The Teleport FAQ




TP is great for escaping when you have LOS of a far away spot. In indoor missions that doesn't tend to be the norm, sprinting is still your best bet for making a hasty retreat in limited LOS situations.

After-port damage works just the same as everything else, if an attack was started while your enemy still has LOS and range, the attack will take place.



Just FYI, if you have Recovery Aura (from the Empathy line), it can really help you get across the larger zones. I fire it off right before traveling, and it allows me to travel the long way across Independence Port without stopping.



Ok, long post but I wrote a progam to calculate the max distance based on enhancements and a full END bar. So here's the raw data:

Enh Count: 0
(Gen 0 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 1800.0
(DO 0 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 1800.0
(SO 0 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 1800.0

Enh Count: 1
(Gen 1 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 2100.0
(Gen 0 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 1890.0
(DO 1 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 2100.0
(DO 0 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 1980.0
(SO 0 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2160.0
(SO 1 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 2400.0 (Best)

Enh Count: 2
(Gen 2 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 2100.0
(Gen 1 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2205.0
(Gen 0 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 1980.0
(DO 2 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 2400.0
(DO 1 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2310.0
(DO 0 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 2160.0
(SO 2 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 3300.0 (Best)
(SO 1 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2880.0
(SO 0 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 2520.0

Enh Count: 3
(Gen 3 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 2400.0
(Gen 2 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2205.0
(Gen 1 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 2310.0
(Gen 0 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 2070.0
(DO 3 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 3000.0
(DO 2 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2640.0
(DO 1 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 2520.0
(DO 0 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 2340.0
(SO 3 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 3900.0
(SO 2 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 3960.0 (Best)
(SO 1 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 3360.0
(SO 0 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 2880.0

Enh Count: 4
(Gen 4 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 2400.0
(Gen 3 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2520.0
(Gen 2 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 2310.0
(Gen 1 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 2415.0
(Gen 0 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 2160.0
(DO 4 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 3300.0
(DO 3 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 3300.0
(DO 2 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 2880.0
(DO 1 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 2730.0
(DO 0 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 2520.0
(SO 4 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 4500.0
(SO 3 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 4680.0 (Best)
(SO 2 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 4620.0
(SO 1 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 3840.0
(SO 0 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 3240.0

Enh Count: 5
(Gen 5 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 2700.0
(Gen 4 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2520.0
(Gen 3 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 2640.0
(Gen 2 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 2415.0
(Gen 1 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 2520.0
(Gen 0 END, 5 RNG) Total Distance: 2250.0
(DO 5 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 3600.0
(DO 4 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 3630.0
(DO 3 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 3600.0
(DO 2 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 3120.0
(DO 1 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 2940.0
(DO 0 END, 5 RNG) Total Distance: 2700.0
(SO 5 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 5100.0
(SO 4 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 5400.0
(SO 3 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 5460.0 (Best)
(SO 2 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 5280.0
(SO 1 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 4320.0
(SO 0 END, 5 RNG) Total Distance: 3600.0

Enh Count: 6
(Gen 6 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 3000.0
(Gen 5 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 2835.0
(Gen 4 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 2640.0
(Gen 3 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 2760.0
(Gen 2 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 2520.0
(Gen 1 END, 5 RNG) Total Distance: 2625.0
(Gen 0 END, 6 RNG) Total Distance: 2340.0
(DO 6 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 3900.0
(DO 5 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 3960.0
(DO 4 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 3960.0
(DO 3 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 3900.0
(DO 2 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 3360.0
(DO 1 END, 5 RNG) Total Distance: 3150.0
(DO 0 END, 6 RNG) Total Distance: 2880.0
(SO 6 END, 0 RNG) Total Distance: 5700.0
(SO 5 END, 1 RNG) Total Distance: 6120.0
(SO 4 END, 2 RNG) Total Distance: 6300.0 (Best)
(SO 3 END, 3 RNG) Total Distance: 6240.0
(SO 2 END, 4 RNG) Total Distance: 5940.0
(SO 1 END, 5 RNG) Total Distance: 4800.0
(SO 0 END, 6 RNG) Total Distance: 3960.0

Have fun!

