29 -
First off, thank you Posi and the rest of the Dev team. Second I have a question, for those who plan on purchasing the multiple slots, do you have to place them immediately or can they be banked to be used as needed?
My suggestion would be since you're taking combat jumping anyhow would be to slot CJ and grounded with KB resistance IO's. That way you have coverage for while airborne and don't have to take acrobatics. I would also note that the endurance cost of CJ is .06 which is hardly worth an endurance reduction enhancement.
This game we all play and love is entertainment, unless there are some people getting paid to play in which I would like to know where to apply
I ask why is there a perceived competition in being interviewed in the Scoop? Now, I would add I am not a writer for the scoop, nor have I applied to be interviewed for BtM. I would also like to submit the idea that most people who play are broken into one of two catagories either casual players or marathon players. Casual players, which I feel are most often older players who have jobs and not to sound insulting but "real lives" that demand most of our attention. Then there are marathon players who are mostly youths who have the luxury of unlimited time to enjoy this rich enviroment that NCSoft and Cryptic have given us. However I believe it is this group, the youths who have the time to do enough in game to get notority.
Now my point to this is the question. Exactly what do you what to know from the children/teenagers who play the game? I would submit that the "real life" of our player base is the purvue of the individuals who actually know them. I feel it isn't in the best interest of either the game or the people interviewed to disclose too much information about their real personal lives.
Also I would add, that I would be much more interested in hearing about the "lives" and backgrounds of the characters played. I feel character backgrounds and descriptions are much more interesting and alot more relavent to the game. -
Just my input into this. However it seems very likely that since issue 10 was being created parallel to issue 9 and the interview with Serdar Copur happened shortly before the release of issue 9 that it's entirely likely her statement is legitimate. In that in the next few issue's (to start the developmental process from the date of this interview) it is likely to see the changes to SG's will appear. So in other words, especially if they maintain their pace of running issue's in parellel to each other that could go as far as issue 14 or perhaps further if other things take priority.
Great, well thought out guide that I believe will really help people get a breakdown of how to approach IO slotting.
Just some input. One, the boost that's listed as acc for globals is correct. It was originally to hit bonus's however the dev's came to their senses and changed it.
Secondly and this is less relavent to your guide, however the Impervious skin IO that gives the 30% resistance to status effect is about to change to a 7.5% bonus to status effects. This is due to a mistake Castle made. As it is you can slot it multiple times however it only gives it's bonus for the first one. You see it's coded unique in it's effect, but apparently not in it's slotting. Changing it to 7.5% allows you to get the benefit of multiple slotting and gives the potential to get higher then the original cap of 30% by stacking 5 of them. -
Any dark/thermal corruptors want to give insight to their experiences with issue 9?
Any Ice/Dark Corruptors out there interested in putting out a guide?
Nice guide, Cinderblock! You are a credit to the community. One complaint though-- Your guide is only about 17 pages long in MS Word. If you ever do an update, more verbiage, please! 25 pages is the minimum for an epic guide.
[/ QUOTE ]
Then I should have added my section on each gang and observations of them as related to this build. -
I added SS to the build more for it's stealth component then it's travel utility. Though for some the advantage of pure speed will be enjoyed. With stealth and SS I was able to look through situations and improved my survival. It also helped alot simple traveling through Striga isle. Also, when I did this originally the only travel power I had was SS and I took stealth at 20.
As for ED effecting TO's and DO's. I may be wrong, however I believe that was the same time that they changed the percentages each enhancement type effected a power ie: damage effects 33% defense effects 20% etc. Obviously those examples are the SO stats, but you get the idea, that is what I meant.
I added it to the end of the list of scrapper guides. Least I hope I did that right. -
I haven't gone through the leveling process with my DM/Regen in awhile, I extemp alot, but I still have the advantage of all my slots. However I would say that the important things to slot especially are acc and rechargers. I feel acc is more important then damage for your attacks since missing means you do no damage. For recon, and dull pain having them avialable is most important. The extra healing is a great bonus. I may be odd, but if I had to say I think I try and get what's important to make my powers work up through level 32. At that point I slot out midnight grasp and then proceed to slot up my attacks and dull pain and recon. I balance that practice by taking powers during that period that don't need so much attention for effectiveness. I'm sure my method would drive some people insane due to it's inefficiency but it works for me.
You'll also note that I don't slot up touch of fear until late. I love ToF however between it's inherit acc bonus and it's base stats I don't think TO's or DO's add much meaningful to it. Getting SO's you can take the 11% base debuff to 20% or push the duration to 30 seconds or a mix of those two. However due to ED the lesser enhancers benefits aren't worth it in my opinion.
