Kheldian changes




That i'm at a loss for also, as i'm unfamiliar with ws powers, i didnt mean to leave you guys out though. Basically they're going to have their hands full trying to balance the hp reduction between ws and pb. Our tanking abilities in dwarf form are going to seriously be affected by this . It was only meant as a possible suggestion since i use a pb, but sorry if i offended.



The ones I spoke of (removing the -30% debuff, etc.) are all in Issue 4. Just wanted to give you an update.

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That i'm at a loss for also, as i'm unfamiliar with ws powers, i didnt mean to leave you guys out though. Basically they're going to have their hands full trying to balance the hp reduction between ws and pb. Our tanking abilities in dwarf form are going to seriously be affected by this . It was only meant as a possible suggestion since i use a pb, but sorry if i offended.

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None taken, and I too am concerned what this will mean for tanking ability in dwarf form. I don't know what they can do for warshades either as our heal power is so different from yours. Maybe an innate dull pain effect to both dwarf forms that lasts as long as you are in dwarf form? I don't know :/

Spines/ D A lvl 50 Scrap, stone/wm lvl 50 tank, Kat/reg lvl 50 Scrap
Grav/Kin lvl 50 Cont, Fire/Enegry lvl 50 Blast
Warshade lvl 50, PB lvl 39, nightwidow lvl 50, crab lvl 42
plant/thorns lvl 50 dom, ice/fire lvl 40 dom, grav/nrg lvl 41 dom




Still screwed over we are I see. Very sad.. Very sad indeed.

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And all the comments like it; Statesman, I'm very confident that you're smart enough to see through these comments. Not saying that Kheldians don't have issues, but there's a fix coming, and people shouldn't be whining until they've at least tried it with the fix.

To everyone else: Kheldians are NOT as gimped as people say. Mine is very good, sometimes outperforming others, often filling in and saving the day. They're harder sure, and maybe weaker, but with these changes they'll be graet. Normally I try to stay out of debates like this, but wanted to give a warning to new Kheldians, and reassurances to States that not everyone disagrees.



The removal of the 30% damage resistance debuff should not affect your dwarf form tanking ability, since the 30% damage resistance debuff was applied to the human form.

But the proposed reduction of kheldian hit points from scrapper-ish level to defender-ish level might affect your tanking ability. Mind you, Statesman has not said anything about the hitpoint reduction in over a month, while he did specifically address the damage resistance debuff in this thread.



Statesman: I think it would be REALLY great, if Dwarf Form recieved a Dull Pain style buff after being shifted. It could even be set up like Unstoppable or Moment of Glory to prevent switching back and forth as a heal, having the buff not provide a heal effect, or putting just the heal effect on a timer roughly equivelent to Dull Pain.

Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast



While I agree that we may need more hitpoints in the Dwarf form once these changes arrive, I don't think your idea would work.

There are a lot of different playstyles with the Khedlians and being stuck in Tanker form would take a lot of that variety away. They will need to find a way that we can still have a descnet amout of hitpoints in the Dwarf form without negatively affecting the way Khedlians currently are played.

I think the idea of providing more of a boost with the "Dull Pain" power and increasing the amount of healing for the two healing powers would help out a lot. Another possibliy would be to just go with a hit point increase (about the amount that they're taking away from us) to be added to your health when you change forms and to go away when you change into something else (although this could have it's drawbacks as well).



[ QUOTE ] I4 is due in the summer time?

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States won't say nothing but...

September is to January as January is to...

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Lets put things into prespective here. Kheldians are getting some attention and the start to fixing them in Issue 4. The fixes listed are just a start. It takes time to code and do internal testing.

Stone and Ice tankers, Dark Armor Scrappers and Dark Defenders had to wait a lot longer for any sort of positive change to their specific builds. And last I heard, Mind Controllers are still waiting for a few fixes. People need to be a little patient. Kheldians have only been in the game about two months and some people expect the world.

As for when I4 is going to go live, I am betting it will be on test either end of Feb or sometime in March and live in April assuming there are no major bugs or balance issues.

Captain Booth - Necro / Storm Mastermind
Operative Cole - Soldier of Arachnos
Tango One - Fire / SS Tanker



Black Stormer, human form Kheldians have an innate -30% damage resistance penalty to all damage types.

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Maybe you misunderstand, a -30% damage resistance penalty means we have 30% LOWER resistance than everyone else.
Removing this means we all get 30% MORE resistance.

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Nah Removing this means, we get from 70% to 100%.
So this is about 1.428 more, thus 43% MORE than now.
Hurray! Trouble is that I'm a fan of only squid/lobster shapes... and the HP decrease is a bit frightening me.
Bah, I'm gonna save a respec anyway, and keep on having fun with all the possibilities these strange creatures have



hrm.... time to start a new AT and wait for the new epics to come out... haha bleh i like playing my epic

I always wonder whats the big deal if epics are 2 powerful... I mean who cares... We got to 50 and i have been talking to alot of people that are lv 48/49 that are not looking forward to building/lv'ing a epic.

All I say is just wait for the new epics that will come out.



All I say is just wait for the new epics that will come out.

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Yeah. As the HoC chat said, some future ones will be unlockable through possible task forces, and others, a level requirement.

And being 50, we automatically fulfill the level one.

Dawnslayer on Virtue.



I'm sort of curious why something that seems a relatively minor fix should take months to go in? Is the coding more complicated than it seems? (Changing the hp #s, changing the resist penalty # to 0.

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First they have to verify that there is actually a problem, once that is done they have to figure out exactly how to fix it, in this case they had to come up with the proper value for the fix, this is where balancing comes in and it can be a tough cookie.

