I Killed _______ in PvP




If you want your bounty, you could always just challenge them to a fight. I collect thousands of bounty a night at Fight Club without much effort

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



If you want your bounty, you could always just challenge them to a fight. I collect thousands of bounty a night at Fight Club without much effort

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Yeah you know because my dominator is such a great one on one threat.



personally i say if your standing around watching fights, concider yourself Stalker food.



There are also 2v2 and 3v3 matches if you want Mage, and I know Shadowlance has a good number of PVPers in it.

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



There are also 2v2 and 3v3 matches if you want Mage, and I know Shadowlance has a good number of PVPers in it.

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<Cough> Arena <Cough> Excuse me!

If I'm there as a villain in Sirens I'm there for one purpose to colllect enough bounty to actually get some SOs. These fight clubs hinder that and waiting for a 2 v2 or a 3 v 3 is just not time effecient.



I think what i'm trying to say is Fight Club will continue whether you like it or not Mage, we enjoy doing it, and would appreciate a minimum of interruption. If you feel the need to attack your bounty on the roof, well i'm not going to stop you. All i'd ask is not to interfere with an ongoing match if you would.

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



The one night i went to one i got tired of standing around cause no one would fight me so killed them all, that was some real PvP zone fun.



All i'd ask is not to interfere with an ongoing match if you would.

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Awfully dangerous request for being in an open PvP Zone.



if your bounty is figthing in FClub then yea leave him alone for 5 mins the chase him after, if your bounty is in the people watching then he is open for anything, you can challenge him or you can just try and kill him , but pls leave the ones figthing alone, just that, and for all those "uber"(yea rigth) stalkers that talk too much in here saying how are they gonna interrupt, i hope you do when im around, i really do... i like peace when im watching a figth, you willll get One of those DayS for sure lol



The point is its an open PvP zone and you can't really say what the rules are now can you?



Of course not. That's why we're asking you politely

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



Like I said it ruins the zone overall.



I'm sorry you feel that way Mage, I was hoping we could come to some sort of compromise. The kind that doesn't involve threats from either side like "com arond and i wll pwn u lol". Not that i'd expect that from you. However Fight Club will continue. This isn't my baby, it's just something I joined when it first started. I don't have any authority or power to stop, start, or say anything other than thee are people who want to do this, and they will continue.

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



i have to agree wit ranma here. FC is a great little event. IF you want your bounty get em, just dont attack people in fights. Whats the harm in waiting a few minutes if they are fighting? There is no rule against you not attaking them, its just courteous. You can even ask to 1v1 for collection of bounty, i have never been turned down personally. I just dont understand what Fc does that takes away so much from teh idea of the zone, the idea of the zone is to have a palce where people can have fun, obviously FC allows them to do so =).



It takes a huge zone and condenses it to a roof top. It isnt fun for me when I can't find anyone elsewhere because they are all on the top of a single roof. And I'm not just talking about my bounty.



Points well taken Mage. What times are you on normally? I'd like this to be a scheduled nightly thing, maybe we can form a workaround?

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



Im not asking you to stop it. I'm just making it blatantly clear what it does to the rest of the zone and to others who enjoy large teamed PvP and trucking all around the zone for fights and hunts.



And I wasnt talking about stopping it, I was trying to see if we could schedule at a time when it might not be so interfering. The nights we've run it it's been pretty late, but it's not my decision to make. It sort of just happened when it happened, you know? No set time or anything. I just wanted to change that if I could.

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



Im not asking you to stop it. I'm just making it blatantly clear what it does to the rest of the zone and to others who enjoy large teamed PvP and trucking all around the zone for fights and hunts.

[/ QUOTE ]

Mage, I'm not sure if you're catching on or not, but nobody's arguing with you. You're just repeating this idea over and over as if you're going to scare all of us into stopping because, holy [censored], we're gonna get beat down by a guy whose avatar blows up and a piece of car hardware that flaps in the wind.

