Today's Paragon Times - SS a success?
What he said?
It was a success. Longbow has long been filled with pansies, to put it bluntly.
The administrative staff of the Longbow conglomerate has wanted to thin the herd of these undesirables for quite some time. Couldn't exactly kill them off on their own, could they?
What better way than to send them in massive hordes into a stark blackness, where anything could happen.......except their survival.
So yeah......Longbow and the Freedom Follies get a little RP spin doctored in favorable light, and also got rid of the trash clogging up their training facilities.
It's all politics and bright lights.
I've already forgotten about most of you

I have the exact same feeling as you dude. Statesman and FC continue to put the planet ask risk with their actions. When is is going to stop this almost Justice Lord mentality that FC law is the only law and the laws put in place by our "elected" officials can be just put aside anytime they want.
So why have elected officals in office anyways, (Statesman who has a spirit of Zues in him which explains alot), why not just take over and take the concequences if people die oh well he is a god after all so why should he care what mans law means.

The Strike can be seen as a success in that we carried the battle to the very doorstep of darkness.
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yea... they came to the doorstep of darkness... and had their [censored] handed to them!!
I took a nice picture up Ms. Liberty's skirt as she was hugging the earth.
In the world of Realpolitic, a country does what it has to. There are no binding laws, only what you can get away with and what the rest of the world calls you on. If any of you are old enough to remember the invasion of Panama, you may also recall that it was a United States ally... However, it was also a small third world country that most of the world considered our puppet state, so who cares. Let us try that with a large country with allies of its own and it would be a different story. After the fact, we won, so we wrote the outcome in a pleasing manner.
If the elected officials want to allow Statesman to put the hammer on the rogue islands, then as long as the opportunity cost doesn't exceed the benefits, he's going with their blessing. If you want to put the brakes on that type of operation, then increase its cost to the politicians. Contributions by foreign officials, petitions from duped constituents, blackmail and assassination threats are all ways that have been successfully used in the past. Don't give in to the weak side and claim that it's not fair. Do something to change what you don't like.
And let's not even go into the legalities of initiating an attack on an independant country, on civilians of said country, with your own personal army.
Did the US government sanction this attack? Was there a declaration of war issued? Does the US Government have no respect for it's own laws that it encourages private citizens to mass invasions of nearby foreign states?
It is nothing short of hipocracy on a grand scale and yet another example of a man too comfortable taking the law into his own hands to mete out an at best hazy interpretation of Justice. What will the people of America do when Statesman decides which citizens are good and which are bad? Do they live in awe of him, or fear of what he will do should they disagree with his methods and philosophies?
We can easily see that he has no respect for the laws of his own country, and I fear for the people who wake up one day to find out that the freedoms they thought they had weren't freedoms Statesman agreed with... as the Rogue Isles found out yesterday.
If it is war the United States wishes, then perhaps it can be arranged. If not, then perhaps they should look to their own criminals before seeking to murder innocents of other lands.
This was not a glorious operation, it was a wanton act of slaughter by a man who casually uses terms like Freedom and Justice to hide his own unjust acts.
from Arctic_Sun's post
October 27, 2005 Statesmans Strike
Extra! Extra! Read all about Statesmans Strike! Statesman leads the Freedom Phalanx and Longbow to assault the Rogue Isles! Read all about it !
(Click on the top link)
Paragon Times Oct 27
[/ QUOTE ]
Blech. Typical fascist propaganda.
Nothing like applying the mob rule mentality thats been enforced in Paragon to a completely different country with a different legal system where he has no jurisdiction. Freedom Phalanx initiative? I wonder what possible justification there was for the Statesman to set US foreign policy and attack a sovereign country? Talk about over reaching one's authority.
Not that obeying the law has ever stopped him from anything else he's wanted to do before. Must be nice to have the strongest super powers around and to be able to force everyone else to do exactly what you want them to do.
Statesman and his jack-booted thugs were handily repulsed last night
sent back to the Amerika whos ideals theyve twisted and distorted into their own tyrannical pseudo-democracy. Its now exceedingly obvious that the Statesman and his cronies have no respect for Truth, Justice, or the American Way.
Nice write-up though, Arctic_Sun
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Well, to be quite truthful, invading the United States to "liberate" known criminals would be considered an act of war.
So the United States has/had a few options to respond. They can convene Congress to see about declaring war and using the military or seek alternate "peace keeping" initiatives (which the president could probably pull off faster.)
The military option may be something that they can't pull over very well in a super-powered world.
I mean Statesman survived a nuke after all. It's been postulated that superpowers by their nature are weapons of mass destruction.
So do they go nuclear over a glorified jail-break or use their equivilant ability to "strike back" at the Rogue Islands and the leader?
This could become *very* complicated. Recluse will try to say he did nothing to instigate an invasion of this magnitude, but Statesman would say that he did.
International Law at its murkiest!
Still here, even after all this time!

and none of this fancy talk refutes the fact that we SMASHED them!
Well, to be quite truthful, invading the United States to "liberate" known criminals would be considered an act of war.
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I take it you are referring to the recent incident which occurred at the Zig?
