I Killed _______ in PvP




Oh, he survives AS just fine. It's the Energy Transfer follow up that's the problem.

Honestly, (and I'm getting slightly serious here) the problem is the fact that players have too much information available to them about their opponents in PvP.

I draw Ranma as my bounty in SC. I bring up my map and have a little orange marker that tells me exactly where he is. I click the marker and get a yellow waypoint that leads me right to him. The Z-axis is even correct just incase he's on a building or flying. I find Ranma. I see that he's a scrapper and notice the green glow around him, indicating that he's a Regen scrapper. I right click him and bring up his power info. Sure enough, he has Dull Pain.

I know that I can't do enough damage fast enough to Ranma to kill him before he hits reconstruction if dull pain is active, but I know that dull pain has a duration of 120 seconds and a downtime of 30 seconds to a minute depending on slotting and the presence of Hasten. I know that the base HP for Scrappers at level 30 is 910. I hover my mouse over Ranma and see that his HP is 1450. Sure enough, he has Dull Pain active.

But I'm patient and Ranma can't see me, so I just stand there and watch him with my mouse over his HP bar. When his HP drops to 910, I quickly hit Build Up, run up to him and AS/ET him, killing him almost instantly.

So all in all, it's a pretty unfair advantage that I wouldn't have if I didn't have so much information available to me about my opponents in PvP.




This topic must live! Damnit!

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Blue, on the other hand, must die.


For good measure.

Didn't get a chance at Ranma, but due to my primary and lack of slots, I don't normally mess with /Regen Scrappers unless they're already a little injured. Not necessarily badly injured, but I just don't do the damage output fast enough atm to kill a full health one regularly.

And apparently, my bounty is bugged. Blue let me know that it was over 1700 as I was logging off today...

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Popped into Sirens the other day for some of this "UFC" PvP stuff. Wasnt to bad. Mes called out my stalker and ....... ! Stealth attacked him a couple times to remind him that I was a villian, after our match. Fought a couple of tanks, Chromato and Maxximus. They did well. Faced a fire/ice tank but keep getting mezzed by some dipshit controllers left over fear thingy so it was called. The tank did whine about my running around and not sitting in his ice/burn patch, hmmm (didnt actaully say that, but his comment of "Stop running around and fight" leads me to believe that was the gist).

Learned something very nice about EA. It allows me to siddle up real close to a stormy. The only prob is hitting, I am sure once I can get 6 slots in BU ( 3 times and 3 tohits) I will be able to AS the storms. Also loved hearing the TP prompts and it doing nothing.

Went to Warburg for some action. Quason was there and he did well except for the continous running back to the safe zone after his AS failed to kill in one shot (at least that was from what I saw, I am sure he had a perfectly tactical reason for retreat). I like Warburg cause I can use my Overload to overcome most. Have some trouble with SR's and Stoners. Zone into St. Martial when it wears off and zone back into Warburg and it comes back instantly. Woot.



I'm really very curious to see how well stalkers perform in a team, especially the right team. Today, a blaster with a strong melee secondary can have a great deal of success just mowing down enemies with Energy Punch, Bonesmasher, Total Focus, and the like. Add a healer to the mix, or a rad or storm controller, and things get much worse for the opposition. So far I see quite a few stalkers playing hide & seek -- which is expected since many are playing the role of the stealthy assassin -- but I'm really curious to know how well their damage does in a team vs. team battle. I think stalkers have the right tools to be successful even when they're not hidden, just waiting for the right teams to show up and show us.



I've been wondering this as well...



Problem is, Stalkers tend to be the #1 priority target in team vs team battles. People are accustomed to Stalkers playing the hit and run style, so when they see them, they attempt to take them out as quickly as possible before they're able to rehide and one-shot someone.

So, at this point it's next to impossible to play a Stalker the way you're describing in a team vs team fight. I've tried it several times and found that the moment I reveal myself I'm completely massacred unless I disengaged, rehide, and come back for another Assassin Strike.

It's rather unfortunate, since I have 9 powers in my Primary and I'm using exactly 3 of them in PvP (AS, ET, BU), and it's lead to the reputation in the PvP community of being a coward (see Angelfist's commentary regarding me a few posts back), but that's just... how it is. There's nothing I can do about it. I can either strike and run, or I can strike, scrap for about 10 seconds, and run back from the hospital.