It's not going to stop anytime soon, you don't have to follow the rules, and if you're not happy with how one tiny part fo the zone is conducted, feel free to show the rest of the zone how awesome you are. We're not forcing ANYONE to show up to Fight Club, so if it turns out that your bounty is there, it's because they want to be there. Take it out on your bounty, not the people who are there to enjoy the zone in whatever fashion they want to enjoy the zone.

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



My response to "take it to the arena" would be "you take it to Warburg or bloody bay". There are two other open PvP zones if someone is uninterested in fight club. Our alternative isn't nearly so attractive.

So we take Fight Club to the arena. We sit around in the building and decide on a match. Those two people join an event. Everyone else joins as spectators. We sit and watch the countdown, then everyone has to zone. Then we sit and watch them fight each other over and over for the duration of the match or until they both agree to hit the Quit button. Then everyone has to zone back. Then we do it again. We'd get about 3 matches before it'd get annoying and no one would want to do it anymore.

Alternatively, we do it on the roof in Siren's Call. Everyone stands there and behaves themselves while we set up as many as three matches at a time. Specators can watch all three matches in real time, and when one person is the victor, the match is immediately over and a new one can start right away.

It's obviously a matter of convenience. If it's inconvenient for the one or two people in this thread who have a problem with FC to get their bounty, then it's also fair to say that it's inconvenient for the 30 people who want to participate in FC to go to the arena. In other words, it's just not going to happen and any complaining on the subject is wasted breath. We're not stopping and we're not moving but you're MORE than welcome to join us whenever you like. In fact, I'm especially disappointed to see Dinah complaining about it since I was under the impression that she'd be joining us.



Well, I will be joining. For the simple fact that I can never get anyone into the arena except Darklogs, and I'm tired of getting my butt kicked by him.

But that doesn't make Mage any less correct. The designers of the game created several areas for PvP and we are infact not doing what was intended. Siren's was meant to be a "War Zone". WATCH YOUR BACK! and the Arena was designed for one vs. one, or group vs. group matches.

Basically I see Mage's point. If he has come to the zone with the intent to assinate a hero, or arrest a villain, he now has to abide by unwritten rules.

As for going to Bloody Bay or Warburg. I have spent some time in BB. I like it. I will be returning there. I hate Warburg. There is something wrong with this zone. To be attacked by heroes, when I'm a hero, is just silly. and beach fights? please. fight deep within the City then this girl will be impressed.

Personally If you want to have FC, I think Warburg is the best zone for it. I mean lets face it, it's all about whose the biggest rooster in the hen house. What a better way then to have a anyone can fight anyone zone?

But hey, I ain't telling anyone what to do.



Damn I'm going against the flow. I'm gonna get booted outta the Clique.



Well Dinah as we explained in the other threads, all we ask is that you leave the duels alone. Spectators are fair game, everyone knows that. It is a PVP zone and should be expected. And frankly i'd love to see you tonight in Sirens at FC

Ranma Saotome, level 50 MA/Reg scrapper
Taleanas, level 50 Kin/Psi defender
Dusk-Rose, level 32 Spines/DA Scrapper

Still a proud member of Safe Harbour (i'll never spell it any differently, screw your American lack of U's!)
On Champion

Pingu City Justice League



Can't tonight. Pillars night.



Warburg is a FFA that allows anyone to fight anyone and offers access to more powers.

Siren's is hero v. villain only, has bounty (a perfectly legitimate incentive to violate these player made rules that submits the violator to undue verbal abuse), and limits available powers to players, perhaps severely hindering some builds.

What is the advantage of having Siren's over Warburg? Worried about lack of attendence due to level? That will be solved in time and there will be more matches anyway with heroes able to fight heroes. It will also be easier for players to enforce their psuedo-rules in being able to attack those that interfere regardless of which side of the war they are on.

Can't stand the arena? Lets take fight club to the burg.