The Teleport FAQ




I don't bother with look at end per cast, I see it as end per second, which is 15 end per 2 seconds, or 7.5 end/sec. Since the end is on the top of the fraction, the endurance reduction enhancements can be applied to this the same was as in endurance per cast, and this value can be directly subtracted from your endurance regen, which is a base of 5/3 end/sec. I'm using fractions here for preciseness, since the more often used value of 1.66 end/sec loses some preciseness as you add in Quick Recovery and/or Stamina.

Toss in stamina, at a 25% bonus base, or six slotted to a 75% bonus, that means you regen at 35/12 end/sec, which is roughly equal to 2.92 end/sec. Thus, to achieve a point where one can easily port indefinitely, you need to reach a 1100/7% endurance decrease, or 157%. This can be done with 5 endurance enhancements in teleport, or you can just use 4 and live with losing a bit of endurance on the way.

So, knowing that, here's a table with 3, 4, and 5 end enhancements, if you have Stamina 6 slotted, on how many times you can teleport continuously(no breaks), as well as the distance traveled (in yards) if you have no range enhancements:

3 enh-- 58 5800
4 enh-- 158 15800
5 enh-- infinite

Now, given that the farthest distance you ever need to travel (from one corner of Indie Port to the opposite is a good distance) is roughly 3 miles, even with just the 3 enhancements, you can easily go that full distance w/ only 3 endurance reduction enhancements. Using 4, you effectively don't need to worry about it, since you can go 8.9 miles with it before running out of endurance.

If you don't have stamina and don't plan on getting it however, you have to live with 5/3 end/sec regen, so you'd need a good deal more end red in Teleport, on the tune of 10 of them to achieve the same results. However, you only get 6, so the max possible distance you could go if you don't have any form of endurance regen increase would be 6000 yards. Still good, and actually a bit better than if you did 6-slot stamina with a 3-slot teleport.

If you have Quick Recovery instead of Stamina, then you'd need even fewer slots to be able to teleport as far as you need to go. With just Quick Recovery 6-slotted, you regen at 10/3 end/sec, and thus with 4 end in Teleport you can 'port indefinitely, while with 3, you can travel 12,000 yards before running out.

None of these calculations use any range enhancements however, and adding those would further show that it is never really needed to place more than 3 end red enh in teleport to achieve a good distance before running out.



Having just gotten this power on my defender, I can say it totally rocks. I also lucked into a SO end reducer on my last TF, and have it slotted 2 DOs and 1 SO. Level 15 Emp/Dar Defender.

Anyone who complains about TP should try flying. you need at least 2-3 speed enhancers in it and (without stamina) 1 End reducer in it to make it worthwhile. Fly is infinitely more tiresome than TP.

It DOES require skill and practice to learn to use it. But I've saved a teammate from death quite often with the use of Teleport Self/Recall Friend.

Another added bonus was, as an empath defender, you can be hunting in boomtown, and if the group seperates into 2 little clusters, I was able to TP between them quite rapidly and fire off AoE heals, use Heal Other and so forth to GREAT efficiency.

As well, we had a team leader that loved to just run into combat without calling the targets for me. Kinetics Controller or something of the sort. Before the foes could land the first blow, I am right by their side and healing them, when all five attacks land, and their bar went red then green, instantly.

With the three end reduction enhancers, I can TP across a zone and be ready to go for the first fight when I was in BT. I'd frequently TP out to the gate, get one of the people back to the gate, get another for the team, port back and recall.

This is by far one of the most useful powers for support types I have seen.

I do see why scrappers and blasters would not enjoy it. Scrappers would have troubles (unless invuln) utilizing this skill to get to foes, in battle. SS and fly work much better in this regard, especially indoor missions.

However, last night I used this for a party member who had Unyielding Stance, TPing him into the various mobs, since they did not have teleport self yet, and he was amazed at the accuracy with which I could place him in the middle of foes.

With RA running, I do see an end to all end troubles and a switch-out of end reducers for range, which will again maximize the effect.

Just had to share that with the TP community.



"3 SO's would reduce the cost of Teleport by 50%. Since the reduce endurance cost enhancement modifier affects a denominator rather than a numerator, the equation would be:

(base cost)*(1/(1+(sum of endurance reduction modifier))


15 endurance * (1/(1+(33.33%+33.33%+33.33%))

15 endurance * (1/(1+(100%))

15 endurance * (1/(1+(1))

15 endurance * (1/2)

7.5 endurance

You can further reduce this by slotting in + or ++ enhancements, but with 3 SO ++ enhancments, I 'think' you only reduce the cost to ~7.14. I forget if +'s increase the percentage by 5% per plus or add 1% =/.

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Could you explain the math you used to come up with that formula? Using that same formula adding a single SO (33.33%) would only reduce the End Cost by 25%, not the 33.33%, which it's supposed to.