Once all that is settled changing the code for something like this should be a breeze, then commences the testing which can take a while since they have to verify that the initial balancing calculation was correct.



Now that I'm playing Kheldians, I'm really not looking forward to having my hit points drop to blaster levels. Right now, I have a lot of hit points...sure, solo or on a small team, that's offset by the resistance debuff. But on a larger team, I really feel the survivability difference.

I feel like - if it's necessary to have blaster hit points as a consequence of losing the resistance debuff, that maybe this is one of those short term changes that will make some people happy, but ultimately hurt the AT's performance in the long run.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



The ones I spoke of (removing the -30% debuff, etc.) are all in Issue 4. Just wanted to give you an update.

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I'm sorry, but I have to go against the cascades of "thank you Statesman" on this and say why the heck is this going to take so long? By the time these changes come around people will either be tired of playing these gimped characters or have already moved on after the novelty has worn off.



The ones I spoke of (removing the -30% debuff, etc.) are all in Issue 4. Just wanted to give you an update.

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I'm sorry, but I have to go against the cascades of "thank you Statesman" on this and say why the heck is this going to take so long? By the time these changes come around people will either be tired of playing these gimped characters or have already moved on after the novelty has worn off.

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They're not gimped.

I'm not even sure people are using "gimp" to mean "gimp" anymore.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I'm sort of curious why something that seems a relatively minor fix should take months to go in? Is the coding more complicated than it seems? (Changing the hp #s, changing the resist penalty # to 0.

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First they have to verify that there is actually a problem, once that is done they have to figure out exactly how to fix it, in this case they had to come up with the proper value for the fix, this is where balancing comes in and it can be a tough cookie.

Once all that is settled changing the code for something like this should be a breeze, then commences the testing which can take a while since they have to verify that the initial balancing calculation was correct.

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Statesman posted a while back that seemingly minor changes are not all that minor. I don't have a link to the thread but you can search his past posts for the process that it takes to institute changes.

We don't know how the resistance debuff was coded and its relationship to other powers. For example, the resistance debuff might be coded so that the devs need to change every power in the game. Changing the debuff might mean changing the kheldian link and/or resistance toggle powers depending on how they are coded in relationship to the debuff.

Captain Booth - Necro / Storm Mastermind
Operative Cole - Soldier of Arachnos
Tango One - Fire / SS Tanker



DAMIT i dont want to have to wait 3 months to solo good, cant you PLEASE test and release these in a quicker patch or something?



I don't think we have three months to wait.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Wondering about the Endurance Issues that Warshades have?
Before anybody attacks yes all my powers have an endurance reducer in them and orbiting death has three.
Also 5 slotted Stamina.
I still have endurance problems and big ones. Not as big as before but still big.



i love my kheld the way it is right now . i'm worried about the hp issue because my main was a blaster and my playstyle meant i went from lvl 19 to 50 maxed debt. but if i did it once i can do it again i say :P . i just love the fact that i can fill almost any duty in a duo or a small team and i can still solo when i want to. sorry if i'm rambling if you listened to any of my shows i talk just as bad lol

Happy Wintereenmas! Blessed are the children of the D-pad, who follow the ways of the W-A-S-D. -Veritech

"let's face it, this is not the worst thing you have caught me doing" - Iron Man



I'd be much happier with my Warshade if I could shift forms faster.
The animation times for both Dwarf and Nova are really long.
This discourages me from trying to do clever stuff like knocking down something in Dwarf then shifting to Nova and blasting it.
It would more fun to play if these animations were just removed and the shift from Human to Nova was the same as from Nova to Human.



I'd be much happier with my Warshade if I could shift forms faster.
The animation times for both Dwarf and Nova are really long.
This discourages me from trying to do clever stuff like knocking down something in Dwarf then shifting to Nova and blasting it.
It would more fun to play if these animations were just removed and the shift from Human to Nova was the same as from Nova to Human.

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The quaking and all that is really cool at first, but it does get annoying after a while. Especially when I want to switch between forms a lot and not annoy the crap out of my teammates with my over the top form shifting.



To be honest, I'm pretty concerned about these changes.

Yes, the lower levels can be rough, but speaking as a mid level (31) its not uncommon to wade through several missions without the need to even us an inspiration. That is in human form (only teamed with a human form Peacebringer). Although will admit that I switch to Dwarf from if we are over-run and my controllerish powers have yet to recycle. My build revolves around being a panic button, ie. things get rough (hopfully) I'll have something at hand to either allow enough time to escape, regroup or simply for powers to have enough time to recharge. This for me, seems to to work great for solo and grouping.

Persoannly I feel the HP reduction will have a greater impact than the -30% resistance. To the extent that at the moment I would prefer things to remain untouched, but that's why there is a test server. So I reserve full judgement until these changes have been implemented.

At later levels, which slotted shields you are basically (near) scrapper HP with 0%(ish) defence (unteamed). While this balance will result in pretty much the same scenario (due to higher mitigation) for a Warshade (at least) it will affect more than just the Dwarf form. What about Inky Aspect, HP plays a major part in that power and is probably one of the best powers a Warshade can have. The HP drain on that is essentially self inflicted, so is the drain going to be reduced as there will be less HP in general?

I also dare say other issues will arise, that have yet to be realised.



I have a perfect solution for the hitpoints problem. If the -30 more damage is a problem then dont take that away but just give us more hitpoints. By doing this we will be fine in human form but in dwarf form we can tank much better. problem solved.



I quit like that idea, although not sure how it would affect the balance with other ATs.