Banshee Brides Sonic/Dark Corrupter . I8 updated




Considering that it’s been a little over 2 issues since I made the guide, I8 seems a good time to update it. Please forgive spelling and Grammar; my first language is not English.

I’ll start it off with a little useless rambling like a madman, and then I’ll give you a round down of the Primary/Secondary/Pool/Patron with my opinions on their usefulness.
Please take into consideration that these thought are my ideas. It’s not necessarily the gospel truth. It’s just the thing I picked up on my journey.

Back when CoH released the Sonic attacks I, like so many others, was thrilled about the Sonic Blasts. Thus I set out to make a character, which I could feel was both thematically cool and fun to play. The choice then fell upon a making a Banshee in the form of a Dark/Sonic Defender and I actually made it to 22 before I got to frustrated with the defender play style of it. (The damage output felt to low to solo properly, and the imho useless inherent ability never stopped bothering me).

Some time later CoV hit us, and all of sudden my idea of a Banshee reappeared but felt more appropriate this time.
The idea of a undead creature as a hero was a little farfetched in the first place and the Corrupter AT really worked out a lot better for me, since it made for a lot easier solo experience (I am from Denmark and thus I usually play at times where you guys are sleeping) while still being a good option to bring on a team.
Well enough of the madman’s rambling.
Please allow me to give you my thought of a Sonic/Dark Corrupter (SDC from now on).

The SDC gives you a great package. You have some pretty good damage, a very nice secondary effect, team and self protection and a resurrection, which always is handy in the Pug’s I tend to form, as well as imho cool looking powers and sound effects (some will disagree with me on the sound effects).
The SDC work great in both solo and team play and can even be used in PvP to have a good time. I won’t lie to you though, it’s hard to solo with in pvp (although not entirely impossible) but on a team it really shines.
All in all, it’s a nice and funny character to play with.
The only really sad thing about this combo is that there are so many powers from your primary/secondary sets that you would want to have and slot so you may not have that many powers and slots for you Pool powers.

The number in (x) after the name is the level the power becomes available.

Sonic Blast:
Without this I wouldn’t be a Banshee. After all Banshees’ are infamous for their deadly scream.
This primary gives you mostly single target damage, a couple of powers for soft control, a cool “Nuke” and one of the most dangerous side effects –Resistance to all types of damage. The
–resistance means that when solo, your attacks will do more and more damage, which is nice, and when in teams this makes you an even more dangerous supporter since all of your team members’ attacks will also cause more damage.
The normal attack chain will consider of 3 single target blasts, combined with either soft control, your cone blast or use of your secondary

The Powers we receive are as follows:

