List of Villain Groups on Champion




it was until someone complained



but Kiloton, noticed the last time this thread was posted was December 5th. If im not responding to it, it would be deleted on Monday!

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



We are WorldoMYnation INC. We are a very new supergroup, not very many members, but we'd like to change that. We're not really planning on doing much in the way of raids, but it's nice to have help with missions and task forces and leveling and things like that. We understand that people have lives (we do) outside of the game, but it's nice to have friends and allies while we're online!

Our SG colors are black and lime green with the Mighty FIST as our logo.

Please contact Jacy Theron or Sekhmet Ka for invites!



Oops, I seem to have posted my red side group on the hero thread. Its over there!



Thinking of making a Villside Coven of Witches.

Global @Gender Poison
Imagine your RL Mug on your COH Mug on your Coffee Mug



To reach the vg website you have to click on link go up to URL and remove the original forum URL hehehe sorry I am incapable of creating a reliable link.



To reach the vg website you have to click on link go up to URL and remove the original forum URL hehehe sorry I am incapable of creating a reliable link.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just for fun I read your rules and guidelines along with the promotions and ranks. I gotta say it is the most egotistical thing I have ever read from a player I have never even heard off. If it's written as a joke, then I love it. If it's written in a serious tone, anyone who would follow it is out of their mind.



High Order Priests - You are Jyggylag's Generals. You shall all have the priveledge of adding Jyggylag to your Global. There shall be yet another channel set aside for: 'Jyggylag's War Council'. You guys wield a lot of power. USE IT WISELY.

[/ QUOTE ]



DarkGuard has now formed a redside VG

DarkGuard Disorder
"The Elite Cosmic...wha....we're villians?....SWEET!! Everyone make mischief!"

we're a laid back SG/VG with tons of great coalies, like Society of Villiany and Peril Partnership...we like to have fun...We hold regular TFs, and team with each other and coalies all the time

Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"

"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead



no other place i see for this so here gos.
im in the market for a good redside sg, im not looking for new i want established and active...big coalition prefered.

some structure ok but would like something a little less...militant...comes to mind(this is a game after and ide like to have fun).

anyone with what im looking for can post here(if appropriate)or send me a PM with the sg name and when your on to invite or an estimated time when someone with invite rights is normally online(central time)

thanks in advance 8)



Update: ELITE LEGENDS ( created in the late 2005)
Leader/Creator: ELF STALKER
Villain Premier Group.

Were a villain group mainly was built for no rules or strict policies. We have mainly couple rules but all SG/Vg could say it a main rule. 1 is no begging for Power lvls or farmers. 2 Is don't be annoying 3. Have Fun!

We have veterans player that can assist in questions and etc. We have a nice huge membership base with ton of great coalitions. Are base full struct with 2nd biggest plot with all teleporters. We basically everything in the base. The base paid already for probably 500 years or more lol.

We looking for members that want to step up to the plate... couple of are leadership position is open. Couple of my long time leaders had to leave the game for personal reasons.

You wont be disppointed !..... We do little PVP,Farms,TF's,Events, and We use ventrilo!
Send a tell @ ELF STALKER or ELF STALKER in game.



Posted this intro in the other thread too..

The Faithless

All new to the game, the whole 4 of us..

Friendly, Aussie based, thanks for the hospitality.. that was about the extent of my last post.. Oh yeah, and looking forward to getting to know you all.. and doing Villianous thingys. Like plotting and schemeing and planning and stealing and plotting



The House of the Forsaken

Society's best and brightest once had the limelight, only to be left for bigger and better things. Newer gadgets, more beautiful women, wealthier men. We are the ones that got left behind and we want our revenge...

(Click below to see the page)

The House of the Forsaken



The House of the Forsaken

Society's best and brightest once had the limelight, only to be left for bigger and better things. Newer gadgets, more beautiful women, wealthier men. We are the ones that got left behind and we want our revenge...

(Click below to see the page)

The House of the Forsaken

[/ QUOTE ]

Oooh. That was quick.



Anyhoo, make way for the terrifying budding force that will bring an ultimate end to life on Earth. I present to you the newly formed:

The Reaper's Assembly.

