List of Villain Groups on Champion




well its always nice to see another pvper, seems to be a thining breed. msg me sometime on warlord



Anyone here from Dark Carnival or Dark Circus or whatever that carny/clown oriented SVG is calling itself? I wanted to look into that...



"Now operating in CoV, Guardians of the 7th Gate. A Supergroup that has style, class and is not afraid to hand someone their [censored]. If you're on the Champion server you're almost there. Go to and apply. Not a gaming fanatic, just a casual gamer....that's ok too. With so many amenities from having support in any game you can think of, from CounterStrike to WoW, and we're not afraid to use it. Have a headset and afraid you won't be able to use it? Well don't be, we've also got our own Teamspeak server. Look us up and be ready to become one of the Elite." -taken from the G7G forums

Yep, i joined G7G over in CoV and they're a pretty good bunch to play with. Not really RP oriented (the SG as a whole is gameplay oriented, with some members that do like to RP), but we are dedicated to helping other members and most of us enjoy the occasional bit of PvP even if we're not focused on it.

We've currently got a base with mission computer, tech workshop and base teleporter. Still in the process of placing the teleporter beacons and the infirmary isn't up yet, but should be in the near future.

So go check out the website or send me a PM and/or tell if you're interested in joining. (@necross)

Punch and pie.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Malificus grows!

And we call to all stalkers to rally to our colors. Come to us to join in on our hunt.

We are an all stalker group. We have a few regular players, but we need more.

Look for Hunter Wolf, Lady F., Vies, Skull Assassin, or anyone else to join.



-=Pay Back=-

Colors: Black + Gold
Symbol: Skull

Pay Back is a group of villains, seeking revenge on those who ha

Opposition: Incarnates

@AdJoX or Radevil

Motto: It's Time.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



The Forgotten
New group just starting. This is a themed group for characters that are undead, control the undead, or have a death themed character (skulls demons phantoms). Our motto is Death is only the beginning! Colors are black and deep red. I play mostly at night and seek night time players. Any interested can e-mail my character (Grave Robber.) remember the period. Hope to see you!



from I Am Legend by Richard Matheson

"He fell against the window and looked out.
"The street was filled with people. They milled and stirred in the grey light of morning, the sound of their talking like the buzzing of a million insects.
"He looked out over the people, his left hand gripping the bars with bloodless fingers, his eyes fever-lit.
"Then someone saw him.
"For a moment there was an increased babbling of voices, a few startled cries.
"Then sudden silence, as though a heavy blanket had fallen over their heads. They all stood looking at him with their white faces. He stared back. And suddenly he thought, I'm the abnormal one now. Normalcy was a majority concept, the standard of many and not the standard of just one man.
"Abruptly that realization joined with what he saw on their faces - awe, fear, shrinking horror - and he knew that they were afraid of him. To them he was some terrible scourge they had never seen, a scourge even worse than the disease they had come to live with. He was an invisible specter who had left for evidence of his existence the bloodless bodies of their loved ones. And he understood what they felt and did not hate them."

I AM LEGEND is a villain group founded on the idea that the only true difference between Heroes and Villains is: Heroes don't know that what they're doing is wrong. Atrocities committed in the name of Good are still atrocities.

We're not power-gamers or role-players. We're not power-levelers or beggars. We're just casual gamers that enjoy a friendly Super Group atmosphere. We're currently made up of about 10-15 daily players.

We have a base worth approx 1.5 million prestige with Infirmary, Oracle (Mission Computer) and Teleporters to the four lowest zones. Usually we have a working Workshop with workbenches, but they get sold pretty frequently to afford more player-friendly and useful base items.

Our SG Leadership positions are of status, not of power, and they're achieved by accomplishment rather than favor. There is a website under construction, but it isn't active yet. There are no plans for a voice-chat server, but that is certainly something we would like to see.

Our eventual goal is to be a raiding SG, more concerned with the taking of Items of Power from other SGs than with actually keeping them. In the meantime we are working on having weekly scheduled events.

