Virtue Roleplayers Sound Off!!




Argo Takeshi - Magic Scrapper - Level 14 currently (Virtue)
Thorin Lutgehr - Natural Tanker - Level 4 currenlty (Virtue)

I am always open to roleplay and have fun doing it. So feel free to drop by and say hi.

Argo is the slightly mean (devlish) tongue-in-cheek angsty guy with a demon-human hybrid soul, two pasts and a single new future. He has a mean sense of humor and can be trusted to watch you back in a fight. As a former demonic Judge of the Ninth Circle and Project Coordinator for Internet Plus, he is torn inside as his good and bad halves battle it out. Depending on the current score of the "personas" he is either gathering souls or talking about needing moisturizer for his feet.

Thorin son of Balek of the clan Lutgehr, from the mountains of Mor'Hadur in the land of Eirse. Ported to the modern day when chasing an evil wizard, this Khazaad (dwarf) is very disoriented to find a plane turned on its edge; a place where demons and beasts working with men and where monsters are of metal and magnificient mage towers aplenty. He has a gruff nature and an attitude that takes no nonsense from others. Always ready to fight with a drop of a hat and to drink ale with a hearty meal. An honorable warrior exploring a new world. He hopes to find a way back to his plane.

Had great fun RPing with you folks. Thorin and Argo feel welcome.



Greetings to thee! I am Ygrid, daughter of Ymir, sworn Valkyrie to Woden, the All-Father! And in Midgard, in this age, I am called Frost Daughter! And yet I am not myself entire, for there is another in my mind, who whispers knowledge of Midgard in mine ear.

It is no matter -- my duty in this City is clear! To send the foetid demons that fester in the dark places to Hel's porches! And I would fight alongside any who seek to spread the iron embrace of the All-Father's justice!

OOC: Frost Daughter is my die-hard RP character, after I failed to find a persona for my other character. My mission is to never break character with her, so we'll see how that goes. At the moment, she's a level 10 Magic Ice tanker, and she packs a mean punch with her mace.



Greetings all.

I am Mystic Fate, a magical defender of the innocent and oppressed. Though I weild the powers of darkness, my will has enabled me to use them for the service of good. Though I work tiressly for the destruction of evil, knowing that it will mean the end of my own abilities, I will rejoice at losing them. If ever you need a hand, let me know.

Mystic Fate



G'day mates.

Lord Zod here. Some background for you, I was not always a 'ero, you know. Growing up on the streets of Perth, downunder, I got me name from a comic book I had read. Lord Zod was me favorite villian. Hehehe.

I came to Paragon City cause I 'eard they needed lot of 'eroes. Zod, I said to me self, if they need that many 'eroes, crime must be good. So, in short order I was on probation with the Hellions. Problem was, I found I 'ad somthin that a villian can't 'ave, a heart. As me new mates were mugging an old mum for her pension, I found I had to help her. So I opened up on me crew with me weapon, bringing them all to the slammer and turning meself in as well.

I guess the judge realized me wantin to turn a new leaf, cause he sentenced me to ten years of community service, as a hero. Me gun was given back to me and an ID issued. Crikey!, just what I wanted. Now I swagger with the best of you, blowing away the street scum I almost became.

By the way, don't let me green mohawk or impossing looks get to ya, I'm really a sold softy inside. The respirator I wear is because of the bloody smog here. Me lungs just can't handle it. So, if ya need some backup, or just want to have a Bar-B and beers, let me know.

Later mates.

Lord Zod



*points to sig*

Ariel's my main, actually, despite the ordering in the signature. I'm always up for a spot of RP.



Everyone should know who The Sly Fox is by now... so to all you out there... I apologize.

but if you don't... well...

Hi! My name is The Sly Fox. I'm really not that bad a guy. Ladies, get to know me!



Hello all. New guy here. Definately wanting some RP. Though you'll have to see me in game or tell me, because I turned off broadcast and auction. Names in game are Dr. Circuit and Fiery Spark. So far anyway.



My main RP character is...

Cog Sprocket, a rogue clockwork.
Supergroup: Digital Justice (robot group)
Notes: Hostile RP is welcome due to being a clockwork. I won't take it personally. But I do have a dim view of poweremoting (*kills the clockwork* and so forth).

I do roleplay a bit with any of my characters, so any character listed in my sig is fair game to approach.



Well, hi there! I'm Irresistible! I'm always open for some conversation with my peers and admirers. Don't be shy! I know a lot of people are intimidated by my good looks and prestige, but come on up and say hi! Sure, I might be too busy with important hero matters to talk to you very long, but I'll at least say hi and sign an autograph or two (time permitting). Oh, and my friends Freebird and Rooke are always open to meeting new people too!

Catch you later, Virtue!



