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  1. First of all, nice descriptions of the powers, lots of good information

    Just my 2 cents.

    For one, your Battle Drones are going to be -2, and you'll generally be fighting +2's at a minimum. It is not a waste of slots to drop a third accuracy in these bots, especially if you plan to PVP.

    I recommend taking ZERO attacks. Or if you do, respec out of it as soon as you get your Assault bot. Your damage is pitiful compared to your combined pet damage. The endurance cost per damage is pretty horrible with these.

    6 slots on a travel power is.. interesting. I'll just say I disagree

    Protector Bots: Not worth slotting with Defense Buffs. Not one bit. Its a very minimal amount 20% of a 3.5% buff (?) is worthless. Also 2 heals might be a bit much. I like the idea of using Protector Bots for offense a bit, so if anything I'd go 2 acc/1 heal/3 damage.

    Repulsion Field end reducers do not affect the per pulse cost when it hits someone, so its not really worth more than 1 imo.

    Force Bubble is not an end hog, and anything beyond the first end redux will have greatly diminishing returns.

    Of course running Assault and Tactics.. you may need all those extra end reducers. I prefer not to run leadership with a FF build.

    EDIT: Thanks to Narcissus for a lot of number crunching and help with my Robotics/FF planning.
  2. (OOC)Always looking to find people to RP with on Virtue Can find me on:

    Lightshow - (SL29) Elec/Elec Blaster - Former Crey 'employee'. Crey Profile

    LastChance - (SL15) Storm/Dark Defender - Young guy whose supernatural good luck ran out during an experiment.

    Fyrestrike - (SL16) Fire/Devices Blaster - Typical young mutant crime fighter, putting all his skills to use as best he can while trying to learn the ropes.
  3. Salinyl

    PnP System

    I always found Champions to be extremely easy to use.. Yeah there's TONS of possibilities. But the rules and conditions are always the same. You have your power, you konw what it does. You have your modifiers. They're all standard. Once you know the rules its so easy, and also seems by far to be the most customizable.
  4. Maybe a better thing to say is..

    Repeatedly spamming a hotkey is NOT roleplaying. Its just annoying.

    Wanna be a robot that locks onto his target with his neato zapo teleporter ray? That's fine! That's really neat!

    "<insert big long spiel about your first guy incoming>"

    then maybe follow it up with a
    "Commencing relocation of party remainder."
    "Jim Bob"
    "Tammy Mae"

    Leave the repeating hotkeys at home for roleplaying (and non-roleplaying).
  5. OOC: You're 100% wrong about getting exp for the work you put in in situations like this. In a well balanced group you might have a controller, defender, few others. Several of which do no damage but are doing things like locking the mob down, healing people, buffing, debuffing, etc.

    Meanwhile another group of 5 blasters comes along. You're saying they do more work, because all they're doing is damage?

    Get a clue man. You don't get xp for the work you put in, you get xp for the damage you put in. They're very different things. Frankly, from a totally out of character standpoint, the 2nd group that came in were a bunch of [censored] and they got what they deserved. From an in character stand point, they got taught a lesson about playing with the big boys when you're still a little boy.
  6. IC:
    I'd just like to say Bravo to the Knights. Accomplishing two important things in one day... Defeating this menace, and teaching some children about the dangers of picking on things bigger than yourself.

    Obviously the young whelps to attempted to help you were far too inexperienced to be taking part in a fight of such magnitude. You taught them a valuable lesson, and hopefully they'll spend their recovery time thinking about fighting criminals closer to their ability level.

    If something had gone wrong in the battle and they lost control of the beast, members of the Knights could have gotten harmed or had difficulty getting things under control again while trying to save the pathetic hides of the glory hounds who were trying to interfere. (Yes, THEY were the glory hounds, not the knights. The interlopers were the ones trying to take on something they CANNOT handle, most likely just to ride along on the Knights' glory, which they did not earn)

    The Legendary
    Electric/Electric Mutant Blaster
    Pride of Paragon - Virtue
  7. That's because its usually hardships that bring out the truth and strength in people. Rarely do people ever get strong from being spoonfed their whole lives