As for the sliding level scale. I was into my SO's before they added that feature, so I'm kinda guessing here. However I think besides running against more mobs capable of status effects by upping your difficulty I think between ToF and AS you should be able to mitigate incoming damage to a level that recon and DP should cover you. I would probably wait until level 10 to bump it up any, maybe wait till 16 to hit +2 but after intergration it's a matter of choice. I played on heroic for a long time after the scale became aviable because I wanted to do as many story arcs as possible and not outlevel my missions. Honestly it finally got abit boring since even level mobs were not a challange. I currently run at either +2 or +3 depending on what I'm doing. I solo alot and have too many EB's to run at +4 all the time. I don't try and solo AV's so I don't want to spawn them in missions when I'm alone. I hope I've answered your questions but if you have any more please ask and I'll do my best to answer. I'm sure other people would contribute there thoughts as well. -
At the request of someone who's opinion I value I'll add somethings to this.
For starters this is my current build.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Name: Sha'lie Zar
Level: 50
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Dark Melee
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Smite==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(23) Dmg(27) Dmg(31) Rechg(34)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1) Heal(42) Heal(43)
02) --> Shadow Maul==> Acc(2) Acc(3) Dmg(25) Dmg(25) Dmg(31) Rechg(36)
04) --> Reconstruction==> Rechg(4) Rechg(5) Rechg(5) Heal(7) Heal(9) Heal(9)
06) --> Air Superiority==> Acc(6) Acc(7) Dmg(27) Dmg(31) Dmg(36)
08) --> Touch of Fear==> Acc(8) Acc(36) TH_DeBuf(37) TH_DeBuf(37) TH_DeBuf(37)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(10) Rechg(11) Rechg(11) Heal(19) Heal(19) Heal(23)
12) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(12) EndMod(13) EndMod(13)
14) --> Fly==> Fly(14) Fly(15) Fly(15)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16) Heal(17) Heal(17)
18) --> Siphon Life==> Acc(18) Acc(29) Heal(29) Heal(39) Heal(39)
20) --> Hasten==> Rechg(20) Rechg(21) Rechg(21)
22) --> Swift==> Run(22)
24) --> Hurdle==> Jump(24)
26) --> Soul Drain==> Acc(26) Rechg(39) Rechg(40)
28) --> Instant Healing==> Rechg(28) Rechg(40) Rechg(43)
30) --> Stamina==> EndMod(30) EndMod(40) EndMod(43)
32) --> Midnight Grasp==> Acc(32) Acc(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(34) Rechg(34)
35) --> Revive==> Heal(35) EndMod(50)
38) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(38)
41) --> Petrifying Gaze==> Acc(41) Acc(42) Hold(42) Hold(46) Hold(46)
44) --> Dark Blast==> Acc(44) Acc(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(45) Dmg(46)
47) --> Tenebrous Tentacles==> Acc(47) Acc(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(48) Dmg(50)
49) --> Torrent==> Acc(49) Acc(50)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
I play solo and in small to large groups. I would say that I don't like AoE intensive groups since I don't feel I contribute as much as I'd like. But in small groups or verses AV's and GM's I feel I am a key contributer in the team. Unfortunately my other builds have been dumped, in attempting to get the most current version of the character builder I use. Here are some suggestions for building through the levels.
For those who want a full attack chain early I may suggest something like this build. The one note however is taking Touch of Fear this late wouldn't be my first choice. My recommendation instead would be to make sure you had some temp travel powers avialable and to take ToF at 14 instead. In this version I included super speed and stealth. Leveling through the early 20's I spend alot of time in Striga Isle and the ability to get to the missions without the constant attacks by locals was a great blessing. However eventually I felt it wasn't needed anymore and respec'd out of both powers.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Level: 26
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Dark Melee
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Smite==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(5) Dmg(23)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)
02) --> Shadow Maul==> Acc(2) Acc(3) Dmg(9) Dmg(23)
04) --> Shadow Punch==> Acc(4) Acc(5) Dmg(21) Dmg(25)
06) --> Reconstruction==> Rechg(6) Rechg(7) Rechg(7)
08) --> Air Superiority==> Acc(8) Acc(9) Dmg(21) Dmg(25)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(10) Rechg(11) Rechg(11)
12) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(12) EndMod(13) EndMod(13)
14) --> Fly==> Fly(14) Fly(15) Fly(15)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16) Heal(17) Heal(17)
18) --> Hasten==> Rechg(18) Rechg(19) Rechg(19)
20) --> Stealth==> EndRdx(20)
22) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(22)
24) --> Touch of Fear==> Acc(24)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
This is another build idea. For those who want to get tough/resilence as soon as possible. I pushed off getting a travel power until later then normal with this option but again I would rely on the temp powers aviable from Safe guard missions.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Level: 28
Archetype: Scrapper
Primary: Dark Melee
Secondary: Regeneration
01) --> Smite==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(7) Dmg(23)
01) --> Fast Healing==> Heal(1)
02) -->Shadow Maul==> Acc(2) Acc(3) Dmg(9) Dmg(23)
04) --> Reconstruction==> Rechg(4) Rechg(5) Rechg(5) 06) --> Shadow Punch==> Acc(6) Acc(7) Dmg(9)
08) --> Touch of Fear==> Acc(8)
10) --> Dull Pain==> Rechg(10) Rechg(11) Rechg(11)
12) --> Quick Recovery==> EndMod(12) EndMod(13) EndMod(13)
14) --> Boxing==> Acc(14) Acc(15) Dmg(15) Dmg(25)
16) --> Integration==> Heal(16) Heal(17) Heal(17) 18) Tough==> DmgRes(18) DmgRes(19) DmgRes(19)
20) --> Resilience==> DmgRes(20) DmgRes(21) DmgRes(21)
22) --> Hurdle==> Jump(22)
24) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(24)
26) --> Super Jump==> Jump(26)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Critical Hit==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
A very well written guide, and your english and humor are great. I found it very entertaining and informative.