If so, Im glad you brought it up. Earlier I did want to touch on the dangers it dramatically highlighted but thought those were actually tangential to the main body of my original message.
The Zig clearly showed how very, very dangerous it is to live in a City where the 4th estate has been taken over by one group of recklessly powerful people and where reporters cannot publish in journalistic freedom.
When honest reporters like Jackson Turner can be disappeared to vanish without a trace because they anger the powers that be and when a Psychic can read & control the very minds of those who dissent or who have different opinions, then the only story that gets out is the story that the Statesman wants you to hear.
Ask the people who were there what really happened. A force of Longbow, an assassination squad, attacked the Zig causing mass chaos & panic. They were blowing the place up with explosives, firing their guns indiscriminately into the crowds, and were turning a house of incarceration in to a slaughterhouse. Fleeing citizens reported hearing them say kill anyone that might grow into a threat the Statesman.
Do those convicted deserve to spend their allotted time behind bars? Of course they do, no question there. But can any para-military group be allowed to simply bust in and kill as many convicts and police witnesses as they want? I know that you know the murder of a person is a crime, no matter that persons legal status.
One (1) Arachnos pilot was flying overhead and saw the mayhem. He stopped to save as many of the targets as he could
and suddenly the Statesman has an excuse to go ballistic on the Rogue Isles because of a Lord Recluse "airlift"? Classic deception and use of the situation to his advantage. Or maybe he had the whole thing planed all the way though.
Well, to be quite truthful, invading the United States to "liberate" known criminals would be considered an act of war.
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I take it you are referring to the recent incident which occurred at the Zig?
If so, Im glad you brought it up. Earlier I did want to touch on the dangers it dramatically highlighted but thought those were actually tangential to the main body of my original message.
The Zig clearly showed how very, very dangerous it is to live in a City where the 4th estate has been taken over by one group of recklessly powerful people and where reporters cannot publish in journalistic freedom.
When honest reporters like Jackson Turner can be disappeared to vanish without a trace because they anger the powers that be and when a Psychic can read & control the very minds of those who dissent or who have different opinions, then the only story that gets out is the story that the Statesman wants you to hear.
Ask the people who were there what really happened. A force of Longbow, an assassination squad, attacked the Zig causing mass chaos & panic. They were blowing the place up with explosives, firing their guns indiscriminately into the crowds, and were turning a house of incarceration in to a slaughterhouse. Fleeing citizens reported hearing them say kill anyone that might grow into a threat the Statesman.
Do those convicted deserve to spend their allotted time behind bars? Of course they do, no question there. But can any para-military group be allowed to simply bust in and kill as many convicts and police witnesses as they want? I know that you know the murder of a person is a crime, no matter that persons legal status.
One (1) Arachnos pilot was flying overhead and saw the mayhem. He stopped to save as many of the targets as he could
and suddenly the Statesman has an excuse to go ballistic on the Rogue Isles because of a Lord Recluse "airlift"? Classic deception and use of the situation to his advantage. Or maybe he had the whole thing planed all the way though.
[/ QUOTE ]Either that or Statesman is a Nemesis Automation.
Wheels within Wheels!
In the Arena of Logic, I fight unarmed.
... and where reporters cannot publish in journalistic freedom.
When honest reporters like Jackson Turner can be disappeared to vanish without a trace because they anger the powers that be ...
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Interesting notion. We'll just have to see what Paragon City's newest investigative reporter turns up, when he start to poke around the events of his predecessor's fate.
As one of those injured in the attack on the Isles, I will be filing a defamation suit against Statesman (and the Paragon Times) for remarks regarding the moral character of those he assaulted.
I know a suit against the FP for battery will fail -- I've seen the nature of Paragon's "justice." But characterizing the injured as "vile assassins" certainly rises to the level of actual malice.
"I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides." Lord Vetinari, Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett.
Hmmm, John Chard eh, and tell me Arctic _Sun, where was Mr. Bromhead? Seems that they should be together in any epic battle...
To error is human, to forgive devine..niether of which is Air Force policy
I esd in the Isles last night... and having heard of Statesman's pplan, baked a pie for him, figuring he just wanted to sample the Rogue Isles's famous pie.... He beat my face in.... and then a man named Agent Buchner touched my bum... You all saw it!!
But the combined force of the Freedom Phalanx and Longbow rocked the Rogue Isles with our might.
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Really. And throughout most of the Isles, supervillains yawned.
Face it. The Freedom Phalanx "rocked" a slum...and wasn't even allowed to hold that much.
The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.
[/ QUOTE ]
Propaganda you say? Did you see the sign in the background?
Let's just see how big a success it was come Monday.
Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!
Propaganda you say? Did you see the sign in the background?
Let's just see how big a success it was come Monday.
[/ QUOTE ]
61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)
This is good stuff. I'm SO stealing it for my Champions campaign.
/em sits on edge of seating munching popcorn
This post brought to you by the Thunderfire Campaign to Out-Weird the Internet.