Shriek (1)
Damage: Minor (Smash/Energy)
Recharge: 3
Acc.: 1.0
Range: 80
Endurance: 6.19
This is a pretty good tier one blast. It has a very good range, a fast recharge time and packs an ok punch. It is the first of the 3 single target’s damage in the set and you will want to get all 3 of them, just take my word for it . In the early game it is a stable part of your damage output. In the late game it’s still a stable part of you damage output
It will be useful as a finishing blast or as an opener to lower the mobs resistance before hitting them with a more powerful blast.
Suggested slotting: 1-2 Acc. 3 Damage. 1 End-reduction.
Scream (1)
Damage: Moderate DoT (Smash/Energy)
Recharge: 6
Acc.: 1
Range: 80
Endurance: 6,86
The second of your 3 single target damagers. Once again you have a good range, a reasonable recharge (just slightly slower than Shriek) and some nice very damage indeed. The Damage is DoT rather than a single number, but this is cool for 2 reasons. First it gives the –resistance time to set in after the first tic of numbers and secondly the power of Scourge simply loves DoT powers. This is because Scourge checks for every tick to set in. This power will be your mainstay single target attack and will be the first I suggest you to slot up. It is also the first power I suggest taking at level 1. The reason I take this rather than Shriek is that the damage is substantial better, without having a to long recharge time. And did I mention that the DoT happens fast? No idle waiting for this power to kill your target, it happens in a snap, so it won’t feel like a DoT.
Suggested slotting: 1-2 Acc. 3 Damage. 1 End-reduction.
Howl (2)
Damage: Medium (Smash/Energy)
Recharge: 10
Acc.: 1
Range: 50
Endurance: 10,4
Heidi Hooo, here is an attack that is not single target this is a 90-degree cone attack with a damage that is the same as Shriek. The relatively low damage (compared to other peoples AoE attacks), combined with a longer recharge time is one of the reasons that it is rarely taken. If you intend to play solo most of then time this makes sense, BUT for those who plan on teaming a lot I will really advice to take this gem, your team-mates will love you for it for one very simple reason. The –resistance it is included in this power too and trust me –resistance to most of the targets in a spawn is not a thing to shake your finger at, especially not if some lets loose with a hefty AoE after you use it.. Just remember that it causes a lot of aggro, so make sure the targets are angry with someone else than you (or held/feared/confused) before loosening the Howl. As an added bonus it has one of the coolest sound effects in the set
Suggested slotting: 1-2 Acc. 3 Damage. 1 Recharge. 1 End-reduction.
Shockwave (6)
Damage: Minor (Smash/Energy)
Recharge: 8
Acc.: 0,9
Range: 50
Endurance: 11,86
And while we are at AoE cones here is another one. This one is not for damage but is a soft control power. It has more or less the same size as Howl (as far as I have been able to test) Personally I don’t use it. Firstly it will knock people off your Tarpatch (on the other hand it can also be used to knock stragglers back on to it), secondly if you are teaming, knock back is often a means to controversy on a team, thirdly it has a to long and stupid looking animation. My last reason for not taking this one is purely because of the theme (I know some may shake their head at me now) but in my opinion when a banshee screams at someone they are not knocked back, they fall over with blood pouring from their ears. The minor damage this is labelled with really means minor.
Try it out on test for yourself before choosing it, just to see if it works for you.
Suggested slotting(if you take it): 1-2 Acc.
Shout (8)
Damage: Heavy (Smash/Energy)
Recharge: 10
Acc.: 1
Range: 40
Endurance: 11,86
And finally here it is. Our last single target damage dealer. This one will make their ears bleed. Only downside to it is the short range. Until I8 came this meant that it was basically a close combat attack, but the added range means that it is now a ranged attack as it should be.
The only downer of the power is its rooting animation which is a little on the long side, but its damage is worth the wait. Take it or regret it!
Suggested slotting: 1-2 Acc. 3 Damage 1 End-reduction.
Amplify (12)
Recharge: 90
Endurance: 5,2
The sonic version of aim, different name but same power. It enhances your acc (a lot) and your damage (some) and does so for approximately 10 seconds. In my world I wouldn’t go without it. Extra acc. when you need it (I am looking at you Rikti Drone) is always handy and who doesn’t want to deal more damage? I know I do.
Suggested slotting: 3 Recharge.
Siren's Song (18)
Damage: Minor (Energy)
Recharge: 20
Acc.: 0,9
Range: 40
Endurance: 15,6
This power is controversial. Once again it’s a cone of soft control (beginning to se a pattern heh). It deals a little damage(its insignificant really and not worth slotting at all) and put Lt´s and minions to sleep. The basic sleep duration is pretty long and the size of the cone is large. Solo this is a fantastic power. They will be slept for a long time and with your single attack chain you can mob them up one by one. Just remember that slept foes are awaken if they take damage or are healed.
This is why it can be a pain in teams. People will let loose with an AoE right after you use it and thus waking the mobs up.
My suggestion would be to take it if you solo mostly and to drop it in teams unless your team knows not to wake up sleeping targets, but seriously few groups do. Another reason to go without it shows up in you secondary in the form of Fearsome Stare but I will get to that later.
Suggested slotting: 2 Acc. 1 Sleep duration. 1 Recharge.
Screech (26)
Damage: Minor (Smash/Energy)
Recharge: 20
Acc.: 1
Range: 60
Endurance: 10,19
This is one of the powers that I am not to crazy about. It will disorientate a single target (not a boss) and does a little (very little) damage. Others might differ in their opinion about it, so if you got some pointers on it, feel free to share with me. If you like to duke it out in PvP it will come in handy because a disorient will drop the toggles of your prey(unless they have status protection) What it can be useful for is taking a Nullifier/Sapper etc. out of combat, but so can your single target hold from your secondary, and that’s what I prefer to do.
Suggested slotting: 1 Acc. 1 Disorient duration. 1 Recharge.
Dreadful Wail (32)
Damage: Extreme (Smash/Energy)
Recharge: 360
Acc.: 1,4
Range: PBAoE relatively close to yourself
Endurance: 20,8 to activate the power, if you don’t hit any targets with it then this is all it will cost you. If you do hit anyone though it will drain the rest of your endurance and leave you unable to recover it for a short while (i.e. time to eat a blue pill)
Killing them softly with his song (sorry couldn’t resist it)
Here is our nuke. Personally I love it. I scream at people and they drop dead, those who doesn’t die, staggers around in disorientation. The damage varies from time to time because of the way the power checks against a % chance to let out more waves of energy damage and this can be a letdown, but I still love it. Some hate it for it, but really take it or at least try it at the test server. Whatever you do don’t just disregard it without a little test. I like to use this in one of 2 ways. Either I use: Fearsome stare, Tarpatch, Amplify (aim) and then fire it. Or I use it a s a panic button on teams. If your group is getting a hammering by a lot of mobs, this one will hopefully clear out quite a few of them, and leave those not dead stunned so you and your team can escape.
Suggested slotting: 1 Acc. 3 Damage 2 Recharge.

