Post Your Sexy Base Pics!!!!




Well I will add more later but here is the Woodland Realms Teleport chamber, we have another just like it but with 6 teleports in it, for a total of 11 teleporters and 21 beacons... This was taken a few days before the patch and more decorations were added and the beacons so i will update it later

Our Teleport Room



I thought I would repost this here. It was a satirical post on the high costs of base equipment and low earning rate of prestige at the time and meant as a joke and a insperation to some truely bland looking base photos at the time. Thankfully, the devs have addressed and are still addressing base costs and concerns, and it looks like there is more comming.

Remember, this is only a joke, not a real base.

Now introducing the super low cost, absolutely bargain basement (and we mean a bargain basement) Supergroup Base for any one. Garentteed to cost under 20K, and since you get 20K for just starting a Supergroup and having 1 member, its practically FREE!

Pauper Base Studio Layout
First is the Base Layout. Notice we picked a studio base layout on the free plot. This made the most efficient use of available room while conserving space for later expansion. The studio layout is much cheaper by getting greater use of a single room than adding several rooms which are much more rent intensive.

Pauper Base Reception Entrance
The Reception Area helps greet any visitors and promotes a profesional image of our Supergroup. Some people do point out our lack of coordinated chairs, but when your on a budget getting things second hand is sometimes necissary such as saving furniture from burning buidings, confiscated from criminal organizations, or "reclaimed" from unoccupied hazard zones.

Pauper Base Control
This is our Control Center and it is absolutely first rate. Notice the Personal Computer which is supported by the Auxillary Control systems of serveral Filing Cabinet databases, Photocopier, Bulletin Board Monitor, and even an ACTUAL GLOBE (that holographic globe is just soo 21st century.) The advanced rotary dial phone on the wall can supply our group with special missions or order out for pizza. So far we have had 2 wrong number calls but used them to go on missions anyways. Our Meeting Table can support our entire Supergroup with their pets and henchmen. Truely impressive!

Pauper Base Dual Secure Vault
As you can see here, our base supports a Dual Secure Vault for Items of Power, such as Spare Batteries, Power Bars, Energy Drinks, Ect. We are proud to say that no other Supergroup has been able to take them from us and even the mighty Rularuu has yet to obtain them for himself. However, since Items of Power supply such low bonuses we are yet to see if loosing them would have any significant impact on our Supergroup.

Pauper Base Power
Here you can see our Advanced Power Facility. Twin power taps from the local power utility provide all the power we need, and the backup system we salvaged from an undisclosed source provides us with power incase of an emergency. Two electrical fire extinguishers are near by incase it catches fire which happens on occasion.

Pauper Base Infimary
Here is our Infirmary. We found this X-Ray machine laying out in a feild somewhere while on a mission, It was glowing at the time on and off and since no one else obviouly wanted it and it would be a shame to leave it out in the rain, we took it in. Our Infirmary also sells the insperation that helps you stay out of the Infirmary. We survey 10 people and 4 out of 7 said that the would prefer our medical facilities to that of an alien abduction, with the other 3 people just giving us strange stares, thereby proving that it is a truely first rate facility!

Pauper Base Workshop
This is our advanced workshop. As you can see we have a lot of countertop space to work with and several Auxillary Devices (of which we are still trying to figure out the function of.) Most of our workshop supplies were donated by the Vahzilok Foundation for Impoverished Supergroups (donate your spare vital organs today!)

Pauper Base Teleporter & Facilities
This is our Base Teleporter which helps us zone to other locations, usually the one we just left. Restroom facilites are also located here for convenience.

Pauper Base Decorative Area
What Superbase would be complete without a Decorative area. As you can see here, our potted plant provides a pleasing asthetic to our decor, while the light above keeps it healthy and adds to the illumination characteristics of the base.



Woo, that was great I remember doing that a while back hehehe. Didn't have any cash for anything else LOL. It sure was nice and cozy though!

Thankfully these new changes have made it nice and easy for small SGs and SGs with lower activity to have a nice, functional base relatively soon, woo!

Karate Man - 50 MA/SR Scrapper
Frostgleam - 40 Ice/Axe Tanker
Twilight Flux - 40 Kin/Dark Defender
Necrosaro - 27 Necro/Dark Mastermind
Selena Moonblade - 30 DB/WP Scrapper

"Live life to it's fullest, and die playing Zelda!"

Voyagers forever! Long live M59, Server 100!



Well I finally now that the Prestige is uber low and I could not afford anymore contol to palce another teleporter. I have kick'd up our base from purly Functional to a cool hang out

Link to Always Drink'n Boards Base tour



For a small VG on Triumph saving up since CoV hit until the new items introduced recently. Altogether 5 people saved up enough to build a basic but functional base for 2 million.
Base Top View

It's still a work in progress but has 4 Teleporters going to all 7 zones with room for a 8th. First and Second workbench. 2 Storage bins. 2 Insp bins. 1 Ench bin for now. Functional infirmary as we get the Heal badges for the upgraded items. With room to grow towards Items of Power if we grind out more prestige. More pics when we're done personalizing it a bit.



