What VILLAINS are saying about The Weevil...
"He twitches reeeaaal nice."
Ed "Bug Zapper" Weisenberg, Shocker, Lt in the Outcast street gang
"Woo! Lookit him fly!"
William "Buddy Love" Phillips, Brick, Boss, Outcasts street gang
"His kung-fu is weak. His claws? Not so much."
Jimmy Ray "Mr. Ginsu" Smith, Dragon Enforcer, Tsoo gang (civil suit for lost "limb" still pending)
"Exterminate! Exterminate! Extermi- ooo! Shiney claws!"
100110, Cog, Clockwork
"Hey, thanks to the Weevil, the docs cured me of that Rikti mutagen thing.... but did he have to cut out my spleen?"
Bob Parks, former Contaminated (lawsuit still pending)
Some more hate mail in the Weevil's box this morning...from some even more dastardly villains!
"The Weevil single-handedly thwarted my plot against the beef industry!"
- Oprah Winfrey
"I loved The Weevil; it was much better than Cats. I want to see it again & again..."
- Moloch the Mystic
"I have met The Weevil, I have been busted by The Weevil, and let me tell you; you, sir, are no Weevil!"
- Count Dweisberg, 4th Column (its one shorter, isn't it?)
"The Weevil killed all my body thetans & exposed my sham marriage to Kelly Preston."
- John Travolta
"The Weevil cleaned all the filthy astronauts out of our neighborhood; now all the kids feel safe again!"
- Hong Kong Danger Duo
"Ecky ecky ecky p'kang zoo-poin, roun zool..."
- The Knights who 'til recently said "Ni"
"I like The Weevil, he's an upfront, honest hero who KNOWS what he's doing... although my names not Jack. ... ...
What do you mean this is the 'Villains Only' interview? How did I get here? See that door over there? What you can't use my quote unless I'm a villain? Oh... well... ok...
There that better?"
~The (Apparently?) Evil Sly Fox~
Top 5 things Villains are saying about The Weevil
5. "I thought you'd be taller..."
4. "Gulp!"
3. "Pleaseohpleaseohplease Mr. Weevil don't hurt me..."
2. "I thought you said 'Weeble'"
1. Click here, Jack..