This pretty much sums up my opinion of the Sonic blast. It doesn’t have a single power that I will NEVER take, and that must mean that it has some useful and nifty powers (well it does in my book). The downside is less powers to use in the Pools, but I will just have to live with that and gladly do I might ad. Even the powers I am not to crazy about has it’s uses and although it is primarily single target damage, it actually can be used as a AoE build because the cones of soft control does damage as well as include –resistance so even the low damage adds up and defeat enemies, just not as effective as the single target approach

Dark Miasma:
Using the powers of the shadows to cause terror and confound your foes, this set will offer you a wide range of abilities. All of them are useful both solo and in a team, so this is one of the secondary set’s that will never force you to favour the one over the other. The set only has one power I will never choose, so once again it makes for a good and interesting set. And the powers are:

Twilight Grasp (1)
Recharge: 8
Acc.: 1
Range: PBAoE
Endurance: 7,8
Well you don’t get a choice about this one, and that is ok. It’s a PBAoE heal that heals about 20% of your health. It has good area of effect to help your friends, so just tell them to get close to you when they are hurt. The only downside is that it has to hit, so remember to slot it for Acc. And don’t be cheap with the slots here. 2 is better than 1. You really don’t want to miss with your heal.
Apart from the heal it has a –regen effect. This means that the target you use to draw the energy from will stop regenerating hit points for a short while. This is something, that isn’t really useful against minions and Lt´s , but against Bosses, Giant Monsters, Elite Bosses, Heroes and AV´s it is a wonderful ability.
Suggested slotting: 2Acc. 2 Heal 2 Recharge.
Tar Patch (2)
Recharge: 90
Acc.: Autohit
Range: 90
Endurance: 7,8
This is an absolutely must.
You place a dark patch on the ground, which will do all of these evil things: Slow your enemies, negate their ability to fly and jump, and last but absolutely not least: It will lower their resistance (which I might add is pretty nice in combination with your primary, they add up). All this in one power !
This makes for a very useful power both solo and in a team. Just remind your team to try not to push the mobs out of the patch.
It is useful in both PvE and PvP play and I really can’t see a single reason to skip this power.
Suggested slotting: 3 Recharge.
Darkest Night (4)
Recharge: 10
Range: PBAoE 70
Endurance: 0,26
Team and personal protection. You target is surrounded in shadows and now becomes an Anchor. (look anchor up in other guides if you don’t know what it is) Him and his nearby friends will have their acc and damage output severely reduced. With 3 Tohitdebuffs this baby will protect you and your friends against a lot damage hitting you, and the damage that do gets through will be lower than usually. What’s not to like about this you ask?
Well it is a toggle and as such has a rather hefty drain on your endurance, but an End reducer or two will make you smile again. (And Stamina is my friend, I know, I know, some purists will hate me, but I swear by Stamina for some toon´s and this is one of them)
Suggested slotting: 3 To Hit Debuff 1-2 End. Red.
Howling Twilight (10)
Recharge: 180
Acc.: Autohit
Range: 80 (to hit the foe) The Resurrection is PBAoE unknown range
Endurance: 26
Sometimes the friends bite the dust and when they do this one will come handy. Unlike other resurrection powers this one can actually revive the entire team if you are still alive to use it. It has a PBAoE and all fallen friends within its range will be raised with full health and Stamina. The downside is that you have to use a mob to fuel the power. (I use Recall friend for this purpose) Apart from the rez. the power will also disorient the target and all of his friends close by (again we are talking about the minion and Lt´s here). The power can be used just for the disorient, but it isn’t really a stable choice for that because of it’s rather long recharge time. Last and not least this power has –regen. This means that it us very useful in fights against AV´s.