For a small VG on Triumph saving up since CoV hit until the new items introduced recently. Altogether 5 people saved up enough to build a basic but functional base for 2 million.
Base Top View

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a trick do getting the Top View centered exactly in order to take a straight centered picture? I try, but I'm always off center or the grid is slightly crooked.

Founder/Leader of the JUSTICE F0RCE



Try standing in the middle of the base, then zoom WAY out, and look straight down.



Though you jest well Red_Zero, there's more than a little truth to it. When starting small I decorated very concisely the entrance room on at least 2 bases, and now that it's bigger I have space I don't know what to do with becaues I packed a waiting room, office, and lounge all into that little room and it looks so correct to me now.

For example, consider this.

Aside from the fact that office stuff is rather out of place in a tech base (something I can't figure out how to reconcile yet) I really like the way 5 desks fit in one square without seeming cramped. Meanwhile, I've got a big 3x3 oversight room around the corner that's mostly empty.



I posted another thread to specifically talk about the skylight, but this is probably a better place.

Super Justice Team GO!

I'm particularly pleased with how the SG-color stripe turned out.



Our Teleport Room

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats [censored] sweet!

Proud Member of:

My 50s:
Agent Alpha (Kin/Rad)
Shirai Ryu (MA/Regen)
Dark Joule (Dark/Elec)
Kid Frag (Ice/Energy)
Shurai Ryu (Fire/Kin)



MDK's Bar

Far away shot

Proud Member of:

My 50s:
Agent Alpha (Kin/Rad)
Shirai Ryu (MA/Regen)
Dark Joule (Dark/Elec)
Kid Frag (Ice/Energy)
Shurai Ryu (Fire/Kin)



Team Evil's new oversight room:

Picture 1
Picture 2

Banners (mostly) belong to our allied SG/VGs.

If anybody wants to borrow the room (on Pinnacle) for an event, we even have a ballroom with a custom wooden dance floor adjacent to the hall:

Picture 3



I like the wooden floor! Did you use floor tiles for that effect or something else?



love the oversight room

Meltdown Rad/Rad/Mu Corrupter
Badges Earned



I like the wooden floor! Did you use floor tiles for that effect or something else?

[/ QUOTE ]

A tall bookcase is exactly 2 levels deep, so that's a pit with 256 bookcases carefully arranged in it. I originally wanted to make a firepit out of torches using a combination of bookcases and floor torches (which are also exactly 2 levels deep if you subtract the flame), but it didn't look nearly as good as I thought it would.




nice idea

Meltdown Rad/Rad/Mu Corrupter
Badges Earned



A tall bookcase is exactly 2 levels deep, so that's a pit with 256 bookcases carefully arranged in it. I originally wanted to make a firepit out of torches using a combination of bookcases and floor torches (which are also exactly 2 levels deep if you subtract the flame), but it didn't look nearly as good as I thought it would.

[/ QUOTE ]

Very creative!



The Gestalt SG Base (CoV)

Its been a long time since I posted the picts of the original Gestalt base design and a lot of base changes have happened, not only in the growth of the Gestalt base, but in available base construction and design material and tools. I think you can really see a difference first hand at how bases in general have evolved since conception in Issue 6.

Base Layout
Base Layout

Control Room
The Control Room


Entrance 2
Entrance 1

Infirmary 1
Infirmary 2

The Power Room

Workshop 1
Workshop 2
The Workshop


Teleport / Multi-Use Room
Teleport / Multi-Use Room

Raid Teleporter Room



Oh wow, I like the improvements! They look really nice!



Here is the new look of the Omega Directives base.

Posting one link for easer viewing

please feel free to post comments
and thank you all for the ideas you have posted this forum has helped me get a better idea of how to make a base look good.

Meltdown Rad/Rad/Mu Corrupter
Badges Earned



I like the wooden floor! Did you use floor tiles for that effect or something else?

[/ QUOTE ]

A tall bookcase is exactly 2 levels deep, so that's a pit with 256 bookcases carefully arranged in it. I originally wanted to make a firepit out of torches using a combination of bookcases and floor torches (which are also exactly 2 levels deep if you subtract the flame), but it didn't look nearly as good as I thought it would.

[/ QUOTE ]

Holy crap

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



The Iron Vanguard on Protector, back when I was the leader. I got auto-demoted and I'm waiting for the current leader to log back on/get auto-demoted so I can get it back.




nice layout

Meltdown Rad/Rad/Mu Corrupter
Badges Earned



Yeah, it took me awhile to get it perfected like that. I made some bigger layouts (8x12, 12x12) on test with raiding in mind, then thought about what would be the easiest design to transfer into it. As you can see, it has some raid-worthy features left in it (control and power next to the medical room, with all the PvE base functions towards the other end).