Well, I've often thought about doing it, so here it is. For better or worse my guide to DM/Regen set up for issue 8
A Comprehensive guide to PVE DM/Regen Issue 8 -
Part 4
Leveling is a slow process, or it feels like it as you get close to 50. Truthfully regen has less down time then anyone else. Here are some comments I hope people find useful on their way to 50.
Pre level 5 I believe people's experience falls into 2 categories. The mission runners and the street sweepers. As a certified altoholic I've done both. Overall I tend to prefer missions and sweeping my way to and from them. If you choose to take missions your origin will help determine who you fight first.
Natural: Council
Mutant: Skulls
Magic: Hellions
Science: Vahzilok
Technology: Clockworks
Around level 5 you get a new contact likely in another zone. Here things diversify greatly. This second contact is likely to send you to Lt. Wincott in the Hollows. At this point you also can make your way to a police detective and get a police scanner.. Continuing with the missions your second contact gives you will send you against varies named members of the groups you were fighting previously. It will also send you through most of the zones connected to the Yellow line. Performing missions for Lt. Wincott will open a whole series of missions and contacts all in the Hollows and if you like you could probably stay in the Hollows until around level 14. Using the police scanner will open smaller missions against varies gangs in your level range with the missions being in the zone you are in. The exceptions being Atlas Park and Galaxy City. The added feature of the scanner missions is upon completing 5 missions in a zone you get the option of performing a safeguard mission. Safeguard missions are timed missions who's principle objective is to prevent a bank robbery. Upon completing a safeguard mission you get a temp power. At lower levels most often the temp power for completing the mission is a travel power that expires after a few hours of use. These can allow for some versititly in your power choices, allowing you to put off picking a travel power. Also each mission has a number of sub missions for other awards.
As your character develops I would encourage a mixture of scanner missions and missions from the more conventional contacts. Throughout your career you will get opportunities to perform story arcs from these contacts. Story arcs are a series of missions that involve a related objective. Honestly I think they are very cool and most are well thought out, but for those more practical minded they also offer impressive rewards upon the arcs completion.
I have also found that Taskforces have become less commonplace. This is disappointing as I find like story arc missions the task forces are very cool and rewarding.
Lastly (I'm sure some people are thinking finally) there are a number of accolades in game. Each gives a different effect or a long recharge power. In particular I feel these ones in particular are worth pursuing
Receiver of the Atlas Medallion= Gives 5 more points of endurance
Requires these badges to earn: Spelunker, The Silver Bullet, The Slayer, Pupil and Top Dog
Portal Jockey= 5 points of endurance 5% boost to your hp
Requires these badges to earn: Dimensional Warder, Scholastic, Shrouded and Multidimensional
Freedom Phalanx reserve member= 10% boost to your hp
Requires these badges to earn: Tank Buster, Gearsmasher, Unveiler, Authority, Regal, Brawler, Vigorous, Summoned, Keen sighted, Purifier and Nimble Minx
Task Force Commander= 5% boost to your hp
Requires these badges to earn: Positrons Ally, Synapse's Cohort, Sister Psyche's Comrade, Citadel's Assistant, Manticore's associate and Numina's Compatriot.
Part 3
Pool Powers: First I'll comment on travel powers and their prerequisites.
Speed: For super speed you need to take either flurry or hasten.
Flurry= Cost: 5.05 Act: 3.07 Rchg: 3 Dur: 4.7
Brawl1: 8 tics of .396 smashing damage=3.168 total
Honestly for concept it works if Shadow Maul isn't enough windmill action for you. However it is single target and does half the damage (smashing only) that Maul does. On the positive side it recharges faster then it animates. Overall I really would not recommend this power.
Hasten: Act: .73 Rechg: 450 Dur: 120
70% boost recharge -15% endurance upon crash
Regardless of your decision to take super speed or not I recommend this power. With DM's limited attacks the speed of hasten helps smooth out your attack chain. It also helps with regen improving the recovery time on your clicks.
