Virtue Roleplayers Sound Off!!




Created this thread so we roleplayers can identify each other on the Virtue server. Post your character name here, or you supergroup, if you are a roleplayer.

QuantuMechanic, Virtue server
Usual Playing Time: Sundays and Early Mornings (1am-3am CDT)



I decided to put Sandy and Blood Wolf on the RP server since they've got the most elaborate backstory of my characters.

However, my main Jade Dragon and Blue Diamond are currently on Freedom, and I plan to concentrate on them first, so it may be a while before I'm regularly on Virtue.

Oh, usual playing times evenings 7-10 CST.



Name: Contact
Group: First Strike Security
Playtimes: It varies far too much, honestly... normally afternoons to early evenings.




My main character is Red Squall and I stay in character pretty much all the time, I'm usually online during weekday evenings and weekends (EST).



Hiya everyone!
My character is the real original, well thought out, Liberty Bell. I play as often as I can. It helps when you work from home




*points to signature*

My supergroups are still in the process of forming, since I don't have lots of time each day to play and get to level 10.



I play on the Virtue server, however I'm going to be making a new character today so I'll let everyone know my name once I've mad him.

I play quite a bit and I'm actively searching for a quality RP group, so if anyone is looking drop me a line.



I was known as Thevshi on the old boards, where I was involved in numerous role playing threads.

On Virtue I have three characters. My main is Hollow, of the Knights of Paragon. I also have Thevshi and Dee.




On Virtue, you're most likely to run into my main guy, Aslan.

I also have a few backups named John Law, Grrrl and Major Tom



I'm wondering, is there a good thread or resource or could anyone direct me to a good RP SG?

Because I really want to find one, I love this game so much and being able to roleplay with other RPers would make it that much better.



The Muses:

Thalia (coming soon)
Terpsichore (coming soon)



GodsFire -- Applicant to The Survivors
The Mechanic -- Independant



The name's Shadow Spike. Give me a tell if ya want ta.
pretty much on whenever i can be, no group yet though



Blitzer just arrived in Paragon City last night and has yet to link up with other heroes. He'll need to in order to find Professor S. - the man responsible for his new powers.



*points to sig*

Not to be confused with Starlancer, some level 2 Blaster I saw today



The Magnificent Mr. Mister, at your service on Virtue

Also, look out for the Devout Duo of The Monsignor & Altar Boy



My characters:

Main - Remliel (The White, Sadly it wouldn't fit).
The Sapphire Knight
The Mathemagician
(Prospective 'silly' Character: Pants Man)

Playtimes: After 9 EST on weekdays, anytime on weekends.

Always RP_OK.



FM - poor mutant trying to make some quick cash
Todd the Robot - Part robot, all teenager



Voices says look at sig
sEe tHe SIg
rIGht DoWN tHErE



Speedfreak ( Kin/Elec defender)
The Conquistador (Sword/regen Scrapper)
Perdtion ( Fire/ Fire tank)
Redhawk (Fire/storm controller)
The Texas Ranger ( Assualt/Devices blaster)

I am not in a supergroup as of yet. I am looking for a RP SG though.



Checking in. I'm usually on during the evenings around 7 CST but I'm packing up my house getting ready to move so sometimes gameplay starts later.

Main is Wuxia - Natural Scrapper and currently around 10.5
In the works are

Blockade - Mutant Tanker
Caduceus - Science Defender
Kal Vas Vlam - Magic Blaster



Virtue is really the only server I've played on so far. Proletarian and Shoe can be found there. Crey files are linked in my signature. Short version is this: Proletarian is an inv/ss science tanker (fun when you fight a bunch of Vahzilok with "special" damage that you have no resistances possible for ) and Shoe, a natural gravity/empathy controller.

Crey Threat Assessments: Proletarian & Shoe



I have Dwarf Star and PsiBorg on Virture. but not Spectral Myst whom I do have the best story with. PsiBorg's is good too mind you, but the character I always play, the mighty mite, Dwarf Star, I am still working on his story.
Other than being left at an orphanage as a baby...and now that he is an adult, he is a bit lecherous.

Dwarf Star; Angel-Night, Adoniel, angel of the 12th hour of the night; among the many
Freedom Factor
and now from Warhammer Online, Gorlok, Greenskin shaman



Invader & BloodstainedIce

Playing time varies, though usually from between Noon and 6 am EST. I sleep the rest of the time.