100 Endurance * (1/(1+33.33%))
100 Endurance * (1/1.3333)
100 Endurance * 0.75
75 Endurance

Not debating you, just asking if this, in fact, the case.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



Range is increased by 10% per DO or 20% per SO enhancement. Endurance cost is decreased by 16.7% per DO or 33.3% per SO respectively.....what lvl enhancements are these?

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This information is probably in another FAQ somewhere (where it probably belongs), but since this Epiphonez asked, I thought I would answer.

The level of the enhancement only matters relative to your own level. In other words, a level 18 using a 20 DO will have the exact same percentage added/subtracted as a level 28 using a 30 DO. The actual AMOUNT of the difference can be substantially greater between these two characters though since powers "grow" over time. What you want to watch for on enhancements is the color, not the level.

A grey (or white) enhancement will add exactly the base percentage for that enhancement (5% or 8.3% for Generics, 10% or 16.7% for Dual Origin, 20% or 33.3% for Single Origin).

A green enhancement will add an additional 1% for each level it is above your character's combat level.

A yellow enhancement will reduce the benefit by 1% for each level it is below your character's combat level.

And of course, red enhancements will have no benefit at all.

Keep in mind, this is based on COMBAT level, and NOT SECURITY level. Since your combat level goes up immediately upon seeing the "Level Up" message, delaying your training won't make your enhancements last any longer.

- Garielle
Originally Posted by Frosty_Femme View Post
I said "ur" which is not a word. It's a sound dumb people make when you ask them to spell out "you are".



"3 SO's would reduce the cost of Teleport by 50%. Since the reduce endurance cost enhancement modifier affects a denominator rather than a numerator, the equation would be:

(base cost)*(1/(1+(sum of endurance reduction modifier))


15 endurance * (1/(1+(33.33%+33.33%+33.33%))

15 endurance * (1/(1+(100%))

15 endurance * (1/(1+(1))

15 endurance * (1/2)

7.5 endurance

You can further reduce this by slotting in + or ++ enhancements, but with 3 SO ++ enhancments, I 'think' you only reduce the cost to ~7.14. I forget if +'s increase the percentage by 5% per plus or add 1% =/.

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Could you explain the math you used to come up with that formula? Using that same formula adding a single SO (33.33%) would only reduce the End Cost by 25%, not the 33.33%, which it's supposed to.


100 Endurance * (1/(1+33.33%))
100 Endurance * (1/1.3333)
100 Endurance * 0.75
75 Endurance

Not debating you, just asking if this, in fact, the case.

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It's the funkiness of fractional/percentage math. A "33% increase" is not the same ratio as a "33% reduction". I have commonly read others saying that endurance reduction has diminishing returns, that you just don't save as much endurance with that 6th SO as you do with the first, and that Endurance Reduction SOs never "really" offer a 33% improvement.

This is simply confusion due to not asking the question, "percentage of what?" Look at the math: it isn't 33% of the base endurance cost, it's 33% of its divisor. Ask yourself why the math would modify the divisor and not the endurance cost itself. Answer: such math would reduce endurance costs to nothing at all (and without proper checking, could conceivably cause power usage to increase endurance.) Endurance efficiency would approach infinity (and beyond).

Another reason why it is 33% of the divisor is that in the case of increases it is 33% of the multiplier (which happens to be equivalent to the concept of a "33% increase").

If we think of Endurance Reduction enhancements as "Endurance Efficiency" enhancements instead, the mathematical concepts here become more clear. Three Endurance Reductions increase the -efficiency- of using a power just as linearly as the damage enhancements increase damage. In the context of teleporting (and disregarding endurance recovery), this means that a "tank" of endurance will get you 20% further with a range SO, and 33% further with an End Reduction SO. There is no "sweet spot" because each extra SO adds to the distance linearly. (There is a sweet spot when one considers endurance recovery, as noted earlier in this thread.)

Therefore, Endurance Reduction does -not- have diminishing returns if you regard it as affecting endurance efficiency, and this is most apparent with teleporting, where one can easily tell that one can TP twice as many times (hence, twice as far) on a tank of endurance with 3 Endurance Reduction SOs, even though that is "only" a 50% endurance reduction (and not 100%, which would mean not using endurance at all).

The same is the case for Recharge Reduction, where an SO doesn't give a "33% reduction" of the recharge time, but rather a 33% increase in the recharge -rate-. If not for animation times in the mix, 3 Recharge Reduction SOs would increase your firing speed by 100% (doubling it). There are no diminishing returns here, either, except for the animation time.

Think of Endurance Reduction as "Endurance Efficiency" and Recharge Reduction as "Recharge Rate", and the application of the 33% SO bonus becomes clear.



Here's a table with 3, 4, and 5 end enhancements, if you have Stamina 6 slotted, on how many times you can teleport continuously(no breaks), as well as the distance traveled (in yards) if you have no range enhancements:

3 enh-- 58 5800
4 enh-- 158 15800
5 enh-- infinite

[/ QUOTE ]

The number of teleports and distance is spot on IF you have no range enhance slotted. So, consider what would happen with just range slotted and no end redux. (Again, assume Stamina 6 slotted.)

