What. The. Fudge?
I can't stand the tools.
I, honest to god, cannot stand people who get a kick outta being jerks. Just frag the hell off, eh? What makes me mad is that it often gets completely ignored by the GMs, to the point that last year we had to actually get in touch with Avatea to get her to come in game and lay the smackdown on a guy who someone had even chatlogged as saying "I'm just doing this to see how long it is till I get banned, lol!"
So...why is there not a GM sat on standby for that sorta thing? Honestly?
Oh, and yeah. The casual-bad RPers...eugh. /shudder
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I'm not sure whether it's my place to express my dislikes really. We've got a wide range of rp styles and I'm sure that my style has annoyed enough people in my time. If I don't enjoy someone else's style, I avoid interaction with them if I can. And sure, there's some bad rpers about but at least they're trying. I try to encourage them where I can because you never know, they could turn out to be amazing once they've learnt the ropes.
If one thing does annoy me, it's our lack of unity. We may not always agree on rp but it'd be nice if we could all agree to get along.
However, I'm with you on the tools. I sometimes wish the ignore command removed them from my view as well.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup - www.themilitia.org.uk

However, I'm with you on the tools. I sometimes wish the ignore command removed them from my view as well.
![]() |

GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
I think it's the power spamming and them standing in your face that's the problem... Plus chair griefing where they use collision boxes to shove you off your chair...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I still wish they'd shrink the collisions boxes. Or make it so characters can pass through each other...would solve a helluva lot of griefing issues. Or at least make it so, and make invisible, anyone you put on 'Total Ignore' or something.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
The most powerful weapons RPers have against tools are "ignore as spammer" for whatever rubbish they're spouting in chat and /petition for power griefing, collision-box griefing and whatever else they manage to come up with this year to try and annoy us.
On your other points, Floaty, I'd tend to agree, in general, though the "groupies" one is the price we pay to be inclusive. Irritating, but welcome, to me. Now, I'd love it if there were something like an RP-instance of Pocket D during the winter event, with some sort of "three-strikes" rule, but that would be highly open to abuse any which way, so we just have to make do, welcome the "casual-good" RPers, wince at the "casual-bad" and try to educate them a little on 'realism' (more correctly 'suitable levels of unrealism'), ignore the tools, and attempt a bit of cross-group RP - that's the great strength of the chalet as a venue, IMO. A lot of people are drawn there for RP, and it allows interaction in a controlled environment between characters who wouldn't normally ever cross paths.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

I was RPing a... let's say, unique-looking character, with some other roleplayers. I had a couple of these "tools" come up and start making rude and / or risque comments to my character, in heavy Leet Speek. The other characters tried to "defend her honor", but she said she was used to jerks, and nothing these guys could say would really hurt her feelings.
Then I got a tell from one of them, "O R U RPing? Perten u r teh char, and stuf?" (in heavy Leet, so it took me a moment to translate).
"Yeah", I said. "We're RPing." ... pretty much expecting more backlash.
"OK SRY", came the reply.
And then, in Local, without the Leet, "I'm sorry. What I said was probably inappropriate. I didn't mean anything by it."
And my character and his had an in-character conversation, about the biases my character had to deal with based on her appearance, and how people tend to pre-judge others based on how they look, when that doesn't really actually say much about the person they are.
Kind of amusing.
Actually, if the devs are reading this, I'd advise them to put an undercover GM in the chalet. Then they can immediately see what's happening when a complaint is made.
'You lose more of your femininity every day Doroe. It's very appealing.' - SLEDGEHAMMER!
I have never had any problems with roleplay although we tend to do it in team chat so probably the "tools" just don't know what we are doing and leave us alone. Sometimes someone will approach and we'll switch to local and chat them up though and that almost always goes well.
Unfortunately it seems like the more veteran we become, the less we roleplay. Most of the folks in our group have pretty much stopped over the years. It seems like lately I can't get beyond a couple of sentences before the "let's get moving" comments start up. Also since everyone plays different characters constantly it's impossible to work up any sort of relationship between them and that probably crimps the RP more than anything.
Unfortunately my wife has almost stopped playing because roleplay is the only reason she games at all. Sadly, when she gets on everyone wants to play with her/us and then things go downhill rapidly as the non/ex-roleplayers push us onward and the missions become races (she hates chaos and prefers a sedate pace). It is easy enough for me to adapt and enjoy but not so much for my wife. She will usually make up an excuse and quit after the first mission.
Maybe our problem is that we are too nice and can't turn away good friends even though we know they'll ruin her fun.
It all makes me very sad. I'm not sure what to do to help her out. What she wants is to find a different group of players like herself to associate with on a regular basis but neither of us have much of a clue on how to find them. What I would like is to re-energize the rp in our existing group but I have no idea how.
Just going to say; I agree. It happens on Virtue too, maybe just as bad. Things go flying in chat, we have griefers / tools, etc.
Sometimes I am a 'tool' myself in some fashion. I get bored, see the casual-bad RPers, and then enter Maximum Trolling mode.

