I Killed _______ in PvP




cuz he was using extremely [censored] tactics Blue. you didn't see my rant over the global channel that night?



Who was it?



Okay, didn't accomplish anything spectacular today in PvP, but I did have one question.

How the hell did I get a bounty of more than 1700 on my head?!?!?!?

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You're not suprised are you?



Okay, didn't accomplish anything spectacular today in PvP, but I did have one question.

How the hell did I get a bounty of more than 1700 on my head?!?!?!?

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You're not suprised are you?

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That's just it. I die all the damn time! That's why I can't figure it out

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Man I need to get LZ in the zones.



Mesmorizer has defeated Malice-

Mesmorizer has stood in a battle with Baron Felippe(i lost in the end)

Mesmorizer has defeated Death Omen(1 out of i dont know how many)

Mesmorizer has been defeated my Raserei



I ahven't killed you yet? Hmmm...need to work harder...

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



hmmmm..... I pvp and people spend the match running away; and those i've beaten didn't rate the match. Next time i'll add their names to the bio so i won't forget...lol.



Had some fun in Warburg today, as usual. The only low moment was when another pvp'r started complaining about my constant movement while in battle. I usually have CJ, acro, and whirlwind toggled on while blasting from range on my fire/fire blaster. Obviously it frustrates melee ATs. This instance, however, involved a controller who placed snow storm on me. Just like rad and dark's debuff toggles, a viable tactic is to create separation from the caster and break the toggle through out-ranging it. I switched to SJ and SS (for some reason SJ is unaffected by snow storm's slow) and made a lap around one of the buildings to break the toggle... at no time did I ever approach the safe zone. My opponent claimed that I deliberately trained NPCs on him. Since he left abruptly after, I thought I'd explain to him what my thought process was. If that's not good enough for him, oh well... and GG.

His friend was in the zone at the time and challenged me to an arena duel. Ladi Fire destroyed me. He's a very good fire/energy blapper w/ a strong build... and I have no problem admitting that he's a better pvp'r atm as well.

Thanks to One of those Days and Lord Grim for the fun team



Think he got tired of you running away then coming back and attakcin him while fighting other peeps or NPCs so he grabbed his stone tank and watched you try to scratch it



Think he got tired of you running away then coming back and attakcin him while fighting other peeps or NPCs so he grabbed his stone tank and watched you try to scratch it

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Hmm... maybe that or killing him several times. Since you know him so well maybe you could ask him for me and let him know I had fun and look forward to seeing him out there again

Btw, had a fun little 2 vs 2 in Warburg using Frost Reborn. I teamed with One of those Days against Beerknight and Prince of Cania. Thanks fellas



Are there any brutes and/or masterminds out there having success in pvp?



Might try my Energy brute when it has more defense then 1 purple insp



Was trying to log in Celsius to continue the match but CoH crashed. By the time I rebooted you guys had moved on



Sorry I was unable to get to Warburg last night. It seems that my roommates have it out for me. Everytime the internet is working fine one of them decides to mess with the router which then kills the net on my puters. Did some arena matches with Blue from LMC, thx pimpin. Was gonna try to get with AF but it was evident in my matches with Blue that it wasn't gonna happen last night. Hopefully today my roommates will stay away from the router and it's working fine and I'll be able to have some fun tonight. See you guys lata.



Had a great time in Siren's Call tonight for my first night of Fight Club. First, verified that 400.0 is the max rep as of now.

Anyways, had a big old royal rumble for a little while in front of the villain base that included Lord Zidan, Police Drone, eleventybillion tanks, a stormy, and an ill/rad troller that is becoming one of the most frustrating bounties to draw. Fought, for the first time, alongside our own Blue's Clues' new Stalker, and he'll be a force to be reckoned with soon enough. Just needs to collect some SO's first

Fight Club commenced out of me being called out by the stormy to face his Scrapper, Shadow Boxing. Over the course of the time I was there, I went 6 for 7 with 2 wins over Zidan and Boxing and 1 over Blue's Blaster and Arma (don't remember the full name). My one loss came at the hands ov SovereignSavior, whose Broadsword critted for over 400 dmg to finish me off.

Favorite moment was when I called out for all those who wanted to whip my [censored] to step forward and meet me. I was then mauled by over 15 heroes at the same time Nice to see I'm popular

Also, much thanks to Ranma for proceeding over the event and our resident lurker, Drizzit, for coming out and competing both with his Brute and his Scrapper. Wonderful time and I look forward to more

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Siren's Call Fight Club is becoming a nightly thing. Personally, I couldn't be happier about it but I'd love to see more Villains showing up. Tonight, it was mostly me and Prev alternating fights, which was fun, but I'd like to have seen some fights with different CoV ATs.

I managed to kill SovereignSavior once, then lose to him in the rematch. That broadsword just freakin hurts.



Had some fun in Sirens tonight with the blapper, Alien Ascesion. Many a villain used to chill my drink tonight.

Love those IR goggles and the temp powers. Ran into to Quason a couple of times before he logged. Like that the villian zone isnt much of a safe zone. Can reach the open area villians ( only the ones that are my bounty that hide in the safe zone) with my ranged attacks without tussling with the arbiter drones. (to a point)

Fun stuff. Miss my higher level powers. But like the "rewards" of bounty. Not that I need the SO's or the influ, but at least its a not a kick in the sack.

Hope they make the SHW open zone PvP and Hero vs Villian zones in the update worthwhile. See how the batles go with a full aresenal available.



Oh yeah! Got to see Quason run at Superspeed off the roof during a match. As he put it, he had to take a break because the fall was for 800,000 damage.

We definitely need more villains next time. We had 5 total show up that I saw, but me and Quason were really apparently the main attractions for the hero hate. If only Taunt worked this well nowadays

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Oh yeah! Got to see Quason run at Superspeed off the roof during a match. As he put it, he had to take a break because the fall was for 800,000 damage.

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I forget who I was fighting... an SR Scrapper I think. I had SS on and hit follow. He was right at the edge and moved aside just as I reached him. I launched off the building like a missile, and a controller started attacking me when I landed. =/

It's becoming an epidemic. I fell off the building twice last night too. Is there like, any possible way we could hold fight club on the freakin ground tomorrow night?



I'd show up but I kinda loss the will to PvP since the nuetered my tanker. 3 holds what bull is that. I'll stick to blasters and forget worrying about defense sets now. Break free = best defense in the game.



That's the beauty of Fight Club though, you're not likely to have three holds stacked on you from a single opponent. I've definately seen it happen, but it's not really a common occurence.

AFAIK, I haven't been held yet in a Fight Club match.



thats funny cause I just logged into sirens tonight got a tell from my friend, who was on a hero and said he check this out. Had me held in about 10 - 15 seconds and dead in 20 - 30. Its not that hard to stack 3 holds



HH - 50 Ice/Ice Blast
Helms - 50 Ice/ice Tank

You have two potentially strong pvp characters. The tank especially being a defense-based set when coupled with accuracy reduced from 75% to 50% in pvp. Give it a try, you may be surprised



lol ya I'm not worried about the Helms' or coh. I've done enough PvP with them over the last year or so. I was talking about my brute. But you're new to me so I'll forgive ya