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Umm, just FYI; if you still need a place to host Cityofvillans.com; I'm sure the Liberty League server can accomdate it, as long as it's not graphics/media heavy. Let me know if I can help....
<ul type="square">
[*]Supergroup name - The Liberty League [*]Motto: "Leave the Justice to us!" [*]Website The Hall Of Liberty [*] Recruiting officer: Boscoe[*] Founders: Americop, Weevil, Captain Meteor[*] Preffered contact method: Website application form, in-game[*] SG info: The Liberty League is one of the oldest Supergroups in Paragon City, containing a diverse spectrum of heroes from all corners of the globe...and then some. We are a classic silver-age style team in the style of the JLA or Avengers. We also sponsor the Liberty League Scouts; a collective of younger heroes, and the Liberty League Mentors; a team of high-level heroes called upon for training & special assignments. More info and literature can be found at the Hall of Liberty .[/list] -
I have a demo question that I hope someone can answer.
If I record a demo at low resolution (I.e. with my game settings turned down low), can I play it back later at a higher game rsolution?
I read the post about resolutions, but does the demo file actually record the settings of your resolution, or does it just record the game info & can play it back at whichever resolution your game is set to?
-Thanks in advance! -
All our comics & fan art can be found at the Hall of Liberty, Jack!
Heya, Jack. The Weevil say you on the train yesterday & wondered if you were related to Rick Laird from Mahavishnu Orchestra. Cus if so...you cats rock!
Whats shakin, Jack...
The first edition of The Weevil's ongoing adventures is now online, go to this post and enjoy!
(I posted it on the Virtue boards first 'cus that's where I usually post, but it probably should've gone here in RP, so, here it is...) -
Some more hate mail in the Weevil's box this morning...from some even more dastardly villains!
"The Weevil single-handedly thwarted my plot against the beef industry!"
- Oprah Winfrey
"I loved The Weevil; it was much better than Cats. I want to see it again & again..."
- Moloch the Mystic
"I have met The Weevil, I have been busted by The Weevil, and let me tell you; you, sir, are no Weevil!"
- Count Dweisberg, 4th Column (its one shorter, isn't it?)
"The Weevil killed all my body thetans & exposed my sham marriage to Kelly Preston."
- John Travolta
"The Weevil cleaned all the filthy astronauts out of our neighborhood; now all the kids feel safe again!"
- Hong Kong Danger Duo
"Ecky ecky ecky p'kang zoo-poin, roun zool..."
- The Knights who 'til recently said "Ni" -
All the Weevil knows is that he's scoped out both places, and both of them were ghost towns...Show Yourselves!!!!!!!
Top 5 things Villains are saying about The Weevil
5. "I thought you'd be taller..."
4. "Gulp!"
3. "Pleaseohpleaseohplease Mr. Weevil don't hurt me..."
2. "I thought you said 'Weeble'"
1. Click here, Jack.. -
I saw a ton of Bulks around, so I probably ran into ya;. I'll look out for FA1CE.
The Magnificent Mr. Mister, at your service on Virtue
Also, look out for the Devout Duo of The Monsignor & Altar Boy -
Hey guys;
Just wanted to throw in my support & hope that I see you all on Virtue & we get some good RP going on. I'll check out the unofficial boards & am glad to help anyway I can. I just posted the origin of my character, Mr. Mister, earlier, so I'm anxious to hook up with my fellow RPers on Virtue & the forums.
-See ya' round!
I don't know how offhand, but there's a detailed section on setting up macros in the manual; I'm sure you could probaly read it there if it's possible...'cus that would be sweet.
Donald Dewman had it all; good looks, fame, and the prime spot in one of the hottest bands of the mid-80s. For several years, Donny lived the rock & roll bohemian dream, but fame soon took its toll. The pressures of the road & the departure of their backbone drummer to join one of historys legendary supergroups put an end to the rock & roll fantasy. Lost in a world of cheap booze & cheaper women, Donny hit bottom for a while.
After a long bout of depression, Donny decided to take those broken wings & learn to fly again, on his own terms. He went to work for his father; a prominent chemical engineer at Crey Enterprises, who was working on developing a process to control water at a molecular level.
Donny's quick aptitude for assimilating information & his loose-cannon nature soon pushed him to the forefront of project Morning Dew; the creation of a bomb that, unbeknownst to Donny, would completely evaporate all moisture within a large radius; rendering farmlands, reservoirs, and water supplies useless, and costing the lives of millions of innocent people.
Upon finding out that his work was to be used as a WOMD, Donny tried to sabotage the project from within; he destroyed all his notes & research and, late one night, broke into the lab to destroy the aptly-named "Aquabomb" once and for all.
Unfortunately, Danny had not been informed that the security code had been changed earlier that afternoon due to a false bomb threat. Danny triggered the plant alarm & soon found himself surrounded by the elite Crey Security Force, whose job is to shoot first and to hell with the questions.
Danny then played his trump card; he pulled a remote detonator from his belt & held it aloft for the guards to see.
"Go ahead boys; I'm dead already...but if you shoot me, the whole plant goes."
The guards apparently decided to take their changes; they opened fire on Danny. Only his training in Gymkata enabled him to evade the gunfire & jump down into the heart of the reactor core. Although Donny never considered himself a hero, he realized then that this was his last chance to stop the technology he had created from falling into the wrong hands, and in that moment, he decided to do what any hero would do; he thought of all those who would suffer if he failed here today...and he triggered the detonator.
All Donny remembered was a burning flash of white light, and then the sense of a great wave washing over him. When he awoke, hours later in the midst of the destruction & buried under a ton of rubble, he found that he could...flow through the rocks somehow...slowly materializing his way to freedom. He felt was in control of all the moisture all around him, and he could bend it to his will, forcing his body to seep through the cracks in the rocks, like a fine vapor. His body was translucent; a shimmering sparkle of liquid become solid; man become mist.
Upon mastering his newfound powers, Donald did what all men faced with the hand he had been dealt have done before him; he donned a spandex uniform, and took to the streets of Paragon City to fight crime; from the lowliest streetcorner hood, to the white-collar devils at Crey...the ones he blames for making him what his is today....the reluctant, yet magnificent Mr. Mister!
Those who would prey upon the innocent; those that would terrorize the city that we call home, all those who worship evil's might...beware! When he gets pissed...you get Mist!
Villains of the Virtue server, take heed...Mr. Mister is here!