Some RPers just plain annoying...
Put him on ignore or walk away. A very simple problem to solve, and a lot easier then you trying to tell someone how they can or can't play.
You're very much on the wrong board here, bub...
Put him on ignore or walk away. A very simple problem to solve, and a lot easier then you trying to tell someone how they can or can't play.
You're very much on the wrong board here, bub...
[/ QUOTE ]
I never told anyone how they can and/or can't play. I was just giving my opinion on the topic. It is concerning role playing, so I believe that I am on the correct board "bub" (let me guess, you think you are Wolverine?). Thanks for the reply, buh-bye.
I find nothing annoying about misspells that add character, i mean sure, the guy who uses 1337hero ... or darcwolfe might be a bit funny looking, but stop to think if you just called yourself Dark Striker...instead of Dark Stryker ... in these cases i find the misspelling adds a bit more character
I personally find the local channel freakishly silent in COH, as compared to spatial chat in other MMOs, so a little spam is the least of my worries if it's in the name of roleplaying. When compared to the fools that post their half of a conversation in Broadcast, it seems positively trivial.
Of course, I've had people get irked with my role-playing, too -- apparently, it takes to long to speak in complete sentences, and I talk funny.
Put him on ignore or walk away. A very simple problem to solve, and a lot easier then you trying to tell someone how they can or can't play.
You're very much on the wrong board here, bub...
[/ QUOTE ]
I never told anyone how they can and/or can't play. I was just giving my opinion on the topic. It is concerning role playing, so I believe that I am on the correct board "bub" (let me guess, you think you are Wolverine?). Thanks for the reply, buh-bye.
[/ QUOTE ]
Shadowplay was right. You WERE asking them to NOT talk in local and "keep it to themselves." That is telling someone how they should play.
I have heard many requests from roleplayers myself to NOT use team chat, and use local more often. Merely because it's more immersive to have a group speaking and chatting right next to you so you can hear it... instead of seeing them stand around staring at each other using their "thoughts."
I think that if you didn't like it, you should have just put him on ignore and forgotten about it. Sorry, but that's the plain truth. Can't see how you could see it any differently....
And no, he's not Wolverine, far from it... and if you think anyone that uses the term "bub" is Wolverine I know quite a few Wolverines!
The thing is, a lot of players prefer to roleplay in local over other channels. What youre asking is probably not going to happen in that respect.
I'm not going to get into any sort of flame fest; Its really not worth my time.
I'll say this though, as opposed to requesting someone change what THEY are doing because YOU are annoyed, simply walk away from the situation, or put the person on ignore.
That's how you solve YOUR problem without affecting anyone else in the world. God forbid someone actually take a personal action that can easily remedy a situation before coming on the boards, to the forum where people ARE roleplaying, and complaining about roleplaying. You stated first thing in your email you were "doning your flame retardant suit," so it's obvious you knew the comment was going to get a response. Typically this is called "trolling," but... again, you're entitlted to your opinion.
If you can't put together why your choice of venue is ironic, Im not sure the rest of what I said will make much sense.
As for your personal comment towards me, no I'm hardly wolverine and honestly never cared much for the character. Apparently you feel that anyone who disagrees with you isn't permited to respond... so I suggest you change tactics a bit and either deal with it or keep it to yourself.
If my character was standing near another character whose player obviously took the time to develop that side of their role-playing with the teleport thing, I would smile to myself and enjoy a little of the in-game immersion that person is indirectly offering me. If the repeated teleports got annoyinng, however, I would shuffle a little out of their local range to minimize it. Simple as that.
Yep. Move out of range. Good tip.
What good does an "I'm going to teleport you" message do in local channel? The person you're teleporting can't hear you. Might want to consider that no matter what the "reality" should be the purpose of the message may dictate a certain channel being used. I guess if the teleporter in question wanted to tell everyone nearby that a new person was about to pop in... but then the wording didn't make much sense.
