I Killed _______ in PvP




I forget who I was fighting... an SR Scrapper I think.

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Was his name Shisou perhaps?
That was my first time logging him since before i-6 and actually he is ED complient other than 5 slotted Hurdle. I've always thought he was a great, fun characer - my ninja. I just didn't know how fun he'd be with the recent defensive changes. He's now one of the most fun characters I have for PvP. Between damage done (Katana) and not being hit (Super Reflexes) the fights tend to last long. Long, good fights are absolutely great.

I had my first night of Fight Club tonight. It sure is great. We had quite the amount of spectators. Though, it's true, we need more villains out there... and something other than stalkers. Though there was a brute there early on.

It was pretty cool to see people come to the ring and ask what was going on and say, "cool", and hang around to watch. All being nice and respectful. Thanks to the rezzers that were there.

I had SS on and hit follow. He was right at the edge and moved aside just as I reached him. I launched off the building like a missile, and a controller started attacking me when I landed. =/

It's becoming an epidemic. I fell off the building twice last night too.

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That was hilarious, yet unfortunate. Only because I couldn't see you . Especially, when you got back up and we were deciding to continue or restart. I was typing and hear you say something like, "We could just continue." Then... AssassinStrike!. Heheh. Everyone was good sports through and through.

While Focused Senses does give +perception, I couldn't see through Prev's and Quason's double stealth. Though, there are a fair number of stalkers which only have Hide I saw last night. I imagine I could with the goggles or Tactics. I'd like see him be an anti-stalker and he did an okay job at it last night for his first night on the job.

Tactics won't fit in his build I doubt though, since he's mostly a concept character and I don't think I'll change that about him. Just goes to show that there are some concept characters which could be good for PvP. Any concept character can contribute to team PvP regardless, but Shisou was great fun solo even.

Is there like, any possible way we could hold fight club on the freakin ground tomorrow night?

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I think we could get people to stand on the edges of the building to make a ring of sorts, espcially once this gets more popular. That building is perfect, too, to have 2 bouts going on at once.

There were also some great fights near the villain base in the water and at the cliff's edge. There must've been easily 15 vs 15, both before and after Fight Club.

I have to give kudos to E V I L for the very interesting 1 v 1 match - me a kat/sr vs him a necro/force field. He even hovered just overhead so as to be a challenge, yet not impossible to hit ( remember concept character - only Swift, Hurdle, Quickness and Sprint for travel ). He beat me, but sure did teach me a few more new things about strategy. So thanks for the great fight, E V I L.



Ah, so you were that damn SR scrapper who could see my stalker..
Oh well, Regen helped to make it a tie. Just wait till I get So's



Was his name Shisou perhaps?

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So THAT'S who you were CLad!

Actually, it was kinda funny when I met that Scrapper. In the huge 15 v 15 battle at the villain base, Blue's Stalker asked me to join team and I did. Then, while I hovered around, I watched Blue get caught and beat down harshly by Shisou. So I dropped in just as the Scrapper was finishing the beatdown and two-shotted him. That was quickly followed by Blue going, "what was THAT?" as I responded, "By the way, I can two-shot Scrappers too "

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



I remember that....

I also remember that cursed Dominator trying to TK me into the drones. It didn't go as planned I don't think, but the end goal was accomplished - I got pushed off the cliff into a couple of Arachnos. I still bit it, but it's all good.

Quason 2 shotted me too at Fight Club. That was a quick match. You two really put me in my place since I was having a pretty successful night otherwise.




For the most part, I haven't been able to get too many 1 vs. 1 battles in warburg.

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Try the arena?

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That's what I keep saying, but nobody listens to me...

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Hey, I already tried this. You probably forgot with all your victories, but Irish Lass (BS/SR) took you on once in the arena, Citizen zero. I think it was right after I5 went live when she was level 42 or so. She had no chance. You basically hit me every time from range or melee even through elude . I did manage to chase you down once and get one kill, but it ended mercifully at like 6-1, but it could have been much worse.