Suggested slotting: 1 Recharge. 1 endurance reducer.
Shadow Fall (16)
Recharge: 15
Range: PBAoE
Endurance: 0,26
Another useful toggle, for both you and the team. It provides a stealth PBAoE effect that is even better than the normal stealth. It also gives you a small (tiny actually) amount of defence. Last and not least at all, the power will give resistance to Negative, Energy and Psionic.
At the later levels team mates and yourself will love it alone for the psionic resistance, since it’s a rather common thing to encounter and so precious few people has protection from it. So just take it, slot it and love it.
Suggested slotting: 3 Resistance 1-2End. Red. The defence is so low that it inst worth slotting for.
Fearsome Stare (20)
Recharge: 40
Acc.: 1
Range: 70
Endurance: 8,53
Uhhh yeah. To call this baby the jewel of the set would be an understatement. This power is the cornerstone of /Dark.
You will have a very large cone of effect, which will cause fear to your foes. While under this effect they will cower and shake in fear, and even unslotted they do so for rather long. It is almost like a hold effect, although they will have a chance of retaliating if attacked, then they will return to cowering. Apart from this very useful ability, they will be affected by a penalty to their acc. so even when they attack back they will have a harder time of hitting, which is always nice.
This is the one power in the set that you CANNOT AVOID, to do so would be a huge waste of potential. And this power btw is the reason that I didn’t go with the otherwise useful Sirens Song.
Suggested slotting: 1-2 Acc. 2-3 Fear Duration. 1 Recharge. 1-2 acc debuff
Petrifying Gaze (28)
Recharge: 16
Acc.: 1
Range: 70
Endurance: 7,8
This is the only hold that you will gain access to (at least until you gain a Patron power). Its magnitude is strong enough to affect Llt´s and minions, but in order to affect bosses, you will have to apply it 2 times. There is nothing special about the power, but single target hold is always nice to have. I especially like to lockdown those pesky Longbow Nullifiers, and Arachnos Night Widows.
Suggested slotting: 1-2Acc. 2-3 Hold Duration 2-3 Recharge.
Black Hole (35)
Recharge: 120
Acc.: 1
Range: 50
Endurance: 13
My mother told me that if you cant say anything nice, you shouldn’t say anything at all, so I wont!
Ah ok, I’ll say a little. This is without doubt the most boring/useless power of the set.
It takes a group of enemies out of action for about 15 seconds. They can’t affect you and you can’t affect them. You do this at the price of a HEAVY endurance cost though. It can be used as a Oh Crap button, but seriously there are so many other powers out there that are better to take in order to avoid Oh Crap situations, so it’s really a waste. Feel free to disagree, and if you do then please enlighten me
Suggested slotting: If you take this power I would suggest Acc. and End Red.
But seriously, don’t waste your slots or power choice on this one.
Dark Servant (38)
Recharge: 240 (same as the duration of the pet, unless its killed of before)
Acc.: 2 (Fluffy doesn’t really miss his target and has no need for acc. Enhancers)
Range: 60
Endurance: 26
Well it’s not a kitten, but it’s a pet. You own very personal pet ghost to help you terrorize the neighbourhood. Most people refer to this pet as Fluffy (just like a kitten).
This power changes a lot of things for you: All of sudden your enemies will miss a lot more often, cower in fear more often, heals will be used to assist you, sometimes someone gets held and dark tentacles will reach from the ground to immobilise and damage you enemies. What is not to like about that? The damage output pales in comparison with other pets (it’s more or less nonexistent), but all of the other effect more than make up for it.
In a set with so many good things in it, this is another power that I really wouldn’t want to do with out. There are several ways to slot it. My suggestion is to slot him primarily for Debuff and then for a little healing. Slotting the fear or hold is imo a waste of slots.
Suggested slotting: 3 To Hit Debuff 1 Heal
And that was our shadowry powers. We have healing, debuff, fear, stealth and the servitude of a ghost. Such is the power of the night for those who choose it.