Also, there are some great ideas on bind sequences to rotate messages so you don't have to say exactly the same thing every time. You're probably screening it out, don't even notice you're saying it anymore; but might be nice for the other people in your group / hearing range to rotate messages.
Maybe a better thing to say is..
Repeatedly spamming a hotkey is NOT roleplaying. Its just annoying.
Wanna be a robot that locks onto his target with his neato zapo teleporter ray? That's fine! That's really neat!
"<insert big long spiel about your first guy incoming>"
then maybe follow it up with a
"Commencing relocation of party remainder."
"Jim Bob"
"Tammy Mae"
Leave the repeating hotkeys at home for roleplaying (and non-roleplaying).
Frankly, I had a bind set up for this, but I DID set it to "team..." Mainly because I wanted my teammates to get a warning before they pop over...
But if he wants to do that, let him! ALL YOU HAVE TO DO is either ignore him or move away... WHY is that so hard? Why insult him for playing however he want's to play, when all you have to do is just be the adult and deal with it yourself?
...sorry but it bugs me when people take the attack method rather then seeing the big picture...
I have a toggle bind of 75 different phrases set up to use with taunt. It's mapped to the local channel. Why? Because I'm not taunting my team, that's why! I'm taunting the frigging target...
Anyway, I stand with the majority here. That kind of stuff is what the local channel is for...
Put him on ignore or walk away. A very simple problem to solve, and a lot easier then you trying to tell someone how they can or can't play.
You're very much on the wrong board here, bub...
[/ QUOTE ]
I never told anyone how they can and/or can't play. I was just giving my opinion on the topic. It is concerning role playing, so I believe that I am on the correct board "bub" (let me guess, you think you are Wolverine?). Thanks for the reply, buh-bye.
[/ QUOTE ]
Shadowplay was right. You WERE asking them to NOT talk in local and "keep it to themselves." That is telling someone how they should play.
I have heard many requests from roleplayers myself to NOT use team chat, and use local more often. Merely because it's more immersive to have a group speaking and chatting right next to you so you can hear it... instead of seeing them stand around staring at each other using their "thoughts."
I think that if you didn't like it, you should have just put him on ignore and forgotten about it. Sorry, but that's the plain truth. Can't see how you could see it any differently....
And no, he's not Wolverine, far from it... and if you think anyone that uses the term "bub" is Wolverine I know quite a few Wolverines!
[/ QUOTE ]
Hey Bub, I think I'm Daredevil!!!
Hey Bub, I think I'm Daredevil!!!
[/ QUOTE ]
Who cares what he said! Looks like we got another Wolverine on our hands!
Amen to that. It's weird, a whole world of completely silent costume clad heroes (excepting present company of course).
I just shut my broadcast and request channels off completely, too annoying to bother with.
I would be happy to "chat local" with anyone here in this forum.
-Gravotus/Paladiene on Virtue
Aye, all right, so he insulted the fine name of roleplaying and it managed to make everyone angry.
He still has a point, and that point is common courtesy. Local shows up on everyone's lower window in a default setup, and that window gets a person's focus quite easily. If a random someone comes along and fills that window full of repetitive commentary, that isn't necessarily a nice thing.
So sure, be mindful that everyone plays different, and that its easy enough to ignore someone who bothers ye, but the lesson YE should take away from it is to always consider your audience, and situation. Spamming local with repetitive phrases next to a trainer for instance, whilst people nearby look for a group, or are greeting each other (in RP style or not) is not a nice thing to do, in character or otherwise.
I have a toggle bind of 75 different phrases set up to use with taunt. It's mapped to the local channel. Why? Because I'm not taunting my team, that's why! I'm taunting the frigging target...
Anyway, I stand with the majority here. That kind of stuff is what the local channel is for...
[/ QUOTE ]
A "toggle" bind curveball?? You mean everytime you press one key you cycle through 1 of a few choices? How the HECK do I set THAT up!!???
Maybe I'll check that bind post... but that would STELLER! Let me know if you get this how you did that... Thanks!