Ok last nights Fight Club was IMHO a huge success. Great turnout by both sides, and some awesome fight as well. Hope to see an even better one tonight!

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



Hey, I already tried this. You probably forgot with all your victories, but Irish Lass (BS/SR) took you on once in the arena, Citizen zero. I think it was right after I5 went live when she was level 42 or so. She had no chance. You basically hit me every time from range or melee even through elude . I did manage to chase you down once and get one kill, but it ended mercifully at like 6-1, but it could have been much worse.

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I recall most all of my battles as it happens. You were well met. I don't doubt that you'll do much better now with the overall defense buff in PvP. Hope to see you in The 'Burg some time.



We need more fightclubs. Woulda been there myself if I wasn't busy working all the time. grrrr



I want in on this "Fight Club", someone contact me with details



Siren's Call Fight Club is becoming a nightly thing. Personally, I couldn't be happier about it but I'd love to see more Villains showing up. Tonight, it was mostly me and Prev alternating fights, which was fun, but I'd like to have seen some fights with different CoV ATs.

I managed to kill SovereignSavior once, then lose to him in the rematch. That broadsword just freakin hurts.

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Fight club is awesome, and it is an honor to enter into battle with a worthy opponent such as yourself Q!



Always a pleasure. Unfortunately it didn't seem like it was going to happen tonight so I gave up on it and did some missions in Warburg. Hopefully I didn't miss anything.



Weren't many in sirens tonight Q, while I was there, you didn't miss much



Always a pleasure. Unfortunately it didn't seem like it was going to happen tonight so I gave up on it and did some missions in Warburg. Hopefully I didn't miss anything.

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I didn't log on tonight and usually play once every 2 or 3 days now. I am getting to the point to where all I want to do is just get as many badges as I can. I have already stopped playing COV after 2 weeks and never play any of my alts in COH. PVP is keeping me going though. I would really like some new PVE content for the next patch.



Nothing is more interesting. than standing in one spot for 10 minutes watching a 1Vs 1 fight between an Invul / Energy Melee Tanker vs an Energy Melee / Invul Brute...... FUN! lmao



That's why we have three separate "rings" in which matches can take place. When one of those "unspottable force meets immovable object" fights takes place, we just set up another fight in ring 2.

Last night was the first time we had so many participants that we actually had to open up the third ring, which speaks to how successful last night's Fight Club was. It was incredible. You had spectators flying up several yards so they could watch all three matches at once. Made me wish I had Flight.



Fun fun fun in Siren's tonight for me it was my 1st real attempt at PvP and I had my [censored] handed to me many times "bow" to the punk [censored] heroes

Much trash talking was also fun.

"Wave" to Fists he was fun to hang with out on the oil riggers even if he was heroe.



Prince of Cania never gets invited to the reindeer games...



He's more than welcome if he'll just show up at the right times.



So have any of you found the actual Fight Clubs in game yet? not yet activated but there's a few ive seen. Have to be sneaky to get inside Watch for the Monkey Boxers



Rule #1: Don't talk about Fight Club.



Rule #2: See Rule #3
Rule #3: See Rule #2
Rule #4: When Rule #2 and Rule #3 apply, see Rule #6
Rule #5: See Rule #4
Rule #6: See Rule #2
Rule #7: See Rule #1

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



I think they ruin the zone. They take everyone that should be out dispersed doing whatever taking hotspots or something and have them standing around on a roof.

You mean I can't collect my bounty because he happens to be sitting on top of a roof spectating?



I say if your bounty is at the fight club thingy he's fair game unless he is fighting at the time. they might be at a fight club but its a PvP zone, if they dont think its fair just tell them to shut up and that the Arena is where you fight if you wanna fight certain individuals.



I agree with Mage. They should make a place for this to happen, like, lets say, an Arena or something.



i can see most people's arguments with the Arena choice "Arena? that means it will be a fair fight!!!"