So that covers our Primary and secondary powers. What else to get?

Well most people prefer to get a travel power of some sort. This will take 2 powers to get. Since I wanted a Banshee I went for Hover/Flight for thematically reasons. I 3 slotted the hover for combat flight and am pretty satisfied with it.
Flight is 3 slotted for speed as well.

Other pool powers of interest are:

In my book I really needed stamina. With Flight, Darkest night, Shadow fall and the happy glee of using my screaming abilities I really couldn’t do without it. Others might do fine, but seriously I couldn’t find 3 other powers I would rather have.

I went for Recall Friend. I may or may not respect out of it again at some point. The reason I took it is for the times when you need to tp. a friend to you in order to rez. him. It’s also handy when you are the first to get to the mission, although that doesn’t happen all that often with flight.
At some point I might be tempted to take teleport foe.

The Pools I didn’t take was left out either because I felt they didn’t give me anything useful or purely for theme. I.e. Stealth felt like a waste because I have a stealth power in my secondary and Hasten was left out because Banshees (imho) doesn’t have glowing yellow hands)

Then there is the Patron Powers.
I’ll only be able to talk about Ghost Widows. Since that is what I went for. I choose it purely on concept, but I haven’t really felt like a gimp for doing it
She is a ghost like me and her powers are about darkness and souls, so it felt right.
The powers are pretty good as well.
The patronage of Ghost Widow gives you:

Soul Drain (41)
Damage: Moderate (Negative Energy)
Recharge: 240
Acc.: 1.2
Range: PBAoE
Endurance: 19,5
Lets see. I suck out part of their soul, damage them and gain a substantial bonus to hit and damage my targets for 30 seconds. Yes please. The power is PBAoE and the more targets you hit the better your bonus will be, so it requires enemies to be close to you. Personally I like to fire it off after hitting them with Fearsome Stare.
It’s great both solo and in teams and is a lovely power to have.
Suggested slotting: 1 acc. 1-3 recharge
Dark Embrace (41)
Recharge: 4
Endurance: 0,16
A personal shield that will give you resistance to: Smash, Lethal, Negative Energy and Toxic damage. Unfortunately it’s toggle.
So far I haven’t felt it was much use to me. I ended up going without it after my last respect and haven’t regretted it. The added resistance didn’t really protect me enough to warrant the extra endurance it used. Others might swear by it so try it out for yourself.
Suggested slotting: 1 End reducer. 1-3 resistance
Soul storm(44)
Damage: Moderate DoT (Negative Energy)
Recharge: 32
Acc.: 1
Range: 80
Endurance: 10,66
A single target hols is always handy, and this one even looks cool. Combining this with the hold from your secondary, you will now be able to hold bosses. This is especially nice when you are up against arachnid bosses.
Suggested slotting: 1-2Acc. 2-3 Hold Duration 2-3 Recharge.
Summon Mistress (47)
Damage: (put out by the Mistress) Moderate (psionic)
Recharge: 900 (long enough that you might die of old age before its ready to use again)
Acc.: 1
Range: 60
Endurance: 26
On the upside the Fortunata Mistress is a pretty powerful pet to have along. Combined with Dark servant you are more than a little powerful with both out. On the downside the recharge of the Mistress is prohibiting long.
You can easily go by with out this power, but in the hard boss, Elite boss and AV fights it’s damn nice to have.
Suggested slotting: 1 acc. 2-3 damage. 2-3 recharge

And finally it appears that I am done rambling.
Those are the powers that make my very own undead spirit.
It’s a debuffing, healing, screaming, fear causing maniac and I absolutely love it. Hopefully you will to.
I hope the guide has been somewhat useful to you.

Questions, critic and suggestions are welcome, so that I may be able to improve on the guide. If you fall over glaring errors, typo’s and other mistakes please let me know as well

Best regards Poul



I have been asked to include a build.
I am not at my gaming computer atm. so It will have to wait till I get home so I can post my most recent build.

Cheers Poul



Nice guide. I tried planning one of these once and I couldn't make the slotting work, so I look forward to seeing your build.



A very well written guide, and your english and humor are great. I found it very entertaining and informative.