Total number of continuous ports: 29

Distance with:
6 range - 6380 yds
5 range - 5800 yds
4 range - 5220 yds
3 range - 4640 yds

Since 5280 yds (~ 3 miles) is the furthest at a go you ever need to teleport 4 or more range enhance get you where you are going in a great big hurry without running out of end.

I doubt most players realize 6 range in TP gets you moving at 330 feet/second which is about 225 MPH!

The point is if you have stamina slotting end redux in TP is pointless given the distances you travel in the game. If you want to get there as quick as possible range enhance is the way to go.



I don't bother with look at end per cast, I see it as end per second, which is 15 end per 2 seconds, or 7.5 end/sec.

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Have you tried speed porting like this? I did it once to see just how fast I could go, and was only able to do 19 ports a minute, which leads me to believe that the absolute fastest you can port is one every 3 seconds, not 2. That yeilds 5 END/sec. Or infinite distance with Stamina in only 2 END enhancements.

And of course, you can always slow down your porting speed to one every 4 seconds, which is 3.75 END/sec.

All in all, my rule of thumb is if you have 6 slotted stamina, don't bother with more than one END redux.



Hey, La Diabla, long time. (Not sure if you remember running together a few times - got to spend some time with Ninkasi the other night.)

Anyway... even at ~20 teleports/minute you are still going around 145 MPH with 6 range enhance slotted.

BTW great teleport tips and binds in your sig. (One of my bookmarked posts.)



Either that, or the "click on the map and go there" power that everyone wanted when they first heard the word teleport.

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Old thread, but just to add in case the devs see it; and 6 SO Range Enhance should make this do an average zone map corner-to-corner.

Get rid of Group Teleport and make the fourth power "Blind Teleport", but require that you already have that portion of the map visible, so people can't use it to totally bypass all the bad guys on hard maps.



I'm guessing that with the introduction of the Issue 6 game update and Enhancement Diversity that the best slotting for Teleport would be 3 End Red and 3 Range Enhancements, and that pretty much any other variation of 6 slots is silly (4 End and 2 Range, 2 End and 4 Range, etc.)?

Also, check out Black Spectre's Binds at this web site:

He has a new Easy Teleport bind that is FASTER and EASIER to use than the old LSHIFT+LBUTTON bind. It takes a little preparation, but it's well worth the trouble...

Level 50s:
BlackSpectre, Dark Defender (Guardian)
Thorin, Invul/Axe Tank (Justice)
Volcano Juice, Fire/Stone Tank
Professor ?, Mind/FF Controller
Stone Forge, Stone/Fire Tank



I'm sorry, I had to send a rather pointless reply to say THANK YOU for this wonderful FAQ and guide. I had Teleport and it was virtually useless to me. I had sltoted it 3x DO for range and it was getting me nowhere. Now it's slotted 3x DO for end and I pop across maps like a mad idiot.

The bind, in particular, was what saved my life. The bind lshift+lbutton works a charm. As someone on the thread said, set yourself to first-person (B) and you pop fast.

A bit of info: It says "sometimes you have to release lshift" I haven't noticed this, BUT there is a minor "bug." I can hold lshift down BUT if you pick a bad teleport location (what would be a red reticle) you won't tp and you don't know why you're not going because you see no reticle, so a good wheeze is to simply click a second time in a different location, aim for clear sky, if that happens. With that little bit of tweaking in its use, it's marvellous. I now zap across maps like mad

Teleport Taxi anyone? Yes, I'm one of those wierd folks who offer others quick rides to gates and across hollows just for nice.

PS Gosh tho, wouldn't it be SWEET if there was a power in the Teleport pool where you could seelct from the overhead map and zap direct (ok for a huge end cost) - that would be awesome - that's why they're not going to do it



I was wondering if team teleport was good for defenders trying to get everyone close enough for an AoE buff?



I've been on a couple of teams where we actually used team teleport. First was an outdoor farming map where it was wonderful at getting us around and coordinating our attacks. The second was during tribal's evil frad super team but even then a lot of ppl did not like it.
On pug teams you would get so much hate your head would spin. Respec for it if you plan on farming.



I was wondering if team teleport was good for defenders trying to get everyone close enough for an AoE buff?

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Team Teleport doesn't bring your teammates to you. What it does is teleport you and any teammates that are already near you to another location. It's like self-Teleport, only you take nearby teammates with you. There is a temporary power you can get from a Bank mission and a Veteran Reward power that teleport all teammates on the same map to you, but they have extremely long recharge times, and I think they're interruptible (but I could be wrong on that), making them impractical for combat.

Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.



Question: I tried that bind, and what happened was that I shift+clicked and that brought up the target. Did something change? Am I doing it wrong?