Super speed= Cost: .4 Minor stealth (pve) Extreme run boost
Pro's: Fastest travel power on a horizontal plane.
Provides a level of stealth verse npc's. This stacks with stealth to give you true invisibility against most opponents.
Doesn't require extra slotting
Synergies well with SJ and compliments Tele and flight.
Cons: No vertical movement. While this impact while traveling through the outside zones can be diminished by learning where platforms and stairwells are, the impact on mission maps is more an issue. There are some locations especially in caves and in CoT missions where lack of vertical movement makes progress difficult if not impossible.
Suffers from suppression in combat.
Leaping: For super jump you need either jump kick or combat jumping.
Jump kick= Cost:5.5 Act:3 Rchg:2.8
Brawl1=2.777 smashing damage 20% chance of knock up
Even with the recent improvements to it's performance I don't recommend this power choice. The damage is mediocre and all smashing. I think it has a cool animation, I find it very long for the effect.
Combat Jumping= Cost: .075
Defense bonus of 1.875% .25% Jump speed boost and 8% jump height boost. Resist Immobilization
This is a very nice power. It provides decent immobilization protection. Provides a significant boost to your jump height and speed and provides improved air control while in flight. It also has a minor defense bonus. All these benefits at the lowest toggle cost in the game. All together a great power.
Super Jump= Cost: .4
Pro's: Fast travel power with vertical and horizontal movement.
Doesn't require extra slots
Personally I find it fun.
Cons: Requires continues clicking
Doesn't get high enough to clear all structures
Occasionally lands you in groups of bad guys.
Suffers combat suppression
Flight: For those who want gravity to be optional, consider the following.
Air Superiority: Cost 6.5 Act: 1.5 Rchg: 4
Disables flight for 30 seconds gives 100% chance of knock up.
In my opinion this is the best attack power in all the pool sets. Though pure smashing damage it is respectable. It has a fast animation, recharge and endurance cost and excellent secondary effects. With dark melee I feel this attack blends in well with the core punching attacks. Overall I would recommend this attack even if flight isn't your travel power of choice.
Hover= Cost: .2
Hover is basically flight in slow motion. It has a reasonable cost and can provide a good unsuppressed speed for fighting airborne foes. I've known a few melee characters who use this as part of their concept, I however do not use this power as a matter of choice.
Flight= Cost: 1.0
Providing the answer to what happens when you fall up. Consider the following.
Pro's: Unlimited vertical movement
"fire and forget traveling"
Safest travel choice in game
Looks very cool with wings
Cons: Slowest of the travel choice
Requires some extra slotting to improve it's speed
Suffers from combat suppression (to base hover speed)
Very high endurance cost
Teleportation= Travel by blinking
Recall Friend= Cost: 15 Act: 5.93 Rchg: 6 Rng:10000
4 second interrupt time
Useful if you team a lot, but has no real application for scrappers beyond being a friendly taxi.
Teleport foe=Cost: 15 Act:3.93 Rchg:20 Rng:200
2 second interrupt time
Takes some practice but you can use this to widdle down large groups. Honestly solo you rarely encounter groups where this is an issue, and in groups my experience is this isn't a popular tactic.
Teleport= Cost:13 Act:2 Rng:300
In theory this is the fastest travel power. However I found the experience lacking.
Pro's: Fastest travel power
Unlimited mobility
Doesn't suffer combat suppression
Cons: Incredibly click intensive
Requires extra slotting for endurance cost and possibly range.
Lag/computer speed/reaction time impacts traveling
Constant potential of falling damage.
I'm just going to briefly touch on the other pool powers.
Concealment: Stealth, good for reconing missions, great when mixed with super speed in pve.
Invisibility, I found it a hassle since you have to turn it off to attack. Things that could see through stealth and super speed also saw through this as well.
I would also add that temp versions of these and phase shift can be earned by performing repeatable, but level limited, missions in the varies PVP zones.
Fighting: I didn't go this route however taking tough is something worth considering. If you decide to go this route I recommend boxing to open it and resilience to compliment it. I feel kick is unattractive and weave provides too low a benefit for too high the endurance cost.
Fitness: I believe no one absolutely needs fitness. However I feel all of the powers of this set improve the quality of the players gaming experience. I recommend considering all of the powers of this set.
Leadership: If you want to PVP then I feel this set has merit. Otherwise I don't feel this set is cost effective. I would note however that Arachnos does employ negative perception effects and my opinion may change if those effects become much more common.
Medicine: 3 of the powers are the purview of defenders. The other Aid Self I feel is inferior to the 3 healing options already offered in this set.
Presence: To be honest I don't have any experience with this set. However I would recommend confront over Challenge and ToF over Intimidate. Stacking both fears and Invoke panic may prove interesting however. If you pursue this route I would be prepared to devote alot of slots to these powers for duration, endurance cost, acc and recharge.
