Super-Group Name: Skywatch
Motto: Never Forget
Leader: Trinity Red
Preferred Contact Method: game email or official forum PM
IC Description: Skywatch is primarily concerned with assisting in the defense Earth against extra-terrestrial and inter-dimensional threats with secondary interest in assisting regional authorities in handling superhuman crime. Our policy does not welcome applicants not originally from our planet. The location, facilities, and theater of operations for Skywatch-1, our headquarters, remains classified.
OOC Description: Skywatch is a concept super-group born from the release of Issue 10: Invasion. Membership is small and initially low-level because we have been waiting for the patch release. Prospective member characters are encouraged to have an origin somehow born from the Rikti invasion (salvaged technology, emotionally-spurred latent mutant powers manifest, exposed to alien energies or chemicals, and so on) but is not necessary. We are a medium-to-heavy role-playing organization with a silver-to-modern age theme. Website and forums are currently under construction.