CE VoH 'All seven custom made CoV HeroClix'




My box does not say Collector's Edition, nor did I order or pay for a Collector's Edition, just the regular $50 preorder. But my box is bigger than I expected, about twice as thick as a standard game software box, and I got a Ghost Widow heroclix. I don't recall being promised any clix, and a look at bestbuy.com (gamestop.com is blocked here at work) doesn't list a clix as being included. Maybe that's where some folks' 7th fig went?

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Yep, that's how I got mine as well... AND I'LL NEVER GIVE UP MY GHOST WIDOW HEROCLIX.... Nevah!!!! You'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.....ahhhahhahahahhahaahhhaa!!!!

"You'll never defeat SetTargetHealth 0. "-Castle
"Oh, and we�ll probably nerf Regen again�just for fun."-BaB
"so we are looking into the possiblity of maybe someday thinking about maybe implementing something similar to this, in the future" -Positron



actually the $49 version of the game is supposed to have 1 randomly packed heroclix. The CE DvD edition is suposed to have all of them including recluse.



I got Ghost Widow with my retail just picked it up about 30 mins ago from my EBGames.



My ghost widow was broken ...the the tails of the jacket..or is it a cape?...well they are broken off

I am planning on just dabbing a bit of glue on it, not going to worry about the small details.



and another one.....got 6 instead of 7. No Ghost Widow . Got it from Gamestop



I just learned of this recently myself... we'll fix it. Keep an eye out for news on how- we're still trying to figure out what happened.

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That's not good...it's the only reason i bought the collectors edition was for a guaranteed ghost widow...



I also didn't get the Ghost Widow heroclix and thats the one I really wanted.



Got the CoV CE from GameStop.

6 Clix, no Ghost Widow.

P.S. That wasn't all they messed up. They never gave me a pre-order disc, and when I finally demanded one, they had to call out to a nearby EB Games to get one for me.



I Bought the CE and no ghost widow



Not only did I not get Sirocco (I thought we were supposed to get all the villains) I am confused as to whether or not the DVD edition comes with the cape AND helmet or just the cape... erg... so frustrating...



Just picked up mine this morning and I'm also missing Ghost Window. Thanks for the quick response, Loki.



LOL I am opening mine in front of the Store Manager!



Hmm... not a big 'Clix fan so I only scanned over that content, but there were 7 figures in the set. Dunno if I have any instances of doubling-up on one and missing another, will hafta check tonite. Pretty sure I remember seeing Ghost Widow, tho.

For all of you who are missing figures, I hope this problem is corrected without too much pain to the consumer...

Umber's Hall of Heroes & Villains



I just picked mine up at Gamestop, opened it in front of the clerk, and no Ghost Widow.

He opened another, and it likewise did not have a Ghost Widow.



Also only got 6, but i didnt notice that she was missing cause the box looks its made to fit the 6 perfectly. I dont know where the 7th would go if she was in there.

Gamestop as well.



Interesting-it seems like those who got the CE from EB Games have all 7, but those who got it from Gamestop have problems.



I only recieved 6 as well. Ghost Widow was missing. I went back to GameStop to exchange it and they said that several people had called and come back with the same problem. It appears that none of the ones shipped to their store were complete. I know they weren't tampered with because I was there when they were delivered and I had to wait while they went through the boxes to find CoV.

It's good to know they are aware of this and are going to make things right.



Well both my non CE boxes had Ghost Widow as the "free toy inside". Oh yeah got it from Gamestop



My Statesman only has one arm X_x



My Statesman only has one arm X_x

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Woo Gimpman!



He has another arm err well a technical attachment...
You see if you get the SUPER DE DUPER WOOPER collectors edition you get option NERF bat with "smack action"!
be in stores soon

LOL i had to!!
btw std edition here got me black scorpion



i did post on another thread that might have disappeared or got buried, but was none-the-less smaller. i too, along with my wife's copy (both from gamestop) are missing our ghost widow from our dvd col. ed.. just thought i'd add 2 more voices to this miss.



Interesting-it seems like those who got the CE from EB Games have all 7, but those who got it from Gamestop have problems.

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Oh No! I pre-ordered mine from Gamestop as well!
I'm planning on picking up my CE tomorrow morning; guess I can expect to be missing Ghost Widow



Just went to pick up my Collectors Edition at EB and all seven figures were in the box Ghost Widow included.

I was wondering though....Are all the Collector Editions DVD versions? because thats what I got and I don't recall prior to today ordering a DVD version? Do they make a CD-Rom version of the Collector's Edition? Just wondering, not like I really need the disk anyways. Anyone know?



My Statesman only has one arm X_x

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Looks like they nerfed States.