P.S. Reorganized by level instead of enh counts.



Two things. First, for the bind, it should be "BUTTON1" rather than "LBUTTON." No caps on button1.

Second, the data on "distance travelable with # of enhancers doesn't take into account regeneration of endurance for characters, particularly noticeable for stamina (and or QR) users. With 2 SOs in end regen, a 6 slotted QR+stamina user can teleport any number of times without running out of endurance. It regenerates faster than the end can be spent.



lbutton is the same thing...

I use lbutton in my bind and it works just fine.



Edited away because it was late and my math was lacking -_-



I've done some math that I hadn't seen done on this thread, forgive me if it's been done anywhere else. I used 2 seconds per teleport for solid chain casting, and assumed a 5 point endurance recovery every 3 seconds. If those numbers are off, please let me know. Anyways, I caclulted for 3 end/3 rang enh, 2 end/ 4 rang, and 4 end/ 2 range. Accounting for endurance regen during your intial teleports, to burn through your 100 endurance, with six SOs, all base green, not ++, the math came out as follows:

2 end/4 range = 16 jumps, 32 seconds, 8960 distance, 280/sec speed
3 end/3 range = 22 Jumps, 44 seconds, 10560 distance, 240/sec speed
4 end/2 range = 27 jumps, 54 seconds, 12060 distance, 223.33/sec speed.

Now, if we assume 3/3 is the 'base', we can compare the distances and speeds of these three configurations.

2 end/4 range is 81% the distance of the 3/3 config, and so on. So, here it is.

2/4 81% distance, 116% speed
3/3 100% distance, 100% speed
4/2 109% distance, 97% speed

It seems that the 4/2 combination is the sweet spot. But, if you find yourself getting to where you need to be without needing to take a break, the 3/3 or even the 2/4 might be good for you. Later tonight I'll do the math for just 3 slots, in case you dont want to 6 slot your travel power.



I just wanted to point out that one doesn't need to bind the lshift and mouse button to use teleport efficiently. I just stick my teleport into my second power slot (the one where I normally stick sprint) and hit the 2 key whenever I want to port. That way I can still use the keyboard movement keys (rotate, strafe left or right, jump, etc) yet quickly hit the teleport power. So with my left hand i'm hitting 2 to turn port on (and aim the port with mouse and a single click), and am still in position to make movements if needed. Then using my right hand to move the mouse to aim my porting. Using the right mouse and move mouse in order to make most of my facing adjustments in mid porting. I find that works extremly well and doesn't work much different than standard moving (flying, running, etc.) which is good since i use many characters with various movement powers (less need to learn different "muscle memory" for different characters).

Using the lshift and mouse button means my left hand has to move off of the movement keys, also makes it harder for me to use the mouse to make rotation adjustments (especialyl up and down which is a pain to do with the keyboard but really needed for teleport if you misjudge and find yourself porting too close to a building). Also if my hand s moved down to hit the left shift it's not near my numbers where my more important attack powers are placed for quick access in a pinch.



To shave a few seconds off travel time, use velocity to your advantage.

Make your first teleport to about 10 feet off the ground.
Hit your autorun key.
The instant you start to fall, hit your next teleport.
It should start the teleport animation before you hit the ground, but you'll run forward before you port.
You'll retain that forward velocity throughout your journey.

Since most people get stamina at some point, make sure you choose swift as your base power. This will add to your velocity for teleporting.

The other way to generate velocity is to port into the sky, then find a building or object with some angle to it. Allow yourself to start falling, but then teleport onto that point. Your downward velocity will be redirected perpendicular to the slope.

Besides saving some time on the journey, it's a lot of fun to fly/port.



this is from another thread i posted in regarding tp but i figure it might be useful here too...
I have teleport 6slotted with all range enh. I am lvl 40 and have all lvl 40 SO ranges. I cover 1 mile in about 25 secs. That equates to around 144 mph. So much for that 85 mph speed cap everyone keeps moaning about (and thats with grey enh mind you, not green). And to top it off, with that much range it takes so few tps that end isnt ever a problem.