Due Quan is a student of the Katana. He studied dutifully under an aging Japanese master, who ignored the boy's Vietnamese heritage (his grand-parents were refugees from the Vietnam war) and treated him as his own son. As the call for heroes went out across the World from Paragon City, Quan's master sent him off to fight crime, see the world, and Master the Katana. (Cheesie I know, still working on fleshing this out.) He speaks English without an accent, and though his understanding is not perfect, he can carry on a conversation without trouble.

Due Quan is Natural Katana/Super Reflexes Scrapper, security level 9

Lucian Sever grew up feeling.. different. Not special, just somewhat isolated from his contemporary students. Never feeling comfortable in blue jeans and brightly colored T-shirts, he eventually adopted the non-uniform of the Gothic culture. Spending much of his life locked up in a library, he was surprized to find a new tome in the Fantasy section (why, it had never been there before, and he'd read every book on that row!). Translated to the Tome of the Arcane, it absorbed Lucian's interest, and now he spends time unlocking the spells within it.

Lucian Sever is an Illusion/Empathy Controller at security level Four



Haha! Excellent, more RPers like me out there. I just started geting a feel for the characters Im going to play seriously. I have one right now with another coming tonight. Without further ado, let me introduce you to Gran Turismo:

Gran Turismo- Science Scrapper (martial arts, super relfexes) with super speed! (ok, so currently level 4, but he can aspire cant he?) Ian McLaren was an exremely gifted up-and-coming race car driver before "The Accident." While hurtling up the hill on his way to "The Corkscrew" at Laguna Seca Raceway during his first race in a Le Mans prototype, the car's right front suspension arm sheared off and sent him flying into the spectator bridge that overlooks the track. On impact the car disentigrated into a $500,000 fireball. Ian was severly injured. He lost both of his legs and suffered severe spinal damage. He would never walk again, even with prosthetics. However, a childhood friend, Dr. Nathan Teague, had been working on groundbreaking stem cell research at the time of the accident. Teague decided that his old buddy McLaren would make the perfect candidate for a new medical procedure. By using Ian's cells, Teague would regow his legs and spinal cord. What happened after the surgury no one expected. Not only had the new body parts been successfuly grafted, they had given Ian super speed and incredible reflexes (Dr. Teague is still trying to figure out what happened. He cant seem to reproduce the results)! Ian was thrilled to have his body back, but later discovered that his new powers made him ineligable to drive racecars professionaly ever again. The FIA had regulations agains super athelete drivers. No matter, thought Ian, I can run as fast as any F1 car anyway. Now, what to do with it..... Maybe being a super hero would be on par with the adrenaline and excitement of racing...... Thus, Gran Turismo was born.



Hello. Rp'er here but have yet to do any in game. just getting the hang of things first. I'll have to come back and post bios when I finish creating stories for my characters (I have one for The Student but want to fix it up a bit.


ps: any former AO Rp'ers around? PM me would like to find out if I know any of ya



Bumping this back up.

Johnny Freedom
The Jack of Flames
Doctor Thirteen
The Quipster
Professor Atlas



I know you want me, there is no denying that and I will try to give you as much as I can, but there is simply not enough time for me to get to everyone! I can give you life, it’s true. I can heal with a touch, I can seduce with a smile. I’ll charm you with chat all the while. I’ve always been gifted, it’s not really important why. What is important is what I do with it. I may be Vain, but I have reason to be. I may be Vain, but I am sensitive and I treat my friends with care. I love them after all and I want to do everything I can for them. But I AM a corporate leader. I have to make tough decisions and I never let my heart get in the way. I’m a man of the people and if I can find you work, I will. If I can save you some trouble or time, it’s done. But don’t ever look for me to help you if you can’t see your way to helping others.

[/ QUOTE ] Vain Alias, at your service. CEO of Secret Identity Corp. Always seeking information on the Rikti Threat. Always ready to lend company limo's to friendly heroes needing a ride. (ooc- a port within the same zone I'm in at the time)
We need to watch the 5th Column, it seems that the Rikti and the 5th may be working together...any solid information appreciated.
We are those who see what others cannot for we are those who are what they cannot see. We are what they cannot be. Secret Identity!

[/ QUOTE ]



I roleplay in a few RPing sites along the internet, but I haven't really started roleplaying in CoH. ..namely because I can't quite pan down ye olde english accent for my character.

But I'd love to give it a shot, if any of you see me and happen to want to strike up a conversation. I play The Paladin, who looks much like his name would imply. Demons beware!

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




My main RP character is my tanker, Halley's Comet. A couple of you know her, since I recognize your names from the game, and have probably even grouped with you once or twice.

