dimension. If the lack of portals in the sky, and on the ground, were any indication, it appeared that he and his team were successful. Statesman’s address on Hero One’s heroic act hit home to me in more ways than one.

    Back at my Father’s home, or what was left of it, I searched the rubble for things I could save before the rest of the building fell in on itself. I wasn’t really thinking, I felt completely numb, in a state of disbelief still about what had just happened to not just me, but the whole City. With a few items from my room, my Father’s meditation table and candle, I left that building in Baumton for the last time.

    All of that which happened was many years ago. Many Heroes lost their lives defending this City, and this Planet. No matter what the cost still echoes in my head when I think of the sacrifice everyone endured. And my story is but insignificant, merely another small step along the path that is laid out before me still. When I went, what was later described to me as “Nova”, I saw a glimpse of what my Father spoke of when he mentioned my final battle. Something dark, and cold inside of me that is ever lurking. It’s something that I know in my core is not me. And is something I will fight, again, no matter what the cost.

    Many things have happened while I walk this path. I came into the care of my good friend Aether and his group of sleuthing Heroes known as “The Shades of Grey Investigations”. From there I met who has come to be my closest friend, Charbroil, who introduced me to the Heroes in a Super Group called “Jagged Legion”. With Aether’s blessing I joined The Legion in their battles. They held many of the ideals that my father passed down to me through his teachings. The pinnacle of my experience with The Legion was the ultimate defeat of the creature known as “The Hamidon”. That truly was a battle many saw, which shook the very Earth when word was spread that he was vanquished. However, he did return, and we were still up to the task. In my time with The Legion I moved through the ranks to the honorary title of Legatus and am now at Charbroil’s side, along with Blue-Valkyrie leading this group, no, this family. Giving each other strength, courage, and love.

    And, while I know that my greatest battle is still to come, I will continue to never fail, never hide, and never run. I will still, until my final day, honor the memory of my Father, Pacalis. He showed me, in his last moments, what being a true Human, not just a Hero, was.

    Still, on the eve of the growing shadow from the Rogue Isles I will still vow that I will do my duty to those that cannot help themselves in times of great need. I will fight to the last, I will prevail.

    I will defend this City of Heroes with my dying breath.

    - Impadivus
  19. Impadivus

    Superhero quiz

    Awwww yeah.

    That's a 21/21 for me.

    .... I'm such a geek.