Some food for thought



Another way of looking and ENDRedux ENH is (with SOs):

1 = -25% end cost
2 = -40% end cost
3 = -50% end cost
4 = -57% end cost
5 = -62% end cost
6 = -66% end cost

As you can see, your return on investment (ROI) really falls off after 2 ENDRedux ENH. This is true with any power in the game.

With Range ENH (I thought they were +33%, but we'll go with the original poster's +20%)

1 = 120%
2 = 140%
3 = 160%
4 = 180%
5 = 200%
6 = 220%

Not a bad ROI after all.

So lets assume that you'll put in 2 ENDRedux and 4 Range ENH:

END Usage per port = 9
Distance per port = 180 yards (540 feet)
or 60 feet / endurance point

1 ENDRedux + 5 Range = 53.33 END / port
3 ENDRedux + 3 Range = 64 END / port
4 ENDRedux + 2 Range = 58.33 END / port

SO, 3 and 3 is your most efficient ENH setup.

Check my math, but I think I'm right.



Don't think horizontal ports, think vertical. When the mob charges, right-click to have character looking straight up, and port. then port one more time. w/ 2 vertical ports, i've never been followed. Just in case, this only works when you're outside!

[/ QUOTE ]

I have always done this manually. Is there a bind to make this happen more quickly? I'm thinking that it would be a look-up, jump, and port combo. I'd add hover, but a second hit would toggle it off...and that could get ugly.



Now for the kicker, has anyone found a good use for group TP?

I was considering taking this power but I can't think of a good use, or maybe I'm missing something? For travel it seems like its just easier to port self then recall friend, and for getting out of dodge, it seems like it would be easier to have everyone use their own travel powers in the immediate, then you can recal friend if neccisary. Any ideas, comments?

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While I'd like to see the power modified to be more of a group recall, there's a few uses for it currently:

1. Emergency escape- unenhanced, you'll move ~80 yds per port. With a full group, expect 3-4 ports max before you're out of endurance. That said, it's useful for immediately moving the group out of harm's way. (get the groups permission before the TF/mission begins. some people dislike this)

2. Blitzkrieg! - Great trick for pet controllers or tank groups- have the blasters/defenders back off for this one, everyone else target an enemy and prep for blast off. Set the group TP just behind the enemy group. When you arrive, all tanks/pets will immediately start swinging, giving you the combat initiative.

3. Clearing doorways- Larger groups, especially groups with pets, will occasionally become bottlenecked in a doorway or a tunnel. Blasters can be caught between the tanks and the enemy, just not a good situation for all. Group TP everyone involved into the action, or backwards into the previous room and prepare for combat.



While I'd like to see the power modified to be more of a group recall, there's a few uses for it currently:

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I'd like to see a Group Recall replace Group Teleport. Either that, or the "click on the map and go there" power that everyone wanted when they first heard the word teleport.

Member of the OMNI SuperGroup!
Heroes: CaduKaos, AuricFyre
Villains: Lost Widow, Asphault
My Crey Profiles



Range is increased by 10% per DO or 20% per SO enhancement. Endurance cost is decreased by 16.7% per DO or 33.3% per SO respectively.....what lvl enhancements are these?



Don't most of these factors change when a user pushes to perma-"Hasten? ( 6 recharge reduction slotted in Hasten )



I have one question about using the teleport bind. I can port easily using the shift bind, but I can't keep holding down the shift key and do multiple ports using a mouse click, I have to release shift and re-press it for each port. Is this the way it's supposed to work or something with my keyboard settings?

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It doesn't work this way for me - I can hold down Shift the whole time. I think it works this way for most people. Maybe you should try using Ctrl or Alt instead of Shift?



Don't most of these factors change when a user pushes to perma-"Hasten? ( 6 recharge reduction slotted in Hasten )

[/ QUOTE ]

No. The recharge time for TP is instant.