Thank you for the thumbs up

Here is my current build as promissed:
Scream: 2 Acc. 3 Damage. 1 End-reduction
Scriek: 2 Acc. 3 Damage. 1 End-reduction
Shout: 2 Acc. 3 Damage. 1 End-reduction
Amplify: 3 Recharge
Dreadfull Wail: 1 Acc. 3 Damage. 2 Recharge
Howl: 2 Acc. 3 Damage

Dark Miasma:
Twillight Grasp: 2 Acc. 2 Heal. 2 Recharge
Tarpatch: 3 Recharge
Darkest Night: 2 End-reduction. 3 Tohit-Debuff.
Fearsome Stare:2 Acc. 3 Fear duration. 1 Recharge.
Shadowfall: 2 End-Reduction. 3 Damage resistance.
Howling Twillight: 1 Recharge
Petrifying Gaze:2 Acc. 2 Hold.
Dark Servant: 3 Tohit-Debuff. 1 Heal.

Pool powers:
Hover: 3 Flight speed.
Flight: 3 Flight speed.
Air Supperiority: 2 Acc.

Swift: 1 Flight Speed.
Health: 1 Heal.
Stamina: 3 Endurance modification.

Recall Friend: 1 Recharge.

Soul Drain: 1 Acc. 1 Recharge
Soul Storm: 2 Acc. 2 Hold duration. 1 Recharge
Summon Mistress: 1 Acc. 3 Damage

For my veteran power I took Sands of Mu (I imagine that my banshee passes her hands through peoples chest and wreck damage on their internal organs).
I plan on taking The Black Staff once i hit that mark. Simply because the magic wand looks cool.

As people can see some of the powers are not entirley slotted like I suggest in my guide.
That is a matter of compromisses that unfortunately must be made, since i feel i could use some more slots. Alas I will have to do with the "few" we are given

I hope this helps those who asked what my build looked like.

Best regards

(edited for spelling)



Any chance you'll be updating this for current?



This guide still works very well as most of the powers have not changed since issue 8. The only thing you would need to do is slot IO's to taste where needed and I find that IO choices are very personal. Some people frankenslot some people like myself go for set bonuses.

This is my current build live. I went with Power Boost top help take down AV;s and such faster

Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.401

[u]Click this DataLink to open the build![u]

obsidian: Level 50 Magic Corruptor
Primary Power Set: Sonic Attacks
Secondary Power Set: Dark Miasma
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Speed
Ancillary Pool: Soul Mastery

Villain Profile:
Level 1: Shriek -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(A), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(3), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx(3), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg(5), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(5)
Level 1: Twilight Grasp -- Acc-I(A), Heal-I(33), Heal-I(37), Heal-I(40)
Level 2: Scream -- Thundr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(A), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(7), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx(7), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(9), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg(9)
Level 4: Tar Patch -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(11), RechRdx-I(11), Slow-I(50)
Level 6: Howl -- Posi-Acc/Dmg(A), Posi-Dmg/EndRdx(13), Posi-Dmg/Rchg(13), Posi-Dmg/Rng(15), Det'tn-Acc/Dmg(15), Det'tn-Dmg/Rng(17)
Level 8: Shout -- Dev'n-Acc/Dmg(A), Dev'n-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(17), Thundr-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(19), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx(19), Thundr-Dmg/Rchg(21), Thundr-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(21)
Level 10: Darkest Night -- DarkWD-ToHitDeb(A), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/Rchg(23), DarkWD-ToHitdeb/Rchg/EndRdx(23), DarkWD-Rchg/EndRdx(25), DarkWD-ToHitDeb/EndRdx(25)
Level 12: Hover -- Flight-I(A)
Level 14: Fly -- Flight-I(A)
Level 16: Swift -- Flight-I(A)
Level 18: Health -- Heal-I(A)
Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod-I(A), EndMod-I(27), EndMod-I(27)
Level 22: Shadow Fall -- EndRdx-I(A), ResDam-I(29), ResDam-I(29), ResDam-I(31)
Level 24: Fearsome Stare -- Abys-Acc/Rchg(A), Abys-EndRdx/Fear(31), Abys-Acc/EndRdx(31), Abys-Acc/Fear/Rchg(33), Abys-Fear/Rng(33)
Level 26: Howling Twilight -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(34), RechRdx-I(34)
Level 28: Petrifying Gaze -- HO:Endo(A), HO:Endo(34), RechRdx-I(36), RechRdx-I(36), RechRdx-I(36)
Level 30: Amplify -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 32: Dreadful Wail -- Acc-I(A), RechRdx-I(37), RechRdx-I(37), Dmg-I(39), Dmg-I(39), Dmg-I(39)
Level 35: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(43), RechRdx-I(43)
Level 38: Dark Servant -- HO:Lyso(A), HO:Lyso(40), HO:Lyso(40)
Level 41: Soul Drain -- Acc-I(A), AdjTgt-ToHit(42), AdjTgt-ToHit/Rchg(42), AdjTgt-ToHit/EndRdx/Rchg(42), AdjTgt-EndRdx/Rchg(43), AdjTgt-Rchg(46)
Level 44: Soul Storm -- Acc-I(A), RechRdx-I(45), RechRdx-I(45), HO:Perox(45), HO:Perox(46), HO:Perox(46)
Level 47: Dark Embrace -- EndRdx-I(A), ResDam-I(48), ResDam-I(48), ResDam-I(48)
Level 49: Power Boost -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(50), RechRdx-I(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I(A)
Level 1: Scourge
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]4% DamageBuff(Smashing)[*]4% DamageBuff(Lethal)[*]4% DamageBuff(Fire)[*]4% DamageBuff(Cold)[*]4% DamageBuff(Energy)[*]4% DamageBuff(Negative)[*]4% DamageBuff(Toxic)[*]4% DamageBuff(Psionic)[*]7.5% Defense(Energy)[*]7.5% Defense(Negative)[*]3.75% Defense(Ranged)[*]16.3% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]2.75% Enhancement(Terrorized)[*]48% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]8% FlySpeed[*]36.1 HP (3.37%) HitPoints[*]8% JumpHeight[*]8% JumpSpeed[*]MezResist(Sleep) 1.65%[*]11% (0.18 End/sec) Recovery[*]12% (0.54 HP/sec) Regeneration[*]1.58% Resistance(Fire)[*]1.58% Resistance(Cold)[*]1.26% Resistance(Energy)[*]1.26% Resistance(Negative)[*]8% RunSpeed[/list]