Our membership is over 60, but as mentioned, only 10-15 are truly active. We're not looking for warm bodies, but active players. It's our only real requirement, that you don't play for a few days then abandon your character.

If this sounds like you would fit in well with us, then please contact me in-game (Warparty) or send me a private message on this board.

Thank you.



Up you go!



Me and me and me and me are:

Angels Of The Apocalypse
Demons Of The Apocalypse

These are really just placeholder VGs for my toons now, so if you ask to join me (and people have), please do not take any offense if I turn you down.

I do not presently actively SG/VG, but I MUCH prefer having an SG/VG name attached to my toons to both look less like a loner ;( and to avoid random level 10s inviting me to their SGs.

Once the cap is raised to 50, I expect to peg it and join whatever SG/VG is still in existence and will have me. Until then, I prefer not to have any attachments other than a nice friends list and some global chat channels. See yas!



-=Pay Back=-

Colors: Black + Gold
Symbol: Skull

Pay Back is a group of villains, seeking revenge on those who ha

Opposition: Incarnates

@AdJoX or Radevil

Motto: It's Time.

Website: Link

[/ QUOTE ]

Now with a Website.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



-=+=- The House of Malice -=+=-
Colors: Black + Violet
Symbol: An intricate gothic pattern at the moment
The House of Malice is led by the Sovereign Scion of Molrovia, Mr. Malice. He leaves most managerial matters to his right hand woman, Ms. Verdigris, however. In a time where superpowered individuals who choose not to do good are persecuted by global governments, Molrovia grants these people citizenship and protection under UN and Molrovian law. Currently operating in the Rogue Isles in order to strengthen ties to a sister nation, the House of Malice has its eye fixed on Talos Island's premier supergroup, the Legendaries.
Opposition: The Legendaries, B.O.S.S., Safe Harbor, Farstriders
Contact: @Ingot or @MisterMighty or @Atomic Knight
Motto: In development (it shall be Latin)
Website: Click Me
A Little Backstory:
For those that knew the former Glow Girl and Dispersal (real characters), the House of Malice made its presence known by attacking the homeworld of Earth's defender, Glow Girl. The Azurion was kidnapped by her own under the control of the diabolical Mr. Malice. Several Legendaries made the perilous journey through the dimensional tube set up by Dr. Inga Sorensen and Lumitron.

Separated by a prepared and well informed House of Malice, the Legendaries struggled in two separate teams to save Glow Girl from execution and keep the moon of Azurion from being pulled into the planet by Mr. Malice's gravimetric pulse beacons.

In the end, though Glow Girl was saved, the planet Azuria was destroyed. Dispersal, the Legendaries only force field defender, was granted unknown powers by strange force during transport to the planet. He held the moon off long enough to teleport the entire population to safety. He was far too weakened to save himself, though, and became one of the very few Legendaries to fall in battle, never to be heard from again.

The original Glow Girl now rules Azuria II but has sent to Earth a new Azurion warrior-princess to take her place. With his plans thwarted by Mr. Mighty and the Legendaries, Mr. Malice plots anew with a veritable army of supervillains.

(We actually played this whole thing out in our RP forums. It turned out pretty cool.)



Hey, wasn't this and Super Groups of Champion Stickied? They are on the other servers.

Hey mods can you resticky the SG and SVG postings for the server please? It should be made easy for players looking for a super group or supervillain group to find. TY.



Shut up villain.



Shut up villain.

[/ QUOTE ]

Muuuu waaaa haaa haaa haaaa. That reminds me, while I'm here.....

The Galactic Empire a COV SVG is seeking additional members. We are a mature group most of whom are in our 20's or (sigh) in my case 30's age range.

Anyone interested in joining us we ask to post a little about themselves and their character(s) on our forums . We ask that all applicants that apply are looking to make The Galactic Empire their primary SVG. We are mostly a PVE SG that enjoys doing missions and TFs.