Epic sets: I don't have a lot of first hand experience with Weapon or Body but my opinions, such as they are.
Weapon: To me weapon offers a few utility options with web grenade and caltrops but neither are game defining. The two attacks shuriken and exploding shuriken also seem lackluster. Other people may use them to good effect, but they never impressed me.
Body: PVPers seem to feel this is required. I question it's need in PVE, but acknowledge it has a large fan base. Focused accuracy does offer a tremendous boost to acc but I question how much of that is needed, and if the toggle's cost is worth it. I have characters I plan on testing those questions with, so maybe my view will improve.
Dark: My personal preference for epic sets. As versatile as DM this set offers an AoE ranged knock back, the only true hold available for scrappers that isn't temporary, a solid ranged blast and a ranged aoe immobilize. Tenebrous Tentacles serves a special function for me. Not to contradict what I said about not stressing over shadow maul catching multiple opponents. However I've found if I have a group and back up a few steps they close ranks in front of me. I then hit them with TT and step forward to maul them. I've found it makes setting things up a lot easier.
Part 2
Regen as a set has been well documented. But these are my opinions.
Fast Healing= 75% increase to your base heal
If you want to be a regen scrapper then you have this power. Eventually I would recommend 3 slotting it. Definitely not a priority but sometime in the 30's or 40's I feel it would be a good idea.
Recommended slotting=
TO's 1 heal
DO's 1 heal
SO's 3 heal's
Reconstruction: Cost: 10.4 Act: .73 Rchg: 60 Dur: 60
This is your main heal and the 1st of the core powers of the set. The base rate gives you 25% of your heal every minute. It also gives you a 25% resistance to toxic damage for that same 60 seconds. Common wisdom says that this should be slotted 3 recharges and 3 heals in that order. As far as that goes I agree. However I would advise people not to overlook the resistance. At lower levels it will help a lot verse Vahz and Hydra. Again at later levels that resistance will help verse some Devouring Earth and the Hydra in the abandoned sewers and portal missions. I highly recommend taking this power by level 8.
Recommended slotting=
TO's 3-4 recharges
DO's 3-4 recharges 0-3 heals
SO's 3 recharge 3 heals
Quick Recovery=Base endurance recovery increase of .55%
One of the main reasons regen is so popular. I don't feel I need to say anything to endorse this power. However I will say that because of the fact that Dark Melee matures as quickly as it does that I would suggest holding off on taking this until level 8 or 12.
Recommended slotting
TO's 3 Endurance modifications
DO's 3 Endurance modifications
SO's 3 Endurance modifications
Dull Pain=Cost: 10.4 Act: .73 Rchg: 360 Dur: 120
Your second and strongest heal. This also is your strongest active defense the regen set provides. Part of what regen has become in it's role of defense is for the player to know when to rely on passive defenses and when to use the active ones. With reconstruction it's simply judging when to recover from the damage. However dull pain the choice is more complicated. Do you want to use it as a great heal to recover from an alpha strike? Or do you want to use it as a buffer to ensure you have enough hit points to survive that same strike? I highly recommend this power and suggest taking it at level 10.
Recommended slotting=
TO's 2-3 recharges
DO's 2-3 recharges 0-3 heals
SO's 3 recharges 3 heals
Integration= Cost: .26 Act: 3.1 Rchg: 10
Resist Disorient, knock back, sleep, hold and immobilize (self)
Improves heal rate 100% (self) 50% (self non enhanceable)
After 15 levels you finally get your first (only) toggle and in doing so you will redesign your playing style. You get a massive regen boost, but as important if not more so is your status protection. I feel this power is critical and should most definitely be taken at level 16.
Recommended slotting
DO's 3 heals
SO's 3 heals 0-1 endurance redux
Resilience: Resist Lethal/Smash/Toxic 5.62 base
resist disorient (self minor)
While I believe every power up to this point are vital. This one is optional. It gives a permanent resistance to disorient effects. Also resilience gives a decent resistance to Sm/L/T damage for a passive. In truth better percentages then Invulnerability's passives do. The problem is, unlike Invulnerability the lack of anything to add the resistance too I feel diminish it's overall impact for regeners unless they dip into pool powers. I would note however that the disorient protection does reduce to eliminate the disorient effect of awakens. Overall not a bad power but not something to restructure your build to make fit.
Recommend slotting:
1-3 resistance
Instant Healing: Cost: 10.4 Act 1.17 Rchg: 650 Dur: 90
Once the supreme power of the set. These days some people view it as an optional power. I however don't. Instant healing is an important mitigation tool. However it is something that takes time to learn. This is the third panic button the set provides however unlike the other two it isn't a heal. Instant healing should probably be renamed superior regeneration as that is a more accurate description of what it does. Instant healing should be used when either experience or lack of it makes you unsure of surviving an encounter, or after engaging an enemy and using both reconstruction and dull pain if you're still not sure of victory. In either case the key is to activate it while you still have a good supply of hit points. Without that cushion, or a green pill the recovery boost won't keep you standing. So with that in mind I still highly recommend this power as the last of the key abilities of the set.