CatMan - some form on every server

Always here, there, and there again.



Another way of looking at ENDRedux ENH is (with SOs)....

END Usage per port = 9
Distance per port = 180 yards (540 feet)
or 60 feet / endurance point

1 ENDRedux + 5 Range = 53.33 END / port
3 ENDRedux + 3 Range = 64 END / port
4 ENDRedux + 2 Range = 58.33 END / port

SO, 3 and 3 is your most efficient ENH setup.

Check my math, but I think I'm right.

[/ QUOTE ]

True, but my post was taking into consideration the endurance you recharge (base) while teleporting. If you use less endurance to teleport, you can regain more of the end needed for another teleport during the time spent teleporting. So your post clarifies endurance efficiency over a distance per port, but mine was aimed at endurance efficiency over a distance per BAR of endurance. And speed.



Just for an update, apparently they have removed the momentum "bug" from Teleport in Issue 2... so if you're falling and you teleport, you won't still be falling when you reappear. All in all, I think this is a good change. The momentum "bug" was a huge part of the frustration people had with Teleport.

Member of the OMNI SuperGroup!
Heroes: CaduKaos, AuricFyre
Villains: Lost Widow, Asphault
My Crey Profiles



i got another Question

Should I 6 slot Teleport with my FF/Dark Defender?



i got another Question

Should I 6 slot Teleport with my FF/Dark Defender?

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My level 28 Emp/Rad Defender has TP 3-slotted with 3 Endurance Reduction SOs. I find that I can port more than 1.5 miles before endurance becomes an issue. (And I don't even have stamina... if I turn Recovery Aura on, endurance isn't even an issue).

Adding more slots will definitely make TP faster and more efficient... but if you need the slots elsewhere, I wouldn't do it.

That said, I do plan to eventually six-slot teleport, because I like the speed... but I probably won't get around to it until my character is in the 40s.

Member of the OMNI SuperGroup!
Heroes: CaduKaos, AuricFyre
Villains: Lost Widow, Asphault
My Crey Profiles



this is from another thread i posted in regarding tp but i figure it might be useful here too...
I have teleport 6slotted with all range enh. I am lvl 40 and have all lvl 40 SO ranges. I cover 1 mile in about 25 secs. That equates to around 144 mph. So much for that 85 mph speed cap everyone keeps moaning about (and thats with grey enh mind you, not green). And to top it off, with that much range it takes so few tps that end isnt ever a problem.

Some food for thought

[/ QUOTE ]

According to your numbers, teleport with 6 green range SO and boost range should reach 200 mph... That's more than 2 times the cap speed of SS and SJ!



I have Recall Friend with one of my alts, and I've noticed a bug. I have experienced it a few times, so I will /bug it as soon as my cable comes back (due to Hurricane Frances).

If you are recalling a friend, the target circle can be placed anywhere within your range. I had to recall a buddy who was getting a beatdown, so I did it quickly and noticed the target circle was not visible. I had placed it "underground". When my friend failed to materialize...I asked him where he was and he said he was underwater. I recalled him once more next to me and repeated the same thing (having the target circle underground). He was teleported approximately 500 yds away. Has anyone else noticed this bug?



Some one posted about not being able to change fbutton+lbutton instead of lshift. It wouldn't be fbutton, it would be just f, but f isn't a cord key that works with the +, so you bound teleport to just your lbutton. Any time you click, tp.

I wish that the hover wouldn't turn on when you are just above ground level. I always think I left hover on, try to turn it off, and end up hovering!

There is a power in the controller gravity power set that brings all team members on the same map to your location.

Team teleports best use? With the team mate stun at the end, good for getting back at a team that pissed you off.

Group tp into group of very purples, tp out, quit team. (no, I haven't done this . . . yet)

As for it's use in fleeing, power range is determined when the attack is launched, and damage seems to proceed the effect on long ranges, still tp is the best fleeing tool as you are instantly out of range. Speeders or flyers will probably get hit a couple more times while fleeing.