Maybe if we get a few Stalkers playing the way you're suggesting and our opponents stop prioritizing us (it'd make more sense to take out the Corruptors and Dominators first anyway) it'll be possible to play more aggressively. However, until then, I'm working with what I have.



Have you attempted assuming the role of a finisher? Basically, allow your teammates to engage the opposition and enter the fray to AS opponents w/ less than full health. The obvious problem of what to do after revealing yourself can be worked around (in theory) by having a teammate recall friend the stalker after the deathblow. I know this method requires specific builds... just throwing an idea out there.



That's basically just a variation on the theme of what I already do. I don't generally attack anything in team on team that I can't take out in one or two shots, for the reasons I pointed out above.

So, that includes wounded opponents as well as squishies. As for Recalling me out of the fight after striking, it's really not necessary since I have Teleport. TPing straight up and away from the fight after an assassin strike works just fine since it usually breaks target lock on me.

Basically, my problem is how not to get ganged up on and massacred by the remaining 7 members of the opposing team after I assassinate one of them. Until that works itself out (and I have NO idea how that's going to happen), this whole hit and run thing is all I have to work with.



Does your current build allow for the selection of phase shift?

Regarding hit and run tactics... I don't fault any player for doing whatever is necessary to survive odds stacked against their favor. A stalker is clearly no where near as resilient as a scrapper. I think many people make that erroneous assumption. Stalk on Q...



Does your current build allow for the selection of phase shift?

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Yeah, but not until Recluse's Victory level. My early build is tight as hell. I could probably take it if I'd be willing to switch to flight to deal with flying targets (as opposed to TP Foe) and drop the teleport and speed pools, but I don't see that happening any time soon. You can see what I'm talking about by taking a peek at my build, linked in my sig.



I just glanced over your build. I've never been an advocate of stun from energy melee. Why waste an attack on a disorient when you can disorient and damage simultaneously w/ several powers in the set? <--- My reasoning Also, with the relatively short battles you choose to fight, do you find energy drain to be useful?



Stun and Energy Drain are PvE conciderations. Here's what I do against a four mob spawn:

AS first target. Dead.
Stun fourth target. I'll come back to him later.
Build up/Energy Transfer second target. Dead.
Placate/Bonesmasher third target. Dead.
Stun fourth target again. Energy Drain him to top my end back off. Scrap him to death at my leisure.

If everything goes as planned, the only damage I take is the 12ish percent self-damage I take from Energy Transfer and I end the battle with at least 3/4 health and 3/4 endurance.

Rinse, repeat.



If everything goes as planned

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*visions of Hannibal saying...*

How attached are you to ET and TF? Nice, sound startegy, btw.

Yesterday afternoon I took my fire/fire blaster (Ember Reborn) for a spin in Warburg and found it to be barren. The only other inhabitant was Arch Blaster, an arch/energy. We dueled on the beach for a solid 15 minutes until a stalker, Baron Von Bismarck decided to say hello. Two more heroes, a stone/EM tank named Avenger VI and a dm/regen scrapper named Dark Monk3y, entered the fray. Arch Blaster and the stalker left shortly and were replaced by Karaza, another dm/regen. The four of us battled on the beach for an hour in some of the most fun PvP action I've participated in. Between getting feared by the two DM's and getting tp foe'd into the mud potted lap of the stone tank w/ TF ready to fire... I surprisingly and miraculously died only once.

What made the session enjoyable were the good-natured players involved, no one running to the safe zone, and the unexpected turns of having four solo players targetting opponents chaotically. Thanks Avenger, Dark, and Karaza... see you guys soon



How attached are you to ET and TF?

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ET and I would have to be surgically separated, and one of the two of us would probably die in the separation.

TF, OTOH, I just got about 3 hours ago and haven't really used yet, so I dunno. I'll let you know when I get to 33 and get some slots in it. Right now, it's an unslotted attack, so of course it blows.





How attached are you to ET and TF?


ET and I would have to be surgically separated, and one of the two of us would probably die in the separation.

TF, OTOH, I just got about 3 hours ago and haven't really used yet, so I dunno. I'll let you know when I get to 33 and get some slots in it. Right now, it's an unslotted attack, so of course it blows.