Recommended slotting=
SO's 3 recharges 0-3 heals
Revive= Act: 4.33 Rchg: 300
This is a basic no frills self rez. A lot of people question the value of a power you have to be defeated for to use. In my view having this power is a quality of life concern. Truth is while soloing you will encounter occasional situations where you get defeated and the targets will eventually walk away from you. In these situations having this allows you to simply get back up instead of running from the hospital or base. Alternately in groups or raids being able to get up by yourself could very well turn the course of a fight.
I believe they removed the listed disorient effect from this, however in my time having this I also had resilience so I'm not sure. I do know that with one heal enhancer you stand up with almost full health.
Recommended slotting=
0-1 heal
0-1 endurance modification
Moment of Glory= Cost:2.6 Act: 2.57 Rchg:1000 Duration 120
Arguably the single most debated power that scrappers have. The MOG debate presented by EvilGeko is very articulate in it's breakdown of what it does and doesn't do. I don't recommend this power. My disagreements are twofold. First I strongly feel it does not fit thematically with the rest of the set. My second concern is a reflection of it's performance at what it does. The short version is you become incapable of benefiting from healing or regeneration from either your own or someone else's efforts. You get a 70% damage resistance to everything except toxic and psionic damage. Your max hit points is cut to 25% and you get a bonus of 80% to your defense. You also get a bonus to your endurance recovery and improved status protection.
Recommended slotting= Don't. I wouldn't take this power. Otherwise
SO's 0-3 recharges
0-3 defense
I would also state that since the base resistance is 70% and the scrapper cap for resistance is 75% I wouldn't recommend adding any resistance enhancers to this power. -
First off, let me thank you for taking the time to read this guide. Be it for information for Dark Melee or for Regen or for this very effective combination. I would also like to credit some sources of information Screw_Loose, Stupid fan_Boy, EvilRyu, Gamemaster, and Alyssa though she's been out of the community for a long time. I would also like to credit Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php) for better or worse this is where I found most of my stat information.
The first part of this guide is dedicated to Dark Melee. Let me start by saying I have tested and used 8 of the 9 powers in this set. The only power I have never taken is confront. Dark melee is a high utility, low "attack" set, but don't let that fool you. DM packs a great punch and is very competitive in sustained DPS. Also all of the attacks from DM give a 5% to hit debuff to your targets that last approx as long as that attack takes to recharge naturally. Soul Drain and Dark Consumption do not have these debuffs however.
Shadow Punch= Cost: 4.368 Act: .57 Rchg:3
Brawl 1= 1.389 Neg energy/Brawl 2=.944 Smash=2.333BI
Honestly I feel that Shadow Punch is the best 1st tier power of all the scrapper primaries. Like the other true punches of the set the damage is split between smashing and neg energy. I highly recommend picking up this attack. Until you get Midnight Grasp, first available at level 32 DM only has 3 other pure damage dealing powers, so I feel passing this one by would detract from your effectiveness, and more importantly your fun. At least until higher levels where epic or pool power choices can fill in your attack chain.
Recommended slotting
TO's 2 to 3 acc
DO's 2-3 acc 1-2 damage
SO 2 acc 3 damage
Smite= Cost: 6.864 Act:.97 Rchg:6
Brawl 1: 2.7778 Neg energy/ Brawl 2: .8889 Smashing=3.667
This is DM's work horse. Fast, powerful attack with a good endurance to damage ratio. What else could you want from an attack? Honestly if you don't like this attack, I would suggest you drop DM and make a new character.
Recommended Slotting
TO's 2-3 acc 0-2 recharge
DO's 2-3 acc 1-2 damage 0-1 recharge
SO's 2 acc 3 damage 1 recharge
Shadow Maul= Cost: 8.528 Act: 3.07 Rechg: 8
Brawl 1: 4 tics .748 = 2.992 Neg energy/Brawl 2: 4 tics .748 Smash=2.992 Total= 5.984
If Smite is DM's work horse then this is it's Nuke. It has it's drawbacks, but it is a devastating attack. Half the damage is smashing the other half negative energy. It's down sides, it's a little high on the endurance cost, and it's recharge is a little long. Lastly it has a notorious animation of 3 seconds.
Overall however it's benefits greatly out way these drawbacks. Between it's base damage numbers and partial negative damage I feel this is the highest damage attack available at level 2. Lastly, but hardly least it's a small cone attack. The cone is both shallow and narrow, but you can hit up to 5 targets at once with it. Now alot of people stress over this point. My recommendation is not to worry about it. Focus on your primary target and simply enjoy those events where you do hit alot of targets as they occur. You'll get better at lining up multiple targets as you progress, but again, don't stress it. Lastly I would add the crit on Shadow Maul occurs at the end of the attack animation.