Quick summary of her background (I'm currently working out her background, but I'm withholding it until I have it to my liking): Barely 18, shares her birthday with the last passing of Halley's Comet. Afflicted with an incurable, unknown ailment that would cause her body temperature to spike over 110 if not for the cooling system built into her cybernetic arms. Two side effects of the ailment: super tough body, and superhuman strength. Come find me for RP, I'm always up for some!



Howdy! I'm, er, nearly a RP junkie, but I've been good so far. The main's Iceangel, and the alts are too numerous, and all on Virtue. I'm always up for a spot of RP, in or out of game.

"The proper office of a friend is to side with you when you are in the wrong. Nearly anybody will side with you when you are in the right."
- Mark Twain, Notebook, 1898
- Bart Allen, aka Impulse/Kid Flash/The Flash, Teen Titans v.3, #6



(OOC)Always looking to find people to RP with on Virtue Can find me on:

Lightshow - (SL29) Elec/Elec Blaster - Former Crey 'employee'. Crey Profile

LastChance - (SL15) Storm/Dark Defender - Young guy whose supernatural good luck ran out during an experiment.

Fyrestrike - (SL16) Fire/Devices Blaster - Typical young mutant crime fighter, putting all his skills to use as best he can while trying to learn the ropes.



Oooh, ooh, I hang around Virtue a lot. I think it annoys my non-RPing teams how I ALWAYS talk in OOC to them. XD Anyways, if you see 'Shukaku,' a shortish Force Fielder in a black and red costume, that's me. I'd retype his origin and such here, but it's honestly rather boring and you can find a condensed version in his info in-game. ^^;



My character on Virtue is the red white and blue clad..Commie Basher. I have yet to find a good Roleplaying Supergroup, if anyone knows of one please send me a tell or something.



The MexicanWrestler also makes his home with fellow Luchadors on Virtue. We seek only one thing...CULT STATUS!

For the honor of Lucha!



I'm an avid Roleplayer, though this is my first on-line game. "All" my friends were playing, so I had to try it out. Damn thing should be called "Crack of Heroes". I haven't fed the cat in three days!

My two main characters are Death's Knight and ElectronBlaster.

DK is a servant of Mistress/Master Death, and is a Dark Scrapper. I try to RP him, but it's real tough for me to be that somber and straight laced for long periods of time.

ElectronBlaster is rapidly becoming my main character. The son of a wealthy Weapons Magnate, he's part Playboy, part Lab Rat. He works for his father's company, doing R&D. When the 5th Column attacked the lab, he didn't hesitate to put on the experimental security armor they were developing and fight them. When he woke up in the hospital (), some city officials congratulated him on keeping the 5th busy long enough for "real heroes" to arrive. They then handed him a bunch of registration forms. He ended up with the dumb name of "ElectronBlaster" because he was hopped up on pain killers*.

After he recovered, he decided he wanted to do it again. It was exciting, and chicks really dig super heroes. So now he runs around Paragon City having a good time, and often ending up over his head in his over eagerness.

*Actually, I was drunk. Remember... Friends don't let friends drink and make characters!



Hello. Rp'er here but have yet to do any in game.

[/ QUOTE ]

What she said...aside from one brief but enjoyable in-character conversation, I haven't had the pleasure of RPing but would welcome the opportunity.

Golden Victory: The name's cheesy, but when a miracle of science has enabled you to triumph over stage four metastatic cancer -and- given you superhuman resilience, worrying about what others think of your code name is at the bottom of the agenda! Lvl 9 Tanker, LFRP.



Ka is not really super at all. With all the super powered heroes around her she sometimes feels inadequate. Raised in the orient my monks when her monther died, her superior reflexes were noted and she underwent intense training. When she came to the states to find her father, she discovered he was a policeman in Paragon city, but before they could meet, he was killed while on duty.

She has decided to do what she can to fight crime. And while she may have superior reflexes and skill with the katana, she doesn't have any traveling power. (I am considering combat jumping, but even that seems too "super").

She does what she can. Being a normal human she sometimes needs to recuperate at her apartment for a while. Right now she has 11 skills (level 18). To help her get around she has practiced steath, and is working on her fitness.

The next three skills will probably be whirling sword, quickness and stamina, not necessarily in that order. She has a problem with endurance, which seems to be side effect of her superior reflexes and hopes that working on her stamina will help.

She is currently a member of a sg that seems to have fallen on hard times. She may be open to joining an RP sg. If you see her, don't hesitate to say hello.



How goes it?

Just moved over to this server for RP, since it's the RP(un-officially) server. My main here is Jonas Hood, a cranky street punk from King's Row who refuses to call himself a "super-hero".(who is anxiously awaiting costume tweaks, because I refuse to re-roll again, and wants a t-shirt, cuz his tank-top is starting to smell.................funny from all those sewer missions) I also have NoDachi, a katanna scrapper and The Diabolyk, a dark/dark defender.