Aye, all right, so he insulted the fine name of roleplaying and it managed to make everyone angry.
He still has a point, and that point is common courtesy. Local shows up on everyone's lower window in a default setup, and that window gets a person's focus quite easily. If a random someone comes along and fills that window full of repetitive commentary, that isn't necessarily a nice thing.
So sure, be mindful that everyone plays different, and that its easy enough to ignore someone who bothers ye, but the lesson YE should take away from it is to always consider your audience, and situation. Spamming local with repetitive phrases next to a trainer for instance, whilst people nearby look for a group, or are greeting each other (in RP style or not) is not a nice thing to do, in character or otherwise.
[/ QUOTE ]
Common courtesy is a must, and I agree with you there... but, well... I am of the mind that if someone was doing that to ME, and I was really annoyed (Highly doubtful if they were IC, but NEVER say never! ) I would simply ignore them.
I guess I'm just easily accommodating that way though... I wouldn't ask them to change or stop. I would just ignore em, plain and simple...
But another point, and only IN the example used perhaps, the 'toon in question sounded like a robot... and IC a robot WOULD repeat the same thing over and over and over again...
Just a thought...
Shadowplay was right. You WERE asking them to NOT talk in local and "keep it to themselves." That is telling someone how they should play.
[/ QUOTE ]
You contradict yourself. I did ASK that it not be done, but I never TOLD, DEMANDED, REQUIRED, etc. anyone to do anything. I never said to /ignore them was a bad idea either. I may try that next time, but if it gets to a point to where I have to /ignore someone every 5 minutes, then it is a matter of common courtesy. People should have fun in the game, i agree. However, they need to be aware of the others around them. What if I were to roleplay so hardcore that I went around 'helping' every hero I could kill the bad guys. Would I be roleplaying? NO! I'd be kill stealing. But would a hero watch and do nothing if another hero were battling bad guys? There is a limit to role playing, and those that sit around in their Underoos wearing a towel for a cape need to get a clue and at least keep their spam out of everyone else's face. If this comment offends you, then maybe you should change your underwear. For the guy that said that you were taunting the COMPUTER GENTERATED COLORED PIXELS that make up a 'bad guy' and not his team, I really dont think that the 'bad guys' care what you say to them. Do they often reply to your witty banter? Have fun!
Personally, RP'ing in local chat is just fine by me. It's when people start doing it in Broadcast that they start to get on my nerves. On Virtue I've seen some carry on conversations that would be more appropriate for Local/Team/etc, and even more annoying are the people that get uppity when others do speak OOCly on Broadcast. I figure these people are first time MMORPG'ers, though, so for now I've been able to just smile and nod.
I'm sorry, I just don't understand why anyone should kow tow to anyone else's desires. If a guy wanted to run around yelling in broadcast that he was going to fight to the death and win all the fair maiden's hearts, then have a conversation about it with someone, I would laugh.
If someone did something to annoy me, I would ignore. I just wouldn't ask THEM to not roleplay wherever I don't want them to.
It's a two way street. If I'm someone who wants total immersion, then I wouldn't like all the broadcast messages OUT of character. But I'm not going to say to anyone "Hey, would you please say 'I am looking for a team of like minded heroes to join up and battle evil' instead of 'lvl 15 controller lft!!'..."
That would be WRONG of me. It's not my place to even ASK anyone else to "roleplay to a certain degree." So why should it be someone else's place to ask someone to NOT roleplay however they darn well choose?
Personally, I don't mind any type of chatter on any channel. If it's strictly "I'm in a game" chatter, or if it's roleplay. However someone wants to go about their business is fine by me.
If we all learned to accept people for who they are the world would be a better place!
Ok, that last statement was too cheezy...
gets down off his soapbox...
There is a limit to role playing, and those that sit around in their Underoos wearing a towel for a cape need to get a clue and at least keep their spam out of everyone else's face.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I'm certainly glad we have such reasonable and intelligent people like you monitoring what is and isn't acceptable roleplay. That's not at all trolling, no sir'ee.
