Virtue Roleplayers Sound Off!!






Red Metal

Hey, I'd like to find out who the person is who has the original 'Carapace', the one without the dot, cause I've never seen the character logged on, and it's on all my friends lists.

Whoever has that character, if you notice this and you'd please PM me?



I am greeting you all, although records are indicating that I have been doing so previously!

I am being troubling to maintain my secret identity as an industrial toaster. I am concerning that this curious Quizno's patron will revealing who I am being. Alert! Here is she approaching!

End transmission.



Hello, I'm Geariven, your semi-friendly new neighborhood reborn Titan and newest addition to Virtue's RP community.




Alaska Avenger
of the Hometown Heroes!



I have one character that I roleplay with; wish there were more, but I do not know how to make each of them talk. My roleplaying character's name is Beastly Brute. He is my tanker and I am always speaking in third person when I play him

Beastly not too smart, but Beastly love to smash and bash! Beastly also like helping, that why Beastly hero.



Hey folks. Glad to see there's some like minded individuals out there who might enjoy a little roleplaying. Feel free to talk to U S Marshall if you're in the mood to talk to a gritty, hardboiled recovering alcoholic and painkiller addict. He doesn't have any super powers to speak of, but he's got a big gun and he's not afraid to use it. You may want to look for him on rooftops these days, as his US Government Issue anti-grav boots FINALLY arrived and he's still testing them out.

On the lighter side, if you don't mind a little biting wit, look up Captain Sarcasm. I'm sure he'll be SO pleased to see you. I mean that. Really. There's nothing Cap'n Sarcasm LOVES more than a nice conversation with other heroes. Seriously.



Well, since I figure this post should stay towards the front page thought I'd do my part.
Anyway, I'm The Laird and just moved to Virture from Victory and looking forward to some RPing.
See ya around.



((OOC Note: As an avid role-player I was delighted to see this section. I am also an EQ player and as such, tried to find a way to incorporate my cleric's story here in City of Heroes. I have included her "bio" below and if anyone is interested in writing together, role-playing in City of Heroes or if you would like to play the roll of noble and valiant paladin in this story or the mysterious stranger and would like to join me in writing these tales out, please drop me an e-mail. Thank you and happy role-playing to all of you.)


Princess Shalymar was born the youngest daughter to the high elven king. A devout follower of her goddess, she learned at a young age she had been blessed with the gift of healing. Seeing what had become of the world of man, dwarf and elf broke her heart. It was her hope that in some small way she could help to bring peace back to the lands. Being the youngest daughter and the most loving and spirited, her father worried for her safety and refused to let her leave unescorted.

So with her he sent one of his most loyal and trusted knights to protect his beloved daughter from all harm, as was the knight's sworn duty from the time she was born. Together, the two fought back the evil that threatened to spread across the lands. Though unintentionally, the princess did not make her guard's job any easier. Though her intentions were always pure, trouble certainly had a way of finding her.

But neither could predict the events that brought them to Paragon City. While battling a powerful necromancer whom they later found out had ties to the Circle of Thorns, Shalymar was pulled into this world. Her bodyguard, charged with her protection dove in after her in hopes of saving the fair princess. Until such time as a way can be found home to their own time, the two battle the forces of injustice and the more mundane criminal acts, hoping to bring some order to an otherwise chaotic situation.

Shalymar is a kind and gentle hearted elf and will never refuse aid to those in need. She remains loyal to those she calls friend or companion. Her faithful and loyal elven paladin is her dearest friend, no matter what he might think or what trouble may find them next.

For they weren’t the only two to travel to Paragon city, there is another who entered the strange magical light, who’s personal interest in the fair elven princess has become an obsession… but to what end and for what purpose. Time will only tell.

Lady Shalymar - Virtue Server

Ms Independence
Lady of The White Knights
"The love of liberty is the love of others, the love of power is the love of ourselves."
The White Knights - Hero Hall Headquarters



Just now noticed this thread, and thought...wouldn't it be easier if roleplayers put [roleplayer] in the start of their bio? That way we could at least randomly meet up and know what to expect.



Just now noticed this thread, and thought...wouldn't it be easier if roleplayers put [roleplayer] in the start of their bio? That way we could at least randomly meet up and know what to expect.

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A lot of them do. Alternatively you can just look for a person with a very detailed Bio, that usually denotes a roleplayer.





*Blackstar grooves to James Brown on his iPod*

LOL, forums: most balanced PvP ever.
Tacos > Zombies



Well I'm as a hardcore role-player as they come. Over 20 years of PnP role playing games and Game Mastering Champions/Marvel Superheros games for 15 of those years will do that to you.

I like to talk in character ALL the time, so much so that I have even worked out my own terminology. For instance my leading lady on Virtue, Lady Fairlight, who is a magical origin, has her own names for game objects.

Enhancements -> She calls them Rune Disks.
Inspirations -> Magic glyphs, or just Glyphs.
Elevators -> Portal rooms.
The Tram System -> Sky carriages.
Information Terminals -> Scry pillars.
Superhero Trainers like Ms. Liberty -> Wise Ones or The Elders.
Superhero Vendors that sell enhancements -> Merchants.
Vahz -> Undead.
Skulls or Hellions -> Rouges, ruffians, barbarians.

... and my personal favourite thing, which I have to admit I find quite endearing with her, is that if I mention anything from my screen interface ( like mission, contact or map information ) I say that she is looking at her "Scry Stone", with an emote following that she is looking at her "Paragon City Issued Personal Data Assistant".

Finally if someone wants to check her bio, she will call her ID card her "badge", with the emote that she is showing you her ID card.

So far people have been very understanding on my terminology, and I'm surprised that others even know what I'm referring too, without me doing an OOC explanation.



Alternatively you can just look for a person with a very detailed Bio, that usually denotes a roleplayer.

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My experiences with that have been that it doesn't. People have detailed bios, then talk 'k', 'thx', 'get a mission, 3 blocks from level'.



Solarhaphaeriom doesn't roleplay, he's too busy being a hero. Who has time for games when there are so many challenges to overcome in Paragon?
If any of you fellow roleplayers are looking for an SG, Aurorae will welcome any one of you that doesn't play an antihero, i.e. no hell-bent vampires or demons in our heroic group, please.