Score so far: Thunderfire-0, Internet-157893678
Couple things I found interesting about the article
First.. does anyone else think its a bit tacky that Synapse, Positron, and Psyche all have their yellow circles indicating that they are quest NPCs? I mean c'mon if the animation department wants to put these guys in a pose the least they could do is edit out the eroneous graphics..
Secondly the following peaked my interest
We are preparing a course of action to follow this initial wave. When our battle plans are complete we will sound a call to action for all the heroes of Paragon City. The brave heroes of our fair city stood shoulder-to-shoulder in the days during and after the Rikti War, and this new menace will be no less dire. I know they will rise to the challenge and fight with us when we need them again.
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I wonder if this is alluding to a "Statesmans strike part 2"
This was not a glorious operation, it was a wanton act of slaughter by a man who casually uses terms like Freedom and Justice to hide his own unjust acts.
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That was why they lost.
Dawnslayer on Virtue.
Blech. Typical fascist propaganda.
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The actions of Statesman and the Freedom Phalanx acting in conjunction with Longbow and under the umbrella organization known as the Freedom Corps, must be viewed as the actions of rogue independants and not the actions of the country.
The actions of the terrorist organization known as 'Longbow' should not, and must not, be tolerated by any government. How can a government allow menaces that attack sovreign nations to exist?
Menaces that know no bounds in limitting the civilian casualties in the horrors of their attacks, including using tactical nuclear devices in civilian centers, as was demonstrated by the terrorist known as "Positron" releasing unknown quantities of radioactive contaminants in the civilian populated areas of Mercy Island. Even doing so near those civilians that are protesting the presence of Fort Darwin. No doubt it will be the work of many superpowered individuals and robotic workers to clean the radioactive contaminants left by the terrorist Positron.
Untold damages to the city infrastructure was caused by the assailants such as the terrorist 'Synapse' who caused untold damage to civilian homes and workplaces (that he would no doubt attempt to dismiss as 'collateral') with unrestrained blasts of energy. The effect only increased aggravated working conditions for the civilians setting out to work and clean the neighborhoods around their homes, their workplaces, and their homes.
It also appears that much of the damage to the local flora and fauna has been traced to toxins in the water table. These toxins have since been forensically confirmed to be released from poisonous arrows fired by the one known as 'Manticore' during the terrorist attack.
Much of the terrorist assault was also dangerously close to the Fort Darwin medical facility. It was only through the brave actions of the citizen superpowered irregulars that Fort Darwin Medical Facility did not fall to the terrorist attack.
Given the extent of the damage to civilians caused by these paramilitaries who were not acting under the command of the United States government, yet who exist with full knowledge of the United States government as the organization known as the Freedom Corps, it is our request that the members of the organisation known as 'Longbow' be considered as acting in numerous violations of the Geneva Convention, which the United States is bound to as a High Contracting Party even if a state of war is undeclared.
Particularly Convention IV, Part I, Art 3, section 1 which states:
(1) Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria.
To this end the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons: (a) violence to life and person, in particular murder
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Those civilian non-combatants injured and even killed by the likes of Positron, Statesman, Manticore, Synapse, et al. deserve justice for the unwarranted and illegal actions of the Freedom Corps. In acting in blatant violation of the Geneva Convention they must stand trial at the Hague to answer for the harming of innocents by their actions.
Just wanted to give kudos on this article, and it's companions from CoV. They really are helping to bring the players into the story. Reminds me of the old pre-Halloween 04 articles, which were some of the best.
Nice job Arctic and others. Keep em coming
Oh, and the picture in the Paragon Times induced quite a few chuckles. Good choice
Either that or Statesman is a Nemesis automaton. Wheels within wheels!
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Propaganda you say? Did you see the sign in the background?
Let's just see how big a success it was come Monday.
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Doubly-brilliant. No wonder States is always droning on about "mission statemens" and "nuke-you-lar arms."
Have you or someone you know been the victim of Nerd Rage?
Find answers, get help.
Hmmm, John Chard eh, and tell me Arctic _Sun, where was Mr. Bromhead? Seems that they should be together in any epic battle...
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hmm I thought I heard all those Longbow recruits yelling "Zulu"
from Arctic_Sun's post
October 27, 2005 Statesmans Strike
Extra! Extra! Read all about Statesmans Strike! Statesman leads the Freedom Phalanx and Longbow to assault the Rogue Isles! Read all about it !
(Click on the top link)
Paragon Times Oct 27
[/ QUOTE ]
Blech. Typical fascist propaganda.
Nothing like applying the mob rule mentality thats been enforced in Paragon to a completely different country with a different legal system where he has no jurisdiction. Freedom Phalanx initiative? I wonder what possible justification there was for the Statesman to set US foreign policy and attack a sovereign country? Talk about over reaching one's authority.
Not that obeying the law has ever stopped him from anything else he's wanted to do before. Must be nice to have the strongest super powers around and to be able to force everyone else to do exactly what you want them to do.
Statesman and his jack-booted thugs were handily repulsed last night sent back to the Amerika whos ideals theyve twisted and distorted into their own tyrannical pseudo-democracy. Its now exceedingly obvious that the Statesman and his cronies have no respect for Truth, Justice, or the American Way.
Nice write-up though, Arctic_Sun