Tremble in fear and know that your end has come.



The Avatars of Avarice are also recruiting.

No requirements other than to not beg for PL'ing, play fair (but not nice- we are EVIL remember?), play in SG mode when ever possible (so we can earn infamy and get supergroup badges/unlock base items) and have fun!

The base has plenty of power and control, plenty of storage (we can add more), a Mystic Crucible/Supercollider for buffs, Mission Computer for Silver Mantis Strike Force, Aspect of the Pillar, teleport pads to all zones (including Pocket D and Rikti War Zone), personal vault, crafting table, and medical reclamator.

Reply to me here or in-game to Minion Man, Aphid, or Dominate Diva.

Avatars of Avarice
"World Domination at its finest"

Control Queen
Mind Control/Empathy
Lvl 50
Champion Server
Battle Cry:
"Oh, Honey, I don't THINK so!"



ALL-OUT-WAR-DOMINATION (The name alone should warn you this VG is not for the timid).

This is the VG that will bring down the worlds most powerful SG's, we are now active and looking to shanghai the most evil villians for the purpose of bringing about a new world order!

You either can be a Mastermind of the highest order or be used by us.

If you think Lord Recluse, Romulus, and Lanaruu The Mad are minor leaguers compared to you then consider joining the most powerful VG that exists.

Any member can invite you in but the main leaders are: Burnin Brute, Genocide., FieryVillian, Dragon The Destroyer, and Shandy (That's Me - Robot/Force MM).

My other sisters (alts) are Mistress Hellion (Fire/Traps Cor), Khmerigneatu (Axe/Shield Brute), Jinga (Claw/Dark Stalker), Abyssal Dream (Dark Brute), Demonic Selene (Fire Dom), and Illicit Affair (Psi Dom).


For those not aware of AOW humour, the above is just to set the mood, the VG is to actually get people to team and build Infamy to run future events such as Costume Contests, PvP Matches, Gladiator Events, and anything else you can think of. So if you want to join a group bent on making Redside as much fun as Blueside on Champion, come join in the fun



I'm a lvl 23 corruptor looking for a villain group. I've tried finding people online but not much luck. I'm looking for any type of mature villain group, and am more than willing to help out and do what is needed. You can leave a message for me here or in game. Thanks!



DOMINATION is filling fast so we already have started our second division, a theme VG.

ALL-OUT-WAR-WONDERLANDERS, this VG is for storybook characters.


4LiCEiNVV0NdErL4Nd (Superstrength/Invulnerability Brute, i think?)
Ch35h1R3 C4T (Claw/Dark Stalker)
M4Dh4773r (Psionic Dominator?)
VVh1t3R4B1T (Earth Corrupter?)
Qvv33nOfH34rTz (Mercenary/Pain MM, that's me)



New Group:

---===+++ Necrosis +++===---

Be the first members to join and you will get automatic promotions. Looking for several good and regular players to help found and start this group. This is group starting from the ground up, so if you want to be one of the forming members, message me in game or leave me mail. The plans are to be a regular in most of the gaming areas, including PvP, PvE, helping with missions, and everything else anyone wants to do. No minimum level requirements, and are more than willing to help with all aspects of the game.

Contact: Shayyde (24 D/D Corruptor)



SVAG is still looking for members!

S.V.A.G. stands for "Super Villain Assault Group" and our motto is " We Take On What You Cannot". The sole purpose of SVAG at the momnent is a storage base, travel depot and an easy Oro interface, we also have a mission computer and we hold SF Saturdays when possible.

I am the leader of SVAG and have been playing villains since my main hero turned 50. I have been a high member of WDL2 and I have also been a member of Elite Legends, The Blackguards and other SVGs.

My base serves storage for IO's from level 1-25 and 25-50 in two seperate large workshops. We have a TP to each main zone in the game and we have a Oro Hall for Accolade hunting.

You can either send me a PVT message here or ingame @Avatar101



Level 20 Mastermind (robotics/thermal) looking for a Villain Group. I'd prefer RP-lite to no RP at all. Contact me here or in game "@Major Zhukov"