\Sar"casm\, n. [F. sarcasme, L. sarcasmus, Gr. sarkasmo`s, from sarka`zein to tear flesh like dogs, to bite the lips in rage, to speak bitterly, to sneer, fr. sa`rx, sa`rkos, flesh.] A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a cutting jest.
Anyway, conversations over broadcast are a bit... eh. People should take things like that private REGARDLESS of weather its in character or not. If I want to talk to my friend, I don't shout across the street, I walk over and speak to him.
In anycase, the rest of this is just silly. You shouldn't expect people to change just because you dont like something. Ignore them or suck it up and move on. You don't like RP? Then dont group with RP'ers, dont invite them in your group, and dont participate in their banter. Don't like non-roleplayers? Same deal.
Example: I can't stand people that abbr. (that's irony there, for those keeping score) every second word. As if two extra letters are going to be the difference between life and death... It's like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. So, I don't invite people that speak that way to my group. I dont berate them or call them names... I just dont deal with it. Some of them are probably wonderful people... I'll never know and I can live with that.
Im sure some of them are equally as annoyed with my desire for clear communication. I can accept that and just acknowledge we're different and move on with my life.
The example is a bit extreme and not really "true to life" I suppose... but it gets my point across.
There is never any excuse to talk down to people because they play differently then you, in particular when fixing the situation for YOURSELF is such a simple matter.
Courtesy aside, just deal with it yourself and move on. The last thing we need is a bunch of Miss Manners monitoring what chat goes where and demanding people conform to their way of playing.
Of course, I've had people get irked with my role-playing, too -- apparently, it takes to long to speak in complete sentences, and I talk funny.
[/ QUOTE ]
You know, that's a really significant point -- dialog is the primary tool for role-playing, and you can't do it effectively if you're focused on communicating quickly and succinctly.
I've built a boatload of macros for my RP-oriented characters for general situations when I'm not in a team but there are other heroes around, and that works pretty nicely, but when you're in a team you really need to take the time to respond to your teammates in-character. I suppose this is a good reason for RP-focused teams -- then everyone has an understanding of what's involved and that they won't get instant responses most of the time.
First off, to the poster of the original topic:
I myself do not seek non-rp'rs (such as yourself) to roleplay, and on the same token non-rp'rs should not seek rp'rs (such as myself) NOT to roleplay.
Common curtesy. What you are irked about is wrong. Flat. Out. Wrong. There's alot of BS that happens in broadcast chat to get disturbed by a teleport macro is ridiculous.
Okay, enough of that for me. "Of course, I've had people get irked with my role-playing, too -- apparently, it takes to long to speak in complete sentences, and I talk funny."
Not sure what you mean here but I personally get irked when I see a roleplayer use sentances like this: "Hello, my name is <insertname>. Who are u?" "Some1 needs our help as he is being tortured by skulls, would u like to join me?" "I would like to come help, but b4 I do I need 2 see my contact 1st."
Shorthand to me, is pathetic. ALL shorthand to me. I do not discriminate in this regard, I hate every bit of it. Whether it's "plz" or "lft" or "lmao" or "lol" etc... I think it's best to just write out what you are going to say. I do not go up to someone and say, "Hello, can you plz lend me a dollar?" with the "plz" sounding like "pliz". It's, please.
However, I am a fast typist in some regards. So to type out someone and some1 takes the same time. I will admit to that, but I still can't stand shorthand... =)
Let me don my flame retardent suit.... Ok. RPing for some is fun and I have no problem with it, but can you keep it among your team or supergroup? I had a guy the other day standing right next to me spamming "Target <name> locked, initiating trans-dimensional transport..." every damn time he teleported a team member over (and he seemed to be porting the entire other 7 members of the team, one by one). Its kewl if you want to think you are an alien cyborg whatever, but spamming stuff in local, broadcast, request, etc. is just down right annoying for everyone else. Thats my 2 cents. Thanks.