Recommended Slotting:
TO's 3-4 acc
DO's 2-3 acc 1-2 damage 0-2 recharge
SO's 2 acc 3 damage 1 recharge
Now these 3 are the only pure attacks in the set. They are also the only effective damage dealing attacks DM has until level 32.
Touch of Fear= Cost: 8.53 Act: 1.2 Rchg: 8 Dur: 15 sec.
Acc bonus of 20% To Hit Debuff: 11%
Similar to the swords defense boosting powers ToF is a form of damage mitigation. How it works is worthy of some discussion. ToF has a base acc debuff of 11% it also has a mag 3 level fear effect. Now what this means is using this power effectively gives you and your team a defense boost that lasts for approx 15 seconds per application. The time is also important as ToF can stack with itself. Now all this is helps slowing down incoming damage. The fear effect furthers that in most targets causing incoming damage to stop. With one application minions and Lts will normally tremble in fear. Occasionally they may run, but they don't normally go far. If you attack your feared target it will allow them to have 1 action roughly for every 3 to 4 attacks you make. Now this not only slows down their attacks but it also decreases their efforts to buff and debuff as well. For bosses it takes 2 applications for the fear effect to take but otherwise things are the same.
Recommended slotting:
TO's 1-2 acc
DO's 1-2 acc
SO's 2 acc 3 to hit debuffs 1 fear duration
Siphon Life= Cost: 11.96 Act: 1.93 Rechg:15
Brawl 1= 2.778 Neg energy/ Heal= 10% base HP
Siphon Life is a controversial power. It does 2 things. First it does damage comparable to air superiority that is pure negative energy. The second effect it has is restoring 10% of your total hit points. Now it gives you hit points if it hits, but regardless of the amount of damage it does. The downside is for this power depends on how you use it. If used as a heal the problems are the requirement that it hit. If used as a standard attack the problems are it's damage verse endurance cost. Overall I feel even with it's particular issues it is a worthwhile addition as a backup or topping off heal or as an attack that boosts your hit points in the bargain.
Recommended slotting:
As an attack
TO's 1-3 acc
DO's 1-2 acc 1-2 damage 0-1 end redux 0-1 recharge
SO's 2 acc 2 damage 1 end redux 1 recharge
As a heal
TO's 1-3 acc
DO's 1-2 acc 1-3 heals 1-2 end redux
SO's 2 acc 3 heals 1 end redux
Confront: Act: 2.2 Rchg: 3 Rng:80
In PVE I don't see much value in this power. If you do take it for PVE then I may suggest either a range or recharge enhancer. For PVP I understand acc bonus's are desirable.
Dark Consumption= Cost .52 Act: 1.03 Rchg: 180 PBAoE 8'
Brawl 1=2.222 negative energy/+25% endurance (self)
Dark consumption is a PBAoE (Point blank area of effect). What it does is creates a dark circle around you. Every target hit suffers very minor negative energy damage, but more importantly each hit gives you approx 25% of your endurance. There are some who try and turn this into an attack. I don't recommend this. The damage is terribly low and the recharge makes it prohibitive. I currently do not use this power in my build. That is due to my choice of taking both Quick Recovery and Stamina. If you don't choose to take stamina then I highly recommend this power. If you do, then you may find it not needed, but it wouldn't be a waste to have in your arsenal.
Recommended slotting=
DO's 2-3 acc 1-2 recharge
SO's 2 acc 3 recharge 1 endurance modification
Soul Drain= Cost: 15.6 Act: 2.4 Rchg: 120 PBAoE: 10'
Brawl 1=2.777 neg energy/ Acc +5% dmg +15% per mob hit
At level 26 Dark melee finally gets access to it's self buff power. The effect is similar to dark consumption in that it's a PBAoE attack that deals less then impressive pure negative energy damage. But also like DC the damage isn't important and it gives a good effect. Soul Drain gives a base bonus of 5% acc and 15% damage for each target up to 7 hit. The duration of the buff is approx 30 seconds. I recommend this power but for those who solo at lower difficulties may find it lackluster most of the time.
Recommended slotting
SO's 1-2 acc 0-3 recharge 0-2 to hit buffs
Midnight Grasp= Cost: 11.96 Act: 2.07 Rchg: 15
Brawl1=3.556 Neg energy/ Brawl2= 10 tics of .27888 neg energy Total damage= 6.3336
The 9th tier power available at level 32 and I highly recommend taking it at that level. This is a high damage attack that will immobilize minions and Lts. It delivers most of it's damage up front and the rest over a series of 10 ticks. The damage is pure negative energy. I would also note that the critical damage applies upfront. The immobilize can not be stacked with itself so you won't stop bosses or higher enemies from moving. Sometimes this causes problems with the graphics, but as far as I've ever seen the damage is applied correctly.
