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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Seeing as how the ring was sent out to find someone without fear and is worthy in the DC universe...why didn't it go and grab Bruce Wayne?
    They actually covered this in the comics. Batman works by causing fear more than willpower. Although he is worthy, there are others more worthy.

    Incidentally, when forming the Fear Based Corps, a yellow ring does try to recruit Batman but he wills it off.
  2. Both were good but I found the death of the Joker in the cut version (the uncut is the original) to bee somewhat dumb and undignified.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Todogut View Post
    No, no, no! This animated film was an embarrassment! It's an example of where the studio overrided the creative talent to disastrous effect! And, the plot is ripped off--third hand!
    Fair comment. For myself, the uncut version of "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker" is by far the strongest Batman animated film.
  4. But... That's an Imperial Dalek marrying a Rebel commander Dalek? (See:- Rememberance of the Daleks)

    Heh. Nevermind.
  5. I think it is more plain bad explaining. The gangers became human because they could be alive, awake and thinking AT THE SAME TIME AS THEIR HUMAN COUNTERPARTS. They gained this by accident. Amy, however, did not have this ability so, as long as Ganger Amy was around, RealAmy could never wake up. Thus the Doctor could not afford to think of her as real because it meant Amy was being kept prisoner somewhere. Now he can find her.
  6. IMDB got the ending to series 2 right when a lot of people doubted them. If they're right this time too, the cast list for October's finale episode is a SERIOUS 'squee!'

    Matt Smith as 'The Doctor'
    Karen Gillan as 'Amy'
    Arthur Darville as 'Rory'


    David Tennant as 'The Doctor'


    Peter Davison as 'The Doctor'.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    It could even have happened before episode 1.
    I don't think so. Potential clonedoc (still potential for now) commented on how she'd "gained a few pounds" which is either rude or referring to pregnancy.
  8. Ok. To put the line in my last post into context...

    <Fleshdoc> Looks like my death is upon me.

    <DocDoc> And this one we're not invited to.

    So I'd say he's figured it out, wouldn't you?
  9. Zik, you missed the most spoiler comment.





    "This one we're not invited to."
  10. Oh, celebrity villain too. House was Micheal Sheen.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coin View Post
    No one commented yet? I'm shocked!!

    Anyway, it was excellent! VERY Gaiman

    Will discuss in more detail once you poor Americans get to see it!!

    Anyone who wants to, remember......Spoilers, sweetie
    What I will say is this. It may be more one for the experienced fan and canonizes what fans have known for ages re:- TARDIS always landing in troubled times.

    Also, the 'delete' idea is a direct reference to classic Who. Notably Peter Davison's first story.
  12. They also hit Atlas in major Force with the inside of City Hall being one of the biggest battle scenes. Along with Vault Reserve. Were they after heroes shineys?
  13. Something good here. totalfilms top 40 Batman moments across all genres. This links direct to #1 (with ads but it's worth it). http://www.totalfilm.com/features/40...parody#content It's the New Batman Adventures amazing tribute to one of the greatest Graphic Novels ever made 'Dark Knight Returns' Plenty of other good stuff in there too.
  14. Daredevil:- Directors' cut is twice the film the Theatrical release is. And the ending makes sense in the Directors' cut!
  15. welshman_EU

    6 hours downtime

    Adult Apple Juice. Isn't that just Cider? Or HARD cider if you're American?
  16. News of a Marvel reboot for one of their other heroes. The director of 'Twilight: Eclipse' and '30 Days of Night' has signed on for... http://snipurl.com/27nybz [www_totalfilm_com]
  17. I would not say 'better'. I would say it was easier to follow in pivotal places.
  18. Skyway Source

    Wolf on the prowl?

    Last night a common council meeting of the Skyway city council was interrupted by the criminal group of the same name. Councillor Jeff Macey said the criminals intended to break them to the criinals will and may have succeeded if not for an unexpected intervention. "A hero in a stupid looking wolf costume and red jacket rescued us. He looked like he was having trouble at times and, really oddly, he occasionally spoke notes into a recorder." The councilman stated, before adding that the hero may well also have bitten one of the criminal group. Calls to the Zigursky prison enquiring as to anyone being treated for bites have recieved no answer yet.
  19. Actually, if the devs are reading this, I'd advise them to put an undercover GM in the chalet. Then they can immediately see what's happening when a complaint is made.
  20. And, keeping watch from good overwatch locations outside after following a guest, will be the Bowman; shrouded to near invisible status and watching to make sure no criminal attempts to take advantage of the situations.

    He's driven but there's a reason for it. ((I recall Garth Ennis text bubbles that might explain it. "Beyond honour, there is duty. Beyond Duty is obsession. Beyond Obsession is insanity. Beyond that there is only... Judge Dredd.")) Bowman is getting close to that stage He will protect the heroes of the city. However he has to.
  21. Chich might be ored. She'd even dance with Jacob if he offered!
  22. Yeah, Chich'd dance with Mar. She'd be just as bad as him too.
  23. Chich will arrive in her coffee colour jacket and cream trousers. She'll be on Theo's side of the chapel/room as she knows him best. She'll be quiet and observant.

    If talked to, she will reply, trying to hide the obligatory ankle-tag.

    The evening she will take what she feels she needs from the food and drink. She won't dance unless a gentleman she likes asks as the disco dance style she's learnt isn't really appropriate!
  24. Seven die in rampage
    Skyway City
    09 Oct 2010

    People in the Caldicot area of Skyway are recovering after their area came underattack from a criminal known as Domination Overdrive yesterday evening. Declaring himself to be on a destructive rampage, the criminal had levelled a towerblock when he was engaged in battle by an unknown hero. The fire punching young hero battled him in a scrapyard for several mies alone until help arrived to down the criminal. Battered and bruised the hero flew off before medical assistance could be arranged.

    Despite the best efforts of heroes and emergency services, deveral people perished in the collapsed tower. Fire officer Martin Protheroe commented that, even taking into account the casualties, it could have been much worse.