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I was joking... unless you took it serious and are considering it... not that I would benefit in any way from it

I thought asking for you to skip AS was a bit too transparent



Stalker Survival Tip:

Phase Shift

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Did not mean to imply you were a coward Q. Having Overload allows Stalkers to stand toe to toe with scrappers, tanks, etc. Trollers with a few BF's on board. Having used it in Warburg to great sucess so far, I have become accustomed to using the BU+AS then placate TF, and then ET. Overload allows me to hang around if the tank or scrappers toggle up DP or FH. Can finish them off for the most part. Unstop is a [censored] though. Hope they toggled it up before I did Overload so it runs out first. (happened in a fight with Jett)



1. How much harder can it be to play a stalker than a blaster in team matches. you get defenses and inherent invis. If you've ever played a blapper than you should be good as a stalker.

2. Running to save zone is cowardly, if you cant stay in constant fighting then run away in the zone atleast, not to safe zone or hide next to drones.

there are plenty of blappers that pvp and dont even use the pansy tactics most stalkers use. you get mez resistance, some get heals, defense powers. Makes no sense that a stlaker needs to run more than a blaster, its just a lack of skill of pvping.



1. How much harder can it be to play a stalker than a blaster in team matches. you get defenses and inherent invis. If you've ever played a blapper than you should be good as a stalker.

2. Running to save zone is cowardly, if you cant stay in constant fighting then run away in the zone atleast, not to safe zone or hide next to drones.

there are plenty of blappers that pvp and dont even use the pansy tactics most stalkers use. you get mez resistance, some get heals, defense powers. Makes no sense that a stlaker needs to run more than a blaster, its just a lack of skill of pvping.

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My blaster was a stalker long before there was even such a thing. And I remember getting yelled at for it too.



I haven't been in Warburg much lately but I'll be there tonight hopefully with a full WC/LMC crew. I do have a semi-serious question to long time PvPers since the subject is being brought up...

I was in an arena match the other day and I fought a SR scrpr with three of my toons. With CrackBack is was a total wiff-fest, match was a draw. With Ice Col' somehow the match was set to "last man standing" then I get a Eluded SR scrpr charging at me to no bitter end. Of course he beat me 1-0. Now the third match is what really ticked me off... We fought in the Perez Park zone. Somehow dude set the match to last man standing AGAIN!!! after i asked for matches to be timed. I was using my fir/rad troller against his MA/SR scrpr. Again I get an eluded SR scrpr up my [censored]. This time he didn't defeat me before elude wore off. Now here's what p*ssed me off. After elude this dude ran around like there's no tomorrow. He kept running. To no end... Then after i ran out of BFs and my end caused all of my toggles to drop and i didn't have any more CaBs either he ran up on me stunned me, then hit a critical and then another attack and i lost 1-0.

My question is this....
How is running looked upon in arena? And was his tactics in the 3 matches as a whole, fair and just? I found them to overall be horsesh*t. I was ticked to no end. Can someone take to time to enlighten a PvP newb of sorts on some of the ethics of PvP?

Oh and btw...Celsius Zero toyed with me earlier that day. Beat me 8-0. lol. gave CrackBack some serious humble-pie. And i'm allergic to humble.



if you were using fire/rad its best to just dump on your defense debuff and nail him with LR, you should have a few acc slots in LR for cases like this. Smoke+ the acc debuff toggle work well too for dodging hits.



Well in the Perez Map the SR can outrun the debuff. If it were in the Office Map then he wouldn't have had a chance, since the office map extremely favors rads.



How can you lose to a MA/SR under a fire/rad controller?



Having Overload allows Stalkers to stand toe to toe with scrappers, tanks, etc.

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I imagine it would. Looking at the raw numbers, Overload in conjunction with Kin/Power Shields will push defense to insane levels while Overload is active.

However, I just hit 32 yesterday so it'll still be some time until I have access to Overload. In the meantime, I'm just relying on my damage and my feet as my self-preservation measures. The 70% defense I'll have with Overload will allow me to rely on my DEF to save me. The 20% I have from Kin/Power does not, unfortunately.



Okay, didn't accomplish anything spectacular today in PvP, but I did have one question.

How the hell did I get a bounty of more than 1700 on my head?!?!?!?

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.