Recommended slotting=
SO's 2 acc 3 damage 1 recharge
As I leveled back in the days of Perma-Haste I just ran with shadow punch, smite and shadow maul. About the time I got midnight grasp ED changed the dynamics of the game. In retrospect I feel I would have been more efficient if I had another attack. Now with the changes to regen and defense/resistance in general I would highly recommend adding at least 1 attack from the pool powers. I feel it will smooth out your attack chain and finish targets faster. My 1st choice would be air superiority. All around it's a nice fast attack with the great bonus of knock up. I enjoy the soft control it offers. I also feel for those worried about shadow maul's rooting effect that knocking your target on their back is a great way to diminish that negative.
I'm going to post a DM/Regen guide shortly however to answer your questions Dark_Regan no the def bonus from CJ isn't needed, and to be honest unless you're SR I don't think it's worth slotting. I also feel that Air Superiority is well worth adding to your attack chain as it's a nice fast decent attack with a very good damage mitigation effect.
Here we are again...
Future Villian Band
Logo : Ace
Colors : Black/Yellow
Ranks :
One Hit Wonder
Pop Idol
Rock Superstar
We have a decent base that is ever changing. We've lost our teleporters but we now have a real energy and control items as opposed to the start up items. Next item is the infermery.
If you wish to join this mature, laid back group please send me a tell.
@NarcolepticGirl -
I think I love you
[/ QUOTE ]
So what are you so afraid of....
Wait that's Sean Cassidy
But really don't let my husband (Cinderblock) find out
Lady K
[/ QUOTE ]
David Cassidy actually. I thought of the same song when I read Mac's post. So tell us, what is the exact relationship between the Future Villain Band and The Partridge Family. I'm pretty sure Danny did some time but I didn't know it was in the Zig.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't know, did you see the season openers for CSI:? Danny makes a great corpseTho if someone wanted to make a Redheaded, Sonic/n villain named Danny B or something we would take him
we're just cool that way.
@NarcolepticGirl -
Future Villian Band is a relitivly new SVG on Champion. We are always looking for new memebers
Our moto
We hate love! We hate joy!! We love money!!!
Our colors
Yellow and black
Our logo
Groupie, Roadie, One Hit Wonder, Pop Idol, Rock Superstar
What we look for:
People with a sense of humor, a love of music, pop culture, and cult movies, quirkie referances (like our name) and an overall wish to be part of something larger that's not "heavy"
We are:
EVERYWHERE!!!!!! On yahoo groups look for FVBChampion under on-line games. Our current website is theFuture VIllian Band Website but that can change.
In game invites sent to @NarcolepticGirl
The name of the SG comes from a REALLY bad movie, imagine the BG's and Peter Framton in a rock opera of nothing but Beatles music (mainly Abby Road and Sgt. Pepper). No imagine that the acting is so bad they have to hire George Burns to narate. It's real and it's called Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. The villain in the story is FVB (Future Villain Band) played by Aerosmith performing "Come together". Other notable talent in the movie is Earth, Wind and Fire, Alice Cooper, and Steve Martin as Dr. Maxwell (with the silver hammer). Rent it and watch it just to say you did.
Thanks a bunch
Lady K
@NarcolepticGirl -
Thank you very much, Mr. Gogh. My ward, Susan Orson, is looking forward to moving out. She's currently only 16 but like most teenagers, she's dreaming of moving out and driving. She and several of her friends at Maxwell's School for the Magicly Adept have been talking about "squats" in Kings Row. Maybe we'll check out the Whitmoore website. That is if she lives that long.
Anyone have a current fire/ice guide? Preferably one with a ranged slant to it.
So would a SR scrapper with 3 flight speeds in hover, swift and quickness keep up with a normal flyer? This is more theritical (sp?) curiousity then an attempt at stratagy, but I'd love to know.
I hope that the ability to drop missions is simply an option with no requirements or penalties. Personally I know that on occassion getting missions to hunt in zones I look at as a chance to explore new places. However getting missions to hunt in certain zones I regret. Same with some missions, the not knowing what zone the mission is in is a pain. Sometimes that places a significant factor in which mission I would pick. To simple be able to say as a player " I don't feel like hiking to XXXXXX and get a new mission would improve the fun of the game I believe. Now if this would simple recycle the mission possible giving it a different location I think eventually most characters would go through most of their missions. I also hope that contacts can be retooled so that at least prior to level 14 they don't give missions outside the zone you're in. It's hard enough to do your first few missions across the zone.
I also hope for a "flash back" option. Something that would allow you to auto extemp/lackey to approperiate level range for missions like how task forces do now. So we can work on the varies story arcs and finish out contacts regardless of level progression.