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA594D94E135118C7CF74A12D2D9452D642A52D2094C20 0374634C6B02624364|
|11BA3516333B64399503BA43344B8F3017C055924F1CEC444 45C54B57E223B8DDF8|
|1EF55B0E8521DC3969FFBFE9FF5BE69B33679ADD980B09F1F 8AA50C2B365CDB2F2B|
|366B5BABE669B556F562B1905BFF9C0328A8656F10921E2F5 60FE865629E9453567|
|568C427EDAB6B5C26AEC383AB3BEBCACCE69D5D57CD6D0AC8 75A64B1B2A257F58AA|
|D1E9D04974CB3AC2E948DD28A1DE273C3AEE896E5F8D1483F 726BBA5EEC995F330A|
|EAF12572E67A399FD52C5BAF6E76C16C69F84EBB843C6A1EB 1034809D72E638BE0D|
|9663C237C54EAE96E11232B314018600C3166A0AD22DB2ADC B681DB36705B3FF7F3|
|73F74F90EB966DDD19B21A1D981C074C8A5968EBE53CAFF71 54542AF196F08CDFB8|
|C178496978479A8F2C92ADF1E479E135A79A6569EA98D8769 E3D13EC34C01790B81|
|7D175A1D6F19EF085DEF190784005C21C8E922D84F1D82603 549AB892D2F586185A|
|D305B3EB022D28AF0EAF9C18AB2E58A26C88A39F01582ED72 BDDA9364F58E9EC439|
|C637C8EB94F7D0F943A1C84FC62F42E20FE337E10B6837A7B BBA79E1930E1C42428|
|FECD77301E0718BA4643FA738B1006B13974B10676B11AC3E F934FA780B0D644EE2|
|7CFC0CA47CA83C5A8AF3461CF80EA30DCA84C1291E69E8141 FC11E1BA67D59F30EF|
|3A5D35BF4F4D2DB8C1DC2C82E616C8FB0095519397086AB46 330E5CE1F663A7B801|
|85AA7C4A6A9236F0F8E819F80B7F271372F409B9DF331491E 8F5D4DF3AF8C021AE9|
|D74C6A864C9537FE5842297FA38EBBF8E83D0519FC0F546D0 1CCA4D945B28B751EE|
|A0DC45B987721F258F52FB50AF0E5FC481A6502EA15C46798 2493E7C75822821942|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-