Come check us out. We have a cool website that's updated every couple of weeks. Good forums and a Ventrilo voice chat. We have all the tools to make a very successful and fun SVG. Now all we need is more fun mature players. So check us out and hope to see you there.



Small Group looking for more Members it's a mercenary themed Villain group called K. A. A. K. if interested in joining please send a tell to Haroun al-Rashid



Creatures Of Below is now recruiting in the Rogue Isles. Send a tell to Me, Silent and/or Jacko

info about this group is: here

Must be a monster of some sort to be able join. The VG teams alot and will do PvP

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



VG: Shadow King Overlords
colors: Black and red
symbol: Skull
Motto: Death shall come to all who oppose us.

We've been active since CoV was released. The leaders Unholy, Chaos and Imperial Overlord have all reached 40 a while ago and are currently working on alts that can assist you. Please send tell to @UnholyAngel if interested in joining.



Wanted to give this a bump since its been floating downward recently.

Also are there any recruiting vg's out there that don't have Shadow, Demon, Syndicate, Evil, ebonics, l33t, or Hell in the vg name?

I'm looking for a new home for my 33 stalker and if I see another Da Anarchist Shadow Demon Mafia or Satanz Colorblind Shadow SINdicate vg I'm going to vurp on my keyboard.

"Theres a saying that perfectly describes reading a majority of your posts, "Like being bukkaked with stupid."" -Demonata on JMan



Wanted to give this a bump since its been floating downward recently.

Also are there any recruiting vg's out there that don't have Shadow, Demon, Syndicate, Evil, ebonics, l33t, or Hell in the vg name?

I'm looking for a new home for my 33 stalker and if I see another Da Anarchist Shadow Demon Mafia or Satanz Colorblind Shadow SINdicate vg I'm going to vurp on my keyboard.

[/ QUOTE ]

You can always join my Villain Group K.A.A.K

You can find me online after 10p CST
@Haroun al-Rashid




50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



The Galactic Empire a COV SVG is seeking additional members. We are a mature group most of whom are in our 20's or 30's age range.

Anyone interested in joining us we ask to post a little about themselves and their character(s) on our forums . We ask that all applicants that apply are looking to make The Galactic Empire their primary SVG. We are an SG that enjoys doing missions, PVE, PVP and TFs. We do it all.

Come check us out. We have a cool website that's updated every couple of weeks. We also have good forums, a great base, Teamspeak voice chat and are currently ranked #11 on the Top 100 SG list and are steadily rising. We have all the tools to make a very successful and fun SVG. Now all we need is more fun mature players. So check us out and hope to see you there.

[/ QUOTE ]

We are once again accepting applications for membership. We have 6 spots we would like to fill. We ask that anyone who applies has the intention of doing so with their most active Villain character they have in the game. As long as you are an active courteous player your level or experience does not matter to us. Sign up and check us out today. You won't be disappointed.



Champion Villian PvP Alliance(CVPA)Will not turn down any toon on CHampion that has intrest in pvp. levels 1-40 PvP builds or PvE builds that want to pvp. No Prestige restrictions, but if you wanna be nice you can jump in once and a while.



Here we are again...

Future Villian Band
Logo : Ace
Colors : Black/Yellow
Ranks :
One Hit Wonder
Pop Idol
Rock Superstar

We have a decent base that is ever changing. We've lost our teleporters but we now have a real energy and control items as opposed to the start up items. Next item is the infermery.

If you wish to join this mature, laid back group please send me a tell.





Larger but newer group full of friendly players with access to a large coalition of other groups. I am new to them but have played with many of them and have not yet not had fun.

If you want a helpful group look us up.

(Not really a good promotion for a villain group but ... what the heck.)

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Margus, Collateral Damage, and Shinsplint are all the coleaders of:
The Chaos Legion

Its a smallish VG consisting of mostly friends from CoH. We do pretty much whatever anyone wants to do.