List of Villain Groups on Champion




The Wolves of the Night



The Wolves of the Night

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sure ill make a character to join yalls, but you have to tell me what it is about so i can sort of follow up and be connected in sum way with the SG

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



Attention Aspiring Corperate types!

President Bherkenov and CEO Nakiato Meshidasu of GloDom Industries, founded to help furthur the manufacturing and technological capacity of our good and rightous Lord Recluse, are looking for good, hardworking, enforcers to help protect GloDom Industries interests in the Rogue Isles and begin to help the rightous Lord Recluse in bringing to justice the heroes who unfoundedly destroyed our former headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Paragon City, as well as the previous management teams....... and shareholders.... and board of directors....

If you wish to join the management team at GloDom, you can contact the acting president Nakiato Meshidasu at the global chat handle of @Alysara. If she is away, please, leave an e-mail, and she'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Our colours are black and Gold, and President Bherkenov will return shortly from a vacation in the Bahamas to finish finalizing GloDom's more refined aspects of a logo.

GloDom Industries

In short, we're a brand spanking new VG, and looking for fresh, committed, members to go with through the long haul to 40, possibly 50, for SG raids and SG missions. We want mature, friendly people, who are willing to work togeather for the benifit of all of us. We don't have a website, but if I myself am not online, as I won't be until Thursday, please, don't hesitate to e-mail me in game, or e-mail me at my personal e-mail.
That's located @

and yes, the guy at the top still has to GET CoV.

and not only that, but in so doing in adventuring with GloDom Industries, you may be featured in some small fan fiction, going soon to COV/COH Vault @

Maybe. If I like you.



Pay Back

A SuperGroup devoted to getting revenge who have done us wrong...and Statesman.

LEADER: Werehound

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server




Run by yours truly, and a few friends, growing very fast, send a tell to @NeoRadiation for more information.



Villains of Tomorrow.
spin off of Heroes of Tomorrow (CoH beta SG and Virtue SG)
(started by the leaders of "Runs With Scissors")

colors yet to be decided
Emblem yet to be decided

mature players, family oriented, chat rules, no power leveling, no drama.



well ive never done this before so if u dont know me i can be an [censored]. CESSPOOL is now open and full of [censored].

all jokes aside there are no rules and im not a babysitter so police your own kids.

if you are interested get at @BIGGBANG or @Bellower for an invite and remember if u want it u about to be knee deep in it!



The Prometheus Cartel

TPC is a small startup corporation specializing in industrial and corporate espionage. We 'acquire' new technology, eldritch secrets, and rare commodities, then broker their discrete sale to the highest bidder through a network of well-placed contacts and private auctions. In the cutthroat world of mob warfare, nothing is more important than having the dangerous technology, perverse magical artifacts, or otherworldly genetic innovations that give you a competitive edge. At TPC, we work hard to keep you, our customers and victims, happy, quiet, and out of the loop. No one can beat our prices, our inventory, or our plausible deniability.

Our motto says it all: "We deliver the future... to the highest bidder."

Symbol: Torch
Colors: Black and Red

If you're a serious, go-getting self-starter, come check us out. We're always looking for mature, dedicated people who have talent, drive, and energy.

President and CEO:



Virus Syndicate

“We are the plague on humanity.”



Machine Police.

Leader: Infernal Machine. Members include: Infernal Machine.

Any robots, cyborgs, androids, droids, if you wish to join in the elimination of the human parasites, please send in game tell. I am usually on between 01:30 and 04:00 EST.



My SG is called The Mafia. Can you guess what the theme is? Our colors are black and red, and our emblem is some sort of cross-hair.



The Legendaries have a new nemesis : House of Malice led by the sinister Mr. Malice and his innumerabal technological terrors.



Shadow Elements, nemesis of The Elements is recruiting. To apply please click this link



I started an SG 4-5 days ago and alreayd have 25+ members.

Legion of the Damned, a Champion supergroup.
An army composed of the undead and mercenaries of darkness is now assembling to wreak havoc on Paragon City. Our base has recently aquired all the necessities. We support loose roleplaying at all times. And are active PvP (we fought another supergroup in the arena, much fun). Al members are very friendly and active.

Send me a message if interested in joining.



War Council



Maldini make room!! I'm joining you team next week(tueday- or something)
Muhahahahahaha!! just pm or tell me in game ,so we can meet up



The Queen Anne's Revenge. A Not so new VG made during the prerelease dates is looking for some good players. We are currently a small group, but the skill of members far outweighs most I know. Kurai Karasu, Neko Akki in CoV, A RL friend of mine is a member.

We are a RP guild, and we are already well known, just us two, in the PVP areas. The general story of the guild is people working for bolan, either for fun or their own personal objectives, during all of our rise to power.

We would like to have experienced players, more looking for quality over quantity. We have a TS server and are working on a website. And we currently have a Coalition with EVIL Corp.

We look forward to kicking everyone elses' wussy behind.



Isle of Shadows

A new Villain group of mature players. We are interested in others who want to roleplay as well as do some pvp. We have a functioning base set up, as well as a teamspeak server, and website at;TabID=452218

for information, send tells to Sister Suffering, Fate's, Syx, Yawnix, Maker, Emperor Kaless, Gold Root, Commander Sten

we are working to build this from the ground up, and the folks are extremely friendly (for villains at any rate).
Also you can register on the board forums, and leave contact information, and one of the officers will get back with you



Malicious Monkey Cult.
In monkey we trust.



Fallen Angels

PVP Specific guild, started in UO 8 years ago, went from that to shadowbane , L2, Daoc, WoW to CoV.

We are just here to pass time until a Real pvp game arises that tickles our fansy.

We are a small guild and take pride in fighting and beating the odds, usually if any, we only pick up one good pvper per game, currently sit at 15 Core members, with 10 or so friends of members.



Fallen Angels

PVP Specific guild, started in UO 8 years ago, went from that to shadowbane , L2, Daoc, WoW to CoV.

We are just here to pass time until a Real pvp game arises that tickles our fansy.

We are a small guild and take pride in fighting and beating the odds, usually if any, we only pick up one good pvper per game, currently sit at 15 Core members, with 10 or so friends of members.

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Wow. Didn't know you guys were still around even. How did you guys do in WoW?



We did fine, we had the three of the first four High Warlords on Horde for Lightnings Blade. Alot of us got bored after that point considering people just /afk out of our matches.

about 1/3 of our guys are still playing WoW here and there. Slayer, Jade(mudnail), Veritas, and a few others. Where do we know you from? (sorry, no sig)~



Probably not someone you would remember but I've heard of your guild/players names a few times in games I've been in. I've haven't seen much talk so I figure you guys might have faded out but I guess not. Nice to see you guys are still around though.

I'm in the same boat. WoW got old and waiting around for the next big PvP game to come around.

I played on Archmonde server Alliance side, Sieghardt with IC and on Nimue/Mordred DAoC.