Hmmm... Angst plots that closely affect my characters.
Tools and such powerspammers I can ignore fairly well due to practice at selective attention allocation algorithms. This also solves the casual-bad RPers.
I have a signature, me.
I hate to disapoint
Was too good a set-up
I have a signature, me.
Amen, FFM. I tend to stay away from PD for the very same reasons, namely tool and not my kind of arpees.
And yeah, I want to be able to visually ignore those who i have put on my ignore-list.
I think it got to the point where I could have physically slapped the guy using whirlwind to shunt people around in PD last Christmas. I mean, who thought that making that power capable of doing that was a good idea? I think that is the ONLY time I've seen Whirlwind in game; as a tool of griefers. No brainer, huh?
Text I can ignore. Certain actions I can ignore up to a point. Physically hving to move an re-position every time some utter little **** decides to be an *** hat and ruin other peoples fun? Uncool on a mega level.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
It all makes me very sad. I'm not sure what to do to help her out. What she wants is to find a different group of players like herself to associate with on a regular basis but neither of us have much of a clue on how to find them. What I would like is to re-energize the rp in our existing group but I have no idea how. |
On Union EU a few of the roleplayers are putting together an IC Mission Global channel, for finding people who want to level or run TF's while roleplaying.
It might be worth trying to do this on your server maybe?
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
Then there's the "casual-bad" RPers. People who try it out from time to time, but really have little clue. These are the people who will say or do completely outrageous things that usually just make people ignore them instantly. Last night there was a good example of this. Some one (I will not mention names!) said "I once ate some people", seemingly totally out the blue... WHAT!?!?!? Hellooooo ignore list!
There's a world of difference between a troll or griefer and someone who's not great at roleplaying but actually tries. Surely it's better to give them the benefit of the doubt; especially when chat is flying past at high speed, it's easy to miss the context of a remark or misinterpret its meaning.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Maybe I'm underestimating the sheer magnitude of these people's awfulness, but this strikes me as unhelpful. We were all new once, and I know I've made a whole rake of mistakes in my roleplaying. If everyone had slapped me on ignore the first moment I messed up, I doubt I would have stuck around to (in theory) improve.
There's a world of difference between a troll or griefer and someone who's not great at roleplaying but actually tries. Surely it's better to give them the benefit of the doubt; especially when chat is flying past at high speed, it's easy to miss the context of a remark or misinterpret its meaning. |
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Ah, fair enough. Again, I haven't really had the misfortune of meeting them. I guess I'm in for an unpleasant shock at some point.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Hmmm... Fudge... /Homer

But really, What the hell is it with some people and the just downright "NOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!" that goes on in there sometimes?

So, the last few nights, the GG meets have been taking place in the Ski Chalet, as is our wont at this time of year, and once again, I've been reminded why I don't generally RP in Pocket D.
This hasn't anything to do with the regular's there that do. At least, I'm pretty sure it doesn't anyway!
First, the people we "lovingly" call tools. These people don't RP, they think RP is silly, and they decide that because it's silly, they're going to go annoy people doing it. Either by standing right in your face, or spamming powers or just generally being disruptive. Ugh!! WHY do they do it? (Yeah, I know. Internet+Anonymity=Jerk). Please, if any of those are reading this, please leave us alone? We don't mess with your fun, why mess with ours?
Then there's the "casual-bad" RPers. People who try it out from time to time, but really have little clue. These are the people who will say or do completely outrageous things that usually just make people ignore them instantly. Last night there was a good example of this. Some one (I will not mention names!) said "I once ate some people", seemingly totally out the blue... WHAT!?!?!? Hellooooo ignore list!
Next comes the "casual-good" RPers. Again, people who try it out from time to time, and usually do OK and have interesting characters I'd like to know for more than a week. Please guys, don't go away once the season ends! We like you and want you to stay. I promise to only bite if you ask nicely.
And then, finally, there's the people I lovingly call the "groupies". I'm a groupie. I tend to RP with a group of characters and don't often interact with others. These guys are great. They love their RP, they're in to it, they don't want to cause problems with other RPers nearby. Everyone wants fun. Super. Smashing. Great. So what's wrong with them?
Size, that's what's wrong. Last night there were a couple of reasonable sized groups, and we were all within local range of each other, and the chat speed was going bonkers! It was REALLY hard to keep track of conversations as you'd start to read a line, but before you finish it, it's whizzed off the screen because 8 other people said something too! Gah!
Sooo... Why am I posting this? No real reason I guess... I just wanted to have a bit of a mild steam, and the above are things I get a little steamed about at times. Is there a solution to any of them? Not really... Shooting idiots is generally frowned upon, and no one wants to quit the nice chalet so they can get out of others /local chat range...
Anyway... Minor rant over! So, what gets you guys steamed about RPing CoH?
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.