Virtue Roleplayers Sound Off!!




Dr. Nemesis, of the Nemesis Council



I myself go by (The) Lieutenant, currently a Mutation/Tanker on Virtue. Looking forward to seeing the lot of you.



Name: The Jovian Giant
Level: 11
Arch: Tanker

I'm trying to track down other RP'ers when possible, and I hope to form a SG at some point. So far, I've managed to find two RP'ers, and QuantuMechanic was one of them. Feel free to send me email in-game.



Max Powers
ele/ele Blaster
on after 4pm Est usually in charector
No Supergroup yet but Im looking



Night Wolf, no affiliation... yet. Hoping to join Project:Rebirth as soon as I get introduced by my contact there.

Backups: Rock Salt and PsyTac



Rickshaw, scrapper on Virtue. Always looking for fun times and good people though =). No SG Affiliation!



Name's Derek Talbert. Don't have what you'd call "powers", but my katana'll drop a pack o' bad guys cold all the same. Never really meant to get into the hero thing, but sometimes things don't turn out like you think, y'know?



Stronghold - Leader of Vangard.

Play time is usually late nights 8pm-5am PST.

Feel free to send me a tell, looking for some friends to regularly group with.



Orthus here. Also have Arctic Foxx, Red Vulcan and Mighty Seismo. I mostly play Orthus though. Oh, and the supergroup is The Brigade of Upright Citizens.



I role-play as "The Night Raven." on Virtue.



First, HELLO fellow Kansan!

Second, here are my characters:

ShadowBlade: Science scrapper: Member of Nightbreed supergroup: Usually on between 7-11 Central

Radiara: Science defender: on when Nightbreeds are scarce



Sakuraz here, been in beta for most of it and helping anyone and everyone since there.

I also ran the First RP Event in CoH and Plan to do alot more. Feel free to contact me ANYTIME! Names Sakuraz, a name you soon wont forget.



Name: Eclipse
Supergroup: The Mutant Project - A group with X-men's Group style Roleplaying, but with full originality and none of the references. Click here For more info.

I am on weekday evenings and Weekends. Feel free to look me up if you have a Storyline involving a Dark type of hero.



Lord Morcalivan and his Dark Shroud villains. Think we got over 45 atm. Was 42 before release but am getting a spike in recruitment since they announced working on CoV. Guess poeple finally believe when me I said they were gonna have it eventually...



Well, I'm new here. Duh?

I picked Virtue because Role-Play=Good Fun and that seemed like where everyone is going. So, without further ado...

Tokaki - Gifted by the Four Gods of Heaven and Earth with amazing martial arts powers, plus in one level, the ability to Teleport, earning him the nickname 'Blinking Fighter.' Warning. He's kinda perverted. (Magical Scrapper Martial Arts/Super Reflexes...also my MAIN)

Tingle - Born with the amazing ability to control electricity. (Mutant Blaster electricity blasts/control)

Mentok - The Mind Taker - Natural Controller. Mind Control powers and other related abilities. Often quoted as saying "We TAKE the minds. We don't borrow, we don't give...we TAKE." (Fun character only.)

Blue Medic - No idea, except she's a Science Defender

Rockbreaker - Not much on him, either, except he's a Tech Tanker with earth related powers. Robotic arms.

Shocktrooper - Technology blaster. Don't have much basis for his character yet either, except that I think it involves finding some sort of suit somewhere



A man with aqua blue hair descends from a nearby rooftop. His outfit is mostly black with red, flamelike stripes running along each side. His lower arms are encased in large, armored gloves, and his boots expand from the back of his legs, revealing a small exhaust port in each.

He looks over at the assembled crown and nods slightly. "My name is Dark Inferno", he says, "and I am here to help Paragon City fight the criminal element that seeps from the dark places." His face shows the hint of rage as he continues. "Especially the works of the maniacal Dr.Vahzilok. His crimes are the worst that one human can inflict on another."

His expression softens. "I am here for all, and I will help as I can."



Corpsi here.

usually play 6-11 p.m. CST



Name : Mourngrymn
Mutant Energy Blaster
Supergroup : None Yet. . .
Times I normally play : After 6:30pm EST Monday through Friday and pretty much all day on Sundays.

Looking for a good group of people to RP with during those times. PM or email me if your on.



My gals are:

Nea Noir
Precocious Pixy
Midnight Maiden
Triangle Woman



Parallax: Martial Arts/Reflex, Technology Scrapper
- Bio Posted

Flint Lock: Assault Rifle/Devices Technology Blaster

Both "toons" are only lvl 4, Im working on backstory and tuning the "look" first.



Argo Takeshi - Magic/Scrapper - Virtue (currently level 4)

Availability is usually weeknights and weekends (EST) and I definitely enjoy roleplaying a lot.

I try to stay in character nearly the whole time so feel free to look me up and talk to me in character (or OOC if you so choose).

As a side note, Argo's responses are a bit gruff and he tends to seek demons out owing to his nature (although all are welcome). Read Hero I.D. card forum for details.

~Argo Takeshi



The Tall Man

The Pwcc (Gaelic for Puck)

Mr. Temptation





Character: Biotic Obsidian
Backstory: In process.......
Real Name: Silva Lemae
Powers: Radiation
Origin: Mutation
Type-of-Hero: Vigilante
Quote: "Die in dishonor..."

Difference from Obsidian #1 (Justice) and Obsidian #2: I actually had the main objective of making my main rp character the Egyptian Garnet. However, after fooling around with the character creation process to find someone more group-friendly (for my friends on Justice) I found I love Biotic very much. I copied most of her look to Virtue, and the difference between the two is that I will be in-character on Virtue and mostly out-of-character on Justice.

Roleplayer? Yes. I love to roleplay, and would like to find others who are consistently and always IC.
